
Saga of Pride

Revenge. A hatred that festers over years. Unable to quell his needs, the man named Selvic has been going through the motions of day-to-day life, taking job after job just to make enough money to stay afloat. Every decision has led up to this day, where he takes on a bodyguarding job that seems as normal as any other job. He was sorely wrong. Read on to see how pride, affects the many decisions that eventually lead him back to the sights of the one who destroyed everything...

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52 Chs

Chapter 25: Plans

Kunan released a sigh, tapping his foot occasionally.

He was looking intently at a wanted poster board. There were many faces on it, but the one that would catch most people's eye was Luna's. Her snow-white hair and piercing silver eyes were imposing even through a drawn image.

The poster Kunan's eyes were currently locked on wasn't hers, however, being the one next to it. On it was a man, having pitch-black hair.

His face was covered by a fox mask, the only distinguishable feature being his light green eyes.

He had an almost facetious smirk on his face, one that was oozing confidence which made sense based on who he was. The name written on the bottom said Macro, Leader of Black Jack. Under it, the bounty price said, "700,000 Rubies."

Kunan reached for the poster, grabbing and turning it around. His eyes squinted as he read the information listed.

Macro, Leader of Black Jack. Information on him and the base of operations for the organization are currently unknown.

He was formerly an Adventurer, attaining the rank of A however seven years ago, in the year 992 he resigned. The reasoning for his decision was unknown and soon after he disappeared.

Three years later, he was spotted, coming to the Head Guild Hall where it was recorded he'd spoken to Larouge, also known as The Height.

The specifics of their conversation were kept confidential however the conclusion of it started a fight, one that was so deadly the entire building had been destroyed.

Several lower-ranked Adventurers caught in the cross-fires were severely injured or killed. Criminals, those being classified in the town level of sentencing escaped from the Holding Cells, Purgatory.

Despite the collateral being so great Macro was able to escape, and soon after he was branded a criminal, due to his being linked to several criminal organizations as well as helping free some criminals as well.

Supposedly, the organizations he was involved with soon fell in line, being under his leadership, giving the conglomerate the name of Black Jack.

Ever since he's been an elusive figure who always stays in the shadows, pulling the strings of many important events, the most recent being the massacre of the council of ten in Albaede. It is rumored that he's allied with Luna as well.

A sigh fell from Kunan's lips as he finished reading the wide amount of information. He slowly placed it back on the board.


John was standing next to him, having his head tilted to the side. It wasn't clear how long he was standing there but regardless Kunan responded.

"What is the matter?"

"It's nothing really. I just wanted to say goodbye. Me and Ashur are heading out now."

"Ah I see, that's a shame we couldn't converse more, I'm hoping you have safe travels. It was a pleasure to meet you."

The tone Kunan spoke in held a hint of sorrow in it. John, noticing this reached his hand out to shake his. With a smile on both of their faces, they shook.

"It was a pleasure to meet you too Kunan. Should be seeing you around in the future."

Kunan nodded silently, being his way of agreeing with his sentiment and John took that moment as his chance to leave.

With a wave he started to walk over toward the Guild Hall doors, preparing to exit with his partner Ashur but… no Ashur. He wasn't at the spot he'd left him.

With a long sigh, John turned back around, his eyes scanning the area. His gaze passed many people, Kunan who still stood by the job board, facing it once more, Rox and his party conversing, and the many nameless adventurers in the hall.

The two people currently missing from his view were one, his intended target for the search, and two, Claire.

Ashur and Claire were standing in the medical wing of the Guild Hall, being in a corner of the room.

"So, where is she?"

Ashur asked, his head tilted slightly. His eye was searching Claire's for a sign of authenticity for whatever her response would be.

"In the forest of Kamu."


Ashur was staring at her, a blank expression on his face.

Did she really answer him honestly like that?

He didn't know her that well but based on their previous interactions he could say she came off at least as a truthful speaker.

She was truthful for the most part, yet her way of words often left a bit more to be desired, however with the response she'd just given there was no room for reflection or doubt. It all added up in Ashur's mind now.

The forest of Kamu. It was a place only Larouge, the A Rank Adventurers' and the Adventuring Council, knew of.

It was a sacred place, one that was manipulated by an ancient spell long ago.

The spell dilated time, meaning the deeper someone went in the forest, the faster time would progress inside, compared to out.

Two minutes in the outside world could be four or even multiple hours in the forest depending on the depth traveled inside. Claire had a slight smirk on her face, possibly from the giant look of confusion planted on Ashur's.

"...Hm. Well, alright. If you can contact her anytime soon while John and I leave for our trip, would you tell her something for me?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Please tell her I said thank you. Regardless of the outcome of this situation, I won't regret the result."

The woman just looked at him, her smirk which had been there previously slowly withered away, being replaced with pursed lips.

The look on his face… she hated it.

That gaze filled with not an ounce of hesitation or doubt, his expression which told of complete determination but worst of all, that smile. It was warm, showing he was truly grateful.

She felt her heart start to beat, even if by the slightest millisecond faster.

His expression reminded her of another's, and an image of the person flashed through her mind. Unable to bear the familiarity she turned her head, looking at something behind him.

"Why don't you come out spirit user?"

Ashur turned to see the tips of blond hair poking out from around the wall.

Silence filled the space soon after but it was shoved aside by the sound of footsteps.

They were heavy, filled with embarrassment at being caught red-handed. With his cheeks flushed red, John spoke.

"Heyya you two. Didn't like, overhear anything about gratitude or stuff…"

Ashur released a long sigh, his forehead getting palmed by his hand. Subtlety was not one of John's key skills, evident by all in attendance for his statement.

A soft giggle fell from Claire's lips at the awkwardness that came from the adventurer. She tried to cover her mouth, to hide her smile but it was pointless.

The color of John's face only became more comparable to that of a tomato's as the realization of him displaying the worst way to eavesdrop lingered in his mind.

When her giggling finally ceased, she lowered her hand, a smile shone on her face. It was radiant, and John couldn't help but be captivated by it, she truly had a beautiful smile.

"You're welcome Ashur. I'll relay the message, and please, don't ever lose that vigor of yours okay?"

She then proceeded to walk past them. Ashur didn't say anything else to prolong the conversation as something else was at the forefront of his mind.

When she had spoken her last piece he'd thought her smirk had a glint of sorrow in it, unfortunately for him her eyes were shut so he couldn't fully read the emotion from her to confirm his hypothesis.

Regardless, now with his mind readjusted to the goal before them he turned to John.

"Alright. Let's go."

As the two walked out of the Guild Hall, a pair of eyes followed them. They belonged to Rox, who quickly leaned over to the man beside him.

"Hey, Rann. Need to ask you a favor."

His voice was lowered, being at a whispering level.

"What is it?"

"Follow those two. In case they find Boreas. You'll know what to do."

"Sure. My ability is perfect for these kinds of assignments after all."

After giving his confident response, which served as acceptance of the mission given to him, he proceeded to talk amongst his party members.

"Hey, Rox?"

The one calling his name was Claire. She had a reserved look on her face as if she wasn't sure if he was finished speaking with his group.

"What is it?"

"If you're free I have a message for you from The Height."

His eyes gave no indication she needed to stall any longer so she continued.

"Thanks to Locust's recon, we located Buld. As you may or may not know he was one of the most dangerous prisoners in Purgatory. Thanks to Macro, he was freed, and since he's been a shifty figure. The rumor was that he started his own petty crime syndicate, not on the level of the Red Sparrow or Black Jack but deadly enough. He's a demon-level threat so-"

"You want me to catch him." Rox interrupted, his eyes gleaming with a preconceived notion in his mind.

Claire sighed, stepping a bit closer to him, her voice was low.

"No. The records have been kept top secret but he's killed dozens of innocents already. Your mission is to wipe him off this continent."

Rox's straight-laced expression shifted, going from one calm and unsurprised to excited and somewhat taken aback.

"Hmm. You know that's a tall order, right? His ability is particularly troublesome yet Larouge wants me to actually kill him?"

She nodded silently. A solemn look on her face.

"I tried to explain how dangerous it was to send just you. Of course, you're in the stronger half of us but nonetheless, it's risky."

"Don't worry. All that means is I'll have to surpass my limits. To become a stronger version of me, shouldn't be too hard."

Claire's gaze was filled with worry. Not doubt necessarily but she knew that most missions, especially A rank like this one, rarely went how expected.

She'd seen the worst outcomes play out too many times.

Nevertheless, she offered up no protests. He was his own person, their history together didn't matter.

As Adventurers there were often times personal attachment would have to be discarded completely for the sake of the mission.

"Well, I wish you good luck."

She gave her words of encouragement with a forced smile. Rox, opened his mouth, starting to say something but he stopped himself, giving a silent nod instead.

He wanted to reassure her, to say that he would come back and be fine, but even he knew such a statement would be hard to back up; the rigid focus was required if he were to see through the battle ahead of him.