
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

Tvv · Fantaisie
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69 Chs

Final selection arc: victory


Tanya clenched her sword, staring at Reiner. Of course, Being X had to reincarnate one of her allies as a demon. 'He did it just to get back at me for getting a guaranteed pass by Being Z. damn him'. Reiner for his part looked at the cold demon that was commanding him and the other demons surrounding the three "that girl seems focused on me for some reason…" he felt sweat go down his grey head even in the cold weather that was perpetually around that's to the cold demon.

"B-by the way sir, do we have to kill these four? We already killed a decent amount of humans tonight, we do not need more to eat for at least a couple of weeks." the cold demon hit Reiner on the head. "Idiot, two weeks is nothing compared to a year! Besides, one of those was prey that got away." the demon looked at the weakened Viktoriya, who looked away from him in return. The cold demon smiled with yellow teeth, he announced "alright, four prey for us. You know the deal. You kill them you get the first to pick of their body to eat. So get them so that we may feast for another year!"

All the demons shouted Harrah's and at the four humans that were their supposed targets, all but Reiner and the cold demon that is. Swords clashed with hard bodies and sharp claws, but with them focusing on defense whenever they saw a finishing shot to one demon, another would come to interrupt them. "Third form; blazing universe!" Tanya went for the neck of a demon but only managed its arm when something suddenly pierced her shoulder. "Ack, what the hell?!" she looked and the others just barely dodged with looked like sharp pieces of ice. She pulled out what was in her shoulder and sure enough, it was ice.

The Cold demon chuckled and snapped its fingers suddenly more ice started to fall from the sky. Willibald narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath in "fourth form; rising dust storm!" he went to block the falling ice from the others with his attack. Tanya followed suit "second form; water wheel!" both of them, mainly Willibald blocked all the ice so the others could focus on defending against the demons near them. However, two other icicles were shot out of the Cold demon directly and went right for Tanya herself. She gritted her teeth and let more air out "fourth form; Blooming Flame undulation!" she managed to block and melt the ice easily before landing on her feet on the ground.

Reiner seemed shocked "two breathing styles at once? Is that even possible?" The cold demon did not respond besides saying "focus on the battle." A demon came after Tanya when she landed on the ground, she managed to counter its blows but could not find an opening. "Close your eyes!" she turned and saw Mary holding her blade, she knew what was coming. She closed her eyes while the demon was too focused on her to do the same. Mary breathed in "Blessed breathing, Second form; light to blind the wicked!" her blade made a small slash, blinding anyone who could see the white light that came from it.

The demon covered its eyes but it was already blinded, Tanya smirked "First form; Unknowing flame!" she instantly cut through the demon's neck. She turned back to Mary "well done, keep it up and maybe I'll let you call me Tanya." when Tanya turned away she did not see Mary's face blushing, she then said in response, "o-oh thank you miss Kocho."

The blinding light also helped Willibald, who was fighting two demons, but both had been blinded, he was able to kill one with the first form of wind breathing by the time the other recovered its eyesight. "Guess that leaves us." the demon at first seemed angered but then instantly smirked as another demon managed to get a blow in from behind Willibald. "Tch, guess it's still two on one then," he said in a tired tone. Meanwhile, the Cold demon and Reiner had recovered their eyesight has been blinded by the bright light as well. "Two of them are down it seems, I may actually have to join in myself." the cold demon said as the air became colder.

Tanya stared at the two demons, the other remaining demon that had engaged them were distracted beside one. She looked at Mary "keep this one off me, I'm going to run for the leader!" Mary followed the order quickly, slashing at the extra demon to ensure Tanya would not be stopped. She rushed forward towards the cold demon and Reiner "fifth form; flame tiger!" her blade became surrounded by flames and she slashed at them. But suddenly Reiners eyes lowed at the sword was blocked by a nearly invisible wall "huh?" she saw the cold demon make more icicles, firing them at her. She was able to block most of them with her blade, but once got into her torso, thankfully not hitting any vital organs.

Tanya pulled the icicle out. "So he can block attacks? How?" she whispered to herself. Stared at looked at the only slightly visible 'shield' she saw it was not too huge and seemed to only block the front of where ever Reiner was staring. It also appeared that if you are on the other side of the 'shield' your attacks are not blocked. 'How irritating. So long as Reiner can see me I can't get any attacks in.' she thought to herself, a little bit annoyed that one of her former loyal subordinates was getting in her way. Even if he did not remember that part.

Suddenly Reiner had to turn around to block another attack that came at them from behind. "W-where did you come from?!" he yelled as now on the other side of the demons was none other than Weiss, who held up his large blade and smirked "impressive, blocking my attack your spell must be quite tough. Heh" Tanya blinked, she was surprised of course but she welcomed it this time. she could attack the two now, but if Reiner turned then the cold demon would have a free hit again. She had to wait till Weiss attacked again.

Weiss smirked and knocked away icicles the cold demon shot at him. "Well, I cannot have you blocking my attacks, unfortunately for you, I don't have to attack just from the front!" he ran at the two demons, Reiner prepared his special shield. However, he made a shocking move by throwing his large blade, it did not fly too far away as the handle was attached to a chain wrapped around Wiess's hand. He breathed out and shouted "Stone breathing, second form; upper smash!" the blade swung around the shield, Weiss pulled on the chain to change the trajectory and have to go right for the demons. It managed to cut through Reiners's arms but missed the cold demon.

Reiner yelled as he fell to his knees. The cold demon sneered at prepared another ice attack but moved after he felt a presence behind him, Tanya. She managed to cut away one of his arms, but it quickly grew back after it backed away. "Damn it, these prey are annoying!" the cold demon grumbled as it summoned many icicles around it. Preparing to pierce the two. Weiss stood above Reiner, he was about to kill the demon but then Tanya said "we can deal with this one after the ice tossing one, it's more dangerous."

Weiss nodded and held his large blade over his shoulder "you must be Tanya Kocho, Granz told me about you and the others. Did not think we would run into you though. You can call me Weiss" Tanya smiled, so Granz was still alive. "I see, well Weiss let's take care of this demon quickly. It'll be boring if the only reason it dies is because of the sun rising." The man gave a light sniff "I could not agree more." The cold demon growled "you will not get a chance!" he started launching all the icicles at them.

Viktoriya huffed and huffed, one demon had managed to make it to her and she was having trouble keeping up. She was wounded on one of her cheeks and her side. The demon giggled as it licked its lips "such a plump human, I can't wait to consume it." it rushed at the girl, who wearily got her sword ready. But the demon would not get close to her. "First form; water surface slash!" her eyes widened as she saw Granz standing before her and holding off the demon.

Granz looked at her and yelled, "quickly finish it off!" Viktoriya snapped out of her shocked faze and slashed at the demon. "Flower breathing, First form; orchid blossoming!" she cut directly through the demon neck. As the demon was disappearing Viktoriya ran her arms around Granz "y-your alive. I thought you were dead!" Granz gave a pained smile "yeah, but while I may not be dead I ain't exactly unwounded." she stopped hugging him as it became clear he was heavily strained by his back and stomach pain. She just smiled at him, they turned to see a demon looking at them. "Easy wounded prey is mine to take, hahaha" the two had no time to celebrate reunion for now they had to survive first.

Meanwhile, Tanya and Weiss had been focusing on defense this whole time. Using their swords and techniques to stop any ice from getting them. The cold demon's eyes twitched "just die already!" Tanya caught her breath and stared over her shoulder to look at Wiess "hey, you focus on keeping those attacks off me, I will go for the neck." Weiss nodded and the two rushed for the ice demon. He shot icicles at them, but Wiess swung around his sword and blocked them with first form stone breathing.

Thanks to this Tanya was able to get close, flames started forming around her sword. "Flame breathing, first form; unknowing flame!" the cold demon suddenly shot out a long sharp pierce of ice from his stomach, it pierced right into the same spot his former icicle hit. Tanya coughed up blood but was able to keep up her forward momentum. The blade cut right through the demon's neck. Tanya just barely kept her footing, holding the spot where the Icicle pierced. The cold demon's eyes softened "seems I was the prey this time…congratulations slayer" with that his head and body were gone soon after.

"Hey, you okay?" Weiss asked as it was obvious Tanya had been more than a little wounded. "Yeah I am fine." she looked over and saw Reiner was not where they left him. She sighed "go help the others, I will get him." she then ran off as she clenched her wound. "Wait! And she is gone…" he looked over and saw Willibald struggling in his two-on-one fight so he went to go help him, he hoped Tanya would be alright.

Tanya was on Reiners tail. Part of her wanted to just him go, especially since her wound was of course painful. 'Like hell am I going to just let Being X get away with this!' she thought furiously to herself. She swung her blade back, and after finally getting close enough managed to cut through Reiners's neck from the back. His head landed next to her body. Tanya winced and sheathed her sword. She looked over at Reiner, she heard him say between tears as his body was disappearing "why? Why me? I never even wanted to be a demon. I…I…"

Tanya placed a hand on one of his fading arms. "I never got to say this you or the others, those that died in our final battle, and those that died along the way. And I may never be able to say it again. But I am sorry, I failed as your leader. It was my fault that this happened." as she was talking, Reiner looked at the girl as if he had no idea what she was saying, he thought she was crazy as he had never even meant this slayer to be before. Tanya stood up and made a salute to the disappearing demon, despite the strain from the pain she felt. "Reiner Neumann, or whomever you go by in this world. Thank you for your service." As Tanya walked away and his head was almost gone, he could not hope but feel overwhelmingly sad, yet content. He may not know who this girl was, but…he was grateful that someone thought of him as useful, his final words before he disappeared were "thank you…."


The remaining demons were defeated soon after. During the daytime, they had eventually, the six of them were able to find an easily defensible alcove among the trees and bushes. That being said the only one of them that was unscathed was Weiss. Thankfully Viktoriya, Granz, and Tanya had medical supplies given to them by Kanae before they left. It obviously would not heal them right away as it was mostly bandages, gauzes, and a case of ointment. but it would do for now.

Tanya had many passes of bandages over her stomach that covered the gauzes over her wound, as well as a simpler one over her shoulder, all of which was obviously covered by her clothes. Viktoriya had a large gauze and some bandages on her cheek that was wounded, and one on her side. Granz similar to Tanya had bandages all over his torso, but mostly to keep ointment gauzes against his skin. Mary had a head bandage, but she was not too terribly injured. And finally, Willibald had one of his arms in a makeshift cast and arm slang since it had been twisted heavily in the fight.

The four of them talked as they ate some of the food they packed. Tanya, Viktoriya, Mary, and Granz filled everyone in on their training and goals. When it came to Willibald he shrugged "my story is not as interesting as you four. So we should pass me, all you need to know is a wind cultivator taught me, I was beat up a few times by the current Wind pillar of the Hashira, and then I came here for the final selection. That is all." Viktoriya huffed and puffed out her cheeks "come on Koe, tell us at least why you trained to become a demon slayer!"

Willibald shrugged once more "like I said it is not as interesting. I was just a swordsman in training, one day an old friend of my master came by. That man happened to be the wind cultivator, and I caught a glimpse of him slaying a demon not too long after that. I asked him to train me and the rest is history from there." he gave a small smile "it's not like I had a special reason like out of love for someone, or out of revenge on the demons. Just wanted to learn the interesting style, slaying demons to help others is not a bad venture either."

The rest of them seemed happy with that. Granz then looked over at Viktoriya "speaking of love, I think it's about time you tell Tanya about that girl who in your own words is, 'amazing, beautiful, and fantastic'. Erya I think is the name you used?" The brown-haired girl's face went beat red as she lightly punched Granz on the arm multiple times for teasing her. Tanya put her finger to her chin 'Erya? Seems she was reincarnated as well. Strange, I do not remember her dying. Nor was she ever in a position of death to begin with. I am sensing time shenanigans…'

she felt a vain pop as it was likely Being X just pulled anyone she knew from her previous life into this world from whenever they died, which just pissed her off. Mary noticed this strained vain, she looked away. 'Is Tanya jealous of this Erya?' her eyes narrowed, she felt odd now but could not explain why.

Willibald looked over at Weiss as he asked "and what about you? Weiss was it? That jacket around your shoulder would indicate you to be military, and yet the demon slayer corps has always been a separate organization from any branch of the government." the man in question crossed his arms, he took a deep breath in "well, I used to be military, the first person to ever tell me about the demon slayers was my commanding officer, well former commanding officer." they all looked at him with intrigue, especially Tanya who had a sneaking suspicion on people who could possibly be Weiss's commander.

Not expecting such a captive audience Weiss cleared his throat "you see, I was stationed at a base near a fishing village. At some point, many of the soldiers began disappearing as well as the villagers. Including my buddy…" His eyes wavered as he clenched his fist. "By the time I got there a demon had already killed him, I tried firing at the demon since I did not know what it was. Of course, it did not work, I would have died as well had it not been for my commanding officer who used to be a demon slayer. General Kurt Ruderkodia"

Tanya knew it! It had to be either Zettour or Rudersdorf, of course with a slightly different last name this time, go figure. Weiss continued "he retired to join the Imperial Japanese army, but he still knew of demons, and of breathing techniques. He even still had a couple of Nichirin swords still around from his time as a demon slayer."

Weiss picked up the large sword he had "he used this as one of his main weapons. If you think I am good with it you have not seen the general. He's a monster with it." he grinned widely, thinking back to the many times Ruderkodia nearly killed him with the blade he held now. "After he taught me the basics of total concentration breathing he told me that he was not someone who should teach me how to use breathing techniques, especially since the military and demon slayer corps do not work together. Since he specialized in stone breathing he sent me to the current Stone pillar and well, I trained like hell, and now here I am."

Everyone smiled and seemed to enjoy his story. "I left the Military behind, but the general allowed me to keep the jacket as a keepsake of sorts. It's not really allowed, but everyone feared him so even if they saw me leaving with it I don't think they would have reported anything." Tanya smirked 'yeah, that sounds like general Rudersdorf, commanding with fear and power.' she thought to herself, she was now left to wonder how many of her old allies she would meet, and if like Reiner they would be a demon out to kill her or not.

As all six of them talked and continued to hang out, it felt normal. 'No…it feels like after a successful battle or operation with the squadron.' as Tanya looked at Weiss, Willinald, Viktoriya, and Granz she pictured everyone from her old special battalion, how they kept her from drinking when commanding officers were around, how they pulled pranks on each other and talked like drunk idiots. She even pictured if Mary had been there before. Tanya gave a small smile, a simple one unlike her confident smile, or her large scary smile.

The hell of war is lone gone, replaced with the human demon conflict, but these folks were still her squadron. Even if they did not know it. Tanya wanted to punch herself being sappy, but she did not. The six of them would have to survive six more nights here, but she got the feeling they would do just fine.


"If you say you can become a pillar, then show me do not tell me"



"Then I and everyone else will accept you as one."

Those words from Ubuyashiki strung hard in Rengoku's head. He was bleeding from his forehead and slightly under his left eye. But he still kept strong, focusing on the demon ahead of him, one of the twelve Kizuki. He could focus on the demon since he sent Mitsuri and the other demon slayers that arrived with him after the bombs around Tokyo. 'Just a little bit more. I can't stop now.' he thought to himself as once again had to block a rain of bullets from one of the many weapons the demon had.

Hairo meanwhile was frustrated beyond relief, first, this demon slayer said he does not remember that he tortured me with his sword. But to make things worse despite all the bullets fired at him the slayer just kept coming. 'I rained so many bullets on him, I threw dynamite at him! How? How can I not beat this guy?!' he clenched his now empty gun, another one wasted on the slayer who either deflected or dodged the bullets. 'He is only fighting me with a sword damn it! Is…is this man really the one I fought that time?'

With his last set of bullets fired Hairo held his weapon, shaking it vigorously in his hand. 'That was my final load. How did one man manage to make me dispose of all my ammo?! All of my weapons empty!' suddenly Rengoku started walking forward "what's wrong? Have you finished already?" the brightly yellow-haired boy said as he approached the demon, ready to finally end him.

Hairo yelled out loudly in a rage "AHHHHHHHHHHH" he checked his shadows for anything, any weapon, he just needed to deny this demon slayer anything and kill him. The only thing that appeared under him was a Katana, his eyes softened. He thought back to his Bushido days, how he was so certain that he and his comrade's blades would never lose out to guns. He knew his old friends would be ashamed in him now, Rengoku rushed at him as flames surrounded his sword. Just as he was about to get a killing strike on Hairo's neck a large shadowy form burst around him.

Rengoku managed to jump back, he stared at the now shadowy figure with a wolf-like head that was once the demon. The demon picked up the Katana, and for once in a less raspy and calm voice asked "Kyojuro Rengoku was it?" the demon asked solemnly. Rengoku rubbed dust from out of his eyes 'he gathered all the shadow wolves onto himself. If I touch it myself I will get cut up in a flash.' he then said in a matching tone "that's right." the demon chuckled "well then Kyojuro Rengoku, I am Hairo. Allow me to slay you as a fellow warrior of the sword."

Rengoku held his sword up, with a serious face said "fine. A duel is what I wanted anyway." the two did not move at first. But in a matter of seconds, their swords clashed. Large winds shot out around them as they clashed blades. Hairo's katana and Rengoku's Nichirin sword. But Hairo was beginning to push Rengoku back "it's futile, your blade will never break mine with my blood demon technique. Now die!" he pushed his blade further against the other. Suddenly though, as flames surrounded not only Rengoku's blade, but the demon slayer himself, Hairo felt a large heat. "My shadows…they…they are being burnt away?!"

As Rengoku thought of all the people this demon killed indiscriminately from his explosives. As he thought about Mitusri whom the demon injured, he thought about his brother, and his father, who if he failed to kill this demon would be hunted down after the demon realized he was not the man who tortured him, he thought of Tanya would curse out his name if he died before they could duel again, And of his mother, who told him to always protect others. A flame erupted from Rengoku. As taken in a large breath, flames left his mouth. He would use the ultimate form of Flame breathing. The one named after his family.

'Set your heart ablaze!'

"Flame breathing, Ultimate technique, ninth form; Purgatory!"

When it was all over, hairo's head was cut off. As it fell to the ground and disappeared he said to the one who slew him "nice…swordsmanship." Rengoku himself could now barely stand. He struggled to keep his base footing "I can't collapse now, I have to keep moving my body, some bombs still need to be…" he fell to his knees, and was about to black blacked out.

He then felt a large hug envelop him "You did it! You beat one of the twelve Kizuki! You…you can be the flame pillar now Rengoku!" Mitsuri yelled as she hugged the barely conscious male. One of the other demon slayers tried to get her off him saying "hey move, we gotta treat him or he will die from his wounds! Are even listening?!"

Mitsuri just kept quiet. Rengoku was fine, just wounded and barely keeping consciousness. But he had done it, he took down one of the moons. He and the other demons' slayers protected others. 'Did you see that mother?'