
Sam & Mara

“You remind me of him a bit.” she said. “You both work hard to protect people.” “Yeah, I can’t fix hearts though,” he laughed. She looked right at him, “Oh you would be surprised.” Mara Sidney is widowed and recently moved to a new place to be near her daughter. She meets Lieutenant Sam Howell, who's younger than her, but sparks fly. Together they try to navigate their extreme lust and their age difference as they figure out what they both want from each other. Mature Rating. Cover art is not mine.

LoveLindsey · Urbain
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35 Chs

Chapter 11

In ran Sam's family. His mom, sister, his dad and his sister's husband. "Oh Sammi," his mom yelled. She slightly resembled Sam. They had the same Hazel eyes and her hair was up in a brown pony tail. She was tall and thin, wearing tight running pants and looked like an ad for a peloton bike. But her face told her age. Too much sun had made her skin resemble leather. His father was handsome, but had a tired look to him. He was almost about 6 ft. the same as Sam.

They were crowded around Sam and touching things. The nurse came in surprised. "Hi everyone, we have quite a few people here." Mr. Howell needs his rest. And visiting hours are over soon. "We just got here, is he ok? Oh my god his beautiful hair, what did they do to you" said his mother angrily. "Beth, it's ok." The father chimed in.

He looked at Sam apologetically, "We just wanted to make sure you were ok son." "Thanks dad." "Hey I have to pee,'' his sister said. "Seriously Rebecca, right now when we just got to your brother's room." His mom yelled. ''Why is the door locked!?"

The knob started to rustle and his sister Jenna half fell in the door. Mara was standing there staring at the girl. "Oh." Sam's sister said. She was in the Police sweatshirt and sweatpants Wiley gave her. Sam felt sad seeing her in the POLICE sweats and her hair was tinted with some blood. She had washed most of the blood on her hands off. "Hi, I'm Mara." she said nervously and kind of waved. "Who is this?" Sam's mom said rudely.

"Sam's girlfriend." Rebecca said with a little smile. Mara couldn't tell if she was being nice or not. Beth looked shocked. Sam wasn't one to share his personal life, especially around his family. His mother could get quite jealous, literally of anyone.

Sam watched his whole childhood as his mother hung on to his dad for dear life. Sometimes his father would sleep at his office just to get away from his mom. Beth walked up to Mara, she was half a foot taller than her and was looking aggressive. "Are you the reason my son's on a hospital bed."

Mara looked confused. "Mom, Mara saved my life. I was getting the shit kicked out of me and she stopped it." She huffed. "Well ...though I'm very grateful you were there to help, this room is for family only. "Mom!" Sam yelled angrily. He looked at his dad and his father knew Sam was getting pissed. "Beth, honey that's not exactly any way to greet a friend of Sam's."

Mara was in shock. It was like Sam was a little kid arguing with his mom. The nurse went to leave the room as Wiley was coming in. "Ok we have way too many people in here. I'll be back in a bit and then I'm going to have to ask you all to leave so Mr. Howell can get some sleep." She said as she left. Wiley walked in and got a nervous look on his face as soon as he saw Sam's mother. Apparently everyone was afraid of this woman, or just wanted to avoid her.

"Hi all, don't mean to interrupt...Oh Sam you're awake." He walked over to Sam and they grabbed each others hands. "You really had me worried asshole." Wiley said. Sam tried to laugh, but it hurt. "Mara, your phone must have fallen out when you were on the bench, I think your daughter called." Wiley handed the phone to Mara who moved closer past Sam's sister to try and grab it.

"Daughter," Beth said shocked. "How old are you exactly?" Mara grabbed the phone from Wiley as he mouthed sorry. Mara couldn't deal with this now. She had wanted to stay with Sam through the night, but now all she wanted was to get as far away from this woman as possible. "Well it's been such a pleasure to meet you all. Sam it looks like you have your hands full, I mean you're in good hands." Sam grabbed her wrist that was by the bed. "Mara, please, I'm sorry, don't leave."

Beth glared down at her son holding Mara's wrist. Beth was trying to figure out how old she was, maybe late thirties she thought. Either way she must be older than Sam and she had a daughter. His mom wasn't used to seeing Sam giving his attention to another woman.

He hadn't had a serious girlfriend in a while that she knew of, but usually the girls he dated were young. His last serious fling had been a couple years ago and the girl was barely out of college. " Sam, don't you like them young?" Beth said. "Excuse me." Mara said.

" Come on doll, don't you think you're a little out of your league here." "Get out!" he yelled. "Oh I see how it is Samuel, you would pick some middle age succubus over your own mother?" Then she turned back to Mara, "And does your daughter have a father, shouldn't you be with him instead of trapping my son?"

"Dad get her the fuck out of here now!" Sam yelled scaring everyone. He almost knocked his IV down. "Sam, don't yell like that, you're going to hurt yourself!" Mara yelled back at him. Suddenly the nurse came back in, "Alright that's it everyone out please" Mara didn't understand how Sam's mother could be so nasty. It took everything in Mara's power not to slap this woman. She had never seen Sam with a mean side like this, thank god.

"You don't have to tell me twice, I was just leaving, " Mara said. She grabbed the plastic bag that had her clothes in it and made her way to the door. Sam was trying to get out of the bed, "Mara stop!" he yelled. She was so worried that he would hurt himself more. But the nurse was there and his family. There was nothing to else to say, "Wiley can you please take me home"...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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