

Shu had landed on the backyard of his castle, staring at the building with a look of fear, as if he had failed to do something even though everything went perfectly well, at least for the situation he was in

" Don't go in yet "

A voice said as Shu took a step toward, immeasurable stopping, only to see himself in front of him, or rather a version of himself with horns

" You can project yourself now? "

Shu questioned, staring at the demon version of himself, only to receive a smirk from it

" Well you know, I've learned a few things whilst I was stuck in that head, after all we did nothing but fight those five years we were away "

The demonic version said as Shu simply stared at it, only to push it aside proceeding to take a step forward right after

" You could've beat that demon by the way, I think you knew that deep dow- "

" Sparrow "

Shu said as he turned to look at the demonic version of himself he was calling sparrow, making the demon smile a bit

" Fine, don't let me control your body, but just so you know, even though I was willing to help you in the war and in that fight against the creature of the sea two years ago doesn't mean I'll help you again, so when you're at your lowest, I'll make sure to be there and take over your body, for good "

Sparrow said before turning to dust, being pushed away by the wind, making Shu sigh a bit as he would then walk toward his castle, his home.

Now inside he looked around for a bit, he didn't know if he should go see his son or his family, he was covered in blood and his clothes were almost completely ripped to shreds

" I'll go take a shower firs— "

" Where did you go? "

A feminine voice questioned as Shu immediately stopped moving, turning around only to see one of his wives in a light pink nightgown

" Oh, it's just you Yuyen "

Shu said, as he would then stare at her, giving her a small smile, confusing the woman somewhat

" What do you mean 'it's just you' couldn't you tell it was me by sensing my energy? "

Yuyen questioned as she would, cross her arms together, making Shu blink at her odd question, although it wasn't a strange question it was rather weird that she'd ask him something like that and in such a calm way, because as kids she was always nervous around him, but that was maybe because of his old intense and childish behavior.

" Ah well, lately I've been training my five senses just in case I ever run out of sanctuary energy in a fight, although grandpa did train my senses when I was younger, it wasn't as intense as my other trainin— "

Shu stopped talking, seeing as his wife walked toward him, stretching her arms out as if to seduce her man; her messy pink hair tied in a bun made her chances to attempt to seduce him even higher.

She looked beautiful, and so did her body; she wrapped her arms around Shu's neck, looking down at him with a smile on her face

" Ean told me you got really distant and quiet, but I guess he was just lying, you're as chatty as you were when we were younger "

Yuyen whispered as she would then place a kiss on her husband's lips, which of course Shu corresponded, wrapping his arms around her small waist, making her nightgown wrap around her big butt tightly

" Even after seven years I still love you, I don't know what made me fall for you or what made me do what I did five years ago, but I'm glad it worked out and at least I get to have you like this "

Yuyen said, as Shu simply stared at her

" My love im dirty and bloody, I think I should— "

She would simply kiss him again, stopping him from talking any further, pushing him against the wall, holding his face as he would reply to her attention by grabbing her butt, and sliding her left thigh up his abdomen

" Shu, I couldn't say this to you when we first met or when we pretended to be siblings to those two villages whilst infiltrating this same kingdom but, I want to say it now "

Yuyen said, as tears began to fall from her eyes, all which landed on Shu's face who simply stared at her in surprise

" Thank you for saving me that night; you saved me from a life of abuse and slavery, and I couldn't thank you enough "

She said, her voice breaking at every word she said, which caused Shu to smile a bit

" No problem, that's just how I was raised "

After ten minutes, the two settled down a bit and went over to meet the others who were at the dining table eating what seemed to be stake.

His two other wives, were sitting aside talking to each other whilst his children simply chewed away at their food, talking to each other and laughing about what to do the next day or what they did yesterday.

Ean also was there with Petra, and of course they're child Asterlin who was talking to his son Dio, Asterlin seemed to be bandaged up, which of course was because of the fight he had with Dio, though Dio seemed to have had healed completely.

" Hey, he's back "

Yuyen said as she walked toward her child, Raven, petting his head before walking toward the two other wives, sitting beside them whilst waving at Petra to come over, and so the four women began to chat and talk, leaving Ean and Shu to look at them

" This is nice "

Ean said as he looked down at his friend, or rather brother, after all they've been through he couldn't see Shu as anything else but his brother

" Yes it is "

Shu replied as he and Ean would simply lean against a wall, watching their family enjoy themselves

" Hey what's that I'm smelling? "

Raven said, as he began to sniff around, only for Dio and Asterlin to do the same

" Yeah, what is that? It smells like rotten boar—- "

Asterlin couldn't finish his sentence since Asami had started yelling

" It's father!! He smells and stinks, it's like a mix of metal and yucky rotten eggs!! "

Asami yelled, only for the adults to laugh and for Shu to scratch the back of his head

" I think you should go shower and change "

Ean whispered as Shu would then sigh, nodding a bit before leaving the room, leaving his family and friends to laugh it up.

This made him happy, his daughter wouldn't die, he'd make sure of it.

Oh how wrong he was.