

Shu finally pushed the man away, panting a little before, his aura began to spin around his arms, and then on his fists, wrapping around them like a glove.

" Who the fuck hugs a person mid battle? "

Shu questioned before, dashing forward

" Nephew wai— "

Shu continued, not listening to a word this man was saying before hurling a punch at his face, which he was able to dodge easily, moving backwards slightly.

Shu didn't stop, and began a barrage of punches, each being dodged with incredible ease; the man was moving his head from left to right, slightly moving backwards if he needed to, even moved his shoulders aside if Shu's punches were too deep in.

As that happened, from Shu's castle a pair of gloves flew out, flying up to the air at the speed of sound, breaking the sound barrier and causing sonic booms as they began to speed up.

Finally the gloves reached the atmosphere, stopping suddenly which caused a gigantic sonic boom, parting the clouded beneath it, only to then fly toward where Shu was.

Shu continued to throw his punches, adding kicks once in a while which were easily blocked by the man with the Afro, the man attempted to talk but Shu didn't allow him to, and simply continued to hurl more of his punches, as that happened the gloves approached the two quickly, and as soon as they got there, they attached themselves to Shu's hands.

Suddenly Shu felt a surge of energy across his body, feeling more fortified and stronger than he was before; he then stopped and stared down at his gloves, which were tight on his skin, so much so that it seemed like it was his skin.

" Bjorn's gloves.. "

Shu whispered as he continued to stare at his gloves, turning his hands around, analyzing them a bit

" How did they get here?.. "

He questioned before blinking a few times, before looking over at the man in afro with a look to annoyance, completely forgetting about the gloves

" Those are weapons aren't they? They're perfectly made, who gave you those? "

The man questioned as he pointed at the gloves, making Shu squint his eyes a bit

" That's none of your businesses "

He replied, before taking a fighting stance, causing the man to sigh a bit, scratching the back of his head in annoyance

" I guess I have to knock you out before starting a civil conversation "

The man said, as he saw the demon's face turn serious, causing Shu to raise his guard, but before he could do anything, the demon disappeared in a blur of speed, appearing behind him, and landing a quick hit to the back of his neck, knocking him out, turning his spiritual awakening off in the process.

Before Shu could start falling, the man caught him on his arm, so he wouldn't fall, soon after he began to descend slowly, taking 20 minutes to get back to the castle; once there he was met by Ean, Ayami and Bjorn who stood in front of the castle, taking each a fighting stance.

Their faces turned serious once they saw Shu's unconscious body resting on the demon's arm

" Don't worry "

The demon said as he landed on the ground, proceeding to softly place Shu on the ground

" I'm not here to cause harm, not anymore at least "

The man said

" What do you mean? "

Ayami questioned, as her arms were wrapped around in strong winds

" This man here is my nephew, I'm his demon uncle, his mother was my sister "

He said, explaining his relationship with Shu, as if the others weren't aware of what a nephew and uncle was

" Okay…does that mean you'll leave us alone? "

Ean questioned, knowing full well how strong this person was, even now when he was being so laid back, even if he couldn't sense this man's energy, his instincts were telling him that this man wasn't someone to be messed with

" Uh, yes and no; for one I'm not planning to attack you guys or cause any form and two I'm planning to stay a few days, I wanna catch up with my nephew "

The man replied, whilst stretching a little, cracking his bones as he did so, only to smile at the group who was still a bit speculative about the man, but slowly began to lower their guards

" What's your name? "

Bjorn questioned, as he would then cross his arms, staring at the man who smirked back at Bjorn

" A pure dwarf, Heh, that's funny "

" Answer the question "

Bjorn added, raising his tone a bit

" Hmm, my name? Well, it can't be pronounced by the human tongue, but, you can call me Tekken "

The man now known as Tekken said before picking Shu off of the ground, throwing him over his shoulder, only to disappear in a blur of speed seconds later

" How about we wait inside for Shu to wake up "

Tekken said as he appeared behind them, entering the castle with a smile on his face.

The trio then looked at each other, only to sigh, following the man back into the castle

" Hmm, this place is quite fancy, if I say so myself "

Tekken said whilst placing Shu down on the living room's couch, looking around with a smile, as if he was a regular visitor.

The others followed him into the living room, watching him from the distance, seeing him sit down on the couch as he owned it, looking around whilst tapping his knees

" Uh, it's kind of weird and awkward when you all just stare at me like that, why don't you guys just come over and sit down "

Tekken offered, smiling whilst turning to look at the other couch which was a few feet away from him.

The trio simply stared at each other, blinked once then nodded and then sat down on the couch, looking over at Tekken with serious faces and their arms crossed, just to receive a weirded look from Tekken