

Andromeda Hiner is an average girl just trying to survive in a dark and twisted world. But when her world is turned upside down can she find the strength to be more than she ever thought she could? Eirik Night is done with greed conniving women. Ready to swear off women entirely he let's his best friend talk him into a night out. When he meets a terrified young woman at a bdsm club his world is thrown into chaos. He must fight to save her and the world as they know it. Can these unlikely heroes come together as fate intended for the salvation of every one? Or will they be consumed in the flames of a war no one wanted?

Emily_Knudsen · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


It was dim out side the club. The neon sign that read "THE DIRTY DOM" was the only source of light in the alley way. Derik kept slapping Natalie's ass with out any sense of shame. It was disturbing. Andromeda, or Andy as she liked to be called, had just turned 18. That meant she was old enough to get into the clubs in the area, even if she was not old enough to drink.

Finally they made it inside after showing the bouncer their IDs. "Welcome to the dirty dom how many in your party?" A pretty young woman at a podium asked brightly.

"Three. Two subs and one dom." Derek answered and the woman smiled brightly at them.

"Right this way sir." She motioned for them to follow her to a booth in a dark corner. The entire place was done in violet and dark blue. The bright lights flashed as people gryrated on the dance floor to music that thumped all too loud in Andy's overly sensitive ears. The scent of alcohol and body oder was making her head spin uncontrollably. It was nauseating. All she wanted to do was get out of here. Her head was already pounding and a migraine was quick to follow she knew.

Andy was all hips and tits where as her elder sister was no more than a b cup at best and certainly lacking in the hips. Even so Natalie had forced her into a leather corset tube in black. It caused Andy's breasts to move upward, as if they were trying to escape. And the skirt that came to mid thigh On Natalie barely covered Andy's ass and the seems strained to contain her body. Both Hiner girls were short, both barely taller than 4 foot 2. Natalie was taller by one and a half inches.

If it weren't for their bust sizes the girls could be mistaken for twins. Though Natalie had mousy brown hair that fell flat and listless to her shoulders and Andy had dark red hair that naturally fell in silky untamable waves down her back all the way to just below her ass. Many had asked why her father let her spend so much on unnatural hair and she just laughed at it.

She closed her eyes and tried not to vomit all over the table as she slid in across from Derik and Natalie. They would never understand her aversion to things that were too loud or too bright. Nor could she ever explain as to why she was so sensitive to certain things such as sounds tastes and smells. Every one in her school found it disturbing and tried to stay away from that freak as they liked to say.

Andy didn't really mind tough. Not having friends her own age meant that she had graduated top of her class. It also meant that she had time to go out hiking in the woods that surrounded the small claustrophobic city. Andy had no plans of sticking around now she was done with high-school. She much preferred the small one room cabin in the middle of nowhere. There was no electricity or running water but it was quiet and peaceful there. She hoped that whoever owned the place wouldn't mind her staying on a permanent basis.

She sighed heavily as she opened her eyes and saw that Derik was dry humping her sister. "Nat I'm going to the restroom." She half shouted to be heard over the thumping base of the music that was making her head pulsate with pain. Natalie made no response. "Nat! Natalie!" When she got nothing in response to her efforts she rolled her eyes and slid out of the dark booth.

As she struck out in search of the bathroom she crossed the crowded dance floor. Several times Andy felt some one else's hand touch the hem of her dress as she passed. Evertime she felt the sensation of them trying to lift her skirt she shuddered and tried to move away from the person as fast as possible. Andy had always hated to be touched. It made her feel dirty and used. Half way across the dance floor an arm wound around her waist and pulled her tight against a strange body.

"Hey there little pet." A man groaned close to her ear. "Why don't you be a good girl and come with me?" He nipped her ear and she almost threw up all over.

"Let go!" Andy spat through clenched teeth as she attempted to pull free of his grasp.

"My my my. A little defiant sub aren't you. I will have to beat that out of you." He chuckled as he tightened his grip painfully. "I am very much looking forward to hearing you scream." His voice had taken on a sinister quality that set her on edge and she knew by instinct that he would not let her go easily.

"I'm gonna puke!" She managed to barely choke out as she tried to pull away again. He laughed and pushed her to a half concealed hallway. On the wall to her immediate right was a row of evenly spaced black doors, a barely glowing neon pink sign designated these as restrooms. On her left she barely saw a crimson velvet curtain with a dark blue rope draped between to brass stands a few feet in front of it before the stranger attempted to shove her into the single use bathroom.

Andy realized that the situation had just gotten worse for her and attempted to fight her way to freedom. She had barely started to push back and turn to half face him when the contents of her stomach decided to remind her of why she needed a toilet in the first place. Her vomit sprayed all over the floor and his shoes.

The man jerked back in disgusted shock and she tried to make a break for the emergency exit at the far end of the hall. Alas he was much faster and managed to grab hold of her upper arm in a vice like grip. Andy cried out in pain but kept fighting to get away from him. She was just about to give up when she heard a deep voice call out.

"Hey!" Her assailant turned but did not let go of her. "What the fuck is going on here?"
