
Sad Short Story

Just some sad short stories.

Face_Less77 · Urbain
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2 Chs

Final Breath

Abby was only four years old and her mother loved very much. She treasured her. Abby, her father, and her mother decided it would be fun to go to the beach over the summer and today was the day.

"Mommy, can I blow it up?" Abby looked up at her mother intently. Her mother smiled softly and handed her the small beach ball. "Don't blow too hard you'll get dizzy." She patted her head.

Her mother started setting the towels down on the soft sand while her dad set up the umbrella. "I'm done mommy!" Abby ran to her mother. "Very good," she patted her head. "Why don't we go play with it?" Her mother offered.

They spent hours passing it back and forth. They couldn't imagine a better time. "I got it!" She sprinted trying to catch up to the ball that got closer and closer to the water. "Be careful!" Her mom ran after her but it was too late.

A wave swept Abby right off her feet. She struggled flailing her arms in the water whilst her parents called for a life guard. She was already submerged underwater when the life guard came.

She was limp and cold, barely breathing when they got her out of the water. They called an ambulance as soon as possible but they couldn't save her.

Tears still in her parents eyes, they deflated the beach ball. Her mother cried harder, they were literally letting go of some of their daughter's last breaths.