
Saitama in Record of Ragnarok

What if Saitama from one punch man would participate in ragnarok. Saitama is the last fighter of humanity. Will the strongest man in the world be able to defeat the gods? Will he finally find someone who is as strong as he is?

unknow10 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

"Do you know where we are going, Genos?" asked Fubuki.

"Yes, Brunhilde gave me a map," Genos replied. "Don't forget, the Heroes' Association sent us here to gather information."

Genos, Fubuki, King and Bang explored Valhalla, because accompanying Saitama was not the only reason why they had followed him here. The Heroes' Association had commissioned them to gather information about the gods in Valhalla, about their strength, possible weaknesses, their weapons, and their hierarchy. Genos had received another order, he should scan all of Valhalla to find possible points of attack, should there be a war, and they could learn more about this world. In addition, Genos was to watch the battles in order to create a virtual image of the gods with the help of the VGS (Virtual Genocide Simulation) against which the S-class heroes could fight in order to prepare for battle.

Fubuki was unsure, maybe Saitama was right, maybe it was too dangerous for them. Could they really defend themselves if they met one of the gods?

She turned to Genos and said, "I think we should go back, maybe Saitama is right, and this whole thing is way too dangerous for us."

Genos turned to her and replied, "Don't worry, I can reassure you, the stronger gods are all with Zeus right now, and we should be able to handle the weaker ones. Bang and I will protect you if your psychokinetic powers don't work on them, besides, King is with us."

With these words, he was able to calm Fubuki down, and they continued walking. After some time they arrived back at the arena, in front of the arena three gods were standing and talking, one of them noticed them and came towards them. He looked like a mixture of man and animal and towered over them by at least a meter, he stood in front of Genos and the others and blocked their way.

"What are you doing here, mortals?" he asked in a menacing voice. "Actually, you should be in Midgard worshiping us, offering sacrifices and begging us to spare humanity," he continued.

Fubuki was shocked at the god's words, she spat at him and said angrily:

"Something like you doesn't deserve worship!"

The god shouted angrily, "You dare human," and got ready to fight.

The other two gods now turned to them as well, the god standing before them cracked his knuckles and said:

"Let's see how strong you are without that, Saitama."

"Genos and the others have been gone quite a while, don't you think?" asked Saitama.

"Yes, that's strange, they should have been back by now," Brunhilde replied.

"I better check on them, just to make sure nothing happened to them," Saitama replied and left the room.

"To the side, Fubuki," Genos shouted, pointing the palm of his right hand at the god.

Then he shouted:


An explosion followed and for a second Genos thought he had made it, but then they heard the god's laughter. When the smoke cleared, they only saw the god standing there laughing and mockingly saying:

"You idiot, human weapons can't hurt us."

"Does that apply to fists, too," Bang said, punching the god in the face.

He had suddenly appeared in front of the god, Fubuki and the others had not even noticed that he had moved at all. The blow sent the god a few meters through the air, and he hit the ground in front of his two friends.

Bang said, "Water Stream Rock smashing fist," and got ready to fight.

The god slowly stood up again and wiped some blood from his face, the other two gods now approached them as well.

Genos jumped forward next to Bang and said, " I'll take the right, and you take the left!"

"Okay," Bang replied, and they both jumped into the fight.

The god Bang had beaten before took advantage of the chaos, since Bang and Genos were fighting with his two friends, he could go to Fubuki unhindered. He was about to walk towards her when he noticed that someone was blocking his way. It was a man with blond hair and a scar on his face who looked at him grimly.

The god shouted angrily, "Get out of the way! Or you die too."

But the man did not move, he just stood there and continued to look at him grimly. That was enough for the god, and he was getting ready to hit the man when he was distracted by Fubuki.

"This is King the strongest man in the world, he will destroy you," she said.

The god hesitated briefly, that could not be, Heimdall had said that the bald man was the strongest man in the world. So that could not be true.

He lunged and went to punch King, but before his fist could reach King's face, he froze.

"Why can't I move?" he asked, confused.

"Get away from there King, I can't hold him off for long," Fubuki said with an effort.

King had not stopped voluntarily, he had frozen in fear when the god had appeared in front of him. He could flee now, but he didn't want to abandon Fubuki now. So he tried to encourage her:

"Fubuki, listen to me, I believe you can do this. You are stronger than him! You can defeat him!"

Fubuki was motivated by these words. She used all her strength and wanted to go to her limits and break them. The god cried out a cry of pain as his joints began to bend, and his bones began to break.

"Machine gun blow," Genos shouted and gave his opponent several blows at once causing him to fall to the ground in pain, the god quickly recovered and tried to hit Genos, he dodged, and a blade sprang out of his arm, he tried to cut off the god's head but to his surprise the blade broke on his skin.

"Genos," shouted Bang, "This won't work, you can only rely on kicks and punches."

"Understood," Genos replied.

He was about to turn back to the fight when he noticed that someone was pulling on his arm. The god had used the distraction to sneak up on Genos and pull his arm off. Before Genos could stop him, he managed to pull Geno's arm off with a powerful jerk. He thought for a moment he had gained an advantage, but suddenly he was grabbed by the neck. The rocket engine activated on his arm and he was pressed against a wall, then shackles sprang out of his arm and bound him against the wall.

"Target rendered harmless, Genos said, turning away.

Bang, meanwhile, was fighting with another god, and the god tried to hit him, but with his "Water stream Rock smashing fist" he was able to fend off the attacks easily. Finally, he countered one of the blows with a blow to his opponent's jaw, breaking it. The force of the blow threw his opponent into the air and Bang kicked him into a wall. He saw Genos trying to cut off the god's head, but his blade broke in the attempt. He shouted to him that it wouldn't work and that he could only rely on punches and kicks.

Fubuki was still fighting the god and slowly gaining the upper hand, the god was trying to fight the force that was slowly crushing his body, but he was getting weaker and weaker. Through his pain, he did not notice what was happening around him. He had already forgotten about Fubuki and thought the man in front of him was doing this to him. Suddenly he heard a noise, it sounded like a kind of throbbing, if he didn't know better he would have thought it was a heartbeat.

Fubuki said, "This is the King Egine, that means King is ready to fight, now it's your turn."

Now the god was afraid, he knew that if he could not free himself soon, it would be the end of him. So he gathered his last strength and said:

"Do you think it would be that easy to kill me."

With these words, the god began to change, becoming larger and more muscular, and now resembling more of a monster. With his new strength, he managed to free himself from Fubuki's grip, causing her to grab her head in pain and fall down. The god let out a terrifying scream and turned to face King. Bang and Genos turned around, startled, not noticing that the god he had just defeated was getting up again and slowly approaching him. Suddenly, Bang noticed that someone was standing behind him, but it was too late, and he was hit by a blow and thrown against a wall.

"Bang," Genos cried out, startled. But he didn't have much time to think, because the god he had just tied up had managed to break free. The god grabbed the arm and threw it away. On the arm, the rocket engine activated again, and the arm flew back to Genos and reconnected with his body without any problems. The second god who had fought Bang before now also walked towards him. He looked at the other god and said:

"Come on, two of us should have a better chance."

Genos was not really worried, the strongest of these gods was just as strong as the Deep Sea King maybe a little stronger, at the beginning it had taken some getting used to for him, since he was used to using all his weapons in battle. But now he should be able to take them out without any problems. He wasn't worried about Fubuki, King was with her, and he should be able to deal with the god effortlessly. Genos and the two gods were getting ready to fight when they heard a voice behind them.

"Not so fast, we're not done yet." It was Bang, the god stared at him, startled.

"Impossible, I hit him right in the head, how could he still be alive or have recovered so quickly?"

Bang ignored the question and said, "I should thank you, you set my back again, now I can move much better."

The god was quite intimidated by this, but pretended to be unimpressed.

"You're just bluffing, but I have to admit for an old man you took that punch pretty well. But it won't happen again."

With these words, he stormed toward Bang with his fist raised. He looked over at Genos and said:

"I think we should end this now."

Genos nodded and turned to face his opponent. The god had reached Bang and was about to hit him right in the face, but Bang blocked the blow effortlessly and gave the god so many blows at once with the "Water stream Rock smashing Fist" that the god spat blood and immediately fell to the ground unconscious. Meanwhile, the other god tried to hit Genos, but he dodged and gave the god a strong blow to the face, and the rocket engine on his arm activated again, intensifying the effect of the blow and hurling the god through several walls.

The god was now standing right in front of King, the so-called King Egine or as the woman had called it began to speed up. The god hesitated briefly, but decided to kill the man with one blow with all his might. He lashed out and screamed:

"You tried to kill me human, you will pay for that now!"

King saw the huge fist coming towards him, but couldn't move for fear. His heart almost jumped out of his chest, he almost peed himself, but he just decided to close his eyes and wait for death. He knew that Bang and Genos would not save him, because they still thought he was the strongest man in the world and could easily defeat the god, even if he had screamed for help they would probably have thought it was a joke. Well, at least he tried this time and didn't run away like a coward. The last thing he saw before his eyes closed was a white yellow spot moving past his eye and then there was a loud bang. When King opened his eyes again, Saitama was standing in front of him with his fist slightly raised and bloodied. When he looked up further, he saw the god with a large hole in his chest slowly falling backwards. Before the god's body fell over, Saitama had already run to Fubuki, who was still lying on the ground holding her head in pain.

He asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm fine," she replied.

Then Saitama turned to the front to check on Bang and Genos.

The god that Bang had just knocked unconscious slowly regained consciousness, he slowly stood up and saw Genos and Bang turning their backs on him. He took the chance and ran to his partner, whom Genos had knocked through several walls. The latter was still unconscious, and he tried to wake him up. Finally, he managed it and said:

"Are you all right? Damn it, how could this happen."

The other god held his head in pain and replied, "Yes, I'm fine, but since when are humans so strong? We should get the others alone, we don't stand a chance."

"We should wait for the leader first, he is the strongest of us, maybe he can defeat them."

"Yeah you're right."

Meanwhile, Genos and Bang watched as King fought with the leader of the gods.

"Should we intervene," Genos asked.

"No that's King after all, he's stronger than both of us put together, he can handle it," Bang replied.

All of a sudden, they heard a noise behind them and turned around.

They saw the two gods who had regained consciousness in the meantime and tried to sneak away.

"Well look at that, looks like our friends are conscious again," Bang said.

"Maybe we should give them the rest," Genos replied.

One of the gods panicked and tried to talk himself out, "There are more where we came from, if you kill us the others will destroy you."

"We can handle them," Genos countered.

"You may have defeated us, but our leader is the strongest of us, he will destroy you," the other god interfered.

Genos was about to say something back when he heard a loud bang behind him.

Everyone turned around and saw the leader of the gods, it looked like he had gone for a punch, but now he had a huge hole in his chest. The god's body remained still for a moment, then he fell to the ground and King appeared behind him. His face and clothes were bloodied, he made a serious face and stared at them, his fist, which was also bloodied, was slightly raised. That was all it took, the two gods turned and ran as fast as they could.

One of them shouted, "Run, he is also a monster like this baldy."

Genos and Bang turned around, Genos considered for a moment whether to stop them, but then decided against it. Suddenly they heard a voice behind them.

"Genos, old man, are you all right," Saitama called out as he walked toward them.

Genos replied, "Yes, everything is fine master, those three gods stopped us for a moment, but we were able to fight them off without any problems."

"They were still pretty annoying," Bang countered.

"Yes, on the other hand, the whole thing had something good. Even though Brunhilde had already told us that human weapons are ineffective against the gods, I underestimated this ability of the gods, if it had happened to us in the real battle it could have been really dangerous. With me and Flashy Flash it's not that bad, but with heroes like Drive Knight, Metal Bat, Atomic Samurai, Child Emperor and especially Metal Knight it could be a problem. Genos replied.

"You're right again," Bang countered.

"Oh by the way master, did you or King kill the god just now," Genos asked.

Saitama replied, "Wait, that was a god, he looked different from the others, I thought it was one of those monsters behind the big gate."

Genos replied, "That's probably because they are part of another pantheon, perhaps from the Egyptian or Aztec pantheon, these pantheons are known to consist of gods that look like a mixture of humans and animals. I could search the internet for similar images with a picture of the god to find out exactly which pantheon he comes from.

"That is not necessary, Genos," Saitama replied.

"All the religions come from a time before the world became one continent. At that time, the cities did not exist, but something called countries," Genos replied.

Saitama replied, "That's right, I think I heard about that in school."

"Bang, Genos," shouted Fubuki, who was finally back on her feet and running toward the three with King.

"Why did you let them go? You wanted to finish them off. Why did you change your mind?" She asked.

Genos replied, "At first I wanted to eliminate them, but I decided to interrogate them to get more information."

"I wanted to squeeze some more information out of them, too," Bang countered.

"If I had wanted to kill him I would have just hit a little harder, there was no danger at any time, they were at deep sea king level at most. In the past that might have been a problem, but today I'm much stronger. However, at that moment it was the best decision to let them go, you saw how scared they were, they will advise the other gods better not to mess with us."

Fubuki nodded in agreement, "I guess that was the right decision."

Meanwhile, King turned to Saitama: "Saitama good to see you, that was a nice speech about how people can change, but couldn't you have come up with a better metaphor for the training. Maybe from an anime or a manga."

Saitama replied annoyed, "That wasn't a metaphor,"sigh" never mind, come let's go back so Brunhilde can take you back to earth. Looks like I was right, it's just too dangerous for you here, this time they might have been weak opponents, but the stronger gods could hurt you badly. Especially if Genos can only use some of his powers."

They were about to leave when Geno's mobile phone started ringing.

He said, "Ah, that's my phone, I should answer it."

"Your phone? How can you have reception here?" asked Fubuki.

"This is not a normal cell phone, Brunhilde gave it to me. People seem to use some kind of cell phone here too-one I have and the other Mumen Rider has."

"Mumen Rider? The bicycle rider?" asked Fubuki.

"Yeah, that's the one," Genos replied, taking the call.

On the screen appeared Mumen Rider, who seemed to be riding a bicycle.

"Hello Genos, how are things going with you, did you find Saitama?"

"Yes, I am here," Saitama replied.

"Hey Saitama good to see you, sorry I can't be there. But you know no rest for the wicked, I must always be vigilant. I would never forgive myself if while I was away someone was attacked by a monster and I couldn't help them because I was away in another dimension."

"Don't worry, you didn't miss anything," Saitama replied.

"But at least I didn't miss it all, Genos sent me a recording, of the motivational speech."

"You recorded this, Genos," Saitama asked.

Genos replied, "Of course master, I record everything you say."

"If you're recording everything, why are you still writing it down," he asked.

"For safety master, what if my records are lost, their words must be preserved for posterity," Genos replied.

At that moment, Saitama just wanted to shout Geno's name in annoyance, but instead he just said:

"Don't give me that Genos, people are going to get the wrong idea about me."

"But it was a nice speech," Mumen Rider tried to lighten the mood.

"I have to agree," Fubuki said. "But he really could have come up with something more believable for his workout, like 10,000 push-ups with one arm or 90,000 push-ups with just one thumb."

"Or 1-100 trillion sit-ups in a few seconds," King added.

"And even that wouldn't be enough to justify his absurd strength," Fubuki replied.

"If you all think my training is so easy, then do it yourself," Saitama retorted angrily.

"I believe you," Mumen Rider replied. "Maybe I'll start doing push-ups, too."

Suddenly a cry for help was heard in the background, Mumen Rider steered his bike in another direction and said:

"Looks like I'm needed, I gotta go."

With these words, he hung up. Saitama and the others went back to Brunhilde.

She greeted them by saying, "Here you are at last, what took you so long?"

"We were attacked by three gods, but we were able to fight them off," Genos explained.

Brunhilde replied, "Oh, that's annoying, I hope you got rid of them."

Genos replied, "Yes, they will tell the others how strong humanity is now, that will reduce the likelihood of them actually attacking us."

Brunhilde nodded in agreement, "You might be able to scare off the weaker gods with that, but it won't work on Zeus."

Genos replied, " That's unfortunately true, but the more gods we can scare off, the fewer soldiers he'll end up with."

"True again," Brunhilde replied. "Then let us set out for Midgard."

With these words, she opened a portal into Saitama's apartment. A short time later, everyone found themselves back in their actual bodies.

Brunhilde looked around the apartment a bit, on a small bookshelf she spotted a photo of a handsome young man with short black hair. She turned to Genos and asked:

"Who is that?"

Genos replied, "This is Master Saitama before he lost his hair."

Brunhilde looked puzzled at Saitama who was squatting on the floor and picking his nose with his little finger.

Then she said, "You wouldn't recognize him at all."

Fubuki looked at her mobile phone and said, "Oh, I'd better go now, my sister has called me several times."

"Your sister," Brunhilde asked. "The little green-haired girl with the anger issues."

"She scared me," Göll interjected.

"Yeah, she can be really annoying," Genos countered.

"But you're no better," Brunhilde replied.

"Yes you tried to blow us up twice, have you forgotten that already," shouted Göll.

"I had already apologized for that," Genos countered.

"That doesn't make it any better," replied Göll

Fubuki replied with a smile, yes, she can be obnoxious sometimes. That's why I'd better go now."

With these words, she left the apartment.

Brunhilde turned to Saitama, "I think we should go back."

Saitama nodded in agreement, Brunhilde opened another portal, and they went back to Valhalla.

"If this keeps up, we won't have to enter the Volund," Göll said cheerfully.

"Don't get too excited," Brunhilde replied. "If it does come to the battle for Midgard, you will have to enter into the Volund with one of the heroes."

"But why," asked Göll. "Now that Saitama is here, no one can be dangerous to us."

Brunhilde replied, "Don't underestimate Zeus, Saitama is strong, maybe stronger than him, but I haven't seen anything from him yet that indicates he can match Zeus' speed. Even though I wish he could, Saitama's victory is not yet set in stone. Zeus is the only god I would trust to be dangerous to Saitama."

Göll replied, "And what about you, will you enter Volund?"

Brunhilde nodded, "Yes I will, but only last, I want to strike the final blow against the gods."

Göll replied angrily, "Why do you get to have the highest chance of survival, that everything here is largely your fault. Our sisters wouldn't have had to die if you had done your job right from the beginning and chosen the right fighters. If you had found Saitama earlier, none of this would have happened. Besides, some of the S-class heroes certainly had better chances of victory than the fighters you chose."

Brunhilde replied calmly but with an angry undertone: "First, it is difficult and actually forbidden to bring living humans here, bringing Genos and the others here was a big risk the cyborg was willing to take and Saitama is an exception. Secondly, the fighters I selected are not necessarily worse, they are about similar in strength to the S class. I couldn't take the strongest of the S-class, Blast was in another dimension the whole time, nothing is known about King's strength and the green-haired dwarf is too impulsive and uncontrollable, plus her powers are weakened when she gets hit in the head. Sure I could have chosen some fighters better for example the blond ninja for example, also I tried to recruit Bang's student, but he turned into a monster and when I finally could ask him he refused and said he won't fight anymore. But overall it wasn't a bad selection and Saitama, come on did you seriously expect me to believe that skinny bald idiot in a ridiculous costume is the strongest man in the world."

"You know I'm still here, right?" she interrupted Saitama.

"Sorry, nothing personal," she apologized.

"How am I supposed to not take that personally," Saitama countered.

She continued, "If even half of the rumors about him were true, it could have been that he is in fact a god, or at least a demigod working for the enemy."

Göll retorted even angrier, "You can save those excuses, you've been preparing for Ragnarok for decades, you've had more than enough time to check him out. If you really cared about our sisters, you would have put up with this effort."

No sooner had Goell uttered the words than Brunhilde slapped her hard in the face, knocking her to the ground.

"You do what you're told, you got that!"

Göll tearfully replied, "Then tell me why this fight is so important to you, because helping humans is all well and good, but why do you prefer them to us? There are billions of them but only thirteen of us, for the people thirteen fighters are no great loss, especially if only half of them die, but we could have all died. Yet you sacrificed them all without even thinking about it for a second. I've never known you to be so selfless, or is it something else entirely?"

Brunhilde retorted angrily, "It doesn't matter why you are fighting, I am the oldest and therefore your leader, you do as I say."

"And what if I refuse," Göll countered.

Brunhilde raised her hand and wanted to slap her again, but before she could do that her arm was held, she turned her head in the direction and caught sight of Saitama holding her arm.

She hissed angrily at him, "Don't get involved, this is a family matter, it's none of your business."

Saitama stared at her, his face more serious than usual, and she could detect a note of anger in his otherwise bored face.

Then he said, "I think you and I should have a talk:"

Brunhilde realized that she had no choice, she looked angrily at Göll once more and said:

"Do you want our sisters to have died in vain, that this plan we've been working on for so long should fail because of our weakest and most cowardly sister, You're right I made a mistake, I should have sacrificed you in the first round, the others would at least have been useful, then you wouldn't be a millstone now."

"I hate you," Göll screamed and ran away crying.

"Wait, Göll, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Brunhilde called after her, regretting her words. She wanted to run after her, but Saitama held her by the arm and pulled her outside.

When they left the room, Saitama loosened his grip and Brunhilde was able to break free.

"So, what do you want from me?" she asked, annoyed.

They went to the edge of the arena floor and sat down. From there, you could see the battlefield.

Saitama said, "Don't you think you overreacted a bit."

Brunhilde replied annoyed: "What is your problem, she has gone against our goals and for that I have punished her. She must learn that in war one must also make sacrifices, the sooner she learns that the better. Yes, I admit I exaggerated a bit in the end, but she was also pretty mean."

Saitama replied, "But you can't tell a little kid to sacrifice himself."

Brunhilde replied, "Little kid, don't be deceived by her appearance. She is over 1800 years old, more than 72 times your age. She is old enough! Anyway, how dare you tell me about responsibility, I bet you don't even remember my name. So what is my name again?"

At first Saitama did not answer, Brunhilde said, annoyed:

"I thought so," and was about to leave.

Then Saitama answered : "I think I remember again. It was Hippolyta."

Brunhilde replied confused, "What no, how do you even think that. I am a Valkyre not an Amazon."

"I'm pretty sure that's the same thing," Saitama countered.

"And I'm pretty sure it's not the same," Brunhilde countered.

Saitama replied, "But one is the Greek variety and the other is the Nordic variety."

"And how do you know that," Brunhilde replied.

"When we were in my apartment just now, Genos printed out a long text about different mythologies." Saitama replied.

"And you read that one all the way through".

Saitama replied uncertainly, "Yes, well at least the headlines."

Brunhilde replied sarcastically, "Well, that's almost the same thing."

"Oh, and I saw a superhero movie once when I was a kid, and it was also about an Amazon."

Brunhilde answered irritably, "For your information, we Valkyries are powerful demigods, Amazons are some women Zeus gave powers for his amusement and abandoned on some island. Seriously, what's wrong with your memory, you should see a doctor."

She continued, "Don't take Goell so seriously, she needs the attention, she likes to exaggerate sometimes. You should be more worried about Zeus, if he wins he would do unspeakable things to us. You don't want that, do you? I mean, I would survive such torture, but Göll wouldn't last a week. Therefore, you should finally understand that we are at war, and turn off your morals at least until the end of Ragnarok. And erase Zeus and all his followers from existence with one blow. Besides, I've heard that Zeus can destroy the universe, so you shouldn't hold back. So if you have nothing else to tell me."

With these words, she stood up and was about to leave when Saitama suddenly called after her:

"Wait, why were you so angry and dodged the question when Göll questioned your reasons? Why do you want to be the one to strike the final blow against the gods and watch their downfall? Ever since the battle against Buddha, you've been trying to convince me not to hold back and kill all the gods without batting an eye because they're all evil."

Brunhilde went on and didn't even turn around when she answered the question: "I've already told you, in war you have to make sacrifices, your morals only get in the way, they could cost you your head someday. Besides, his name was Shiva, Buddha is on our side. Believe me, my only goal is to give humanity a chance to free itself from the control of the gods."

Saitama replied, "No, the way you said it and you get angry or change the subject when asked your reasons. I don't think you do all this just to help mankind, your hatred for the gods is personal."

At these words, Brunhilde suddenly stopped. Her voice became much more serious and one could detect a tone of anger in it, "This is none of your business! Do you understand!"

"So I'm right," Saitama countered.

"Looks like you've seen trough me." Brunhilde replied.

"That wasn't so hard either," Saitama interrupted her.

"Anyway, yes you're right, my original motive for all this was revenge, but that doesn't mean I don't want to help people. I'm impressed, you really recognized that just from those two things."

Saitama replied, "Yeah, also, during my fight with Shiva, you put on such an innocent smile and laughed wickedly, as if you enjoyed seeing the gods suffer. The same as when you told me after the fight that the gods are afraid now, you also laughed so funny."

"Yes, that might have been a little flashy," Brunhilde replied thoughtfully. "But I don't quite understand what you mean by smiling innocently?"

"Well, the way you smiled in the stands, Jack-O-Lantern Panic a ninja I met smiled something like that when he tried to kill me."

"I don't think you understand the meaning of the word innocent, is his name really Jack-O-Lantern Panic that's a stupid name, are you sure that's his name?"

"I think so, or something like that. But that doesn't matter now, you're already diverting from the topic again."

"Yeah ok, I'm doing this for revenge, so what! What does it matter, if you don't fight, then they will destroy humanity. So just destroy them, you become a hero and save humanity and I get my revenge, it's a win-win situation. What's the problem with that?"

"The problem with that is that it would mean you sacrificed your sisters for your own personal revenge."

"As I said before, sacrifices must be made in war. My hatred is their hatred, my revenge is their revenge."

"That doesn't make sense, did they even know about what happened to you and why you wanted to get revenge."

"No of course not, Göll said we've been planning this for decades, but actually we've been planning this for centuries, but back then there just weren't enough fighters, so we had to wait. At first, I had to convince the others, but in the end they agreed. "

"What happened to you back then, anyway?" Asked Saitama

Brunhilde replied unkindly, "I've already told you that it's none of your business, I haven't told anyone about it yet."

"And what about your sisters, do you think they deserved to die just because you can't control your pain and anger."

"My original reason was revenge, but that doesn't change the real reason why people should free themselves from the gods. The gods have been abusing their power for ages, after all they have done to me and many others, they deserve to die. Do you even know what Zeus alone did to people because he was angry or wanted a woman. How can you still protect him."

She almost cried at the last words. Saitama replied:

"I don't excuse his actions, but that doesn't mean you have to be just as evil, it doesn't excuse your own actions."

"All I wanted was to free humanity from the control of the gods. Yes, it was mostly revenge, but I also wanted to prevent something like that from ever happening again. I knew from the beginning that not all of us would survive, it was a necessary sacrifice. Zeus has his pawns and I have mine."

"So now they're just pawns to you, maybe Göll was right, did you even love them?"

"Yes, you're right, I put all our lives at risk, but for the greater good it was worth it, I as their leader decided that. It is true that if I had known earlier that you existed they would not be dead now, but as long as we win in the end they did not die in vain. It doesn't matter if you can understand my actions, you still have to keep fighting or humanity will be destroyed. So you should finally take this seriously and kill Zeus, or it could be the end of you, and if you lose my sisters and all the other fighters would have died for nothing."

"You are right I will stop Zeus, and he will pay for all his actions, but you were just as bad as him, just because you are their leader doesn't mean you can just sacrifice them for your personal goals. A leader has to take responsibility for his actions, at the moment I think even Göll would have been a better leader. Your excuses make no sense, my hatred is their hatred, they didn't even know what happened to you. You betrayed their trust and made them go along with your plan, and then you sacrificed them all for your revenge. I don't know what happened to you, and you refuse to tell me, but it doesn't justify dragging innocent people into it."

"I already told you that I don't care if you can understand my actions."

"If you say so," Saitama replied.

"And what are you going to do now?". Asked Brunhilde.

"Oh I, nothing like you said this is a family matter, I just hope for your sake that in a few years after this is all over you can look in the mirror and tell yourself it was all worth it."

"Are you going to tell Göll or Hrist."

"I think you have to do that yourself, and then you can only hope that one day they will forgive you. You are fortunately immortal."

Then, without another word, they both went back into the room. Goell sat crying in a corner, but before either of them could do anything, Hrist rushed in and shouted, "I have disturbing news."

Then she saw Göll sitting in the corner crying and Saitama and Brunhilde avoiding each other and asked puzzled:

"Did I miss anything?"

"Nothing important," Brunhilde replied. "What disturbing news?"

Hrist replied, "I don't know how to explain it. This morning, word got out that some gods disappeared, and then Saitama's next opponent was announced."

Brunhilde replied, puzzled, "What's going on, who's his next opponent?"

Hrist replied, "I don't know what to say, actually it should be impossible."

Suddenly they heard voices from outside, Brunhilde walked past Hrist and said:

"It's ok, they seem to be announcing it right now, I'll take a look myself."

Saitama followed her outside, while Hrist walked towards Göll.

When Saitama arrived outside, Brunhilde was already standing at the railing, staring down in horror.

Saitama asked, "What's wrong?"

But she didn't take in at all, she just continued to stare down in horror and disbelief and said:

"That's impossible."

I'm really sorry that the chapter is only coming out now, but I've been really busy lately. When I started writing the chapter, I thought it was going to be the shortest chapter since Chapter 1, but it turned out to be the longest. Otherwise, have fun with the next chapter.

unknow10creators' thoughts