
Sacaroth's Ascension

Aiden was just a slightly normal kid. He played video games, a lot. He was poor. He was more interested in science then others, just more in fantasy. One day, on his way home from school, he was walking along a bridge, and a car swerved (Because of a popped tire). He wasn't killed by the car, but smacked over the side of the bridge, hitting his head on a rock under the river, and drowning. He woke up in a bed, somewhere he didn't recognize. All he knew, is that he was in a church, mainly from the worshiper next to him. ------------- I have finished this one, but if anyone reads this book, please try Sacaroth's Cycle. I might return to this later and add more GodRoth content.

SacarothIsWriting · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Playing with Mana

"Okay, I'm back!" Wendy said, and I look over. She continues, "Oh, and I got you're tips from Amanda, my maid. Thanks for that."

"So, when are we starting?" I ask

"Now. First, focus on your Mana core." She begins. I close my eyes, so I can focus better.

"Now, try to move it, like you would your hand." I take out half of it, so if I make a mistake, I still can redo it.

I begin to move it, this time, trying to move it tomy brain.

"Try to move it out of your hand." She interrupts, and I sigh.

"Okay..." And so, I begin to move it downward, and I decided to try to split it, so I can bring it out of both hands. 'Hey, Tiff, how do I split this?' I ask, and I don't get a response. 'Why won't you answer me?'

[Because, there are several methods. They all have a different effect on your spell. But, I'll give you one tip. Try to twist it in two different directions. Depending on how you do that, it'll sperate a different amount. That's all I'm allow to tell you. In fact, I'm punished if I give you more than 1 tip a year. So good luck getting by, idiot.]

'Damn, you didn't hold back.' I twist half one way, and the other the other way. it budged, one way, but didn't move much.

"Hey Wendy, can I have a tip on how to control two rotations?"

"You're level isn't high enough yet, you need 20 in control to just spin it." She replies, unimpressed.

"Damn. Wait, I have a idea." It's currently near my core, which actually gave me this idea.

This next bit is a bit of me narrating of what I do to Wendy. "First, lessen the amount in my control." I put half back in my Mana core. "Now, put it in my hand." I place my hand over my Mana Core. I move the half of my Mana in my control into it.

I condense it, just the smallest bit. I move my hand away, slowly. I place the other hand on top of it, and do it again. I then move both arms out, slowly moving one Mana Ball at a time.

"Should I infuse my element in it?" I ask Wendy, trying hard to hide them both. Well, trying hard to focus so they don't disapate, and to try to impress her once I'm done.

"Yeah, go ahead." she replies, almost like she's looking for something. I cast the Mana infusion, Which costs one point each. Here's what my Mana stats are. Not the points, what they affect.

My points started at five, increased by one per level, by the way.


Cores Element: Body

Type: Self

Mana Amount: 100

Mana Damage: 8 per 20

Control Level: 14

Mana Regen: 10 per minute

Spell Cost: Minus .10%


So I have a 25 in each of my hands. Any way, I cast the infusion. And that's twice, for those who care. I continue slowly, pushing one at a time. When can I control more than one, because that's gonna be a huge help.

I open my eyes once their out, and then Wendy puts a crystal up to each of them. Damn, she knew what I was doing.

"So, what now?" I say, still holding out my arms, waiting.

"I'm storing the Elemental Mana into these crystals. I'll be using them to experiment. You, will go out, raise your level, and when you come back to report, stop by up here to let me test again." She tells me, pushing me out the door.

"Remember, keep practicing!" She yells, while I'm already halfway down the stairs. I sigh, and continue over to the throne room. I hear a thunder outside, I look out the nearest window, and it's the Triplets, training. I think they put up a sound proof Barrier around the castle, so the citizens don't hear it.

When I get to the throne room I hear some yelling inside. I speed walk inside, wondering what is happening.

It seems, that a court session, is whats happening. Something about stealing someone's coin pouch. I wait for it to be over, it ends up with him being guilty, with 2 months in the castle dungeon. Once the room is cleared out, I walk up to the king, bow, and begin.

"Sir, I request to have the adventurers guilds opening fee paid for. I will pay back as soon as I can, with half added on. Is this fine?" I ask, hoping that he'll accept it.

"Kid, you'll need some training first. I'll give you a recommendation to the academy, where you can decide what classes you'll attend." He replies, sounding like he's extremely tired. He continues,

"Once you finish your 2nd year classes, I'll allow it. Mainly, because you're weak. Your Mana capacity and strength is too low, and you're body only survived the wall because of that weak Mana making a shield. In simpler wording, you are weaker then our average recruits in the army." He finishes, motioning for a butler to go get some ink and paper.

"I'll write a letter to the academy, just start heading there. I'll lend you a carriage, you'll actually be joining Sebastian, he's you're age, and heading there as well." He finishes, with a sigh. "Now, leave us, Sebastian will meet you down at the gate. And, as I promised, here's ten gold, I'm sorry I didn't give you this earlier."

He tosses the bag at me, it landing at my feet. I bow again, and leave.

Once I'm at the gates, I retrieve my possessions, ask for a chair, and wait.

Two hours later, a carriage shows up, waking me. I fell asleep. I don't think this is the carriage though, it looks... Cheap.

I walk over to the gate guards, and ask, "Hey, has anyone tried to wake me up? I'm waiting for someone." To which I get, "The king told us already. Sir, I'd get some food. It'll be a bit, he's coming back from a trip, and I'm guessing you haven't had lunch, as we were able your stomach was growling, and you came in around noon."

As he said that, I noticed the pain in my stomach. Just a small bit of pain, but I am hungry. " Do you guys want something? A sandwich, drink,something like that?" I ask them, feeling a bit generous.

They look at each other, and look back. The other one says, " A mutton chop would be nice, thank you." And says the first I was talking to, " I ate a bit ago, and since we can't drink booze on the job, a cup of water would be fine with me." I nod, and say, "Ok, be back in a bit. Can you have him wait a bit if I'm not back?" They nod, and I take off jogging to the closest bar.

20 minutes later, the Mutton is done, I buy a bottle of ale for them to share after guard duty, and I pay, grab the drinks, and jog back. He's not here yet. I hand them their requests,I set the bottle to the side, explain what it is for, they give me a silver as thanks, and tell me something interesting.

Appearntly, Sebastian has two Elements since birth. One is a self wind, the whole family has a Wind element, while the other, is a rare element. This rare element, allows Sebastian to change the shape of what he touches, just it's limited by how much is bound together.

For instance, he can change the shape of metal easily, same with wood, leather, and stone. But stuff that falls apart naturally, like sand, water, etc, he can't change the shape of. When he tried to combine his elements last year, it was rejected by the system.

According to the System, elements have to be compatible to combine. It makes sense why that it wouldn't work, but that left me thinking, 'What would mine be compatible with?'.

About another 20 minutes later, He arrives. Just a way I've already seen today, its falling out of the sky. There was a loud sound in the air, and that made me look up. He lands at the gate, making a small crater. It seems he broke his legs, as he yelped when he landed.

Almost immediately, one of the guards went to find a healer, and the other grabbed a shovel out of nowhere, and started filling the crater in. I , helped move him over to the wall.

"So, you are Sebastian, I take it?" I ask him, and he nods. "And you are the guy who Dad's having attend with me at the academy, correct?" He asks, grimacing. It seems like he's trying not to cry.

"Well, he had me at that when he said I couldn't join the Adventures' Guild, so I guess so. He was planning that?" He nods, and the guard who left returned with a healer. Sebastian gets healed, and continues our conversation.

"I'll go inside, let Dad know I'm here. Can you wait a bit longer?"

I nod, and realize something. " Oh, that's why Wendy was making that. Oh God, how many times have you done this?" I nearly shout, and he shrugs, walking away


About an hour later, he comes back out, with a letter. He hands it to one of the guards, and tells him to take it to the Stables, and to get one of the more sturdier carriages. The guard runs off, as fast as I imagine he could.

"So, You probably already guessed this, but I am Prince Sebastian, of the Zephyr Kingdom. It is nice to meet you, Sacaroth. I hope, that you will be a good ally." He introduces, starting over formally.

I continue, " It is nice to meet you as well, Prince Sebastian. However, I'm not very good with formalities, or things of the like. That felt weird saying that, did I say it correctly?"

"Eh, you could've done better. Shall I send you a party invite, or a friend request? We both could see each other's health, as I've discovered, but it only works while we both are in the area. The friend request will let me see what area you are in, along with see your stats." He asks, with an info dump.

"Well, Do you want to be my friend, or just an ally?" I ask, trying to sound friendly.

[ Prince Sebastian Zephyr, has sent you a friend request, Do you accept? 'Yes' 'No']

I click yes, A little glad that I actually have a friend in this world.

"Thank you. Do you think you could tell me what you've discovered about your element so far, Sacaroth?" He asks, with a knowing look.

"Well, I've only messed a small bit around. Wait, Wendy and I forgot to get the Mana Blood started." I almost tell at myself, irritated. He continues with,

"Well, the Mana Blood is simple, she probably only asked to do it with you because she wanted to watch what the Element did while it fused further with you."

I look at him, confused, because I had no clue what it did, as I didn't pay attention enough with anything to do with Mana Blood, in my games or books.

"Oh. You didn't know. Okay, so, when the Mana Fuses with your body the first time, either at birth for us, when you arrive, or just when your body gets used to it, you feel a lot of pain, right? Well, that just gives you some control of Mana. If you do it forcefully at once, it hurts a hell of a lot more then normal. It doesn't have to be you to forcefully, but let's ignore that." He starts to explain.

I recognize something about what he says, but I'm not completely sure about it. He continues,

"Well, with self Elements, When you create Mana Blood, it does it again. Your Element courses through your body, getting used to infusion, along with control, power, and gives you more durability. It sucks when the Element levels up. To start with the Mana Blood, you need to introduce Mana into your heart. But, let's start in the carriage, you probably don't want to pass out on the road."

I nod, thinking about what he said. Should I introduce it slowly, with the Element Infused? Wait, he said when it s introduced forcefully...

'Tiffany!' [Yes, Host?] 'Did you introduce it forcefully?'

[Yes, I did, but it was to make sure you wouldn't back out. That's why I didn't tell you.]

'Tell me from now on.'

The carriage got here about twenty minutes later, with 4 horses along with it. It's not too fancy, but it does look nice. We climb in, and it's quiet until we are out of town.

" So, Sacaroth, which of my sisters did you like the most?"

" I'd rather not say anything, so that if your father somehow hears me, I won't be killed." I reply, but now that I think about it, I like Charlie best. I don't know why, but I feel like she likes me.

" If was to say anything, it would be after I actually got to know them. I don't know if it's a formality here, but I'd rather not marry someone I don't know much about. Let's change the subject, Shall we? How do I start with the Mana Blood again?" I ask, hoping not to continue down that path. I want to wait a bit before I even begin to think about marriage, let alone who.

"Just start putting Mana into your heart, it'll hurt some, just slowly put it in. Put your Element in if you wish, it will hurt a bit more. Remember, Slowly." He says, almost like he also, doesn't want to think about the marriage ideas.

"Oh, wait, before you begin, I forgot to say this. When you infuse the Mana Blood, there will be a limited amount you can put in there. if you wish to use another element for your blood, you'll need to save some, unless you want to pay a large amount of money for it to be removed, safely." He says quickly, slightly worried.

I nod, and begin. I start by pulling all of my Mana out of my core, and infuse it with my element.

[Oh, before you begin, I will say this. Give me a bit to find the prompt.]

I wait, but I'm slowly getting tired of the interruptions. Well, while I wait, I'll explain what I found out about the system so far.

First, The System, from what I can tell, is like an office workplace, where they are sitting in cubicles. I believe, that the higher Tier of a system, Will give the Hosts more powers, in exchange for more threatening challenges. For those hosts, they are somewhat simpler, because they are more talented.

Second, I have found out, that each System, is different. however, from what I've found, is that the people who get a new System, keep the things from the past System, like rules, challenges, and menus. They can add new ones, but not remove what has happened already.

Third, is that my system, keeps individual stats for my body. My legs, have gotten an extra five for the jogging pre-quest. My stats, however, were the same number on each part. I have, 15 Constitution, I'm guessing from being summoned as a side effect, I wasn't that tough, 13 Strength, 14 agility everywhere else than my legs, and 15 Senses in each part.

I'm guessing that it's different for each part with the sense, like smell for nose, sight for eyes.

Last, I haven't gotten any skills, points for the store, gacha, which had been unlocked when I got the Element, or anything to do with the rest of the system yet.


What was that?

[Sorry Host, I meant to have that found a few seconds later. Here we go.]

[ How much percentage of Mana Blood, would you like? It will have its own rank. Input percentage here: ___% ]

I put in 20%, and I hear another Ding.

[Thank you for waiting, Would you like to put all of the current controlled Mana into It? 'Yes' 'No']

I click yes, and I feel like I've been sucked of energy.

[Sorry, Host, but you need to sleep, for your body won't be able to survive otherwise. I will send Sebastian's system a notification, but for now, please wait.]

I black out, and wake up somewhere else. I see blackness, with two things in sight.

Time Left: 32 Hours.



Congratulations, You're Element has ranked up to level 10!

I am sorry for any inconveniences, but here's a small please-forgive-me gift: You can now create a larger body to survive in! Current size, + 5 Ft.

And here's a Spoiler, When the Element reaches Max Lv.50, it will be a 10 meter tall body! Until fusion, depending on what you get, It'll be a bigger you!*

*Equipment Not provided, but you could try to make it yourself!



Hey guys, almost didn't make the deadline, been a bit busy this week

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