
Emperor of the West (Chapter 3)

"Emperor Kenmei!! We have arrived to report the daily recon mission." Commander Benkei announced as he stepped in the Emperor's throne room.

"Ahh commander Benkei how delightful to see you interrupt my precious time with my lovely daughters." Emperor Solomon Kenmei also known as Hollowed Owl proclaimed with a smile on his face.

"I apologize emperor but I bring dark news." The commander bowed

"How is your son commander? He's two now isn't he? Hope you'll train him well. He'll be a fine soldier one day maybe even better than you hahaha." The Emperor's daughters laughed politely as well.

"Yes, thank you my lord I hope he will to.. but regarding the recon mission" . Commander Benkei spoke gently.

The Emperor was a tall, wise man who wore his grey hair high in a bun and a bright blue robe. He smoked on an antique pipe made from latimer wood found only in the depth of the aki forests. He also wore a rusty old monocle on his left eye. His wrinkly face didn't stop him from smiling at all occasions and spreading wisdom throughout the lands.

"Hold your tongue commander…" He said and then focused on his princess daughters. They were known throughout the land for their beauty. One had green eyes, and the other had blue. Twins both of the same age of three years "Minka, Shuri go to your rooms I have much to discuss with Commander Benkei…" The girls bowed left, and the Emperor continued to speak. "You must never let the innocent hear the chant of violence as their ears are not to hear it at that age. Now what is all this rumbling about bad news."

"Well, my lord I was commissioned to go look at a rift near the south regions Natsu Dunes…" The commander explained.

"Yes I did hear about another rift opening the filling team was commissioned I presume we can't just leave holes in the ground now can we hahaha." The Emperor bellowed with laughter

"Yes that is correct my lord, but that is not all.. I was only commissioned there by the alert of a solider he told me he saw South region soldiers lying near the rift stone cold dead…" The commander hesitated to say it.

"Hmm that is quite serious.." Emperor Kenmei removed himself from reading his daily book that was at his side at all times and listened closely

"I immediately left to go see what had happened and took the a fleet with me. Once we got there, I saw something that struck a pain down my chest; fire crossed the sands, and the bodies burnt to a crisp…" Commander Benkei looked dead in the eyes of the emperor who's expression changed to be concerned.

"A sando (sand storm) formed and as we were just about to leave and we glimpsed something in the distance someone on a horse that seemed to not present any hoove steps or foot marks and someone wearing full commando southern war gear of the highest grade but in their hand was none other than a katana masked with fire and a symbol on the hilt that resembled the Sacred beast Suzaku." The commander gulped at the name of an ancient sacred beast.

"Impossible. It can't be the ceremony for the legendary weapons isn't in another... 15 years. Why would Emperor Tsuyo break such a firm agreement that all four regions share? Why would the Emperor of the South Region do such a dreadful thing? Unless.. No it can't be... what if it wasn't the Emperor's bidding to kill those people?" The Emperor stood up in shock

"Commander Benkei do not speak a word of this to anyone this sort of news will strike fear across the West. We must be wise and stay out of southern problems." Emperor Kenmei controlled himself and sat back down

"Yes.. my Lord I understand" The Commander bowed in front of the Emperor.

"Now go fetch my daughters back here for some tea." Emperor Kenmei smiled with joy

Meanwhile... at Urite grounds-Village in the West region population-4000

Sinda had finally woken up from the time she had passed out. Although, something was off… strange the carriage was moving, and the temperature had changed. She looked up but only saw the inside of a carriage what was going on? She leapt up swiftly and immediately went back down. The world spun around her and she felt weak.

"You're awake don't move to quick you'll faint again you had some serious heat rash, and you were seriously burnt up when I found you.. Ohhh sorry my names Chano."

"She inspected the man's face. A tanned golden face stared back at her, his eyes a dull brown colour and not a single speck on hair in sight. His face didn't seem to show a drop of age yet his beard measured all the way to the start of his chest. "What were u doing in the forgein lands desert.. Unno it ain't safe down those parts you could've gotten much worse trust me.."

"I.. was collecting and then sa.. Wait where's the baby boy!" Sinda shouted her head still hurting with immense pain

"Don't worry bout that he's tucked up in the front seems to still be awake though hasn't made a sound since I found you guys. I take it he's your son?" Chano asked

"Uhm. Well" she looked deep in the baby's purple eyes he was just like her; abandoned by society, an orphan, nowhere to go clawed by the hands of darkness and loneliness she made a decision.

"Yes, he's my son his name is Hissori…" Sinda explained

"Ahh what a handy name for this little silent one." Chano shouted

"Where you heading then?" Chano asked

"I don't want to be of any trouble I can take it from here…" Sinda moved closer to the front

"No, don't worry its fine I'll take you besides you aren't fully recovered yet." Chano smiled

"Well, I live in the West region in Avalon Hillside" Sinda explained

"Ahh no problem we'll be there In no time." Chano rode on and smiled

This was 15 years ago the real journey

Begins here!!