
Sparrow Vs The General ( 2 )

" I have one question for you "

The General questioned, staring at Sparrow as the heat waves around his body dispersed

" Hm? "

Sparrow chuckled, slowly raising his head, tilting to the right whilst looking over at The General

" What are you? "

The alien questioned, glaring at Sparrow who just squinted his eyes a little, sighing a bit before fully closing them

" Why is everyone asking me that question? Why doesn't even matter? "

The demon said with a look of annoyance on his face as the General just stood there, calmly analyzing the four armed man

" I'm curious, you are far too strong; you aren't using, as you people call it, Sanctuary Energy or any sort of enhancement, yet you're as strong as you are, it is natural for one to be curious, no? "

The General replied, making Sparrow chuckle a little; placing two of his hands on the back of his head, he stared at the sky, starting to think

" So you were able to deduce that I'm not cheating, you're very smart, and to answer your question, I will have to ask you one in return "

Sparrow lowered his gaze, glaring at the General who glared back at him; the two stood there in silence till Sparrow broke the silence with his question

" Do you believe in the idea of deities, or beings in higher plains of existence? "

The General paused, and closed his eyes, analyzing and going through the question in his head, before opening his eyes once he came to his conclusion

" Are you insinuating that you are a deity? "

Sparrow chuckled at the statement and just shook his head in disagreement

" No, I am not a deity, but I am something similar; I am similar in the sense that I can rival them, and in the sense that the laws that don't and do apply to them, are true to my existence "

Sparrow replied, confusing The General who would then smile, becoming interested in the topic

" As a being from a higher plain of existences, why is the idea of energy blocking technology affecting you? Isn't the idea of a higher dimension to be greater and more important than the one before, should a fourth dimensional being enter the third dimension, it is said that we wouldn't be able to understand their existence, yet here I am, I comprehend you very well "

The General said, which caused the demon to laugh out loud, opening his mouth wide and moving his face to the sky, cover his eyes whilst his laugh echoed across the field

" That is true, but you see, this body here restricts me, at the moment I am weak, this form of mine that you see isn't my true form "

Sparrow stated, as The General just chuckled, entertaining the demon with yet another question

" So are you saying that you are sealed in a body that isn't yours? "

The General questioned as Sparrow shrugged

" I suppose you can say that "

He replied.

Now the two had nothing else to say, they were bored, and unsure of what else to talk about

" Hmm "

A small smile grew on their faces as the two disappeared in a blur of speed, reappearing once gain to then clash fists, continuing their battle.

" Did any of you catch what they were talking about? "

Oriano questioned as Violi and Maestro who stood behind just looked at each other, shrugging a little to then look down at him and simultaneously reply with a

" No "

Oriano sighed and shook his head in disappointed just to start watching the fight taking place, analyzing everything that was happening

" Well it doesn't matter, just be prepared to be amazed "

" Amazed? "

A new voice questioned as Oriano nodded in return

" Yes, if what I heard is true and if what I've seen isn't an Illusion then our minds are to be amazed "

Oriano replied, watching the fight before realizing that the voice he had heard wasn't one he was familiar with.

He quickly turned around, being met with a tall purple haired man who had Maestro and Violi at their knees while holding onto their faces

" Who are you?!?! "

Oriano yelled, whilst something deep inside him told him not to do anything to this man, for he was way above him

" Don't worry about that, keep watching the fight, I have no ill will so stay calm


Fu said as he let go of the two men's faces, smiling a little before sitting on the ground, watching the fight with them as if he had known them since childhood

" O—okay "

Violi said, slowly turning his attention to the fight just to look back at Fu who now had a bread on his hand, chewing away at it

" When did he— "

Violi's thoughts were interrupted by a clash from Sparrow and The General, which sounded very similar to the crackling of lighting.

Their fight raged on like a natural disaster, they were moving at speeds that one shouldn't be able to move without sanctuary energy, and although the once watching, for the sole exception of Fu, were able to keep up, they still had trouble following along.

Sparrow was hurling barrage of punches at high speeds, causing his arms to burst into flames because of all the friction he was building up, whilst the general blocked and intercepted each and every single one of the attacks, which made Sparrow smirk.

Seeing that the general was capable of keeping up, the demon increase his speed, pulling one of his arms back to then thrust it forward, landing a strong punch right in the general's gut, sending him flying back, just to run after him, continuing to attack him.

The General tried his best to avoid and/or block the attacks, but due to the current position he was in, he wasn't able to, having no choice but to have to take some hits in order to protect himself from the most lethal ones.

In a burst of annoyance, The General, surrounded himself in the same heat waves from earlier, the sudden appearance of them causing an explosion of heat, which pushed Sparrow back.

The General quickly grabbed Sparrow's face, before the demon's body could fly away any further, burning the sky and nearly the entirety of his skull before being kicked away by the demon who's head was instantly surrounded by steam.

He rushed forward, moving past the steam building up on his head, revealing his completely regenerated head, rushing after The General, continuing the battle.