
Sage unit

Saddened by the death of his father, Arthur makes a vow to never be weak again so that he can save those close to him, follow his journey to become a mage with his friends and the exciting adventures that follow before he becomes a true sage. #fantasy.......#sage...#awesome.....#family

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 - purge!!

The three remained still watching each other. Then as the seconds ticked away Merlin was the first to act.

"Inceneratòr" he said and swinging his sword down, huge waves of flames began moving towards Dante.

"you've chosen wisely, it would take both of you to even stand a chance against me " he said out loud startling some members of the Order as they we're yet to see him fight.

"Blaze dragon kin -imbue" Dante shouted, and in an instant his entire body was covered with crimson flames of his own blocking that of Merlin.

The flames blazed on spiralling round him, until it stopped abruptly revealing what lay inside.

The person who emerged from the flames was infact still Dante, just that he was now different.

He was now clad in a crimson red scaly armour, which flaunted a dragon crest on its chest piece, as well as gold flares forming a pattern around the entire armour, his sheath was not left out, as it also became dyed with a few gold accents here and there.

"At least try not to loose too early, i still need the practice " he said in a spine chilling tone and what could be described as a dull expression on his face.

He dashed towards Merlin, dodging all incoming fire waves and in turn responding with flames of his own which we're in no doubt superior to Merlin's.

On reaching him, he unsheathed his sword and sent a vertical slash, hoping to split merlin in half.

Suddenly a third sword cloaked in lightning stopped the other two mid slash

" I hope you all haven't forgotten about me " Arthur said with a smile on his face

"Get out of here you pest, you aren't worth my time, it is he I want " Dante yelled as he kicked Arthur to the side literally

" Oh really " Arthur said slowly getting up as he was in pain from the kick to his torso

" Lightning style -2nd rage - Sonic Clap"

The sonic clap was a rage technique, which is basically a combination of two rings of the same nature, in this instance, it was a combination of the speed abilities of the sonic dash ring and the disorienting capabilities of the thunder clap ring.

He dashed towards them with full speed as streaks of lightning glowed and flowed throughout him, on reaching them, he started circling them and with his thunder claps, their ability of perception began failing little by little.

"ahhh.. What the hell is this, I can't even think and my ear feels as though its about to pop any second now " Dante thought to himself

" seems like I will be helping you after all Arthur" Merlin said and began chanting

" really?.. I was wondering when you'd join in " Arthur replied still running at break neck speed round them.

" Magic style - 2nd ring - zoom est" Merlin said and immediately he began moving as a blur as he tried to match Arthur's movements with his own, further increasing the potency of the thunder claps making Dante go almost insane as he was now bleeding from his ears

" Arthur, let's finish this, use your legacy incarnation " Merlin shouted

"Ok, but you begin first so my incarnation does not consume too much runes" he replied

"Ok then - Magic style - 4th ring - Thundera " he chanted, and out of nowhere bright yellow streaks of lightning could be found everywhere, even forming a coating around his body.

" Now Arthur " Merlin shouted

" lightning style - legacy incarnation " as he said this words, Arthur transformed into pure energy, as his body took on the look of an orb with bright blue sparks emanating from its centre. He moved effortlessly through Merlin's lightning, and even absorbed some for his own in order to increase his power output

" combined ring - echoing thunder " they both shouted, as Arthur's now radiant orb- like body impaled Dante's armour, bringing him to his knees.

Blood flowed from Dante's mouth causing him to cough and spit out some more.

"You think that alone is enough " Dante said getting up and wiping the blood from his face.

Arthur released his legacy incarnation, as he and Merlin stood there panting, due to their over excessive runic depletion

" how is he still standing? " Arthur asked still trying to catch his breath

" it must be his armour "

" what do you mean? "

" while you were using your sonic clap to bombard him, I noticed that it affected his body but not his armour, regular armour would have shattered due to all those vibrations but his remained intact and whats more, it seems his armour gets tougher after every hit, due to the constant rise of his runic flow around it" Merlin finished his analysis with his eyes still fixated on Dante.

"So how do we beat him? "

" well, it seems like he is using an insane amount of runes just to keep the armour active, so if we can over load it with a repetitive ring, but something stronger than thunder clap.... a lot stronger " he answered

" Then I know just the ring for that " Arthur replied getting into a fighting stance

"Lightning style -5th ring - purge"

" Merlin, keep him busy, I need some time for purge to charge up " Arthur said while holding his sword out with his two hands outstretched infront of him, he just stood there with his eyes closed, concentrating.

His blade began to give off an ominous glow and soon after, streaks of lightning began building up from the centre of the blade at a speedy pace

" Don't worry, I've got your back, just don't take too long" Merlin replied also taking up his own fighting stance.

" how pitiful, you really think you alone will be enough to distract me, I must say you underestimate me too much " Dante spat with a smile on his face as he too drew our his sword, ready for a clash.

" Magic style - 1st rage - Icarus inceneratòr"

The magic rings ignus Icarus utilised the wind element in the users surroundings, allowing him to perform different variations of wind attacks, while the incenratòr, gave the user fire control.

When combined, in terms of destructive power, it was one of Merlin's strongest rages

" let's see whose flames are stronger " Merlin said with a barrage of different crescent shaped flames directed at him

These flames we're stronger and even faster than before, prompting Dante to react quickly

"Dragon style - Blaze dragon kin - Dragon breath"

He chanted, and took in a deep breath, then when Merlin's flames we're halfway from him he shot out a huge fireball from his mouth, towering his own height

It soared through the sky and collided with Merlin's flame slashes, causing a huge explosion.

The loud bang resounded in the arena, making everyone stare at the large wave of smoke that followed.

After seconds of silence a blue light was seen fluctuating in the smoke, getting ever stronger as the seconds passed.

" Merlin, I'm ready " a shout was heard

" Magic style - 5th ring - Ignus Icarus " using the wind currents of the ring, he slashed his sword and in doing so sent a large gust of smoke towards Dante, in order to obscure his vision

"Now!! Go!! " he shouted

Arthur dashed through the arena with incredible speed, even making Akila squint her eyes while watching, mostly due to the smoke screen.

He covered their distance within a blink of an eye and proceeded to slash Dante

" Haven't you learnt, you can't do anything while my armour is on, are you too foolish to even realise that" he mocked with a clear smile on his face, not even caring to block the strike.

Arthur simply ignored him and instead shouted the words that ended the fight

"PURGE!! "