
Sacred Relationships Soul Land 2

___________________•_______________ Twin Brothers, Dei Lu and Xiao Shivay find themselves entangled in a massive conspiracy against the Gods of Douluo Dalu Continent. Their already messy lives is turned upside down once they make their way into Shrek Academy. Enemies emerge from the shadows,each believing that the brothers are the key to the destruction of the almighty Gods. With one able to see the future and the other being able to physically alter it,it was clear that they were not like others. Despite these gifts their own future remains shrouded in mystery and their past, a long forgotten tale.

Jared_Hart · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


Huo Yuhao finally awoke to the worried stares of Bei Bei and Tang Ya. His head throbbed with a dull ache, and as he blinked to clear his vision, the room around him seemed to spin momentarily before settling into focus. The concern etched on the faces of his friends was palpable, a stark contrast to the chaotic, fragmented memories swirling in his mind.

How did he get into this room? Wasn't he in the forest just a while ago? Did Bei Bei and Tang Ya bring him here? Why were they being so kind to him when they knew very little about him?

"Yuhao, you're awake!" Tang Ya's voice was a mixture of relief and anxiety as she leaned closer, her eyes scanning his face for any signs of distress.

"How are you feeling, buddy?" Bei Bei added, his hand resting gently on Huo Yuhao's shoulder.

Huo Yuhao, coming out of his thoughts,tried to sit up, wincing as a sharp pain shot through his temples. He felt disoriented, as if parts of his mind were shrouded in a thick fog. "I... I don't know," he murmured, his voice hoarse. "Everything's so fuzzy. I can't remember much. How long was I unconscious."

Tang Ya exchanged a worried glance with Bei Bei before focusing back on Huo Yuhao. "Three days. Do you remember what happened? Anything at all?"

Closing his eyes, Huo Yuhao tried to piece together the disjointed fragments of his memory. There were flashes of a dark void, shadowy figures, and a boy he felt inexplicably connected to. But the details were elusive, slipping away like sand through his fingers. "It's all a blur," he admitted, frustration evident in his tone. "I remember being in a dark place... and there was someone with me. But it's all so distorted."

Bei Bei's expression turned thoughtful. "You mentioned a dark place. Do you think it could have been some sort of spiritual realm or dream?"

Huo Yuhao nodded slowly. "Maybe. It felt... real, but also not real, if that makes any sense."

Tang Ya gently squeezed his hand. "Take your time, Yuhao. We're here for you. Whatever it was, we'll figure it out together."

The warmth of their support gave Huo Yuhao a small measure of comfort, but the nagging sense of something important eluding him gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. He couldn't shake the feeling that the boy in his fragmented memories was crucial, a key to understanding what had happened.


In the serene quiet of the temple, Xiao Shivay had began to stir. His eyes fluttered open, and he slowly took in the familiar surroundings with perplexion. The soft glow of the candles and the calming scent of incense did little to ease the confusion swirling in his mind.What was going on?

Beside him, Dei Lu had been keeping a vigilant watch for the past four days, his concern etched deeply into his features. The moment he saw his brother's eyes open, his heart soared with relief.

"Shivay!" Dei Lu exclaimed, his voice a mixture of joy and worry. "You're awake!"

Xiao Shivay struggled to sit up, his body feeling uncharacteristically heavy and weak. "Dei Lu? What… what happened?" he asked, his voice hoarse and disoriented.

Dei Lu gently helped him sit up, careful not to overwhelm him. "You fainted," he explained softly. "We were reading the Dukes letter when it happened. You've been out for four days."

Xiao Shivay frowned, trying to piece together his fragmented memories. "Four days? How don't I remember anything? That's… that's not normal."

Dei Lu nodded, his expression serious. He still had his suspicion of the letter being somewhat involved but he kept it to himself. Xiao Shivay had been through enough."I know. I've been so worried. Do you remember anything? Anything at all?"

Xiao Shivay closed his eyes, attempting to delve into the recesses of his mind. But the memories were hazy, like a thick fog obscuring his thoughts. He could recall flashes of darkness, a sensation of fear, and a voice that sent chills down his spine. He also remembered the lingering sensation of a gentle touch yet no clear images formed, leaving him frustrated and uneasy.

"It's all a blur," he admitted, shaking his head slightly. "I remember feeling scared, like something was chasing me. And a voice… there was a voice, but I can't make out what it said."

Dei Lu's eyes darkened with concern. "A voice? What kind of voice?"

Xiao Shivay shivered involuntarily, the memory of the voice sending a shudder through him. "It was… menacing. It felt like it wanted to hurt me. But beyond that, everything's just so jumbled."

Dei Lu reached out and took his brother's hand, his grip firm and reassuring. "We'll figure this out, Shivay. You're not alone in this. Whatever it is, we'll face it as one."

Xiao Shivay nodded, drawing strength from his brother's resolve. "Thank you, Dei Lu. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Dei Lu smiled, though worry still lingered in his eyes. " Lucky for you, you'll never have to find out. I won't leave your side ever. Now, let's get you some food. You need to regain your strength."

Xiao Shivay wanted to protest saying that he wasn't hungry but the death glare from Dei Lu kept him silent.

As Xiao Shivay settled back and laid down, Dei Lu couldn't help but think about the strange occurrences that had been happening. He knew that whatever had caused his brother to collapse wasn't just a simple fainting spell. There was something deeper at play, something that they needed to uncover before it struck again.

Meanwhile, in another part of the temple, Elder Zoa watched over the two brothers with a contemplative expression. He had seen many strange things in his time, but this situation with Xiao Shivay was different. Much more different. The boy had a powerful aura about him, one that hinted at untapped potential yet still did not feel as truly his own. It was as if Xiao Shivay, during his time of unconsciousness, existed and ceased to do so at the same time. His life force was very faint yet his soul power continued to increase.

As he pondered, the door to the room creaked open, and Mei Ling entered quietly. "Elder Zoa, how are they?" she asked, her voice hushed.

"They are both asleep now, " Elder Zoa replied. "But Xiao Shivay's memories are fragmented. Whatever happened to him left a deep impression. I don't know how he pulled through but I'm glad that he is okay.."

Mei Ling frowned, worry etched into her face. "Do you think it has something to do with his martial soul? I mean Shivay has not really been himself ever since it came about. Until now many didn't even know that he had a martial soul."

Elder Zoa nodded slowly. "It's possible. The awakening of his martial soul might have triggered something.We must tread carefully and help him uncover the truth without causing further harm."


In the shadowed corners of the temple, something else stirred. A figure cloaked in darkness watched with keen interest, its eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. The energy radiating from Xiao Shivay was unmistakable, a familiar signature that piqued its curiosity.

"Interesting," it whispered to itself, a sinister smile spreading across its face. "So, the boy with the third eye has resurfaced. Seems the fool could not kill the brat. This could complicate things."

The figure's thoughts were interrupted by a soft rustle. Another presence, equally shrouded in darkness, approached. "What should we do?" it asked, its voice low and respectful.

"For now, we watch," the first figure replied. "Let them believe they are safe. We will strike when the time is right. The boy and his brother hold the key to our plans, and we must not act hastily."

The second figure nodded, fading back into the shadows. The first figure remained, its gaze fixed on the room where Xiao Shivay and Dei Lu rested. "Enjoy your reprieve, little Shivay," it murmured. "For it will not last long."

Back in the temple room, Xiao Shivay laid down , his eyes heavy with exhaustion but his mind racing with questions. He turned to his brother, who sat beside him, equally lost in thought.

"Dei Lu," he said quietly, breaking the silence. "Do you think we'll ever find out what's happening to me?"

Dei Lu looked at him, his expression resolute. "I don't know, Shivay. But one thing I am certain about is that we won't stop until we find some answers. We're in this together, no matter what."

Xiao Shivay managed a small smile, comforted by his brother's unwavering support. "Together," he echoed. "We'll face whatever comes, together."

As the night wore on, the brothers settled into an uneasy sleep, their dreams filled with shadowy figures and fragmented memories. The path ahead was uncertain, but they knew that with each other by their side, they could face any challenge that came their way.

Little did they know, their journey was only just beginning, and the shadows that lurked in the corners of their world were growing ever closer, ready to test their resolve and uncover the true strength hidden within them.


In the heart of a desolate and malevolent realm known as the Abyss of Shadows, a figure emerged from the darkness. The chamber, filled with swirling shadows and an oppressive atmosphere, seemed to devour any trace of light. The figure, battered and trembling, prostrated itself before a looming throne made of dark, pulsating energy.

The creature known as Morathis, the Shadow Weaver,  raised its head, its ethereal form flickering with residual pain from its recent defeat. "Master, I beg for your forgiveness," it pleaded, its voice a raspy whisper. "I have failed you."

From the throne, a deep, sinister chuckle resonated through the chamber. The master, an entity of pure malevolence known only as the Dark Sovereign, leaned forward. His eyes, twin pools of infinite darkness, gleamed with amusement and contemplation.

"Failed me?" The Dark Sovereign's voice was a blend of ice and fire, both soothing and terrifying. "On the contrary, Morathis, you have brought me valuable information. I did not know that the boy, Xiao Shivay, still possessed such fire within him."

Morathis shuddered, confused by the master's reaction. "But... we intended to kill him. With him gone, getting our hands on Dei Lu, the divine being would have been easy. Was that not the plan?"

The Dark Sovereign rose from his throne, his form a towering shadow that seemed to consume the very air. "True, our initial plan was to eliminate the boy and then capture his brother. However, the introduction of this third party, this Huo Yuhao, has changed everything."

He began to pace, his movements silent and fluid like a predator stalking its prey. "Their battle in the void revealed more than just their strength. The fusion of their martial souls, is a power I cannot allow to grow unchecked."

The chamber trembled with the force of the Dark Sovereign's words. "If their mental battle alone could inflict such damage on you at their current level, then I dread to imagine the full force of their martial soul fusion in the real world."

Shadow Weaver lowered its head, fear gripping its essence. "What do you command, Master?"

The Dark Sovereign stopped and stared into the abyss, his mind calculating every possibility. " Luckily I was able to interven at that crucial moment and partially wipe their memories but we need more than that. Under no circumstances are Xiao Shivay and Huo Yuhao to meet in the real world. Their union poses a threat to everything we have built and everything we strive to achieve and we simply cannot let that happen."

He turned to Morathis, his eyes burning with a dark, unholy light. "You will ensure that these two are kept apart. Use every resource available, every pawn at our disposal. They must not realize their combined potential. Do you understand?"

Shadow Weaver nodded fervently. "Yes, Master. I will see to it personally."

"Good." The Dark Sovereign's lips curled into a malevolent smile. "Morathis Remember, , failure is not an option. The fate of the Abyss of Shadows depends on it."

With a wave of his hand, the Dark Sovereign dismissed Morathis. The Shadow Weaver vanished into the darkness, its mind already plotting the next move to ensure the separation of Xiao Shivay and Huo Yuhao.

As the chamber fell silent, the Dark Sovereign returned to his throne, his thoughts lingering on the two boys whose fate could determine the balance of power in the world. "So, the game has changed," he murmured to himself. "You really were always a clever witch Qian Renxue. Let us see how well they play."


Morathis reappeared in a smaller, yet equally foreboding chamber within the Abyss of Shadows. It summoned its lieutenants, shadowy figures known as the Dread Wraiths, each one a master of deception and manipulation.

"Our master has given us a new directive," Morathis announced, its voice carrying the weight of their mission. "Xiao Shivay and Huo Yuhao must never meet in the real world. Their combined power is too great a threat."

One of the Dread Wraiths, a figure known as Nyxara, stepped forward. "Why worry about that w, Morathis? The boys are miles apart. Besides it's the boy with the third eye that we are after. Why not just end him already."

"It won't be that easy." A new voice spoke, attention turning to a small dark figure in a cloak. "Xiao Shivay is in a temple guarded by a very powerful soul master and I believe that the Divine being has also began to unlock his powers. Xiao Shivay should have died long ago but somehow his brother was able to reverse it."

"I knew we should have killed those brats ages ago."Nyxara spat out,her form shifting uncontrollably. "What do we do now Morathis."

Morathis's form flickered with determination. This was its fault and so it needed to take responsibility."We will employ a multi-faceted strategy. Distractions, misinformation, and direct intervention if necessary. Nyxara, you will take charge of keeping Huo Yuhao occupied. Use his past and his enemies to keep him from seeking out Xiao Shivay. "

Nyxara bowed. "As you command. I believe I even know were to begin."

Turning to the figure in the cloak, Morathis continued, "Draxan, you will focus on Xiao Shivay. Ensure that his responsibilities and the threats around him keep him rooted in his village. Exploit the villagers' mistrust and any personal connections that could be used against him."

Draxan nodded, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Consider it done. Ma loni is still keeping an eye on him so we will be doing it together."

The meeting concluded, and the Dread Wraiths dispersed, each one tasked with a specific role in the grand scheme to prevent the union of Xiao Shivay and Huo Yuhao.

But it is said that whatever is meant to be will happen and no matter what is to happen no one can run away from their destiny.


Mei Ling paced back and forth outside the small room where Xiao Shivay was resting. The weight of the news she carried felt like a boulder on her shoulders. Mr. Leoan, the kind and wise man who had been like a father figure to Xiao Shivay and many others in the village, was dead. Mei Ling knew she had to tell Shivay, but the thought of shattering his fragile state with such devastating news made her hesitate.

Taking a deep breath and gathering courage, she knocked gently on the door. When no answer came, she pushed it open slightly and peeked inside. Xiao Shivay was sitting up in bed, his eyes looking distant and weary.

"Shivay?" Mei Ling called softly, stepping into the room.

Xiao Shivay turned to face her, his eyes lighting up with recognition. "Mei Ling," he greeted, though his voice was still weak. "It's good to see you."

Mei Ling forced a smile, trying to mask her anxiety,though it didn't reach her eyes"It's good to see you too, Shivay. How are you feeling?"

"Better," he replied, though there was a hint of uncertainty in his tone. "But my memories are still a bit fuzzy. Dei Lu told me I fainted. Do you know what happened?"

Mei Ling nodded. She took a seat on the edge of the bed, clasping her hands together to steady herself. "Yes, we were all very worried about you. But you're awake now, and that's what matters."

Xiao Shivay could sense something was troubling her. "Mei Ling, what's wrong? I can tell there's something you want to tell me."

She looked away, biting her lip. This was it. She had to tell him. Her breath hitched, struggling to find the right words. "Shivay, there's something you need to know," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "It's about Mr. Leoan."

Xiao Shivay's expression changed to one of concern and fear. "What about him? Is he okay?"

Mei Ling took a deep breath, her eyes filling with tears. "No, Shivay. Mr. Leoan... he.... he is no more."

The room fell silent as the words hung in the air. Xiao Shivay stared at her, his mind struggling to process the news. "Mr. Leoan is... dead?" he repeated, his voice breaking.

Mei Ling nodded, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry, Shivay. He died in his sleep last night. It was— peaceful, but... he's gone."

Shivay felt a rush of emotions flooding over him. Mr. Leoan had been a mentor, a protector, and a friend. The thought of never seeing him again was unbearable. "I... I don't understand," he stammered. "He was fine when I last saw him. How can a soul master just die in their sleep?"

Xiao Shivay did not know why but strangely he was not as surprise as he assumed he was meant to be in these sort of situations. It was as if he already keen of it to some extent and it only took reality to come slapping him in the face to wake him up.

"Sometimes life is unpredictable," Mei Ling said gently, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "He lived a long and full life, and he was always so proud of you, Shivay. He loved you, like his own son."

Xiao Shivay couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed, the pain of loss overwhelming him.

He knew! Xiao Shivay knew about it, that's what he had seen. His vision during that time in the void had tried to show him about that.

Mei Ling held him, offering what little comfort she could, as he grieved for the man who had done so much to him. After what felt like an eternity, Shivay finally looked up, his eyes red and swollen. What will happen to the bar."What will we do without him?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mei Ling wiped away her own tears and gave him a reassuring smile. "We'll remember him, and honor his memory by continuing the work he started. He taught us so much, and we have to carry on his legacy. To help those in need."

Shivay nodded, though the pain was still fresh. "You're right. We have to be strong, for him."

Just then, the door opened and Dei Lu walked in, his face etched with worry. "Mei Ling, is everything okay?" he asked, seeing the tear-streaked faces of his brother and friend.

Mei Ling stood up and nodded. "I told him about Mr. Leoan."

Dei Lu's expression softened with understanding. He walked over to Shivay and pulled him into a tight embrace. "We'll get through this together, Shivay. Just like we always have."

Dei Lu didn't have anything bad to say about Mr. Leoan but in all honesty he did not like the guy that much. That being said he still could not deny the fact that Mr. Leoan had helped them when they needed it the most. He was a good man was all he could say.

Shivay hugged his brother back, finding solace in the familiarity of his presence. "Thank you, Dei Lu. I don't know what I'd do without you."

However it seemed that Xiao Shivay was not meant to have a moment of peace as the resounding yell of a very familiar patrol guard echoed through out the temple.

"By order of the Duke of Star Luo Empire,I here by place Xiao Shivay under arrest for the murder of Mr. Leoan."



'unedited. '