
Ean vs Asai ( Part 3 )

" 100 percent "

Ean whispered, as his eyes were engulfed in blue fire, the veins in every inch of his body become noticeable, as he clenched his teeth, gripping his sword with all his strength while raising it up in the air

" Lighting's Heaven; "

Asai whispered in return, clenching his teeth as well, as the veins in his arms began to spread like roots, electricity began to form around his body, more intensively than before.

As that happened, both their after images clashed, sending barrages of slashes toward each other, as they themselves began to grip their swords even harder, Ean being engulfed in a bright fiery blue aura, as Asai's red electricity clashed against it.

Their aura each took half of the none existing ring, whilst the trials that their after images made clashed and bounced off of every inch in the field

" Midnight Dark, Blue King of Death; Burning Moon! "

Ean yelled, swinging his sword down with all his strength, while blue flames engulfed it, the air quickly accumulating around it due to the speed at which it was being swung

" Perun's Thunder! "

Asai yelled in return, swinging his Katana upward, with both his hands, lighting and air engulfing it as it moved up.

Right when the blades were about to clash, their auras did, causing a gigantic explosion, which sent every participant in the field, except for Shu and Arthur, flying.

" Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!! "

Ean and Asai yelled, both in unison as their blades finally met, clashing against each other, even harder than their auras did, all that could be seen by the normal eye, was nothing but a red and blue aura, but even still, for the inexperienced audience that was watching, it was still enjoyable for them.

The crowd began to cheer, getting up from their seats as they started to yell, clapping their hands in unison as the clashing went on.

The fight was a mess, blue and red trails were clashing, ruining the field itself as fire and electricity ruled over it, surrounding almost everything in the vicinity, whilst after images clashed with their barrages of slashes.

" Aaaahhhh!!! "

Ean and Asai kept screaming, pushing each other back and forth, their arms growing in mass as they flexed their muscles even harder, their hands began to tremble while the clash continued

" I thought you'd be weaker than this, as you preferred not to say anything in the room of winners, but I guess I was wrong... "

Asai said with incredible difficulty as he began to push Ean back, greeting his teeth while leaning forward

" haven't you studied war? One loses when they underestimate their enemy! "

Ean yelled as he added even more strength to his arms, pushing forward, beginning to take steps, clenching his teeth as he began to move Asai backward with his strength.

Just when Ean was about to overpower Asai, he tripped over his right leg, losing all his balance, as the after images, aura, and trails left with it.

" Huh? "

Ean uttered as he looked up at Asai, seeing his blade getting closer.

" You lose Lianert "

Asai, whispered, his eyes shining a bright red, as he pushed his sword down, slashing Ean's chest as a huge explosion was caused, at the end of it, all that was left was a gigantic crater, Asai standing as Ean's apparent unconscious body laying on the ground

" Woooo!!! Amazing match!! "

One of the spectators yelled

" That was insane!! "

Another one added

" When's the next match!?!? "

They all yelled in unison as Asai stared down at Ean, gripping his Katana, still in alert just in case the boy stood up, but after a few seconds he sighed, closing his eyes, as he heard the crowd cheer

" Good match Ean, let's spar again some other time "

He whispered, looking down at Ean's chest for a few seconds, seeing the scar which he created with his blade, turning around after a bit, beginning to walk with a tired expression, breathing heavily as he did.

Once Asai considered himself the winner, a sudden chill crawled up his spine

" It looks like... "

Shu and Arthur whispered, both their arms crossed as they watched the match

" He awakened "

They said as a big blue pillar of energy grew behind Asai where Ean was supposed to have lost. The pillar soon vanished, revealing a new-looking Ean, he had blue halos surrounding his wrists, ankles, and neck. His eyes were opened wide, completely blue, including the sclera, his hair was now blue, and longer, reaching down to his waist. Small horns grew from his forehead, as blue like tattoos surrounded his arms in a circular manner

" Wh-what the hell "

Asai said, shocked by the fact that Ean not only withstood the attack but got right back up.

" Dammit! "

Asai yelled, gripping his katana with both his hands, as he dashed toward Ean, screaming in desperation, but then, he paused, no, everything paused, as if time had stopped, or at least that's how it seemed for Ean

" Hmm, what is this? I feel an incredible boost in energy, my body feels like it has been recharged "

Ean whispered to himself, only hearing his voice, not feeling the wind on his skin

" What's weirder is that I feel like my body changed for some reason "

Ean said to himself, looking down at his arms, which were now coated in a circular like tattoos, the tattoos all connected, the only parts which were not coated were the in-betweens

" Is this what awakening feels like? "

Ean questioned, turning his face over to Shu, unlike everyone else, Shu seemed to be moving, not much of course since he was just standing there, not only that but Arthur also looked like he was able to move

" Oh, I get it now, I'm moving faster than I was before "

He said, as a smirk grew on his face, proud of himself for this newfound strength, he now felt equal to his best friend Shu

" I guess I've won huh "

Ean whispered, so cocky in his new abilities that he had now considered himself the winner, understandably so.

He began to walk, heading over to Asai, moving Asai's katana to a side with his fingertip, before taking in a deep breath, swinging his first six times toward Asai, three times against his stomach, one time on each shoulder, and lastly a final punch against his face, slamming him against the ground, and as soon as he did, the flow in which everything moved, went back to normal

" Wha-what happened? "

The crowd questioned, looking down at Ean, who stood proudly beside Asai's unconscious body

" And the winner is Ean Lianert!!! "

The man yelled, as he flew down from the sky, down to Ean's side, grabbing his left arm, and raising it up in the air, while the crowd, a bit confused at first, began to cheer, clapping their hands at the end of this amazing battle.