
Chapter 35: In Which It’s All Hazy

She couldn't help but sup back into Jameson as the light of the opioid started to take its full effect on her. She felt like she was floating like her body was weightless and all the colors around her seemed more vivid than before while the sounds seemed far away, drowned in the background.

She had lost all her senses.

"That's right baby, just relax and give in to the high" Jamerson said, a devilish smirk curved on his lips as he nipped at her soft ear in his own high.

Chapter 31: In Which He Gets Away with It

Alexander was getting restless waiting outside the back tinted glass doors that did not allow her to see inside and it was basically killing Alex.

He did not know what was going on inside and the anticipation was torturous. The bastard could be doing anything with his girl, and he wouldn't know, he hated this feeling of being helpless.