
A real punch

Emma and Lenmio crashed against the ground and simultaneously raised their guards, starting to throw and block a few punches.

Lenmio took two steps backwards but Emma followed him by taking two steps forward, and landing two quick punches, one on his chin and another on his stomach, and just when she was about to land another, Lenmio pushed her hand aside landing a punch of his own on her face, starting to walk forward and making her back up.

He threw ten punches at her abdomen, landing every single one of them just to raise her up into the air with an uppercut, just to jump up a little, do a small spin and kick her a few feet away.

As he landed on the ground she dashed at him, pulling her fist back, to then thrust it forward punching him in the stomach, sending him flying, just to jump up into the air, thrusting herself downward with a sudden burst of energy from her palm, building up speed to slam against Lenmio; crashing against the ground and creating a crater.

But right when Lenmio got stomped on, he immediately got up, slamming his arms on the ground; hard enough for him to be lifted into the air, once he rose high enough he punched Emma right in her face, causing her to take a few steps backwards.

" Hmm.. "

The two paused, not throwing any attacks at each other for a few seconds as Emma simply regained her composure, sliding her finger across her nose, seeing a bit of blood coming out from it

" He made her bleed "

Yuyen pointed out, as she watched Lenmio and Emma approach each other to continue their fight

" Our assessment of him earlier was wrong, he isnt getting stronger because of a boost in body essence; but rather, he's getting stronger and faster as he continues to fight "

As Ana explained what was happening, the two continued to fight; Emma landed two strong punches on the man's face, making him take a step back, and just when she was about to land another, Lenmio moved his head to a side, dodging her attack to then take a step forward, sliding his head down her arm, approaching her enough to land an attack with his elbow, making her step bald yet agin.

With her guard now open, Lenmio began to land more attack; a few at the shoulder joints, three at the abdomen, a quick jab at her chin and an uppercut, which sent her flying into the air, and as she flew Lenmio started to squad down

" She did it like this, right?.. "

He jumped into the air, causing a huge burst of wind, catching up to her in a matter of seconds; just to grab her by her leg, starting to spin her around, so fast that to the normal human eye, all a person will have seen would be a blur.

After a few seconds of spinning, he hurled her down to the ground so fast it cracked it but also made her bounce off it, and just when gravity was about to pull her back down, Lenmio did it for it.

He came flying down from the air, crashing against her abdomen, creating a crater

" I think she's done.. "

Lenmio said with a voice crack in his tone; he began to sound insane, this new energy was affecting him in a rather odd way.

Lenmio took a few steps back, to then walk out of the crater, his eyes glowing in the smoke that had built up; he also had a crooked smile all over his face.

" Who's next? "

He questioned, as the smoke dispersed, but when it did, Emma had jumped out if the crater, rushing at Lenmio in an attempt to land a punch, but the man simply moved aside, dodging her attack.

" How is it that he's this strong after just generating a core? "

Emma asked herself as she regained her composure, turning to look over at Lenmio, dashing toward him in an attempt to land a punch on his face, but he countered it with a punch of his own.

She simply shook that off and decided to go for another, but Lenmio simply countered it yet again, this time with his other fist, though once again she shook it off, changing her tactic; deciding to throw a kick but Lenmio just took a step forward, punching the woman in her face, slamming her against the ground

" Heh, this feeling, this feeling of power; it's like a drug moving all over your insides "

Lenmio said to himself as he would then chuckle a little, starting to hug himself whilst energy began to ooze out of his body

" Does it? "

Ana questioned as she appeared behind the man, picking Emma up from the ground to then smirk at the man

" Heh, so you're next, hehehehaha, little heads up; you'll end up just like her "

Lenmio said whilst pointing at Emma which was currently resting on Ana's arms

" Really? "

Ana whispered as a smirk grew on her first, but before Lenmio could reply Ana disappeared in a blur of speed, reappearing in the same spot she was, this time without Emma in her arms

" Hmm, you're fast, but that wont help you "

Lenmio said as he would then dash toward Ana, throwing a punch which she would easily dodged; but Lenmio didn't stop there, he backed it up with many more attacks, though unfortunately for him Ana dodged all of those too.

" Ugh!! Stop dodging!! "

Lenmio yelled just for Ana to smirk as she would then catch one of his fists, staring straight into his eyes with a smug look

" Alright "

She replied, punching the man right in his face, immediately bringing blood out of his face; cutting his lips, breaking his nose and bruising the rest, but she didn't stop there, she followed that up with a few more punches to the same place until Lenmio could no longer stand on his own two feet

" Let me just show you what true use of sanctuary energy looks like "

Right when she said that, her right fist was engulfed in sanctuary energy and the ground below her cracked, the energy around her hand was so dense that the area they were standing on felt heavy.

She would then spread her legs, lowering her crotch whilst stretching her right arm out, putting her glowy hand at the man's chest, placing each and everyone single one of her finger tips against the center of his chest; she took a deep breath, and exhaled.

Once she let all that air out, she closed her hand into a fist in less than a second, to then thrust her arm forward, sinking her fist into the man's chest, causing a huge burst of air to come out of the impact as well as a blinding white light.