
Sage unit

Saddened by the death of his father, Arthur makes a vow to never be weak again so that he can save those close to him, follow his journey to become a mage with his friends and the exciting adventures that follow before he becomes a true sage. #fantasy.......#sage...#awesome.....#family

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter 3 - Lightning style

" silence" a voice shouted, shutting up the louse murmurs and in distinct chatter amongst the lower rings.

" you all would most likely fail, this is just to see who can last longer, even if its just a millisecond" Sinbad said, reassuring them of their failures.

" now form a single line " Sinbad roared, releasing them from their earlier delirium , as they did as told.

No one was keen on standing at the front of the line, or even in second place, so they struggled and pushed until eventually Arthur was pulled to the front since he gave no resistance whatsoever.

" Ahh!, Asake, look your son seems to be starting first, let's see if he even lasts half a second " Agamemnon jokingly said, putting a hand over Ember's shoulder, to keep himself from fainting due to hysteria, while Asake stared daggers into his sons eyes, unfazed by Agamemnon's ridicule.

Akila simply walked in Arthur's opposite direction, creating distance between them all while motioning for the others to also give way.

" now then, as vice chairman of this event, I shall count down the battle ' Agamemnon said as he raised his sword in the air.




"Fight" he shouted, with the sound of his blade cutting through air reverbing throughout the arena.

Immediately he said that, the two opponents disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, aka was seen heading towards the order.

All the other rings were confused, only her comrades were unfazed.

" it took you a whole second Akila, did he really last that long or were you just toying with him" Intake commented, looking zoned out as usual, no even paying attention to their match.

But before she could respond, a voice spoke behind her.

" where are you going aunty, are you conceding already" this was none other than Arthur who was slightly confused, as within that split second they had let loose on each other, with a barrage of strikes and slashes but she had started walking towards the rings when they weren't done,.

" How the hell-" Agamemnon and virtually all the other rings where shocked tout of their minds, even Asake was sweating.

Inake just stood there looking at a rock and fiddling with it.

" it seems we underestimated him, he does have incredible potential" he said.

"Do u accept defeat aunty? " Arthur asked in a confused state still wondering how she would accept defeat so easily without unleashing a single ring.

" No, I'm sorry, I was just distracted, can we continue" of course she just said that as to not give away her inability to end him.

"Ok, but aunty - can we go slower this time, cause I don't think they can see us when we fight, isn't this supposed to be educative and they can't learn anything if we fight at light speed" Arthur said with an innocent look on his face oblivious to all around him.

" yes, I see your point, ok i'll slow down a bit" she looked towards Agamemnon.

" I'll allow it" Agamemnon said.

They stood once again steady for the next round.




" fight" Agamemnon shouted once again with his natural vigour.

" light style - 1st ring - light speed " Akila said out only a tiny portion of her sword as it was still sheathed, then suddenly her sword gave off an ominous glow which signified that she had unleashed one of her rings.

While on the opposite end, Arthur smiled before saying.

" Lightning style - 6th ring - sonic dash" he too had his sword partially sheathed in place same as Akila.

They stood for seconds with a firm grip on their swords as they took a dashing stance, ready to charge forward.

Then suddenly a certain glow resonated from Akila's body as she still held tightly to her stance.

On the other hand, streaks of lightning were seen engulfing Arthur, as they finally took one step, dashing forward at break neck speed, each creating a crater in the wake of their step.

At first, all anyone could see we're streaks of lightning colliding withing lines of light, but after a few clashes the streaks bounced off each other in opposite directions.

" lightning style - 1st rage - lightning dash" with his eyes locked on Akila, he quickly dashed to her position.

Now, their movements where somewhat clearer for the eye to see, although there were a few blurs every now and then.

" as expected., only a lightning rings speed can rival that of a light's, but it seems he isn't well versed in his art" zelius commented.

Arthur sighe, all his attempts at landing a decisive blow we're completely hindered by akila's otherworldly reflexes. He stopped and began panting, trying to conserve his energy for another barrage. He couldn't understand what was happening, although he could see her movements, he had to focus completely and in turn there was just no beating her at sword play.

" it seems like I'll have to use it this early " he pondered, but before he could complete his train of thought, Akila shouted.

"Light style - 3rd ring - blinding light "

With that she struck her sword on the ground and immediately a shine sprung up from the ground blinding everyone also giving off intense heat.

Seconds later the shine settled and a blurred figure of Arthur was seen lying motionless on the ground.

" The winner is Akila " Agamemnon said, still a bit confused since he rarely saw her use her other rings, usually, light speed alone, was enough to defeat any foe.

Arthur soon began yo gain consciousness, hearing the results of the match.

He stood up and gave a deep bow saying " Thanks aunty, you have really made my day"

The act led the other rings to believe that she wasn't all that fast and she had also been going easy on him,. The thought boosted their confidence, making some even struggle for the front position once more.

" now Arthur, move over to the right, you pass " Agamemnon said with a half baked smile.

" I.. I, passed" Arthur thought in confusion, then he remembered that the test wasn't to win, rather it was to last long enough, by that logic, he had already won even before they began the second battle.

" next ring - introduce yourself and your ring" Agamemnon barked.

" uh - um - my name is Ujiro Demi, and I am a tornado ring" he said as fast as he could with a salute.

" take your places" Agamemnon said

The after after a short while, he shouted




" fight!! "

Demi wasted no time as he quickly activated on of his rings.

" Tornado style - 3rd ring - swaying gale"

Beginning with a large downward strike which spawned multiple variations of wind currents all round the target, spinning at great speed, making them loose their footing and become disoriented.

The other rings spectating had to shift back more, as all the wind currents began converging, making it more powerful.

Then suddenly, everything stopped ; the wind currents disappeared and an unconscious demi was seen on the floor.

By now the other rings thought nothing of it, that is of course until unlike Arthur, Demi didn't wake up.

Then it hit them, maybe she wasn't being soft and maybe just maybe Arthur was truly that fast. This realization was affirmed by Agamemnon next words.

" Demi, move to the left, you fail "

Then looking at Inake, he asked

" how long? "

"One -tenth of a second " was his reply.

Then he shifted his gaze to the next ring and asked the same question.

" I am Merlin Blade, and I'm a spell ring" Merlin spoke as he took his stance.


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