
S. A. Trickey

Two young werewolves are paired by the Goddess for a purpose no amount of training can prepare them for.

S_Trickey · Fantaisie
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33 Chs


The weeks following Gaia's birthday passed uneventfully. She attended training early every morning with her peers, riding with either Lucas or Darla, depending on whose house she slept at, but most often she rode with Lucas since they were neighbors.

She and her friends gathered at the library after school to study together, then she would go home with Lucas on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and with Darla on Wednesday, and Friday. Saturday nights were rotated between the two houses throughout most of the year, but they would stay at Gaia's house when her mother was home. On Sundays Gaia would head home and clean the house before her mother got home from work.

Her mom was usually home more often when school wasn't in session, but Michelle worked and attended night classes at the human college. She rented a house with two roommates in the human town in a neighborhood closest to her work and her school. Gaia missed her mother, but she was really proud of her mom, and she treasured the few days each week she had with her.

All too soon it was Dante's birthday. Landing on a Friday this year, the entire school was psyched for him to show his hybrid wolf and declare his mate. There were even a few bets floating among students and faculty alike on who might the lucky girl, or guy, be. Smart money was on Angelica.

Gaia, Lucas and Darla entered the school through a side entrance closest to Lucas' and Darla's lockers. Gaia shared lockers with her friends, previous years using all three, but since hers was nowhere near any of their classes this year, they only used the two. As they passed through the doors her gaze had been momentarily drawn over her shoulder toward the parking lot, where the young alpha was opening the passenger door of his land rover for Angelica.

Once inside, the thrumming ache in Gaia's chest was accompanied by a clenching pain in her abdomen. She hissed and rubbed her belly.

Darla frowned at her in concern, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a cramp. I might have pulled something at training this morning. It's already gone."

"That doesn't sound like a pulled muscle," Lucas peered at her with a cocked brow, "is it your shark week?"

Gaia rolled her eyes. "No, Lucas. That was last week. I'm sure it's nothing."

Darla and Lucas both opened their lockers, sharing a look over their shorter friend's head. The three friends gathered what books and supplies they'd need for first and second periods, then chatted in the hallway until the warning bell.

Darla and Gaia shared first period together. Both girls preferred to sit at the front of the class, near the door. In first period, this meant they both got to watch their crushes enter without bringing too much attention to themselves.

Two minutes before class bell, the scent of rich earthy forest was wafting to Gaia's nose, with added hints of coffee and chocolate, and...and she felt her gut twinge again. Darla insisted if it happened again Gaia would agree to go to the nurse. Gaia waved off her concern.

Dante and Colton walked in while Gaia was brushing off her friend's concern, her fingertips lightly brushing the back of Dante's hand as he passed her desk.

She pulled her fist to her chest, surprised at the shock of sparks she'd just felt at her fingertip that travelled as tingles up her arm and down her spine. She shook her head and opened her notebook. That rich earthy coffee smell slowly grew stronger throughout the class, enticing her to peer about the room. But she didn't dare, lest she find the eyes she could feel watching her.


Angelica squealed before saying, "Everyone is going to be at the parking lot to witness our first kiss! Oh, Dante dearest, I am so excited! I am your Luna! It's just like I always dreamed it would be! I am so happy the Moon Goddess knew we were meant to be. My parents are so thrilled for us, too. They'll be back next month, in time for graduation, and they'll take us out to dinner to celebrate.

Dante's wolf perked up as he drove into the school lot, which seemed odd considering he'd felt faint tingles dance along his skin with Angelica's touch when he'd picked her up for training earlier, and then again picking her up for school and his wolf had scoffed and turned up his nose. Cordut had been alert at training, as well, but Dante had been too focused on his own training to think much of it.

He'd quietly enjoyed her heavy vanilla and gardenia scent, hoping his wolf's manifestation would awaken hers. Angelica's birthday wasn't for another month and two weeks, but it wasn't unusual for a bond to trigger early manifestation in a younger mate if the age difference was minimal.

Unfortunately, Angelica didn't seem to be affected. Unable to feel the tingles herself, she pestered him in the car, begging to know. He'd finally told her after he'd picked her up for school that he could feel tingles with her touch

She'd squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck, her hair momentarily obscuring his vision, then immediately began texting.

Dante parked his car, rolling up the windows before turning the engine off, allowing his wolf to guide his line of sight he glimpsed the small girl with curly hair entering the building.


His wolf wanted to chase her down and claim her, whining when Dante fought him down.

Dante got out of the car, nodding at the small throng of students who'd gathered to witness their future alpha claim his luna as he stepped around the car to open the door for Angelica, offering her his hand to steady her as she stepped out. He closed her door and kissed her. The faint tingles dancing across his lips were nice, but she surprised him by nipping his lip, then she thrust her tongue in his mouth, holding his face in the palm of her hand.

His wolf made his displeasure known.

The small crowd cheered.

Dante pulled away to end the kiss and the crowd cheered again before heading towards the school building. He grabbed their school bags from the back seat of the car, handing Angelica her lunch cooler. Then he locked hands with her and they walked up to the school.

Upon entering the building his nose picked up the most tantalizing scent of berries and honeysuckle. His wolf perked up, wanting to hunt her down. Dante fought his wolf as he dropped Angelica off at her first class with a modest peck on the lips before he headed to his own first period.

The berries and honeysuckle scent grew stronger as he walked the halls. He thought he could detect a touch of brine in the mix, and harmony of it reminded him of something from his childhood. He met up with his beta just before entering the class.

His head whipped to peer down at the girl whose fingertips had just barely grazed his exposed skin, even as he continued to walk to his own seat. That slight touch had sent a shockwave of sparks coursing up his arm, and he was now certain the deliciously light blend of berries, sea spray, and honeysuckle he'd noticed upon entering the school building was wafting from her.

She smelled like summer at the beach house.

The sparks and tingles from her were intensely stronger than what he'd felt with Angelica this morning, and his wolf was asserting the small girl he could never quite get out of his head was his true mate. His wolf wanted to plant his nose on her neck and breathe her in. He'd been quiet with Angelica, and even dismissive of her.

But Dante was certain he'd felt the sparks with Angelica. And he loved her heady sweet, sultry scent of vanilla and gardenias. Her scent and the tingles had made for an incredible first kiss. In front of the entire student body this morning in the parking lot.

He stared at the girl all through class, committing to memory every loose curl tumbling over her shoulders and down her back, the way she tilted her head and the movement of her pen as she took notes, her heart's rhythm. Internally he was warring with his wolf what to do about it. When the bell rang, signaling the end of first period, his heart quickened to notice she stole a wary glance his way, her cheeks flushed when their eyes met, before hefting her bag to her shoulders and leaving for her next class.

"You okay, man?"

"What?" Dante turned to his friend, surprised to see Colton standing. He quickly grabbed his books and stood to leave the room.

"I asked if you're okay. You were staring at that little dark haired girl the entire class, and since you just learned Angelica's your mate, I find it kinda odd you staring at some other chick."

"I wasn't staring."

Dante left the classroom and made his way to second period. Angelica's next class was beside his, so they usually met up between classes. As soon as he saw her red hair, he swooped an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

A strangled grunt followed by a dull thump caught his attention. Lips still locked with Angelica's mouth, he opened an eye to scan his surroundings.

The curly haired girl was just down the hall from them, wide-eyed and mouth parted, a hand pressing against her belly. She gave her head a slight shake before picking up the book she'd dropped and turning to run down the hallway.

Away from him.

His wolf again urged him to chase her.

"Dante? What is it," Angelica asked. She was annoyed he'd stopped kissing her. She couldn't feel tingles, but she liked everyone knowing she was their future luna and already had her dream dress picked out for the ceremony she had planned.

Dante fought his wolf down, pushing him to the back of his mind so he could focus on his girlfriend. This was not the time, or place, to discuss his suspicions.

"Sorry, princess. I just have a lot on my mind. I'll see you after class, okay?"


He watched her enter her next class, then walked to his own class, entering just as the bell rang.

During second and third period Dante began to wonder if everyone argued with their wolves as much as he seemed to be doing on his first day with his.

Third period was shared with his Gamma, Randal, who kept side-eyeing him through the entire hour. When the class ended, Randal asked him if he was okay.

"Everyone's making a fuss," Dante sighed wearily, "I'm fine." He grabbed his books and the two friends left the room together.

It was time for lunch, and the cafeteria was two floors down. Angelica would be waiting for them at the bottom of the first set of stairs.

"Huh, ok. Well Colton said you seemed out of sorts in first period and my twin said you were distracted before second period, which congratulations, man," Randal grinned, "It's cool you're mates with my sister, but," his grin dropped, "you've been sighing all class period. It was really distracting. Got a lot on your mind?"

"Something like that." He grabbed Angelica around the waist and pulled her close to kiss her forehead before they descended to the cafeteria.

"Something like what," Angelica asked.

"I was just agreeing with your brother that I have a lot on my mind," Dante said.

"Like me moving in with you," Angelica smirked.

Dante saw Gaia heading into the cafeteria. She looked pale. When she glanced his way, her lip trembled and she instantly turned away and hunched into herself. He nearly stopped walking mid-stride, "Yeah.... That's what's on my mind."

For the rest of the day Dante contemplated how he was going to break the news to Angelica they weren't true mates.


"Girl, you're looking kinda horrid," Lucas held the back of his hand to Gaia's forehead, and then her cheek, "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to get out of here, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Darla said as she zipped her bag closed, "I've got everything. Do you have everything you need out of our lockers? Lucas, you ready?"

Gaia nodded. Both her friends wrapped an arm across her shoulders as they marched out of the school. She climbed into her friend's car, sitting quietly on the way to the library in neutral territory. She had bookwork, a project, and two tests to study for.

The three set their bags down at the side of a large table they tended to occupy, since it was near comfy armchairs they liked to curl up in when reading, or needed to work alone without distraction.

She and Darla worked together first while Lucas worked on a class he had by himself, then he and Darla worked together and Gaia worked on a class she had by herself. After two hours they were all three worn and tired, but the bulk of their work was completed.

"Okay, what's going on Gaia," Darla demanded as they stepped out of the library. She and Lucas had witness their friend grimace in pain a few more times while studying.

Gaia bit her lip, slowing her pace so her friends had to stop and turn to face her. The idea that ripping a bandaid off was less painful than picking it away entered her thoughts and she ran with it, blurting, "IthinkDante'smymate."

Lucas and Darla both blinked, knit their brows in confusion, and demanded, "What?"

"Say that again, but s-l-o-w-e-r."

Gaia sighed and gestured them closer, though there wasn't anyone else around.

"Fine. Don't get excited, and don't say anything. In first period I felt sparks when Dante and Colton walked past us," Gaia paused when Darla frowned, "don't make faces. Then just before second period I went back to the lockers because I'd forgotten my physics book. That cramp came back, just as Dante was kissing Angelica. It happened later again, too. And I've caught him glaring at me between classes, and at lunch today."

"But Angelica's been telling everyone today she's his mate," Lucas said.

"Yeah, well, I've got some compelling evidence that she might be wrong," Gaia snapped. Her frown dropped immediately and she patted her friend's arm. "Sorry."

"No, no need to be sorry," Lucas shook his head. "What you're describing would make anyone angry."

"If he and you are true mates, and you're already feeling it at your age, then he needs to accept you." The very idea of not accepting one's mate was anathema to Darla. She was looking forward to being a mother one day.

The strongest pups came from true mate pairings. Secondary mates and forced bond mates could produce offspring, but most often required medical or healer intervention, and the pups were more likely to be wolf-less. An alpha who didn't accept his true mate risked destroying the pack.

And the goddess didn't make outright rejection easy. It required both parties to be in acceptance of the rejection, a full moon cycle, and even then some cases required the assistance of a witch or warlock, or a healer handmaiden to fully collapse the bond.

They climbed back into Darla's car, heading to Darla's house for their weekly sleepover.


Dante parked his car in Angelica's driveway, stopped the engine and shifted in his seat to face her.

"Angelica, princess, there's something we need to talk about."

"Hold that thought, dearest," Angelica smiled her brightest smile and tapped his nose, "I have most everything already packed. I'll just have you grab my suitcase for the weekend and-"

Dante grabbed her hand, his brow twitching at the faint tingles dancing across his skin, "That's what we need to talk about."

Angelica's eyes darted up and down Dante's face and posture. She noticed he appeared pained. "What. What do we need to talk about."

"Something happened today," he began.

"What happened?"

"I smelled another female's scent stronger than yours, and felt stronger sparks with that other female-"

Angelica's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Were you sniffing and touching other females-"

"Not on purpose."

"What are you saying, you're saying we're not mates?"

"I'm saying I don't know what we are!"

"But you said we're mates! You said you feel the tingles with me!" She rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand that was holding hers, and cupped his cheek in her other palm. She couldn't feel the tingles, yet, but he had said he could, and she would do everything she needed to remind him. He was hers!

He held her hand against his cheek and leaned into her palm. The faint tingles dancing over his skin that had been nice that morning now felt irritating and were causing his wolf to bristle.

"I can, but it's weak with you. The tingles were stronger with the other girl, and I wasn't expecting that. An accidental touch from her sent a jolt of sparks up my arm that lit up my entire body."

Angelica fumed, "And just who is this other girl?" She yanked her hands from his gentle grasp.

Dante reached for her, but she folded her arms across her chest and leaned into the door.

He sighed, "She's just a girl in one of my classes. I don't even know her name." That last bit was a lie, but it calmed Angelica down. Some.

"So, what? What am I supposed to do? I'm ready to move in with you, to mate with you. I've already told my parents, and everybody!"

"What about your true mate? You've always said your dream was to be with your true mate, whoever he is."

Angelica clicked her tongue, "That's when I was certain you were my true mate.... Dante dearest, I just want you. I love you! I want to be your Luna. Nobody else's."

"Angelica, I wanted us to be true mates, I really did. But we aren't. I am certain I want to be with my true mate, but she isn't you. I need time to sort my -"

"I can't believe this. I Can't believe this," she shook her head and glared at her house before returning her gaze to him. "What about the promise you made? You told me you'd choose me over anyone else. Remember that?"

"We were pups, Angelica. We were nine years old. We've learned -"

"But you do remember."

Dante shifted in his seat to rest his head against the headrest, "I remember."

"Just checking." Angelica turned her head to gaze out the windshield. "It sounds like you're saying I'm not moving in with you this weekend."

"Yeah, thank you. I appreciate your understanding -"

Angelica snapped her head around to glare at him, "No, I don't understand, Dante. But I'll give you some time. Whoever this girl is, she is not me. You won't love her like you love me. And you're mine. When you're ready to admit that, let me know. You have my number." Then she opened her door and stepped out of the car, slamming the door behind her.

Dante watched Angelica storm up to her house and enter the front door before starting his car and driving home. He was supposed to have the guys come over, an intimate gathering with a fire in his back yard, but now he didn't really feel like celebrating.