
A bit of rest

It took Dio and Raven another seven hours to climb the mountain completely, once they were just a grab away from reaching the top, their father looked down at them and offered them his two hands

" Grab on "

Shu said, to which his children listened, grabbing their father's hands, to then be pulled up

The children landed on their backs, huffing for air, only to be stared at by their father's

" You two are hungry, yes? "

Shu questioned as he would look down on his two boys, receiving slow and sure nods from them, only for Shu to blink a few times, walking passed them, toward what seemed to be a dojo.

The two kids slowly began to stand, using all of their strength to follow behind their father, taking slow and heavy steps, only to then drop down on the ground by what seemed to be a stew next to the dojo.

" Who lives here? "

Raven questioned as he would look over at the dojo, whilst slowly and carefully removing the sword from his back by untying his broken clothes with he used as ropes, allowing the sword to crash against the floor, causing a bit of dust to stir up.

Dio did the same right after, only to then drop against the ground, resting, feeling as his muscles began to ache and throb, after all he didn't get a single bit of rest for days and no rest whilst climbing that mountain.

" No, no one lives here Raven, I built this dojo whilst you guys were busy climbing this mountain "

Shu explained as he offered his red haired son a bowl of stew with a spoon, which Raven gladly took, Shu then looked over at his other son, preparing him a bowl of stew as well.

" Stand up Dio, it's time to eat "

Shu ordered, taking a few steps towards his son, offering him the bowl which Dio gladly took, starting to eat immediately

" So what's next? What are we supposed to start training? "

Dio questioned, looking over at his father whilst eating his spew at a rapid speed, only for Shu to stare at him for a few seconds, only to then sit on the ground with his two sons, grabbing a spoon made of wood, just like the other two and then stare over at the big stew

" We won't train, we will rest. "

Shu replied, as he would then start eating, slowly bringing the spoon to his mouth, beginning to eat as he was taught to by his royal advisers, which was elegantly

" How long will we rest for? "

Raven questioned, finishing his bowl in the process, walking toward the stew and filling his bowl up, only to sit back down and start eating again

" We will rest for two days, and then I will teach you two how to hunt the animals of this mountain "

Shu explained, eating from his bowl, seeing as his children basically swallowed the bowl empty and just refilled, in the end they were fill to the brim

" Did you two eat your fill? "

Shu questioned, looking down at his two sons with those emotionless and empty blue eyes

" Yes father! "

They both replied with a smile on their faces as they rubbed their bellies

" Good, then before sleep, make sure you tend to your wounds with the bandages that are in your rooms, and if you intend to shower before bed, there is a lake deeper down the mountain "

Shu explained, to which his children nodded; with that, Shu sighed and stepped into the dojo, walking down the halls to find his room, in which he started sleeping.

" whoever gets there first gets the biggest room! "

Dio yelled, dashing into the dojo, only to be chased after by his startled brother; in the end Dio ended up getting the biggest room, but got the smallest bed since he and Raven decided to play a beat a Rock Paper Scissors game, and Raven ended up winning.

In the morning the two woke up, walking out of the dojo whilst rubbing their small eyes, yawning a little as they met with each at the start of the hall

" Morning Dio "

" Morning Raven "

The two said as they yawned at the same time, only to then walk toward the light, or rather toward the entrance and exit of the dojo, only to find their father hurling kicks and punches at the air.

Shu was throwing straight punches, high kicks and even air kicks; he would do a few sets of combos.

He'd through three quick jabs, following that up with a kick, spinning a little, leaping into the air and throwing a high kick.

He'd also, shuffled his feet a little, moving his body from left to right, back and forth, training his footwork, which to Dio and Raven, seemed perfect already.

Though he seemed to have been doing this for a long time, since he was sweating quite a lot, so much so that if a person saw him walking down the street they'd think someone threw a bucket of water on him.

After a few minutes, Shu stopped and wiped his right cheek a little, looking over at his children who now had their arms, legs and majority of their torso completely bandaged

" You two listened to me "

Shu said as he would then stand straight, breathing calmly and well as if he wasn't sweating like an animal

" Uh yeah.. "

Raven whispered

" Come, I've gathered fruit for us to eat "

Shu said as he would then turn his back toward his children, walking toward a tree with basket on its shadow

" Fruit!?! "

" Food!?! "

They said, each saying one of those two words, only to then look over at each other and then at their father

" Yeah!! "

They jumped up and as soon as they landed on the floor, they ran after their father, dashing forward a little to grab onto his hands, walking beside him with a small as they got closer to the tree.

" Tomorrow we start training again, it'll be intense and I will give you both a lot tasks, so before tomorrow comes we must eat, rest and eat some more, okay? "

Shu explained, and although those words sounded somewhat fatherly, they came out in a cold tone, which for some reason the two boys didn't mind

" Yes of course father!! "

They both yelled, determined to follow every instruction given to them by their 'great' father.