
Sad Short Story

Just some sad short stories.

Face_Less77 · Urbain
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Daniel trudged along the empty school hallways and headed to the band room. It was homeroom and he decided to skip class. The band room was his getaway where he could let loose and cool down.

He gently strummed his guitar in a sad melody. He wondered what his songs would sound like with lyrics. He had tried writing lyrics but poetry and heartfelt writing was not his specialty.

The melody carried outside of the band room and echoed into the empty halls catching the attention of Skye. She loved music. You wouldn't catch her without her headphones listening to songs for inspiration of her own.

She sat down next to the band room door focusing on the melody and how she could put lyrics into it. She immediately started scribbling ideas down. She imagined singing along with Daniel.

Then, the music stopped and the door creaked open. Startled, she jumped up and rushed away. But her attempt was in vain and she tripped grabbing the attention of Daniel.

"You were listening?" His voice was neutral, she couldn't tell if he was mad at her or not. Before she answered she hesitated. "Mhm, I was." She whispered quietly.

Daniel walked up to her, she kept her head low but could still hear his footsteps. He crouched down and picked up her notebook. A wave of embarrassment hit her and her cheeks flushed. Daniel slowly examined each page, "These are good!" He exclaimed. Skye's face lit up, "You really think so?" She would never think someone like Daniel would like her writing. "Yes, really." He turned to her, "Can you sing?" Daniel started getting excited, his music could finally mean something. "I can but I can't assure you how good it would sound." Skye looked back down at the floor. Daniel jumped up, "Thats fine!" He held out his hand helping Skye up off the floor.

That is how Skye and Daniel met. Five years later they got married and lived happily together. They never shared their music despite thinking about it multiple times. They wanted to keep it between them. Something special only they could have.

They had good paying job and small cozy home in the city. Music wasn't their top priority anymore like it was back in highschool. They still enjoyed it and in their free time they spent time together making new songs.

"I'm off to work!" Daniel called out. Skye rushed towards him and gave him a goodbye hug. "I'll see you when you get back." She smiled and he kissed her forehead before leaving.

Skye had been feeling off lately. She had slight nausea and had gained some extra weight. It made her self conscious but she shrugged it off. Today she was going to Daniel's parent's house to help around. She told them about her sudden symptoms and that got everyone excited. It made her happy and she wanted to share it with Daniel. She immediately sent a text to Daniel but got no reply. He's probably busy she thought.

Knowing the news Daniel's mom told her she should go home and rest for now. They didn't want to push her too hard. She drove back impatient for the day to end.

Then everything turned black.

Daniel got a call from his mom, "Daniel, its Skye! She was in a car accident." Her voice was shakey and Daniel struggled to remain calm. "Where is she I'm gonna go see her." He started panicking this was serious. "I'm sorry, Daniel..." His mom sniffed and her voice softened. "She... Skye didn't make it." He held the phone to his ear but didn't say anything. She couldn't be dead, he thought. That's impossible.

He hung up the phone and checked his text messages. He checked the text he received from Skye. His eyes blurred with tears, "You're going to be a daddy!" It read.

I'm sorry it's bad.

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