
Salt and Blood

I lean closer, my eyes glowing like frigid glaciers in the night. "I am Iris, the ruler of Frejya and Goddess of the Sea, and if you choose not to follow me, you will die."

Zoe_Rose · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter Seven

She stands closer to the tree line and apart from everyone else, intently studying a map. An elongated plastic black case sits at her feet, locked and resting in the sand at an angle. The top half of her long, strawberry blonde dreadlocks are tied back away from her sun kissed face. Her attire is different from the others; tight black pants cling to her long legs and matching knee high boots cover her calves. A loose fitting white tank top hangs on her torso and her right forearm is stamped with an intricate black and grey tattoo of an Aura whale. Two ebony studded holster belts rest on her hips, one holding a long Dao style sabre, and the other, a brass revolver.

Besides my own, her revolver is the first gun I've seen in about one hundred and fifty years, and it speaks volumes. It lets me know she's got resources that countless others before her have not. She brought it because she means business, and she's here with the intent of using it. Most importantly, that weapon lets me know she's the captain of that ship, and the captain is the one I've got to kill in order to seize control.


I've been trailing these methodical humans for hours now, always managing to keep a safe distance from their probing eyes. No one has even come close to the base of the mountain, which is reassuring. They've stayed in the flatter, outer rim of the island, cautiously combing every blade of grass and rotten log in search of a prize they'll never get. This is ideal for me, though. They've burned all of their daylight hours rummaging around a part of Freyja that's nothing more than plants, dirt and decaying leaves.

Oddly enough, the captain hasn't seemed angry or offset by their lack of success. She's done nothing more than silently survey her crew as they do all the work, keeping that black case next to her at all times. It seems like she's waiting for nightfall, but so am I.

As darkness finally seeps into this labyrinth of a jungle, I back away through the growing cover of shade and head towards the river. I snake my way through the bushes and let out a low pitched whistle, signaling the girls to head back to our rendezvous point. I'm about five minutes from the riverbank when a branch snaps about twenty feet behind me.

"Hey! I think I found - " I whip around quick and launch my blade into the chest of a random man, cutting him off in the middle of shouting over his shoulder. He drops his bow to the ground, doubling over as he gasps for air. I sprint towards him and slide on my knees in the dirt. I jump up and take the back of his head in my hands, twisting it with a sickening pop. His gasping ceases and I drag his limp body into the underbrush before he even fully hits the ground. I rip the blade out of his chest and glance back towards the intruders, hoping that no one heard him even though I know they did. The thrum of voices somewhere in the distance confirms my theory and I take off running towards the river at a strained rate. When I arrive, Xena and the two other women with combat experience stand next to the water, fully dressed and armed with random weapons we've pillaged over the years. The remainder of the group waits in the river for further instruction in a flurry of colorful scales and tailfins.

"Xena, Adria and Elani, we're going to work from land. We need to get this process going on foot." I look down into Thalia's hazel eyes, ready to give her instruction. "Thalia, I want you to spread everyone else out along the overgrown portions of the beach. Stay hidden as much as you can. Sing quietly and lure any men possible down to the beach. When they come, seal the deal, and then instruct them to turn on their own. Understood?"

"Got it," she answers. Twenty eight battle ready Sirens make their way back down the river and towards the ocean for their mission. I turn to face my three girls, nodding once before we all split in opposite directions. They know the drill in this situation. We've discussed every possible turn of events on this island, and this instance isn't the exception to the rule. They know exactly what to do.

I creep back towards impending danger in the center of the island, staying as low to the ground as I can. I end up pressing myself flat against the rough, thick trunk of a Keni tree and hunkering down to await my second victim. The growing trill of locusts barely conceals heavy footsteps headed in my direction a few minutes later. The silhouette of another man scrapes by my tree as he holds a sword out in front of him. I draw in a deep breath and hum the Siren's song without words. He stops in his tracks, the sword beginning to tremble in his palm. I continue humming as I glance in the direction he came from, ensuring no one else is hot on his trail. Once I'm sure the coast is clear, I walk in front of him with a smirk. His scruffy face is strained as he tries to battle against my will, but he can't. I don't even think it's possible.

My fingers creep up his chest, finally dead ending at his cheeks. I stand on my toes and nuzzle my face against his neck. I drag my tongue along the spot beneath his earlobe and his blade drops to the ground. My voice only puts them into a sensual trance for a few minutes, but any form of my saliva on his body will bind him to me for hours until it works its way out of his system. Only then will he do my bidding unconditionally.

"Shhh, hush now...all is well," I susurrate into his ear. I stroke his arms with my fingernails, gently breathing against his skin. "I need you to do something for me...something important."

"I…I'll do anything," he answers with a drugged out sigh. I smile and pull back, planting a longing kiss on his lips to truly seal the deal.

"Gather with your brothers, then kill your crew," I whisper into his mouth.

He slowly nods and smiles down at me. "As you say."

He reaches to the ground, picks up his sword and heads back to begin slaughtering his own people per my command. I've instructed every other girl in my harem to do the same, so it's only a matter of time before death floods the island. The men probably won't kill anywhere close to everyone, but they'll thin out the herd dramatically and create a great distraction.

It'll make my job easier, and I only need to work smarter, not harder.