
Sacred Moon Alpha

Seperated from his parents and his clan right from when he was born; Ryan, unaware of his true identity, grew up and lived with a couple, James and Stella Smith, in New York City.. Ryan's foster parents ain't rich nor poor but they made sure that Ryan never lacked anything and he was grateful for that.. He thought that he had a normal life... not until he turned 18, something unimaginable happened... What will happen when Ryan finds out that the people he'd known all his life and considered as parents aren't his real parents?.. What will happen when Ryan discover his true identity?.. What do you think happened when Ryan turned 18?.. Stay tuned to find out

Anthonia_Charles · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter one : The beginning


For centuries, mankind has doubted the existence of supernatural creatures.. They believed it was just a myth... But what they didn't know is that these creatures actually exists and have lived in the same earth with humans for centuries... What they also didn't know is that there was a massive war between these two familiar creatures : The vampires and The werewolves.. These two creatures have proven to be sworn enemies and they don't seem to be getting close to peace either....

**The werewolves kingdom***

The castle was truly a magnificent sight to behold... The walls were painted with Gold and the designs were simply breathtaking.. In the throne room, a magnificent throne was seen.. And on the throne sat King Stephen with an intimidating aura emitting out of his body..

He rested his elbow on the arm rest of the throne while resting his cheek on his palm.. He seems to be lost in thought until someone barged in, jolting the king out of his thoughts..

"my king!!..my king!!" he looked up and saw his wife's (the queen) personal maid, Lisa.

"what is it Lisa?!" The king asked.

"My King, the queen has just been put to bed and she gave birth to a healthy baby boy" she replied whilst bowing.

"What?!!... where is she?!!... take me to her immediately!!".

"yes my king" Lisa replied as she and the king left to see the queen.

**The queen chamber **,*

The king and Lisa arrived at the queen's chamber. As he opened the door, he took one look and there she was; the love of his life and his new born baby boy. The king went towards them, kissed his queen, carried his baby boy and kissed his forehead.

"finally a heir to rule this kingdom when I'm gone" the king said filled with happiness.

The queen couldn't help but smile too, and so did Lisa. The atmosphere was very lively and welcoming.. Suddenly a gush of wind appeared in the room.. The king and queen didn't flinch because they already knew who it was.. The gush of wind suddenly disappeared and a woman appeared..

The woman had long white hair and she was extremely gorgeous "Greetings your highnesses" she bowed.

"ah, Alexa, it's a pleasure to see you" Luna, the queen, said whilst smiling.

"the pleasure is all mine my queen" Alexa smiled and walked towards the king and looked at the baby he's carrying. She smiled and touched the baby's head "Indeed you are blessed... may I carry him?".

"Of course you can" the king said as he gently placed the baby in Alexa's arms "awwwn, aren't you a little cutie" the baby made a little giggling sound and grabbed one of Alexa's finger.

" awwwn, I think he likes you already" Luna chuckled and so did Stephen.. "umm Alexa, I need to ask a favour" Luna suddenly said.

"of course my queen, go ahead" Alexa smiled.

"umm, I saw a full moon tattoo on his right hand and I'm curious.. I've never heard or seen anything like this before, so I was wondering if you could check if it's good news or bad news" Luna said, silently praying in her heart that it turns out to be good news.

"of course, anything that pleases her highness" Alexa smiled and held the baby's right arm and chanted an incantation " Ostende mihi iuvenis principis futurum!!" her eyes suddenly started to glow and her hair flew as if being blown by an invisible wind.. Suddenly everything stopped. Alexa looked at the baby and smiled "your son is very rare and blessed indeed; the young prince has been heavily blessed by the moon goddess, making him stronger and more powerful than any other supernatural creatures in the entire world!".

"Wow!! that's great news!!.. we must celebrate!.. this is wonderful!!" Stephen turned and spotted Lisa at a corner.

" you! , Go inform the chefs to prepare the most delicious feast they've ever made in their lives because we're gonna celebrate

the birth of my son in two days time and inform the others too.. Spread the news across the kingdom!".

"yes my king" Lisa bowed and left to do as the king instructed...

This is the first novel I wrote... I don't know if y'all would like it but I'll try my best to make interesting.. tell me what you think about it ok .. thanks

Anthonia_Charlescreators' thoughts