
Saga of Pride

Revenge. A hatred that festers over years. Unable to quell his needs, the man named Selvic has been going through the motions of day-to-day life, taking job after job just to make enough money to stay afloat. Every decision has led up to this day, where he takes on a bodyguarding job that seems as normal as any other job. He was sorely wrong. Read on to see how pride, affects the many decisions that eventually lead him back to the sights of the one who destroyed everything...

8SoA · Action
Pas assez d’évaluations
52 Chs

Chapter 42: Trouble in Lethal (1)

A chorus of voices filled the tavern, however it wasn't orderly or even pleasant sounding. It was a chorus of loud boisterous sounds and shouting. Practically everyone inside was drunk, a pleasure experienced far and wide.

This was a place many came to as a distraction, while others entered to have a good time; the two who walked through the door weren't here for any of those things however. Their faces were overcast with an edge of resolve.

One, was a gentleman, clearly older given his shorter stature and long gray beard. His skin was a dark brown that had many wrinkles dressing it, and beside him stood another darker-skinned man. He had an air of youth about him, not looking a day over twenty. He had deep-black hair, however a set of piercing yellow eyes made him stand out from the common man.

As the two entered the tavern, the noise suddenly stopped. The reason for it was the pair, as the younger man in the front had pushed the doors open, somewhat aggressively.

The older man released a sigh as he stroked his beard. "Ultri… I always tell you to be more reserved with your strength. Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"Sorry gramps. I just can't. It's not my style." Ultri truly sounded apologetic, but he also truly meant what he had said. As all eyes were on the pair, who had barely stepped into the tavern, Ultri called out, "Has anyone seen a man named Boreas around here?"

As his question spread throughout the room, silence was the only thing returned to him. Then, as if nothing had happened, noise consumed the tavern once more.

All inside continued drinking, chatting and laughing. Ultri's head was facing the floor, as he tried to hold back the feeling of embarrassment. Never before had he been so utterly disrespected. The older man beside him placed a hand on his shoulder, to reassure him. "It's okay, Ultri. I'll handle this."

Ultri conceded to his mentor, taking a step back as he continued to stuff down his frustration. Muttering something under his breath.

"Guess I'll use my ability…" The older man said. He took a step forward and in that moment, the entire tavern began to shake violently. Grunts of surprise spread throughout the room as several glasses which had been on tables fell, crashing to the ground.

Many of the bottles lining the bartender's area fell off the shelf as well, shattering on the ground. It was such a potent vibration, that even fully grown men, large and tall, were struggling to stay on their feet. Then, the violent shaking stopped.

Panic was spread across many patron's faces as they glanced all around in confusion. "Ahem." They all turned toward the first person to speak, finding it to be the older man. "Earlier, we had asked you all a question. If you don't mind, we would like it to be answered."

"Ah, old Severost is that you?"

Hearing a familiar voice, the older man turned around. Both himself and Ultri laid eyes on the exact person they had come to see; Boreas. He was just walking through the doorway of the tavern, his partners Bonne and Clyne were behind him. Ultri's fist tightened, his gaze filled with anger. Severost had an unreadable expression on his face. He was stroking his beard in silence.

Boreas, not taking the silence as a bad sign continued speaking, "Oh, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"No, I simply believe trading greetings with a traitor is pointless." Ultri retorted with a scowl.

"Oh, well that's a rude thing to call me. They call that defamation you know?"

"It's not defamation if it's true."

Boreas smirked, however his eyes were laced with malice. Ultri returned the hostility with a glare of his own. At this point, even though there were many people watching, the two were completely focused on each other. It was as if they were the only two in the room.

"Ahem." Severost coughed, breaking up the two's staredown. "If you don't mind, there is something we need to discuss."

Boreas glanced toward Severost, "I don't mind at all." He then walked past the pair, with Bonne and Clyne trickling behind him. He made his way over to a nearby table, sitting down at it. "Come on over."

The room was silent. Besides Boreas, his parners, Severost and Ultri, no one else was speaking. They were watching the scene play out. Ultri had no reason as to why. It was strange.

They had come to this place, asking for Boreas, yet no one would answer them. And then, when the man appeared none seemed to be surprised or continue speaking as normal. …It didn't sit right with him.

Severost stroked his beard, having a contemplative look in his weathered eyes. He too found the ambiance change to be strange, however, he came to a conclusion much quicker than Ultri. He assumed Boreas had done something for many of the patrons. It could have been something small, like buying drinks but regardless of the action, it seemed to produce loyalty among them.

"Ultri. You sit with them, I must pay the barkeep quickly."

"What? Why?" He asked, confusedly.

"Well, I did make a mess of the place in my irritation. It's only fair."

Ultri let out an indignant snort. Then, without another word walked over to the table Boreas, Clyne, and Bonne were at, sitting on the opposite side. Boreas suddenly raised his hand in the air, and the noise which had previously consumed the hall, returned once more.

"Seems I was right…" Severost thought, as he walked over to the bartender's area. He reached into his pocket, pulling out several rubies and placing it on the table. "For your troubles." He said with a courteous nod.

"So, what do you want?" Boreas asked, his gaze darting between Ultri, as well as Severost who sat at the table.

Ultri had an annoyed look in his eye as he responded, "You to pay for your crimes. Simple."

"What crimes?" Boreas asked, his face blank, appearing innocent. Clyne, seeing his act which could only be described as poor at best, snorted. Bonne elbowed him sharply, making him wince and stop his enjoyment of the situation.

Severost released an almost tired sigh, "Come now… Is this really how you want to play it? Just so you know, we are Sun clan members before we're Adventurers. The rule of no infighting won't dissuade us. If we lose our titles that is fine by us."

Ultri added, "Yeah. And you know you couldn't take on the both of us. You might as well come peacefully."

Malice slowly spread over the table, the source coming from Clyne. His previous laid-back composure faded, being replaced by an alert one, "You're forgetting that we're here." He said, nodding his head toward Bonne who was sitting beside him.

"And you're forgetting the last time we fought. Back when that bastard-" he nodded at Boreas, before looking back at Clyne- "killed our chief, he protected you. If you hadn't been conveniently placed near him, you would have died just like the rest of your little group."

The hostility oozing from Clyne and Bonne was easily matched by Ultri's own. The only two without anger clouding their gazes were Severost and Boreas.

Severost simply sighed, about to speak when he felt a sudden prick of pain on his hand. He glanced down to see a bug about the size of his fingernail on it. After swatting it away he spoke, "Bad-blood aside, what do you say Boreas? If you agree to come with us your friends here will be spared. After all, you were the one to commit the act, they simply stood by and assisted your escape."

All eyes around the table fell on Boreas. The hostility, while not fading completely, was more drawn back. Everyone was waiting on what he would say next.

His head was lowered and even though many patrons in the bar were speaking amongst themselves, filling the building with noise; to all around the table it might as well have been dead-silent.

"We'd never let them take you B." Clyne said adamantly.

"Yeah," Bonne added, "We're a team."

Boreas raised his head. He glanced over, seeing Bonne and Clyne looking at him. Their faces were resolved. He didn't spot an ounce of hesitation or even doubt. They truly meant what they'd said.

A smile formed on his face. They were truly his partners. Through thick and thin they stood by his side. That thought made him realize, he may have been taking them for granted. Their friendship started when they were young, as he rarely spent time with his brother. Ashur was always off with Mary, or Ultri.

Boreas wouldn't tell the two this, but he saw them as his family. The only ones to truly care for him, accepting all parts of him. In turn, he had accepted everything about them as well. With a decision being reached in his mind, he spoke.

"No. I'd rather just fight and get things over with."

Silence followed his words. Ultri, had a smirk on his face. He was glad. The traitor chose death right here and now. Severost on the other hand was disappointed, evident by the downcast expression clouding his face.

Severost was the first to speak, "Well, let's leave this tavern then.... I'd hate to ruin it."

"Sounds fine to me." Boreas replied.

The five then stood, all walking together. After walking out of the tavern, they started traversing down the road. Boreas was close to Ultri, being in the front while Bonne and Clyne were beside Severost in the back. There was a deep silence among them.

The reality that they would soon enter brutal combat was on all of their minds. This would be a fight to the death. Severost was unable to push down his feelings of frustration. He hated violence, but at the same time as a warrior of the Sun Clan, he had to provide it.

Maybe it was his old age but he started feeling sentimental. Thinking back, the three soon-to-be adversaries of his were just young tots. He recalled seeing them running around the village, being a unit. Of course there were other children, they were among Boreas' friends but after his coup they were killed.

Severost, unable to bear the silence much longer, spoke, "Bonne, Clyne."

"Yes?" The two responded.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want to turn back. I think…" His voice trailed off. For some reason, he felt odd. Was it his equilibrium? He didn't know why but the passing buildings seemed to be shifting slightly.

His foot slightly slipped over his other as he stumbled. Before he could get his bearings, a sword plunged through his back, piercing through to his chest. Blood spilt from his lips.

He glanced back to see Clyne was the one to stab him. In an instant, he stomped down, making the ground shake. Ultri, in confusion at his mentor's sudden blessing activation, turned. His eyes widened in horror as he saw the older man's injury.

Severost prepared to pull out his blade, however, he felt a prickle of pain on his neck. A bug flew away from it, landing on Bonne's shoulder.

He then realized Bonne was a blessing user. Back in the tavern, when he was bitten by a tiny bug, it must've been one of hers. It seemed that the specific bug's effect was to throw off one's equilibrium. Without being able to even pull out his blade, he fell to the ground, face-first. A pool of blood leaked out from under him.

"Gramps!" Ultri screamed. He started to rush forward, however, bloodlust from behind stopped him. A spear of ice, barely nicked his cheek as he pivoted out of the way.

Boreas held it in his hand, cliquing his tongue slightly in annoyance at his failed kill strike.

"What kind of attack was that?" Clyne said, a lighthearted smirk on his face.

"Shut it, you know I'm a slow start in combat."

Ultri clenched his teeth together, his face strained with pain. "Gramps?" He questioned, his voice faint. No response came back to him however. Severost was dead. Just like that. All it had taken was a blow through his back to take him down.

Severost was always there for Ultri, acting as a guiding light and mentor. He trusted the man. Since he was a teenager he had been taught by him. He never could have predicted for him to die in such a way. For the seasoned warrior, who fought in constant battles for over 50 years, him dying in a place like this was horrid. Unacceptable, even.

Suddenly, a hot searing aura poured out from Ultri. It was harsh enough to make Bonne and Clyne back up slightly. Boreas simply gripped the spear tighter as a sinister smirk formed on his face. "Here we go…" he muttered in anticipation.

The three warriors watched as a pair of dark colored horns sprouted from Ultri's head. His skin, which was darker, suddenly grew pitch-black. Under his feet, the ground became dented, from the sheer power of his transformation.

"I'll be handling this alone." Boreas said. Before his two partners could voice their protest, Ultri charged at Boreas. He, in response to the warrior's fury barely had time to raise his spear to block the punch that was thrown at him.

The blow was heavy enough to send him through two buildings. Passerby looked on, wide-eyed at the man who was now wedged into the wall. Before he could get his bearings fully, Ultri appeared before him; grabbing his face and with a powerful stomp he jumped high into the air.

The two were traveling with blinding speed, heading toward the nearby forest. Boreas was helpless in the face of the man's power. He felt a sizzling sensation on his face which was still held by Ultri's hand.

"Okay… that's enough!" He shouted as several spikes of ice shot out from his skin. Ultri's hold on him was released and the two fell to the ground. Dust from their landing enveloped the area.

Boreas, touched his face with his fingers. He felt the rough-sensation that was meant to be his skin. It was charred slightly. "That wasn't very nice." He said, his gaze filled with malice as he combed through the surrounding area; the aim to find his opponent.

"Boreas." A deep-gravelly voice called his name. He almost hadn't recognized the owner, up until he saw him. Standing several feet from Boreas was Ultri.

He had horns sprouting from his head, being several inches long as well as pitch-black skin. Tears of blood were running down his face. "You will pay for what you've done." He said in a grave tone.

"Come at me then." Boreas said, licking his lips expectantly.

So, after this string of chapters, recapping the events in the battle of Lethal, we will be entering the final half of this arc.

It's been a wild ride so far, with many revelations and character introductions, as well as development.

I hope you've been enjoying the way the story has been progressing. I'm very excited for you all to see the rest of this storyline play out, as it will open the door for big change in the story, as well as change in the world of Saga of Pride itself.

Please continue to read and support the series, as it gives me more motivation to continue! Thank you!

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