
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

C34 - Old ones

"No, it's not love, because my daughter also has the same plan in mind, she wants to outsmart her brothers to become the Queen of Red Rock kingdom, and having the support of the Empire would be a great deal,

Anyways let's not dwell on it, we will see the outcome sooner or later, I want you to explain how great the threat from the Easterners is, and why you think they would declare war on us" King Grey said.

Emperor Duccio Laughed, Although the others took the matter as a joke, the Emperor knew that his Friend would think otherwise, so he began to Explain in detail.

"I know you would ask, Well my spies have informed me that the Church of Wisdom who worships the God of Wisdom ORUNMILA is involved in the Astariris Dynasty movement, recent reports indicate that the Church's Paladin was seen on the battlefield, according to the reports this new set of Paladin proves to be more powerful than ours,

If what my spies said is to be believed, they are partially immortal, you would have to cut off their heads to kill them, All the spies I sent to investigate the Church never returned" Emperor Duccio said as he drank from his wine cup.

King Grey didn't say anything as he was deep in his thought, after a few minutes of silence, King Grey finally broke the Silence "So you are afraid that the Astariris Dynasty already captured your spies and discovered your involvement" Hearing his friend analyze his current situation made the Emperor smile.

He knew he couldn't hide such matter from his old friend so he didn't try to deny it, he only nodded confirming King Grey's analysis to which King Grey shook his head and sighed.

"Well, Your Empire has over 15 vassal kingdoms under it, if anything were to happen you would be safe, I don't see the need to ask for help from the other free Kingdoms," King said as he got up from his seat preparing to leave.

"You don't understand, you of all people know that the Easterners are dangerous, they possess more power than us Westerners, their population is more than ours and they don't care about experimenting on their kind.

The Church of Wisdom has its own Dream realm, a steady dream realm that doesn't collapse after a certain period, they use it to train their Paladins and Astariris Dynasty Armies,

Right now they have successfully conquered 10 out of 25 kingdoms in the Eastern Human Continent, it is only a matter of time before they Conquer the whole Eastern Human Continent, then if they suddenly Declare war, what are we going to do as divided as we are" Emperor Duccio questioned his Friend hoping he could see the bigger picture.

And understand the Threat they face, The Human Continent is divided into two by a sea called the Sea of Grave, the sea covers thousands of kilometers, and using a Ship would take you Close to a Month to cross from one Human Continent to the Other and the rare Airship would take few days but Boarding an Airship can be extremely expensive.

While the Western Human Continent is open for all races, the Eastern Human Continent forbids any non-human entity from stepping into their lands, they openly conduct slavery and execution of Any Demi-human they try to sneak in or out of their Lands, and only humans are allowed to own property in the Eastern Human Continent.

Any demi-human that found itself in the Eastern Human Continent would either submit him/herself to slavery or be executed publicly so the other Demi-humans could see it and because of the Eastern Human Continent's behavior towards demi-humans other Races on the planet hate any human from the Eastern Human Continent.

Some Demi-Human Races hate Humans in general, since even in the Demi-human loving Western Human Continent they would still find signs of Demi-human Slavery although it has been publicly outlawed in some Kingdoms, that didn't stop other Kingdoms like the Kingdom of Romainwil that secretly smuggle Demi-human slaves to the Eastern Human Continent.

"Well, am with you and that is enough to put fear into the heart of the Eastern Continent, I should take my leave, I need to get back home and enjoy this succession war, might be fun," King Grey said completely ignoring The Emperor's warnings.

Seeing that his old friend was not a bit worried the Emperor decided to let go of the matter "Are you sure we should not intervene, I can not have my Children killing each other because of the throne" He said making sure to sound his concerns.

"Why would you spoil the kid's fun, let them have their fun, if it gets out of hand we will intervene, but only if it gets dangerous, I want to see how my lords would react, it's going to be a fun couple of years" King Grey couldn't contain his excitement, After bidding his friend bye he flew straight home.

Year 1205 AC, a thousand years after the Era of Chaos, an Era where war almost led the world to destruction because of a goddess, the world had been peaceful after the Era of chaos for a very long time, no kingdom waged war against one another but everything changed 5 years ago when series of unknown event happened that led the Vampire to declare war on some demi-humans tribe and Nation and just like a domino effect war began to break out within different kingdoms and tribe.

Mindless monsters became rampant, monsters evolved without warning, more dungeons appeared around the world of Ayeka, and strange souls that didn't belong to the world began to slip into the world disrupting the power balance.

The old people who had managed to survive since the Chaos Era could feel the change within the world and they knew for sure that a great disaster was coming again, a disaster that would lead to the death of billions, so the "OLD ONES" as they are called has been using everything they had to strengthen their household to the future danger lurking around.