
Sabaku Naruto

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Naruto ever took the life changing decision of running away from the Leaf Village? If, trying to accomplish his wishes of vanishing from the lifes of those who had tormented him, he suffered a terrible accident that had his memories erased as if Naruto Uzumaki had never existed before? Well this is the story of Naruto Sabaku, an orphan found on the outskirts of the Sand Village, carrying only his dirty clothes and confused eyes. Once adopted by the Kazekage, he adopted the surname of his family and became a citizen with full rights of the Sand Village. I humbly invite you to come in and travel with us through this short story, in an alternative universe, where Sabaku no Naruto overcomes, once more, all their expectations.

Karen_Lauren · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

The mision

- Oi Naruto .... - Kankuro said looking at the blonde who was training with him and Temari - .. your movements are strange ... has something happened?

"One night of ..." Temari moved away in time for the kunai that Naruto threw at her to only make a small scratch on her cheek.

- Temari! Naruto said with a cute pout as the blonde stopped training with his brother with a mischievous smile on her lips.

- Stop bothering Naruto ... - Kankuro warned wearily, then he looked at the blonde again - it was Gaara, right?

Naruto blushed, he opened his mouth to say something but it seems that embarrassment ate his tongue. She blushed even more and gasped again when she remembered the night before with Gaara ... they had been doing it until dawn, they slept and, when they woke up, they took a shower together ... where they did the last round ... fuck, until him he had begged her to let him sleep at dawn ... and the worst thing was that he had not been able to sit down to breakfast that morning ... That was going to give him back-ttebayo.

-Yesterday he stopped to talk to some gennins from the leaf and our little brother got jealous ...

- Temari! - Naruto interrupted - Do not count our life! how many times have I to tell you! - He puffed out his cheeks in protest and turned around.

- Come on, come on ... it's not for ... - Kankuro tried to reassure him but Temari interrupted him:

- I do not want! Since you insist on keeping your relationship a secret, I can only gossip and annoy you with it ...

- Yes, haven't you thought about making it public? - Naruto looked at the ground sadly, he had already talked about it with Gaara and until this was Kazekage they could not bring to light who his partner was since, almost the entire village, knew that Gaara was dating someone but no matter how much they asked or investigated they did not get that information. Naruto knew very well that they accepted him because he was a friend of Gaara and helped the anbus of the arena with their missions to protect the village if not ... they would most likely reject him ...

- Shut up. A voice that he would recognize anywhere in him pulled her out of his thoughts as strong arms wrapped him in a protective and comforting hug.

Temari and Kankuro turned to see Gaara hug Naruto from behind.

- Are you coming to train Gaara? Temari asked knowing it was a silly question but she would still be excited that, from time to time, his little brother came to train with them.

- We have a mission ...

- in a group?

- The 4 of us will go to the village of the leaf to pass the annual chunin exams.

- But ... Gaara, you and I have already passed that level a long time ago ... - After all, they didn't fulfill rank A and S missions for nothing.

- Yes, but the page does not know, and we do not have the official titles ... it would be nice to have them.

- Perfect ... - Temari said with a certain tone of irony.

- When do we go? Kankuro interrupted her before he made Gaara angry.

- Tonight. - The redhead reported in a dry tone, it was clear that he just liked talking to Naruto.

- Good! -said an excited Naruto getting rid of Gaara's embrace to rush to his house to make the bag.

"This Naruto ...." Kankuro said shaking his head sideways as if he had no choice.

"He's so cute, he always gets excited about group missions outside the village ..." Temari said with a smile on her lips. He turned to Gaara-I think you should tell him. -His face became serious but he decided not to continue when he saw Gaara's face.

- Say a word of "that" and you will not see a new dawn again ...

"Brother, I think you should tell him too .." Kankuro said without being intimidated by Gaara's gaze. -Come on ... sooner or later he's going to regain the memories of him ... isn't it better for him to find out from you?

- Yes, then you can claim him and "sleep" with him all night ... - Temari began to dramatize to break the tense atmosphere that had formed but he could not continue since Gaara had done such a jutsu filling his entire mouth with sand.

- We do not see tonight ... - said the future Kazekage before leaving ... the matter was considered settled, he was not going to tell Naruto about his past even though he had asked him about it at first, Gaara did not He had answered ... he couldn't tell her why ... What if he left her side? What if he left the villa to return to the sheet? Gaara wouldn't be able to let him go ... but he couldn't go after Naruto either as the Kazekage, his father, was wishing that Naruto would make a single mistake to lock him up or declare him a traitor ...

She shook her head trying to get those torture thoughts out of her mind when she got to the house that Naruto and he shared ... she found him packing the bag and she couldn't help feeling a pang in her heart ... she didn't want to see him packing her bags but undoing them ... he wanted her to stay by his side ... forever ...

Should he tell her?

- What are you doing standing there Gaa-chan? - said the blond boy as he went into the bathroom to get his toothbrush. The aforementioned smiled, his partner had improved a lot in a short time and the training was paying off ... now he could recognize the people he already knew by his chackra ...

"Nothing." Gaara said entering the house through the window and pulling his bag from under the bed.

- Which one do I take? Naruto asked as he held two masks: on the right one of a fox and on the left another in the shape of a raccoon.

- The right. -Gaara answered automatically, it was his favorite and it suited him more than good.

Naruto looked at him playfully:

- Come on, you've thought twice! he-he said as he placed her next to her bag on the bed. - Do you know that Kankuro and Temari immediately realized that we slept together because of you?

- Are you going for a rematch? Gaara asked playfully as he undressed under the blonde's watchful eye. He stayed in his underwear and went to the dresser to get clean clothes when he felt Naruto's naked body stick to his as he whispered in his ear:

-Don't doubt it ..- he started to spread kisses down Gaara's neck who immediately realized that the blonde was already ... well he had his erection brushing his buttocks ...

Naruto's hands began to run up his torso while Gaara gasped with pleasure, she turned to kiss Naruto and took the opportunity to push him to the bed where he made him sit.

- Quiet. -said the redhead as he placed his hands on his hips and lowered his boxers moving them.

Once down he threw them with his leg to climb on the blonde's knees causing his erections to collide.

She began with a gentle movement of her hips to excite Naruto who took the opportunity to slip one of his fingers inside Gaara and, with the other hand, caress the little pink buttons that urgently demanded his attention.

Gaara buried his face in the blonde's shoulder to cover the gasps and moans of pleasure that escaped his lips. He placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders and put his lips on his neck, near the jugular where he began to lick and absorb and then bite that very spot until he felt the blonde complain of pain along with the familiar metallic taste of blood in her lips.

- Gaa-chan? Naruto asked as he pulled his fingers from inside of him and into her in one fell swoop.

- A m-mark ... permanent ... ngh! - Naruto waited for Gaara to get used to it before starting the thrusts. They looked into each other's eyes and kissed passionately ...

Naruto hugged Gaara and without leaving him rolled so that he was under him while holding his legs to his chest Naruto excited him and thrust again and again until they came.

Then they did it a few more times until it got late ...

They ran to the shower, finished making the bags and went to the meeting point where Kankuro and Temari were waiting for them.

- Ready? Naruto asked before rushing off to the nearest tree followed by Gaara, Kankuro and Temari.