
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

C36 - A Brother's dream

Telling her about how it was going to change the fate of the Swis Serpent Tribe for the better.

"Are you still with me little sister, I know you will definitely hate me right now but you will understand soon why I did what I did, and by the way how old are you?" He asked but received no response which made him only angry.

He released his Aura making Sephie shake in fear "Am 15" she replied immediately, the pressure was becoming too much for her body to handle.

"See, it good to reply when asked a question, hummmm... 15," He said drumming his fingers on the table as he continued to think "Sister, I have two options for you, and I would like you to think about it very carefully,

Since you will be going through the Awakening Process in a few days, you will have to choose one of these options, 1 I will marry you off to one of my friends far away from here, far away from this continent where you will live the rest of your life in peace and never come back,

2, You will join my Warriors, where you will learn how to fight, how to defend yourself, and when I march to conquer the other Tribes that surround us, you will stand by my Side, I will even give you more details" He said as he got up from his sit and hung a talisman on the door before proceeding back to his sit.

"Sister, I will be honest with you since you are my Blood, what I did years ago still haunts me till today, do you think I hate Father and Mother to the extent of killing them" he asked his sister to which she simply nodded her head.

"I know you might think so, but I don't, it's the Vampires I hate, I don't just hate them, I despise them, I want to see them burn, but I can't do that while in Exile, I wrote to him countless times telling him that I had found help,

People who had the means to help us with our Vampire problem, I managed to form a connection with one of the Nobles in the Werewolf Empire,

They will provide us with the weapons needed to destroy any Vampire that dares attack us, but he denied my attempt, claiming it as one of my tricks to get rid of him,

So with the help of the wolves, I gathered 150,000 exiled Naga Warriors or Lamia that were too sick of being a food stock for the Vampire and we trained under the Wolfs, gathering our strength,

Then I sent word to Father that I had acquired a total number of 150,000 Warriors and if he just accepted me back into the Tribe, after a few years with the weapons the wolf provides, we would be able to get rid of the Vampires from our land and when the Wolfs declare war on the Vampires, we will be able to join in and claim whatever we deemed ours" Sephie just sat there listening to her brother long speech on how he intended to betray the Vampires.

Seeing that she didn't respond, he continued "And before that can happen I need to unite the remaining Serpent Tribe under the Vampires, the Vampire you saw killed our Family is a Vampire Noble, the deal I made with him is for the price of both our parents life he and his kind wouldn't intervene in the coming war between The Serpent Race,

And for every Tribe we conquer the Chieftain would be sent to them, so in the next couple of months my Warriors will be going through some advanced training by the Vampire called Ser Monday Bloodsnow, so pick, you either join the Warriors or you go far away from here

If I were you I would channel all my Anger and pain into training, since you will not be able to get your revenge with how weak you are now, maybe if you get strong enough you might even be to kill me" he said while laughing Since he was done with what he came for, he left Sephie to her lonesome leaving behind the talisman that according to him, prevent the Vampires from hearing your private conversation.

Sephie was now alone in her room, thinking about the next path to take, she was never someone who loved to get her delicate hands dirty, she preferred staying in her comfort zone, and being a The Tribe Princess was one of her Comfort zones, although she did some training with her Father but she never places interest in fighting.

Now that her brother had killed her Father and mother the two people she cared most about, there was this nagging feeling she was having inside her, it was like a voice telling her to get Revenge on both her Brother and the Damned Vampires that took her happy life away from her.

The idea of being married away was not too bad for her, she would continue to spend her life in peace, but that was only if her bride was a kind person and how would she face her parents when she finally died, how would she tell her Father that instead of fighting for the safety of The Tribe, she ran away to go leave a peaceful live far away from The Tribe she was meant to lead during his Absence.

Since she would go through her Awakening Process tonight instead of the days her brother thought which was the reason for the party 3 days ago, Sephie decided to pick an option after the Awakening Process, if she didn't Gain any Class, she would pick the 1st option since she will never be able to get her Revenge.

But if she gain any Awaken Class, she would join the Warrior and train under the Vampire trainer to kill the Vampires and her Brother, no matter how long it takes.

With that thought in mind Sephie managed to sneak out of the longhouse through her window heading towards a place her Father told her to go before he went off into battle, the Tribe shrine where he hid a particular book that might help her out when she received her Class.

It took her a while to sneak around the warriors that were patrolling around the Tribe, she entered into the forest heading towards the Shrine.

The journey to the Shrine was uneventful as no warriors came this far, soon she got to a giant white tree with a giant serpent carved around the tree, this was the Swis Serpent Tribe Shrine where they pray to the World Serpent, the Creator of every Serpent race in the world, The serpent Race call him OSHUMARE The Serpent god.

She walked around the giant tree until she saw what she was looking for, at the back of the tree covered with the tree's fallen leaves was a Book, the book that had been passed down her family to the Chieftain of the tribe now her father had to pass down this lost knowledge to her.

Hoping she could learn the ways of their forefathers, learning the art of transforming into their most powerful version, their Original Serpent Self, where a Serpent Race would transform into part Snake part human the Snake half would usually be from the waist down while the human part would be from the waist up, or even into a full serpent depending on their mastery.

This art had been lost through generations of mix-breeding with other races, now the Once great Serpent Race is nothing but the Shadow of its formal self.

"How could he leave something he claimed to be so important in the open" Sephie murmured to herself whilst remembering her Father.

She picked up the book and also a Silver Crystal that was beside it, 'it must have been a gift from Father' she sighed, she had already lost too much already and the only way to get past this feeling she was having was to kill the people responsible for her pain.

She sat the way her father taught her and concentrated on the Crystal between her palms, during a normal Awakening Process, Someone would have to inject their Energy into the Person's body then the Process would begin from there and their fate would be left up to the Will Of The World to determine if the Person is worthy of becoming an Awakened Individual or not.

But since she had no one with her, She had to try to drain the Energy inside the Crystal by force, it was a dangerous thing to do, since it could kill her if she made even the Smallest Mistake.