

I looked at him, his purple veins stood out, pulsing through his body. He seemed to be shaking, but his eyes, too, purple, were fixed on me.

So this is Agony Mode? It looks like a lot of pressure on the body. All this for a raise of how much? 4x?


So, looks like I'll have to match, doesn't it?

Smiling to myself, a wild smile just remembering what it felt like to suddenly become stronger.

My Ki bubbled, and then, blood red Ki exploded with me at its center. Ki circulated in the vacuum as if it were his home. It was hot.

However, with that aura, I felt extreme pain go through my body, it was as if every inch of my being was screaming for help, however, that feeling was thrown back when the adrenaline from the Ki pushed it down.

'So, this is the feeling of using Kaioken without pressure resistance?'

|Akion|PL: 7976|

My voice, however, did not come out. I squeezed my hand, I knew my body was screaming at me in pain, but all of that was drowned out by the feeling I had now. The feeling of getting stronger.

However, I knew that as soon as Kaioken turned off, my body would collapse.

I looked at the alien, and he stared back at me. Even though his scouter was broken in the previous fight, he still felt my fighting power.

He moved his mouth, but no sound came out.

'Heh, what a sucker. We're in a vacuum... I think Frieza accepts anyone these days.'

Resolving not to waste any more time, I fought in earnest this time.

Using Instant Transmission, I appeared beside him instantly, and before he could feel surprise, I kicked him with all my strength back to the planet.

His body flew back like a bullet, hitting the planet quickly, however, his body didn't stop, opening a gigantic crater and going deeper.

I, however, wasted no time, and with the flight, I went towards him, entering the hole he made with his body.

As I got closer, I felt the corners of the planet tremble. We were below the earth's crust, almost in the magma, when a gigantic explosion that I couldn't dodge, enveloped me.

I defended myself with Ki and my arms, but soon I was completely consumed by the explosion.

'That hurts like hell!'

I thought, and when I was finally able to see again, I saw the results of that explosion.

In addition to my body being severely injured, a gigantic cavern with pure magma walls was everywhere.

But I couldn't even slightly adjust to my surroundings before a knee came up against my belly.

However, our powers were level, and that wasn't a speed I couldn't react to.

Holding his knee with his palm, the result of the impact made the wind throw magma in all directions.

However, now, I have rendered its only remaining leg useless.

Moving my telekinesis on his knee, I made his already bulging purple veins burst from so much pressure, which turned his skin quickly purple from his blood.


He screamed, but it wasn't in pain. Rage and agony, I felt his muscles tense, pulse, I knew my telekinesis couldn't go beyond that.

He then turned his palm towards me and a purple Ki beam formed quickly.

This forced me to let go, but before he could launch the beam towards me, I took advantage of the time he couldn't use that leg and I approached quickly, grabbing his charged hand and quickly turning it upwards, I kicked his stomach with all my might. the strength I could muster, making him spit blood.

The beam launched as soon as the strike connected, like a deadly laser, it slashed upward through the earth, opening a ravine the width of the beam.

I then took the opportunity to break his arm that I was already holding, while he struggled to recover.

Punching his elbow, his arm bent at an angle that would have been impossible, and then, I kicked him again in the belly, releasing him to fly towards the wall.

And that's what he did, the impact sent lava spraying in all directions.

I took a breath, tiredness almost taking over my mind and letting the pain be part of the visit.

Fortunately, I had full control.

But, before I could take a breath of air, several Ki Blasts came towards me, like bullets from an assault rifle.

"What the fuck kind of crazy skill is that..."

I wondered, seeing that he was still well enough to do that.

However, I had learned the trick he used on me. Coating my hands with Ki, I slammed against the various Ki Blasts, changing their directions.

Successfully deflecting each Ki Blast, I saw him fly away from where I threw him. His body was worse than mine. Missing one leg, with the other crippled and his left arm broken.

He only had his right arm to attack. But then, I saw something that made me doubt my knowledge of bodies.

His veins bulged even more, his Ki exploded from his body, as he returned to moving his limbs as if nothing had happened.

His muscles bulged slightly, while the veins in his face also bulged even more.

"By Lord Frieza! You won't get the Dragon Balls!"

He yelled angrily.

Seriously? Did he think I want the Dragon Balls? Really, I think Frieza is hiring anyone these days.

"Why such loyalty to someone who probably doesn't even know his name?"

I asked, genuinely interested, but he didn't seem to care as he coughed up a large amount of blood.

This new power however, didn't give him more strength, he was using everything to keep himself level and not die in vain.

"Not going to answer me, huh?..."

I asked, but I saw that it was no longer the time for the conversation. He approached me like a missile, his hand came straight for my face.

He would probably use a Ki Blast at close range, but I wasn't going to let that happen.

Bending my body at an angle that would have been impossible without telekinesis, but it wasn't just to dodge.

Turning my body completely 360 degrees backwards, I dodged his hand at the same time that my feet met his belly, launching him upwards. His body once again flew like a bullet, going through everything and taking him out of the planet.

I used Instant Transmission to surface above him, but just as I was about to attack, my body stiffened and my mouth filled with blood.

My body couldn't handle Kaioken anymore, and my Ki was getting more and more empty.

He didn't let that go, steadiing himself quickly in the air, he turned his hand to my stomach and then, I felt a point-blank Ki Blast, exploding on my skin.

However, I used flight to nullify the force of the blow that would throw me back. Swallowing down the blood, I ignored the pain and stiffness, pushing my body beyond its limits, I slashed him down, and just as my blow sent him crashing to earth again, I brought my hands together.


My Ki spun, another Kamehameha being made. The strength was far beyond what he could handle, the beam was released.

But then, I saw something that again, I didn't expect, as my attack arrived at him, his body suddenly stopped in midair, and then, inflated like a balloon. He moved his hand forward, and a beam met my Kamehameha.

With every second his beam held, his body shrank.

The two beams met, but my Kamehameha was obviously stronger, by a large margin.

"Even using that suicide skill, you won't escape!"

I screamed, my lips bleeding. I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to scream, vent what I was feeling!

My Kamehameha took care of his attack like a snake eating a toad, and then, it got to him. His purple eyes flickered in agony as my attack enveloped him.

However, as soon as that happened, I felt all my strength leave me. My blow faded away as it wrapped around him, and then we both fell out of the air.

His body burned and mine almost completely destroyed. However, I couldn't help but smile.

The results of this battle would be immense.

My body hit the ground at the same time as his. He was practically lifeless. His body withered after his technique, and he was in a situation similar to mine.

Ignoring the impossible pain that wracked my body thanks to mind control, I tried to move.

But moving even an inch was completely impossible. It was even worse than the day I arrived in this world.

It was worse than anything I've ever felt. The Kaioken was deactivated at that time, and the pain got much worse.

It was as if my muscles were breaking over and over again, as if my bones were cracking over and over again.

But... What would become of me in this universe if I couldn't overcome the impossible?!

Go... Body... Move...

I tried to move. First, my finger.

I need to move. Obey me, body!

I screamed in my mind, and my failing body struggled to obey my commands.

Until finally, I managed to move an arm. It was difficult, heavy and extremely painful. I didn't want to do it, honestly I didn't.

I wanted to lie down on the floor. Until I had the energy to heal myself. But that and being weak are the same thing!

I moved, little by little, until eventually I managed to get to my knees, then to my feet. Limping, I walked to where the Alien's body had fallen.

My body screamed with every step. I struggled to hold back a tear, but it wasn't possible. I was new to all of this. My mind was controlled, my emotions however were not.

But I didn't scream, I didn't whimper, I didn't make a sound. I just walked away, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Happiness? Excitement? Pain? A mix of all that?

I didn't know what I felt. I just know that the last thing I said before I fell on top of his dead body was:

"I won."


|Emergency situation. Activating all passive skills.|


A/N: Did you liked the fight? He's learning while fighting. This was clear when he though he won when he broke every part of the body of the enemy, a thought that everyone that isn't an anime/fictional character would thought for the first time.

His mind is still assimilating to his new environment.

Comment what did you think about it and what should i do better! Thank you for reading.