

" We meet again "

A voice said as Shu simply sighed, scratching the back of his head; finding himself in an empty void of nothingness

" What do you want now? I thought that after death I'd be stuck somewhere else, far from you "

Shu replied whilst a dark haired version of himself made an entrance, smiling over at the albino man

" We aren't dead, not yet at least, and even if we were; you and I would stick together, we are the same person after all or did you forget? "

The man questioned while Shu just sat down, floating in the empty void; he placed his elbow by his thigh and rested his cheek on his fist, looking at the nothingness of the place they were in

" Okay then, so what are we doing here? "

Shu said, proceeding to lay on his back just to be looked down upon by the dark haired version of himself

" Like I said, we aren't dead yet, but we're in-between the state of living and death; I can save us, I just need to make a contract with you "

The man offered, stretching his hand out to Shu who just stared at it and then over at the black haired man

" What's the contract? What do I gain? "

" Well the contract's simple, should you shake my hand right now, your body will go from sixty percent demon to seventy, which will boost your regenerative capabilities and heal you completely, now in return i want to take over the body when it's time for us to fight the demon over in the vampire continent, is that good enough of a deal? "

The demon questioned as Shu just raised his eyebrow, sitting up a little, staring at the hand and then over at the man

" What do you gain from this? "

Shu replied just to receive a smug smirk from the demon who later shrugged at his response

" Demons by instinct have a need to show who's stronger than who, but you already lost to him once—no I take that back, you didn't lose, you got completely destroyed, so as to get rid of this embarrassment I feel, I want to show him how weak he is compared to me. Is that good enough of a reason or do I need to go any further? "

The demon questioned as Shu simply shook his head proceeding to stand up on his own two feet, to then hold onto the demon's hand, squeezing it tightly

" No, your reasoning's fine, just heal me already, I have things to do "

The demon nodded as a giant grin grew on his face, as Shu simply tilted his head in confusion

" Thanks, you fucking idiot "

Shu would then begin to feel a pressure fall down on his shoulders as the demon's smile simply grew

" You asked Tekken to seal all of your emotions back then on the roof, but the conditions for the deal to work was that you had to imagine nothing, and so I placed an image of our mother in your head, that allowed a crack on the seal, and so I patiently waited.. "

The demon would start to laugh as Shu would then drop to a knee, looking up at the dark haired man with confusion

" I waited for something to happen, for a weak moment where I could take over the body; and then it happened, the aliens came and the sanctuary energy that kept the seal active was completely shattered; that's why lately you've started to feel your emotions again, all I needed you to feel was anger or some sort of painful emotion, and lucky me, you did.. "

The demon added as more pressure started to push down on Shu's shoulder, causing him to fall down on his face while his hand slipped out of the demon's hand

" Well, stay here, it isn't like I'll have your body forever, once these aliens are gone you'll be able to regain control of your body; oh and don't worry about Ean, I'll find him, I need something from him anyway. Well that's that, see ya "

The demon disappeared in a blur of energy, leaving Shu alone in that empty void, the pressure increasing and pushing him harder against the ground of nothingness.

Once he was awake, sparrow jumped into the air, landing on top of a tree, spreading his arms open as the dark sky bathed his body with its gloomy light.

Moses who seemed to be tending to Shu's injuries looked up at the demon, feeling a malevolent pressure coming from the creature

" Who are you!?! Why have you possessed Shu's body!?! "

Moses yelled as sparrow simply turned to look over at the man, smiling while his albino hair started to fade into a black color

" Shut up for a second "

The demon ordered as all the injuries the Shu received on his past battle began to heal themselves, a trace of steam following after the regeneration

" The body's adapting to my brain… "

Shu's body would then grow two more arms, one below each of the two he already had; sparrow began to laugh as he felt his insides starting to shift and change, his eyes were now entirely red, and his skin began to change color, shifting into a dark blue, but just when sparrow thought that his body would continue to change, the metamorphosis stopped

" My transformation stopped—hmm, it must be because of my lack of sanctuary energy, either that or Shu's fighting back, well it doesn't matter, I'll still have enough time to plant my seeds and have them grow before Shu can regain contro— "

" Hey you!!! "

Sparrow was interrupted by Moses who was now pointing his staff at him

" I asked you a question, who are you!?! "

Moses yelled as Sparrow simply squinted his eyes a little proceeding to sigh before dropping out of the tree, landing on his feet

" I don't really want to talk to you because being around you makes my being uncomfortable but I'll answer your questions, My name is Sparrow, I'm Shu's demon self "