
Sakura House: The Killer

Sakura House: The Killer is a different main character and also mixes with the Nogizaka46 group with the Sakurazaka46 group as well.

WritingStory46 · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Chapter 12: Yakubo's ghost meets her member

While Yakubo's ghost had come out from Inoue Nagi and Saku-chan had to see her in ghost shape body but Yakubo can use her power to protect Saku-chan.

Sugawara: Nagi are you fine that Yakubo had coming out from your body

Nagi: it feels light but we can leave them alone

Sugawara: I think your right Nagi let go

When Nagi and Sugawara had to leave them alone with Tamaki who had to check if she are real Yakubo Mio.

Tamaki: Yakubo your body is buried in the ground

Yakubo: yup that's right but I can't go inside my body or people's bodies as possessed them

Sakura: Yakubo can you possess someone's body

Yakubo Mio had nods at Saku-chan and others are joining them to see her but only Hinatazaka46 and Sakurazaka46 members see her.

Tamura: did I see someone floating with us

Tamaki: that is Yakubo Mio been a ghost

Tamura: oh just Yakubo- wait what did you say?

In the meantime, Nagi and Sugawara had to see someone outside the Nogizaka studio and his name is Shadow.

Nagi: sorry senpai we had something going on inside the studio

Sugawara: yea we did but why are you here, Shadow?

Shadow: nothing just need to rest for a while

Back inside the Nogizaka studio and there has someone who had noticed that we have guests who had invited us to see them.

Haruyo: the guy I'm right back I need to see someone

Morimoto: sure okay

Haruyo: thanks

Once Haruyo had gone out of the studio and he can see that he had to talk to Nagi and Sugawara for some pep talk to him.

Shadow: Paru how are you doing so far?

Haruyo: senpai I did miss you

Nagi: Shadow did you know her

Shadow walked to the Hinatazaka46 member and she just gives him a super high five and Nagi with Sugawara can see them with some enjoyment together.

Sugawara: senpai we didn't know that you are Hinatazaka Academy, transfer student

Shadow: oh we can go there and see another student if want to Satsuki

Sugawara: not called me that senpai?

Nagi: she had a bit of a crush on you senpai

Without any sound coming from them and Shadow Haruyo arrived at the Hinatazaka Academy and see that we have Nogizaka students who are to visit us.

Kosaka: welcome to Hinatazaka Academy

Nagi: wow senpai you had a huge building as a school academy

Shadow: thank you but Haruyo can you take 5 minute

Yamaguchi Haruyo had agreed with Shadow but he left himself to take them as guest tour guides to see around the Academy.

Shadow: shall we go them, guy

Nagi: sure of course

Sugawara: did someone know you are her brother

Shadow lazy to reply to Satsuki's answer and just he keeps walking inside to the indoor sport where there have 2nd gen member students who are playing sports.

Tomita: Shadow you brought the Nogizaka student with you

Shadow: yes I did but can you serve me the volleyball

Tomita: sure I will serve you but both of you can stand back at the yellow line

They agree and walk to the yellow line where others are standing and see others who are playing volleyball.

Shadow: Tomita serve now *get to jump*

Tomita: okay get you to go senpai

Kanemura: good luck senpai *cheer him*

Meanwhile, both Nagi and Sugawara can see shadow jump and suddenly Nagi can see that Shadow had black wings behind his back she whisper in Sugawara's ear saying that to her that she saw Shadow's wing.

Nagi: hey...Sugawara can I ask you something

Sugawara: sure what did you want to talk about

Nagi: Shadow had a wing at his back

When Nagi had to say that a bit loud and out of the blue, Shadow had landed down at the indoor sports hall.

Shadow: what did you say right now, Nagi?

Tomita: don't say that he hates someone say those words, Inoue Nagi

Nagi: uh...I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that senpai

Suddenly, Shadow changes himself into a delinquent toward Nagi just her but not Sugawara by her side.

Sugawara: I thought you do not say that words to him

Nagi: wait...you knew all this along and you didn't tell me

Sugawara: yes I knew this and I didn't tell you

Out of nowhere, Shadow had opened his wing and carried Nagi around his hips and she had to shout from her lungs out loud.

Nagi: wait...senpai I just joking around

Shadow: no you just come here for ruining everything that I offer you

Haruyo: senpai please take an easy on her

Shadow just didn't go up the sky just only at the school ceiling.

Shadow: Nagi...I miss you so much

Sugawara: senpai...what did you say to Nagi!!

Shadow: ignore Satsuki, please

When Inoue Nagi had to see that he had confessed to me that he liked Nagi in the first place.

Shadow: I love you, Nagi

Sugawara: eh? Nagi, he is your senpai

Nagi: yes he does but can we go back to the Nogizaka studio

Shadow opens his wing and goes fly and land in the studio while other are watching them land down on the floor.

Tamura: welcome back Shadow

Shadow: good to be back but not hurt Nagi she is mine

Takemoto: since when has Shadow had someone to take care of

Shadow closes his black wing and gives him some pills for ghost Yakubo.

Shadow: here you go Yakubo

Yakubo: thanks Shadow

Sakura: both of you know each other

Shadow had to leave the studio just to leave the Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46, and Nogizaka46 members.

Nagi: bye nii-chan I will see you soon

Sugawara: eh...? Shadow is your brother Nagi? *shock*

Meanwhile, Shadow had gone back to his mansion and met someone who are there to visit him and it was Kageyama Yuka and she want to take down the mission together with Shadow.

Kageyama: Shadow I hear you that you see Nagi your sister in town today

Shadow: yes I did but why are you here?

Kegayama: I want your buddy's mission like the old time went you attend the Hinatazaka Academy

Back inside the Shadow, we have someone who had come here to see him back in town in the city and it was Inoue Nagi and her friend Sugawara Satsuki.