
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

C24- Am a WHAT!!!!

"What!! Did that beast just breathe" a man asked his fellow guild members while pointing to the corpses of a green-skinned lizard-looking beast with a sharp pointy tail.

They were in a large cave the cave interior had poisonous moss and green amoeba, the group had stayed clear of the cave walls as the green amoeba and other green plants contained a large amount of poison, it was to be expected as the cave belonged to a poison wyvern.

Wyverns were classified as abominations to their parent race the dragons and among the other dragonkins, wyverns are born when a Mana fluctuation happens with an immature dragon embryo causing a mutation within the egg that would make the dragon egg corrupt because of the Man fluctuation leading to the birth of a mindless creature called wyverns.

Unlike dragons, wyverns are easily domesticated by other beings as long as you can defect them, they would spend their life serving and protecting their master, usually, wyverns are killed immediately after they hatch but in recent decades dragons had left the wyverns to roam around the world for no particular reason they just don't want to deal with the wyverns so whenever dragons notice a wyvern mutation within their eggs they would just use magic to teleport it anywhere.

"No the wyvern is already dead, we have been here for three days if it was alive it would have noticed our presence" another adventurer replied

"Yeah, I even sat on its head yesterday to check its nose and I felt no airflow," said another adventurer but the first adventurer wasn't so sure about what they were saying as he saw the wyvern's nose move, he unsheathes his sword before walking closer to the wyvern "What are you doing Mazs, the wyvern is already dead, don't make unnecessary noise, don't forget we are in the middle of a forest filled with strong creatures" Mose the minotaur said, he was sitting at the entrance of the cave for lookout but Mazs didn't listen to Mose advise he got closer to the dragon *Skill-Moon slash* he used a swordsman based attack a bluish crescent sharp attack came out from the sword at high speed towards the wyvern.

'hummmm…. Why do I feel like am in danger, is it time for my judgment already' Jay opened his eyes and unlike last time the surrounding was not that bright, he pushed himself up from his laying position only for his body to hit something 'What the fuck was that' he saw a bluish crescent passed where his head was supposed to be a few seconds ago, he looked around, he could see some people holding strange things in their hands pointing it at him.

He tried to move only then did he notice that something felt weird about his body. For one he couldn't feel his fingers and he could feel something attached to his lower waist, he tried to move his hands forward, but his eyes almost popped out from its socket instead of the normal hand that every human had Jay saw wings, he looked at his other 'hand' and it was also the same dark green wings, Jay looked at his body and lo and behold he was standing on two hind legs his body had dark-green color just like his wings, the strange thing he felt attached to his lower waist turned out to be a tail, the top of the tail was sharp and pointy which made him realize 'Did I become a fucking WYVERN' he screamed but for some reason, it turns into a roar


The roar wasn't as intimidating as a dragon's roar but it was still loud enough for the Adventurers to close their ears with their hands, the unlucky ones that were too slow fell on their face either knocked out cold or dead, the information of his new wyvern body entered his brain in the next second, memories of the wyvern's life and things it had done since it hatched, it was a whole load of information, turns out he was in a body of a 70 years old wyvern as Jay was trying to get used to his new body another bluish attack came towards him but he was able to dodge it by moving his head to the side missing the attack by a hair length snapping him out of his thoughts.

'Shit, are those wyvern hunters, are they trying to kill me again after I just got a new life' From the memories of the wyvern Jay knew that WYVERN HUNTERS were common around the world, they hunt wyvern for two reasons one to capture then sell to a noble or anyone wealth enough to want a wyvern as pet or two to just kill and use its body materials for various purpose.

Counting the number of the humans in front of him Jay didn't like his odds, there were 15 wyvern hunters in his cave "We need to keep it here before backup arrives, we must not allow the wyvern to take to the sky or else we will be unable to catch it" Mazs the one who had discovered that the wyvern was still alive took charge, the other 13 adventurers nodded.

The adventurer's party consisted of 3 adventurer's guilds who had come together to clear as many beasts in the area as possible and because of his battle IQ, Mazs was elected the leader so he gave out orders instantly, "Mose draw it agro, mages try to hold it in one place maybe keep its leg attached to the ground when it goes to attack Mose, the rest of us will attack was its focus on Mose, try not to deal too much damage in one go" after giving the order everyone got in position, they knew it wasn't going to be an easy battle as they weren't high leveled enough so the wyvern still posed much threat to them than they did to it.

Mose the minotaur that was guarding the cave entrance dashed forward, he removed his large hammer from his back before roaring at the wyvern because of how small the cave was the sound wave echoed around the cave, Jay who had been observing the wyvern hunters heard the roar, he felt his authority being challenged In his home he almost attacked the minotaur immediately but because of the human mind that was now in the wyvern Jay just stood there looking at the wyvern hunter, part of him felt ashamed that he had allowed a puny being challenged him in his house but why would he care he needed to hurry out of this cave in case other wyvern hunters are nearby