
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

C16 - Bloodhood

When someone awakens any type of healing skills that regenerate missing body parts, they always unlock a new skill that helps them suppress the pain, when one regenerates any other person's missing body part, they would feel the same amount of pain, as if they were the one with the injury.

When she unlocked her healer class, she didn't unlock the extra skill that would help her suppress the pain, but because she was poor, she continued healing people, working for different types of people till her work led her to the Reid houses in the town of Lazano.

Now she had a chance to gain power, she could stop being a nurse and enjoy her life, even if her freedom would be stripped away from her but she didn't care, in a world where might mean right who wouldn't want power even if It was from the devil, some would gladly accept.

"Yes my lord, I will become your Oracle, I will fulfill any request you ask of me" she declared with a firm resolve.

"Great, I knew you were a smart lass, but this procedure can be very painful," the god said as the sigil on the nurse's hand began to glow followed by pain.

'Just keep going, I will make you stronger than ever, I can't let that soul stay in this world for too long, damn I hate going after reincarnated souls from the main world, and how did the soul even get past the barriers" he pondered.

'Or one of the gods from this world had something to do with it, did they steal the soul from the main world, but for what reason, if anything they should be scared of it, any soul from the main world has the potential of becoming a very powerful being, a being that could one day challenge their authorities, so why would they steal such a soul'

The more he thought about it, the more questions popped up, but he was sure of one thing, a god must have a hand in it, 'Ohhh, looks like this one is determined to get strong, works well for me now let's end this and go investigate about the gods, might as well enjoy myself a little' he thought as a figure appeared next to him.

It was a moonless night, the sky was clear as no star could be seen, and only light from nearby buildings acted as sources of light, groups of people could be seen walking to and fro, and among everybody walking around a particular group stood out the most.

Their face was covered by their hooded clothes, and they carried weapons, it wasn't a strange sight to see people dressed like this to the town folk, so they paid little to no interest in the group, as long as they did not cause problems.

As the group made their way towards their destination, silence filled the group as nobody said a single word, from looking at the group one could say, they looked exhausted, bruised, and beaten, the large man in the group had an arm hanging from his giant Axe.

The group finally got to their destination, which was a large building with multiple floors with the word -Adventurers Guild- written beside the building, the group opened the door, and as they stepped in, the inside of the guild building was noisy one couldn't hear the noise from outside due to the Noise canceling Rune place on the building.

As the ground made its way toward the reception area the guild hall became silent, everyone's attention was on the group that just arrived, they watched in anticipation, waiting for any kind of action from the hooded figures.

One of the hooded figures walked up to the reception desk, he brought out a small bag with runic symbols on it, he dipped his hand into the bag and brought out a head with goat-like horns, the people gasped in fear because of the aura released from the head, it was clear the creature was already dead, but it still had a powerful aura.

"Is that what I think it is?" one of the receptionists said, the man who brought out the head lowered his hood, he had clear blue eyes with blonde hair, and he stood at 5.9 feet tall with his muscles showing from his tight clothes, some would say he love wearing tight clothes so people could see his muscles.

"Yes beautiful it is, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the head of a Wechuge or as they call it the king of wendigo, The Wechuge is a man-eating creature, it was terrorizing a small village, it claimed to be their god, and most of the villagers worshipped it, but not all of them, my team and I went to the village to resupply and rest for the night.

[A few hours before the group battle with the Wechuge]

"We are out of supplies," a tall woman said as she looked at the back of their wagon where they kept their food supplies, they could have kept it inside a storage bag, but a common storage bag cost a fortune.

"Again, damnit you guys are going to get us broke, when last did we get those supplies, it's not even up to a week yet," Mazs said.

Being the leader of the guild Bloodhoods, he was in charge of the guilds supplies and well-being, the guild consists of 6 members, Mose a Minotaur, Mazs a human and the leader, Bella a mermaid, Kimiko a Nekojin (cat people), Amocni a Dark elf and Dre a Phantom.

"I don't know if it's your human brain getting old or something else but the last supplies were from 3 weeks ago", Dre said, being a Phantom had it weird pecks like not having the need to eat, sleep, and getting tired or else from Mana exhaustion, so he cared little about the food supplies.

"Don't worry, we will restock at the next village" Bella replied as she checked the map, they were in the middle of nowhere "Guys I think we are lost?" Bella said with an apologetic look, she was the one in charge of the map, as a merfolk she had little sense of direction on land but in the waters, no one would be able to navigate more than her.