
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

Tvv · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
69 Chs


Tanya walks through the long halls of her home. Thinking about a lot of things as she prepared for her big day in YGGDRASIL. For once she was living the good life. In this life she was born to a rich family. Her mother was a German woman who came from a tech giant. Of course, her Grandfather this time, unlike before, was a reincarnated Rudersdorf. Of course her second world's version of the man. This time though he was a C.E.O of a tech giant in Germany. One which recently invested and helped produce technology for a "DMMO-RPG" game, YGGDRASIL, a fact which came in handy. Especially considering how doting her grandfather was in this world. It was of course weird to see Rudersdorf actually treat her like a child but it came with the advantage of not only getting early access to new classes for her and her guild. But it also meant she knew how to work the system well, all she had to do was ask to use his computer whenever he visited Japan. Her father was recently made the head of a financial conglomerate, her father was busy and her mother always traveled the world. But that worked out for Tanya, aside from meaning Rudersdorf's reincarnation constantly visited her, it meant she could spend more time in the game. She knew that this life was only given to her due to the hardships that would come the moment the game became her new reality after the shift. But she might as well enjoy it. 


As long as she never fell behind in school, which given she already knew all the information never happened, her parents never complained. She in fact graduated early and then also graduated High school as well. While in another life Tanya would gladly get to college, she instead used it as an excuse to spend a lot of time in YGGDRASIL when the game came out. She did still take some college courses online but only to stimulate her brain and keep her parents and her "grandpa" happy. Of course, she also took the extra time to learn the ins and outs of the game. And due to having so much free time she also learned to code and was an expert by the time the game was released. While at first in YGGDRASIL she had very little she could do with this skill beyond noticing errors to exploit when a big important update came out for the game that allowed her to make expert use of these skills. And it of course came in handy for when her guild made N.P.Cs for combat and other uses.


When she did get the game she chose to be an elf. Since X and Z choose to manipulate the game to make sure her model would be as short as she was at least this way she can get people to think she choose to be a younger elf for roleplay reasons. Though lore-wise, her "in-game character" was eighty years old. Befitting for the game's world as well. Even if it did mean having to deal with long ears. She started off as a ranger, as most elves do. Then also took the druid class. And then her third was sniper class, she thought it fit her quite well. Her fourth class was perhaps the most important. Her "gunslinger mage" class. The name itself was quite dumb, but it was also one of the most overpowered classes in the game. Not only that but she got early access to it, and unlike future Gunslinger mages, Tanya kept all pre-release skills. 


Unlike the gunner class or other mage classes, what distinguished Gunslinger mage from them was a few things. One, they gained the ability to fly so long as they had mana at level ten. And since Tanya has the pre-release version this meant flying itself did not drain mana. She would just have to be aware of how many spells she uses and make sure that if she runs out of mana she is not too high in the air. Unlike the gunner class, the rifles and other firearms used by the Gunslinger mage fired off magic bullets. It was a metal bullet that took in the magic of its user. Depending on what magic they focused on the bullet would have other effects like spreading lightning, having a larger explosive range, multiplying itself in the air, etc. meaning spells were important. Gunslinger mages could use other spells as well to better their aim, defend themselves from other spells and long-range spells, and of course healing magic even if the class did not have access to healings spells which was why other magic classes were often used in conjecture. A lot of other ways with spells can be used by the gunslinger mage. However, the release version of the class only allowed players to stack up to two spells at a time while flying. Four if they were max with the class. This included buffs unless the buff was given to them by another player or NPC. Compared to other magic classes this was seen as either a fair trade due to the flying, or seen as not worth it. But this was not a problem for Tanya, her pre-release version made sure she did not have this nerf. The only other detriment, which did affect Tanya, was that picking the gunner class was impossible after taking the Gunslinger Mage and vice versa. But that was very little problem for her. 


Finally, she thought of her guild. A few of them were reincarnations, but most of them were not. Which was fine. As she suspected the self-proclaimed gods did not reincarnate any of the demon slayers from her previous life into this one. Which was somewhat of a relief for her. Her guild wore a militaristic attire that combines the empire's uniforms with a more middle ages look. Before she had formed her guild she looked like a typical elf, wore a light green tunic and armor around her more exposed areas as well as a black hooded cape for nighttime cover. But despite herself, she went with a military-themed guild, the game's customization features allowed her to make robes, clothes, and armor that combined well for a military outfit that also fit in with a fantasy setting. Thus, The Imperial Unit was formed. She focused on making an efficient guild that used commanders and promoted through merit. Tanya prided herself on how quickly they were able to finish quests and world events. Spreading their name throughout all seven worlds of YGGDRASIL. She was able to recruit many people, especially Gunslinger Mages as Tanya was able to, through a coding and guild loop, give them access to the pre-release build. As such a majority of those who took the class at one point or another joined her guild. Of course, many more people who never took the class joined for other reasons. 


They quickly rose through the ranks, making the top ten and later holding a firm grasp of fourth place. They formed a "friendly" rivalry with Ainz Ooal Gown, which led to the guild overtaking them and making third place after their "great tomb of Nazarick" was made. Tanya's guild never made a personal dungeon for other guilds to raid. But of course, other guilds did try to take out their base "Fort Gegen Gott" and of course, none even made it inside. Their defenses were too high. It was a bit of a bother, but at least it gave new recruits and NPCs a way to earn levels or learn defense strategies from her commanders. 


The rankings for her guild were Head Commander(her only). And then Commander, which was only given to guildmates that earned it. At this time, she has six commanders. Each could pick their subordinates followed by giving each subordinate their rank, and when someone else proved their worth enough all seven of them voted on if they should be promoted past to join them. As for NPCs, while the base was full of them a lot of the strong ones were made by her and other coders in the guild with instructions on what they were to be from commanders. NPCs were made with instructions from others as well. Varying in level and power.


"Young Miss Tanya-chan, I just finished your bed sheets." Tanya's long thoughts were interrupted when she made it to her room. Standing there was a young woman in a maid's outfit smiling at her. Viktoriya. A constant in her life for ten years, Viktoriya was the granddaughter of a close confidant of Rudersdorf. Her college fees were taken care of by Tanya's family and she was paid a good sum for being Tanya's close attendant. The woman always lent an ear to Tanya and while she did not know all the details she was the person Tanya vented to about things that happened in the game. A few times Viktoriya would tease her about "encounters with boys" but Tanya brushed those off. No way was she going to fall in love with someone through a game, until her last life she found romance in the real world polarizing. Still, Tanya was appreciative of Viktoriya the maid, so much that one of the three NPCs she made in YGGDRASIL herself was based on her. As well as the only combat maid in the base. Even though Viktoriya was taking a break from college after getting two degrees in her field, she stayed because she had fallen in love with a classmate of hers. 


"Thank you Viktoriya. I have a big day today. So feel free to leave early." Tanya said with a smile towards the woman. "Are you sure? If you do then maybe I can meet him for an early dinner…" Viktoriya waved her hands "I-I mean do some chores at home." Tanya sighed, she did not understand why the woman tried to hide it when Tanya already knew. "That's fine. Before you leave if you leave, if Gramps is here today tell him I'm busy." Viktoriya bowed and said "Of course, Tanya-chan." with that Tanya entered her room. Today was the day she and her guild would raid the Great Tomb of Nazarick. The unbeatable player-made dungeon, by the guild Ainz Ooal Gown. if she succeeded here she could put this behind her quickly. 


She still remembered when the conditions were set. Being Y set them this time. Either beat the dungeon, "Great Tomb of Nazarick" while the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown is at its peak. Or Kill its leader in the new world after the game closes for good. Being Y left no room for vagueness at least. In addition in order to keep balance every time either Being X or Z made a move, the former to take to her down and the latter to aid her, the other would have to make a move as well. No matter how big or small. Still, Being X seemed oddly confident despite all the advantages Being Y was granting Tanya before the new world. Whatever the reason Tanya pressed on. She hoped to complete this task within the game world. This way she'd feel no guild as Momonga and his fellow Guild members would not actually die if she beat the tomb in the game. And, the main reason, she would not be risking her actual life in the game. Sadly should this operation fail Tanya doubts her guild will be able to beat the great tomb before the game's player base started falling off along with Ainz Ooal Gown's members. Meaning they would no longer be at their peak so even if she beat the dungeon she still would fail. 


Tanya slapped her cheeks. "None of that, your plan is perfect. You've raided the highest-difficulty dungeon made by the developers with weaker tactics and planning. We will succeed." as she readied herself to pick put on the device she recalled the first time she met Momonga, back when he was a part of the much smaller "Nine's Own Goal"



A giant snake was taking longer to take down than Tanya would have liked. She had whittled it down and it had very little health left. But her arrows were running low and she forgot to get more poison healing potions. So if she get poisoned again and with her health at half it was a toss-up if she could kill it. Still, she was confident she could still win, so long as she avoided another poison ailment, she was sure she could. Her games avatar smirked and her pointed ears twitched a bit. The snake's hiss got closer but before she could move to another vantage point she heard two people shout.


"Grand Fireball!" two large fireballs exploded on the snake bringing it down immediately. And just barely, thanks to Tanya's previous dealt damage. "What?!" Tanya sounded exasperated. That was her kill! Now all she gets is very little "kill assist" exp and none of its drops! "Well done my friends! We have slane this fowl beast!" Tanya turned to see a player with white armor because of course, it had to be that. Along with a player who was an undead race, one that was a Heteromorphic race, and finally one that was also a Heteromorphic race a Nephilim specifically. Of course, the undead one caught her eye, though his ropes were not the dark and elaborate ones Tanya was shown before and that he was yet to obtain. She knew it was him. Momonga. 


But the one in the Armor strode up to her instead, the leader of the Nine's Own Goal, Touch me. An odd username for sure. "You're welcome! I saw that you were in trouble and my friends and I rushed over to help you!" Tanya looked at Touch Me, and then at the others. All their avatars smiled except for Ainz's which used a smiling emote. The Nephilim, Warrior Takemikazuchi pointed at Momonga "Don't go giving our doof of a leader any credit, it was Momonga alone that helped you." Momonga did a sweating emote and said "w-well Touch Me was the one who insisted we help." Touch Me nodded "Indeed! You should always help someone if you can."


Tanya though was not happy. Between Touch Me reminding her a little too much of Kyojuro right now and then having her kill taken by the very target she had to take down later. And only four members being here meant she could not even see all original members of close. It made her angry. Tanya was not going to take this lying down. "I won't thank you for stealing my kill." though Tanya looked composed it was obvious by her tone she was angry. She then walked up at Momonga "You especially. What if I was in its blast range? Your 'help' would have killed me as well. I don't want to lose levels because you were too incompetent to quote on quote 'help' me." if Momonga's avatar could sweat right now, his skeleton face would be drenched. 


The other Heteromorphic race, Wish III, sighed "Great he is stumped by a child." Takemikazuchi's avatar chuckled "indeed." Tanya's avatar was now livid "I am not a child!" well at this point she was still a minor at least, but still it bothered her. She had the mind of many ages much older by now! "L-look Elf child I can- woah!" Momonga and even the others backed up a bit when they noticed the dark look in her tiny elven eyes, despite her size it was scary. "How…do you do that?" Momonga sounded interested and it surprised Tanya. "Hmm? I don't know. Guess the game picked it up from me proper." that thought was a worrying one to other players. 


The Skeleton put up another chat emote, this time a somewhat nervous smile. "Look I can give you its drops. And even some gold that will make up for the exp loss. If that will allow you to forgive me and my clan." Tanya snickered, he sounded a little too serious on the clan part. Takemikazuchi's avatar grimaced a bit "Momonga has a thing for kids huh? For shame." Momonga's skeleton hands went up and he posted a horrified chat emote "I-it is not like that I swear!" Tanya was not annoyed again "Stop calling me a kid!" 


They worked it out, and Tanya just excepted the drops and a bit of gold. As she did not want to seem exploitative. "Next time you steal my kill, either of you in your group, I'll PK you." Player kill of course. A bold threat since three of them were on the same level as her and Touch Me was levels higher than her. But they seemed to get it. Touch Me approached and held out a friend "Why not join us, Argent Silver?! You handled yourself well against a high-level creature. Plus you would not have to worry about us stealing kills from you." Takemikazuchi sighed "Now Touch Me to…" Momonga shocked the warrior for that comment, lest he pokes the beat in elf form before them.


Tanya smirked back at them, a tempting offer. But not one she could take. "Nah, in fact, I plan to form my own clan or guild pretty soon. And I've decided when I do the first thing I will do is fight ya. Whether it be for first rights to a dungeon or simply to show off." Argent Silver turned away from them "Especially you Momonga." the skeleton gulped a bit, "You really go all hardcore Argent Silver, huh?" his words were just barely heard before Tanya left. 



Those memories faded away "if all goes well, then maybe I will thank that wanna-be anime antagonist. Even if he won't understand why." she laid down on the devices's chair and put the headgear on. It was time. 


Tanya was not logged in for an hour, wearing her robe and clothes mixture with a mall green cape over her shoulders and back and laid just below the front of her neck. Some cloths went down her top making it look like a mage's uniform with militaristic theming. She had specially crafted badges on her top, but neither really did anything aside from adding to the look. Except for one badge which allowed her to control all NPCS in the base. Her pointed boots stood on a chair as she read over more plans. The guild was preparing to head out any moment now. Behind her was the combat maid NPC Vikki. And her second npc which was a homunculus. It looked like an old man with a monocle and wore an outfit similar to that of the players, called Zewuart. Tanya hates to admit it but she based it a little off of Zettour. 


"Mam, the frontal assault troops are ready." Tanya looked up and saw one of her commander-ranked players, username "Rovel Beformae" an obvious pun and a deep-sated roleplayer. He was saluting quite heavily, and made his Centuar NPC, Turavin, salute as well. Tanya knew he was Romel's reincarnation. She was surprised the crazy general she remembered from the empire was reincarnated at all given how he was not in the previous world. "Rovel" was a horned Human race himself. And despite his large insistence on keeping to his "character" Tanya knew he was the best head-on attack they had. "Perfect. Coordinate with Wae*mu" which was the username of the head of the buffs, debuffs, and healing unit. And despite not being a reincarnation she proved quite useful. Even if she refused to talk in voice chat. And the one time she did Wae*mu started crying because her voice was to squeaky despite her being nearly thirty years old. It was quite awkward. Still, so long as she never spoke she was fine despite slow communication. 


"Hmm, where is Major Lherich?" Rovel said when he noticed another NPC on standby right outside of the main command room. A demon NPC that wore a full yukata and had glasses much like its creator, Lherich. Also known as Rurugen's reincarnation. Tanya shook her head "Absent." Rovel huffed a bit "Such a misdeed should not go unpunished commander!" Tanya knew it was better to just agree right now or else the fragrant roleplayer would go off a long dramatic rant. "Yes yes, but later. If he is not here on time I will take command of his army group." that satisfied Rovel as he actually matched out. 


Tanya sighed 'Some days I regret everything I swear.' still no signs of interference from Being X. It might be a good sign. Or a red flag. Either way, there was no backing down now. "Argent silver!" two people walked in. One was a Vampiric race and the other of a Human race. Both are the last two commander-ranked players. Those online at least.


"What is it? Can't you see I am busy? With Lherich gone most of the strategizing falls to me." Tanya was more than annoyed that Lherich was neither online nor had he responded to any DMS. Or texts Tanya sent. A requirement of joining at Tanya's side as a commander was another way to contact them other than game dm and emails so of course she had his number. Though she secretly hacked most of her guilds numbers just in case, for reincarnation reasons. 


"Kouven and I would like to know why we can't take our NPCS? They will easily overwhelm our lower leveled players without them." the human, Weikarn sounded worried. He was Weiss's reincarnation and he even had Koenigs reincarnation as his second in command. If the usually confident player was worried it did not bode well for his player's morale. She turned to Kouven, a player who liked to pretend he was edgy when all of them knew he lived with his mom and was a big momma's boy. He was not a reincarnation but he was a damn good defensive unit. "I am worried as well. If Weikarn falls I will be left without much help. At least from our players that are pathetic." 


Tanya shook her head "if I could bring them I would. My secret weapon would come in handy for this." she said referring to her third NPC, one she left below ground as it was almost always unnecessary to use. But for this raid, it would have been helpful. "Besides, our NPCS would get wiped. Should I assume the gold to resurrect them would come from your pockets?" neither responded. "Good, now get prepared. We head out in less than an hour!"


One strong player not online. But Rurugen's absence could not stop her. She's prepared too much. Level ground her whole guild, stocked up on so many items, and got many weapons and protections. It had to be today. It would be today!


The time came. Despite one absence, the Imperial Unit set out. Carrying their custom-made flag to "war" with Ainz Ooal Gown.


Meanwhile, Momonga stood up and stared down all members of Ainz Oowl Gown. all members were in attendance, even the ones that were very busy in their real lives had shown up. Of course, all the NPCS were there though unlike the players they did not react or move much right now. "Yesterday, the leader of our rival Guild, the Imperial Unit. sent us a warning. Vacate the tomb WE conquered and improved. Or be destroyed. Let's show the little elf and her army of humanoids what it means to face us." 


Soon after the Argent Silver and her guild broke through into the first floor. Peroroncino and the NPC Shalltear were there waiting for them. With Rovel and Argent Silver leading a charge, it had begun. The only raid on the Great Tomb of Nazarick that would nearly take down Ainz Ooal Gown and Momonga's control of it. 

