
Sage unit

Saddened by the death of his father, Arthur makes a vow to never be weak again so that he can save those close to him, follow his journey to become a mage with his friends and the exciting adventures that follow before he becomes a true sage. #fantasy.......#sage...#awesome.....#family

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Chapter- 2 Rites Of Passage

Arthur woke up mere minutes before dawn, feeling very relaxed. He laid on his bed for a while since he wasn't in too much of a rush, because the rites began at first light.

After his dad had told him what transpired during the meeting with regard to the rites, he wasn't at all enthusiastic as so many would have been when told that the were embarking on a journey which would forever define change their status as being confirmed official rings of the order.

Arthur's father- Asake was a bit surprised by this but he put it out of his mind when he remembered that as far back as he could walk, Arthur never really talked to anyone without being asked to, his only company being his two friends Rick and Merlin with whom he felt at ease with ; sometimes the trio would venture into the forest together and train, sharpening their rings day by day.

Arthur soon got up from his bed which was from am erection of bamboo, bound together by strings. sloucher to his feet increasing in length bit by bit until he reached his peak height of five foot eight, not a towering size but still more than enough to match his physique.

He yawned and did a few stretches after which he proceeded to a series of odd poses; such as holding his right leg up to his head with his right hand and then bending back slowly with his left feet not moving as he bent backwards.

Another was a stance which he made by bending backwards again but this time he grabbed his left foot while still in his bent position and then he began dragging his left heel until the back of his head touched the small of his back, all while supporting his entire body weight with nothing but his right feet which remained planted on the ground.

When he was done he focused his attention on his mirror mounted beside his bed on the wall of his all hut which itself was made of interwoven strips of bamboo for the walls, a tall supporting pillar at the center of the hut and finally roofing sheets made of rafia leaves and hard wood to keep him warm.

At the youthful age of 17, his skin was a pale orange tone with well developed tri and biceps . His hair was a lush black cut short on strands touching his shoulders he gently traced his hands through his hair straightening it.

His eyes held a light but obvious hue of blue which seemed more like a shine the more I've looked into it and his pupils were also laced with a few ominous streaks of a deeper shade is blue than it's outer rim. His face was neither round nor flat as some would say, rather the muscles on his face kept it stunning and sharp.

He wore just a loose shirt and a boxer short which were apparently his night wear. After checking for noticeable signs of fatigue, he went into his bathroom which was a measly 20 steps westwards of his position. He quickly had his bath in what seemed like a shack, with a bamboo faucet connected to their stream.

He patted himself down with his towel and soon got dressed; his clothes for the day were a blur vest with black accents of a dragon encasing it, coupled with a pair of black trousers alongside some black boots and his sword sheath bound to his waist , he let his hair relax as he had long since been combing to perfection.

On getting out of the hut, the cool morning breeze gently brushed past his face, still at his door, he took a deep breath before he began his long stride towards the clifftop where the rites were to be held.

His village which was located at the south end of Keshnia was a scenery explosion of nature, ranging from tall trees to short shrubs, majestic petals, waterfalls and even a view which showcased a large distribution of lands with mountains, pasture and wildlife.

He jogged for a short five minutes before getting to the door of the cliff, upon which he dashed vertically upwards with nothing but placing one foot in front of the other.

After about 15 seconds, he reached the clifftop. The view from up there was simply magnificent, the clouds were now only a few feet above the ground and he could clearly see their puff exterior as well as their condensed interior.

Turning back, he strode onto the entrance of the forest where to be held noticing a free of his peers, who wore similar clothes as his although with different designs. This was because the dragon symbol drawn through out his vest was a sign that he belonged to the pendragon clan, a clan whose legacy encompasses the great Blaze Dragon one of the most powerful Runic gods to mention another vest was that whose symbol was that of the Vermillion Viper which annie wore with pride.

After about two minutes of walking the order appeared from a dark seigul on the ground, stunning most of the people around them.

" You are all welcome to this year's rites of passage" Asake greeted with his hands raised and a broad smile on his face.

" for generations our ancestors have used the rites as a means to guide future ring leaders while also strengthening their legacies to the ancient Runic gods which founded our society; I employee you all to try your very best and may your rings pave the path to your victory" Asake finished as he was not only the leader of the order but also the master of ceremony for the rites of passage.

" as you all know, this is a test which will push you to your limits and as such you are advised to display the full extent of your powers, because any short comings in your technique will leave you discarded" this time it was Agamemnon who spoke since he was the second in command, standing at Asake's right hand.

" Today's test is that of speed, all of you are to proceed to the arena at once to begin" Ember spoke and began heading towards the arena while the others trailed behind her.

As Arthur began walking, he made a quick head count of everyone present, minus of course the order, focusing more on his possible opponents. In all they were only ten, excluding the afore mentioned and himself.

As they reached the arena, Bane who was at the front halted bringing everyone to a stop, and as they craned their necks sideways to see past him, they were greeted by the sight of a large expanse of land tucked away in the forest. The clearing was really big, spanning an unexpecting 200m in diameter.

Bane stood at the entrance which was just a huge stone slab on the centre of the footpath, dividing the trail into two gates. He and the rest of the order took a side while the rest took the other.

On entering the clearing, Arthur felt a tingle, which he attributed to being over anxiety, as he had never been to this part of the forest before. Then on looking up, he noticed a translucent barrier enveloping the arena.

" The rights of passage, has hereby begun, each if you will be tested with the almost impossible job of lasting two seconds against Akila" Bane stated, and was immediately greeted by gasps from the other rings.

Akila stepped forward out of the order's countenance, a stern look on her face, with only three words in mind.

" don't kill him".


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