
Sparrow Vs Maestro

Sparrow saw Maestro close in, at first he wasn't planning on moving much, his idea was to just dodge what was coming, but Maestro reached into the inside of his Kimono, pulling out an object which he pointed Sparrow's face, and in a matter of seconds, a huge explosion was heard and one of Sparrow's right hands was blown to pieces.

The demon jumped back in surprise and quickly moved aside, as more of those loud explosion sounds continued to be heard; Sparrow started to run around, and as he did, the places he stepped on blew up, not because of his doing , but because of something else.

" What's going on "

Sparrow said to himself as he jumped into the air, his right hand regenerating in the process, only for him to instinctively move his head to the right, whilst a giant cut opened up on his cheek and an explosion occurred behind him

" Is he using an ability? "

Sparrow asked himself before dropping down to the ground, chasing after Maestro, moving from side to side as a precaution, everything around him was blowing up and the best way to avoid it so far has been to move around.

" No that's not it.. "

Once he was close enough to Maestro, he punched the man right in his rib with both of his right hands, sending the man flying, but as he flew he pointed the same metallic like object over at Sparrow's left arm, but in an attempt to avoid what was coming, sparrow moved to a side but his hand still blew up

" I wasn't fast enough "

He said to himself, looking down at his hand which started to regenerate and then up at Maestro, just to smirk a little as he would then start chasing after him

" He's starting to understand what's going on "

Maestro said to himself as he would then start to make the motion of a back flip mid air, meeting face to face with Sparrow who was just inches away from grabbing onto him

" I have to— "

Maestro dodged a punch coming from Sparrow to then quickly tap his other three arms with the same object as before, and suddenly both of those arms blew up, causing a giant rain of blood

" make this quick… "

Maestro said to himself before tapping Sparrow's abdomen with the metallic object, blowing up a side of it.

As the two started to get closer to the ground, Maestro pushed himself off of Sparrow, landing on the ground with a grin on his face, showing off his pointy teeth.

" That shouldn't have killed him, right? "

Maestro said to himself as he would then take out what seemed to be beans of metal from his head kimono, shoving them into a hole on the side of the metallic object he had

" You're using some sort of weapon that shoots projectiles, something you took from an alien, i assume? "

Sparrow said as he started to walk toward Maestro whilst his injuries started to regenerate, small steam following the trail of his regeneration, which started with his bones, then his nerves, then his muscles and finally his skin.

" These projectiles you shoot explode, and from all the ones you've shot I've come to believe that these objects need to make contact with something and then they blow up just half a second after "

Sparrow said, as a giant smirk grew on Maestro's face

" So he hasn't figured it out yet "

Maestro thought to himself as he would then point the object over at Sparrow who just smiled at him

" This is a Gun, or at least that's what the aliens referred to it as, I wasn't able to use the other ones, they seem to be biologically coded, but this one was damaged so when I fixed it, the code seemed to have reset and now I am able to use it "

Maestro revealed as Sparrow simply cracked his neck a bit, using one of his left hands to rub his neck a little

" That's an interesting story, but how about we continue with the fun? "

Sparrow replied, before throwing a punch over at Maestro who just shot one of his bullets at Sparrow's hand, blowing it up, but sparrow followed it up with a punch to the man's stomach, they're fight now just started.

As the two would dodge and exchange attacks, Maestro would even mix in the explosions into his combos of punches.

All Violi called see was two great martial artists fighting, their motion and movements across every attack they used was done precisely for one objective and never was there a waste of energy.

The two moved around the area like they've been raised on it, they ran and dashed at each other and as the fight progressed, Violi came to the conclusion that Sparrow was wining.

His extra arms allowed him many different opportunities that Maestro didn't have, his offense and defense was immaculate, since he could attack with two arms and at the same time defend with his other two, even now Violi believed that Sparrow had the perfect body for martial arts.

" Sparrow has the upper hand right now, but the more they fight the more I'm noticing that Maestro is starting to keep up "

Violi said to himself as one of the men Sparrow had knocked earlier woke up and looked over at Violi with confusion, and then over at Sparrow and Maestro who continued to fight with giant smirks on their faces

" Dude, who are you talking to? "

The man questioned as Violi simply blinked a few times, just to look down at the man in surprise, he wasn't expecting someone to just wake up and speak to him

" None of your business "

Violi replied as he would then turn away from the man who proceeded to blink a few times, starting to set up with difficulty, it seemed like the punch Sparrow had landed on him still left an aching feeling on him

" It looks like the boss is fighting your friend "

The man said as he would start to stretch his limbs, trying to get rid of the pain

" Well too bad for that guy, he's dead "

" Why do you say that?"

Violi questioned as he kept his eyes on the fight, the fight seemed like it was neck and neck, the two weren't landing any attacks on each other, and were simply either blocking or dodging each other

" Can't you tell? The boss is slowly adapting to your friend's fighting style "

The man said as Violi simply looked over at him and then back at the fight, proceeding to cross his arms

" Sparrow will have to take it up a notch then; it shouldn't be a problem for him, he's insanely smart "

Violi replied as the man simply shrugged and began to walk away

" Well whatever man, I'm gonna go get something to eat "

As the two talked, both Sparrow and Maestro were able to land an attack on one another; Sparrow landed a punch which broke one of Maestro's ribs, and Maestro was able to blow away two of Sparrow's arms; but as the maniacs that they were, they just smiled at each other and continued to fight.