

" So how do you feel? "

Ana questioned, smiling a little whilst everyone around him stared at him fondly, even his queen

" Yeah, tell us, we've basically lived our entire lives with sanctuary energy, we practically don't know how it feels to suddenly change like that "

Yuyen said, encouraging the man who looked over at them and then down at his hands, and over at his legs, thighs and stomach

" I—I feel like I'm not me anymore, like I've been changed down to my last atom "

He said as he would then look back up at them, giving them a confused look.

He took a few steps back and turned away from the women, taking in a deep breath as his hair would then start to levitate

" Wow, this feels amazing "

Lenmio said as he swayed his arms around the air, smiling a little whilst sanctuary energy began to ooze out of his body like smoke

" He looks drunk "

Emma said, crossing her arms as the other girls agreed, nodding to what she had said, and she wasn't wrong; Lenmio was swaying around, looking like he'd lose his balance at any moment.

" He's high on energy I guess "

Ana replied, watching the man with an intrigued look on her face

" Wouldn't that mean that Sanctuary energy favors under developed minds? "

Yuyen questioned, as Ana and Emma simply turned to look at her, blinking a few times before shrugging.

As that happened, more energy started to come out of Lenmio's body whilst his muscles grew a bit

" It feels like my cells are dancing out of excitement, my blood is accelerating and my organs are working faster than they have ever worked…and my five hearts are beating so quickly, it's like… "

Lenmio paused, as his eyes would then roll into the back of his head, whilst his veins became noticeable all over his visible skin, and a crooked smile grew on his face

" I wanna see how strong I am..how strong I've become "

Suddenly Lenmio dashed toward the woman, charging his right fist with sanctuary energy but the woman simply jumped out of the way; Netty was dragged by Yuyen who held onto her hand

" Looks like awakening an adult's core isn't such a good idea "

Emma said as she watched Lenmio's fist crash against the ground, cracking it, causing it to crumble upon itself and create a small crater

" Why would you run!?!? I just want to see the extent of my power! "

Lenmio yelled as more energy began to emerge from his body as he once again dashed toward the woman, grabbing a hold of Emma, lifting his fist into the air and landing a punch right into her face, slamming her against the ground, creating yet another crater

" How can he move so fast "

Emma thought to herself as she would then grab the man by his neck, squeezing tightly before hurling him away from the group, huffing a little before standing straight

" Heh—hahahahah!! "

Lenmio began to laugh loudly, spreading his arms apart whilst opening his eyes wide, dashing back to Emma in that position

" He's getting faster "

Yuyen whispered as she watched the man grab Emma by her face and start to punch her in the stomach over and over again

" His attacks don't hurt all that much, but his speed— "

Emma thought as she would then grab Lenmio's arm, getting a tight grip on him before kneeing him on his side, making him cough out blood before punching him in the face so hard that his head sunk into the ground

" Somethings off about this guy, he's moving at a speed a beginner shouldn't be moving at "

Emma said as she walked toward the other woman whilst wiping away a small bruise Lenmio had left on her cheek

" Now that you mention it, he was able to coat his fist in sanctuary energy, wouldn't that mean that he's already at the second level of sanctuary control? "

Ana questioned as Emma simply sighed, placing her hands on her hips whilst staring at Lenmio who's head was still stuck in the ground

" How does that make any sense though? He just obtained a core not even a minute ago "

Yuyen pointed out as the other woman simply shrugged, not sure what to else to say

" Um—Lenmio is considered the best warrior in my army, wouldn't that have an impact on his performance? "

Netty added, joining the conversation, nervously explaining the possible reasoning for Lenmio's huge boost in strength

" Hmm, that could be it; after all awakening your core is like a permanent spiritual awakening, in other words, a permanent boost in essence, a power up to your entire being, and his body seems to be slowly adapting so we'll have to—- "

Yuyen couldn't finish her sentence, she was too busy dodging a punch coming from Lenmio

" Hold him off till he's done adapting "

She added before grabbing the man's arm with her left hand, upper cutting him with her right, just to let go and kick him 50 feet away from the group

" He isn't that strong so it should be easy for us to do "

Emma said, crossing her arms underneath her breast whilst looking over at the man who slowly began to regain his composure

" Still, for him to be this strong right after awakening is mind baffling to me "

Ana whispered whilst scratching her cheek a little, find the man who was now running at top speed toward them intriguing.

Before Lenmio could get close to them, Emma quickly grabbed him by his face, stopping him right on his tracks before slamming him against the ground, making him bounce off of it, just to punch him in the face, sending him flying, reappearing beside him to then punch him into the air with an uppercut.

As all that happened, Netty watched from afar, looking concerned for her warrior just to receive a few pats on the head by Ana

" Don't worry too much, he won't die from this or receive any permanent injuries, this is just the only way we can maintain him for now, okay? "

Ana explained as Netty simply nodded, looking at the fight again, still seeming worried for Lenmio.