
S. A. Trickey

Two young werewolves are paired by the Goddess for a purpose no amount of training can prepare them for.

S_Trickey · Fantaisie
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33 Chs


Gaia turned in her final paper via email attachment, closed her laptop and stretched. All her personal tasks were completed and it wasn't quite mid afternoon, yet she was feeling a sense of unease. A text from the housekeeper let her know the guest quarters and visiting alpha suite were prepared for Dante's parent's arrival in five days.

A wave of drowsiness overcame her and she pressed her fingertips against her head. Since her first shifting she was usually energized to continue digging into her day, but right now she wasn't feeling herself. She was feeling unusually warm.

And clingy.

She really wanted to go to Dante's office to see what he was doing. And snuggle in his lap. But she knew he was trying to get ahead of the workload so they could really enjoy the days following her luna ceremony. And that was worth the wait.

She rose from her chair and stepped her balcony door, thinking stepping outside for a minute of fresh air might clear her head. The crisp air felt good, but did nothing to change how she felt. She decided to get a shower. A cold one.


Dante was finishing up in his office for the day and looking forward to a run with Gaia before dinner. He loved how she was always up for it, and his wolf loved romping with her wolf. He slid the last file into the cabinet grimacing when the sense of unease he'd been feeling all afternoon suddenly bloomed into anxiety. It took him a moment to realize he wasn't sensing anyone else in the house.

However, his senses detected pheromones. Particular pheromones. He nearly tore the door off its hinges storming out of his office. He paused at the threshold to let his nose capture Gaia's scent and followed the invisible trail straight to his mate. She was in their room, wearing his shirt from yesterday, hugging his pillow. Her hair hung in loose ringlets, still damp from a shower.


Her voice was so breathy he barely heard her. He kicked off his shoes and shed his clothes on his way to the bed. He could feel the pheromones of her heat working on his body.


"I'm here, baby girl." He stroked her cheek and kissed her deeply, gently extracting the pillow from her grasp. Without breaking the kiss, he climbed onto the bed and sat down, guiding her to straddle him. He ran his hands over her body and under the shirt she was wearing, momentarily breaking their kiss to slip the shirt off over her head.

She moaned around his tongue, rutting against his cock, slathering him with her juices. His touch cooled her inflamed flesh beneath his hands, his kiss soothed her body and ignited her core. She pressed herself to him, pulling him closer with her arms and legs.

He groaned and grabbed her hips, breaking the kiss to whisper, "This is your show, babe."

"Mmm, I want you in me now," she purred trailing kisses along his jaw.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, lifting her just enough to position his dick, his eyes closing as she kissed and nipped his neck, her hands tangling in his hair.

Gaia felt the tip of his cock teasing the entrance to her core and with every ounce of control she had, lowered herself slowly, feeling every delicious inch of him fill her up. She felt a deep rumbling in his chest and opened her eyes. His pupils were so dilated they were nearly completely black. She pressed her mouth to his as she rolled her hips. He moved with her, his hands roaming her body, teasing her.

Drenched in sweat, Dante bent to take her nipple in his mouth, feeling her gush, clench and milk his cock, her nails raking his back. His back was covered with evidence of her euphoria. He could feel his own climax building, and as amazed as he was at lasting this long, over two hours, he wanted to stretch their first heat copulation to its limit.

Gaia clutched Dante's hair and traced her tongue along his neck and ear. She wanted to feel him cum inside her and could sense he was finally getting close. When he let go of her nipple, she planted her mouth on her mark and gently sucked, moaning her own orgasm as he exploded his seed deep within her.

She went slack against his chest.

He stroked her cheek, "Gaia?"

"What... you...j...mmh," Gaia mumbled as her eyes fluttered, then opened wide. She sat up, resting her hands on his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes. "Dante, I think I'm in heat."

Dante grinned, "I would say so! Are you okay?"

"I am," she blinked, her eyes shifting as she considered how to answer, "so hungry." Her eyes met Dante's amused gaze. "Let's go eat." She pushed herself away from him, their liquid mixture leaking around his cock that her pussy was still clenching.

"Whoah, careful," Dante grabbed her hips before she did him damage. "We're still attached. Relax. Breathe." He smirked as she bit her lip, concentrating on letting him go. "You want to clean up a little first?"

"I guess we oughtta," Gaia could feel her cheeks warm.

"Let's go rinse off in the shower." He swatted her bottom as he followed her into the bathroom, chuckling at her yelp.

They made love in the shower. Raw, quick, ending with the thunder of his roar as she milked his seed deep within her womb.

Dante kept his arm around her waist until he was certain she was steady on her feet. He could tell she was drained, and hoped she wouldn't' flare up again until after they ate. He quickly rinsed them both off, then wrapped a towel around her before drying himself off.

"What are you hungry for?"

Gaia slowly patted her skin dry, considering her options. "We have a few servings of leftovers in the freezer, but I had planned for us to try that Brazilian recipe tonight."

Dante shook his head as he passed her to duck into their closet. "What are you hungry for, baby girl," he returned in sweatpants, with her robe draped over his arm, "not 'what do we have to eat'."

"Oh," Gaia threaded her arms through the sleeves of the robe and tied it closed. "In that case, tacos, no pizza! All the toppings, extra cheese, vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and fudge sauce and whipped cream." Her cheeks flushed as an image of licking drizzled fudge sauce from Dante's chest popped in her head. Her eyes travelled up to his face and took in his smirk. He was so damn sexy. And he was hers. She was salivating. She swallowed, hoping she hadn't drooled.

"Is that all? Would you like anything else?" He tilted his head and scanned her face, wondering what had her blushing so suddenly.

"I think that'll do for now," she murmured. She picked up her towel and dropped in into the hamper on her way to the closet.

He followed her out of the bathroom and slid into a tee from the closet, grinning at her slipping into the button up he'd dropped on the floor earlier. He helped her roll up the sleeves and kissed her forehead, then grabbed his phone and wallet before heading down the stairs after her, calling in the order along the way.

When he entered the kitchen, Gaia pushed a glass of water toward him. She was guzzling her own water, and turning to refill her glass. He took the glass and drank deeply, joining her at the sink to refill his own glass.

"Food will be here in thirty minutes." His eyes drifted to the hem of the shirt she was wearing. It engulfed her to her knees in the front and back, but only came to her mid-thigh at the sides, rising tantalizingly every time she raised an arm. How could someone so absolutely adorable be so damn sexy?

Gaia gave him a thumbs up as she chugged a third glass of water. She closed her eyes as she felt the heat consuming her once more and gingerly set the glass down on the counter. Touching her fingertips to her temple, she closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing.

"You okay, baby?"

"Thirty minutes, that's enough time, right?"

Dante's brow rose, "Enough time for..."

Gaia opened her eyes, "I need you, now."

Dante set his glass down. In one move he lifted Gaia, pressed her against the refrigerator, released his cock and thrust into her as she was wrapping her legs and arms around him.

"Yes!" They both shouted their release minutes before a knock at the door alerted them their food had arrived.

Dante stroked Gaia's cheek and kissed her before pulling his pants up and carrying her into the den, settling her on the couch. Then he grabbed his wallet, opening the door just as the delivery person was preparing to knock again.

Dante brought the pizzas into the den and set it on the table, then took the ice cream to the freezer.

Gaia opened the box as soon as he set it down and grabbed a slice. She was on her second slice when Dante returned with napkins and their glasses filled with water.

He chuckled at her as he sat beside her. "Careful, babe. Are you even chewing?" He held his own slice, havering over the box as he waited for her to answer.

She blushed and thoroughly chewed the bite in her mouth before swallowing. "I'm starving."

"Well, the last thing we want is you choking," Dante told her. "That would be bad. So please chew your food."

She nodded and slowed her pace. They ate quietly and quickly, trying to regain calories before her heat flared again.

Her heat flared before they were halfway through the first pizza.

"Dante," she whimpered.

"I'm here, baby girl." Dante tossed his half eaten slice back into the box and closed the lid as he reached for her, laying her on the couch and hovering over her. He kissed her as he shoved his sweats down his thighs and entered her.

It was several hours later when they shouted their release. Gasping, Dante kissed Gaia's forehead and extricated himself. He pulled his pants back up, grabbed their glasses and his half eaten slice of pizza, and headed to the kitchen. He returned with their waters and two large bowls of fudgy peanut butter sundaes on a tray.

Her heat didn't flare again until they were brushing their teeth. They spat and rinsed. He stepped out of his pants, picked her up by her thighs, guiding her legs around his waist and entered her. Then he walked them to bed.


On the third day of Gaia's heat, an insistent knocking at the front door woke Dante. Gaia whimpered beside him, her heat barely allowing either of them a chance to rest or eat. They'd finally passed out just a little over two hours ago. He stroked her cheek before slipping on his sweatpants and heading to the door.

Gaia's mother was on the other side, her head cocked, studying him intently.

"Michelle, what-"

"Good morning, Dante. I'm here to check on my daughter," Michelle brushed past him, leaving him dumbfounded at the door. "Where is she?"

Dante closed the door and followed Michelle into his house. "She's sleeping." He wanted to still be sleeping, but was acutely aware Gaia had just woken up needing him, because the air was thick with her pheromones and scent.

"Sleeping. At this hour?" Then Michelle yelled, "Gaia!"

"Mom?" Gaia appeared at the top of the stairs and plodded down, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She yawned, "What are you doing here? And why are you shouting?" She'd woken to find Dante's side of the bed empty, and had left the room in search of him.

"It's a break at my work, and I wanted to surprise you with a visit. I'm here to see you. I came to visit and I want to take you to lunch." Michelle wrapped her arms around Gaia. "I stopped by the training grounds, but they said you've not been showing up for a couple of months. Why haven't you been training, young lady? And why are you sleeping until nearly noon?"

"Oh," Gaia's eyes sought Dante's. There was a lot she had kept from her mother because Michelle wasn't known for keeping secrets, and Florian had been adamant her wolf's identity be kept under wraps.

"Gaia only recently shifted for the first time, Michelle, and her wolf isn't a warrior."

Michelle frowned at Dante. "But she still needs to be able to defend herself." She looked back at Gaia. "What's with you two? Honey, why are you just in a shirt? Is that even your shirt? It looks awfully big on you. It looks new though, and well made. Is it tailored?"

Gaia's eyes widened, side-eyeing Dante before shifting back to her mother. "Heat."

"What?" It took Michelle a moment to comprehend the meaning of that single word. Then she gasped and her mouth formed an 'o'. "Well, I should probably leave you to it, then. Do you need groceries? Anything?"

"Uh, no, I think we're covered," Dante answered. "Thank you, though."

"Um, Dante's parents will be here Friday. We'll have you over at least a few times while they're here," Gaia said.

Michelle nodded, smiling, "Of course. I look forward to it." She hugged Gaia once more before leaving, kissing her cheek and saying she loved her.

As soon as the door closed, Gaia rolled her lips between her teeth and gave Dante an apologetic look. He broke into laughter, shaking his head.

"Speaking of heat..."

Dante closed the distance between them in three strides and lifted her in his arms, nuzzling her neck, "I've got you." He carried her back to their room.


Dante lay on his side in bed, his head propped on his hand, listening to Gaia's even breathing, his other hand resting on her abdomen. She'd been asleep for more than five hours now, almost two hours longer than her heat had thus far allowed them, and they still had one more day of it. Heat was much harder on the females than on the males, so he was inclined to let her sleep, and was considering going down to make breakfast. They both needed nourishment, and the takeout they'd been indulging wasn't always healthy.

Her heat should flare and wake her soon. Unless she was pregnant.

The idea of his little minx of a mate pregnant with their pup thrilled him. He could just picture how adorable she would be with a belly full of growing pup. He leaned to breathe in her scent. If she were pregnant, it would take a few days to a week before her scent changed to reflect it.

Gaia stirred, murmuring in her sleep, then her breathing evened once more.

Dante placed a soft kiss at her temple, then carefully rose from the bed and pulled on his sweats and a tee before leaving the room. He padded down to the kitchen and began to prepare a large breakfast. He was just flipping the eggs over when Gaia came in behind him, yawning and rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"G'morning," Gaia said, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Morning, little mate." Dante set the spatula down and twisted his upper body, snaking an arm around her. "How're you feeling?"

Gaia tilter her chin up to look into his eyes, "Grateful you're making breakfast." She rose on her toes and pecked a kiss on his lips. "I'm so tired," she yawned. "I want coffee." She squirmed out of his embrace and pulled two cups from the cupboard.

Dante chuckled, "Thank you for pouring me a cup, too, and will you get us plates?"

Gaia nodded and reached for plates, setting them on the counter near the stove. Then she poured a measure of cream into her mug before pouring coffee.

Dante loaded the plates with home fried potatoes, sausage and over easy eggs, then carried the plates to the island, setting one at the seat Gaia favored.

Gaia brought cutlery and their cups, setting them down before taking her seat. "This smells amazing, thank you," Gaia smiled as she dug in, moaning around her first bite.

"You're welcome, little mate," Dante said over the rim of his mug. He took a sip and smiled, happy she was thoroughly enjoying her breakfast. "You're no longer in heat?"

Scooping another bite onto her fork, Gaia shook her head, "Mm-m." When her fork was halfway to her mouth she lowered it, sitting up straight and meeting his gaze. "It's supposed to last a full seven days, isn't it."

"Usually," he agreed mildly as he cut into egg and sausage.

"And this would have been the fifth day."

Dante nodded, "Mmhmm."

Gaia paled and licked her lips, "Um, do you think maybe we should um, get a, you know, a pregnancy test?"

Dante shrugged, "I can do that. But let's eat first." He noticed her fork was still hovering over her plate and she was staring blankly past his shoulder. "Baby girl?"

She slowly focused her eyes on his face. "I might be pregnant."

"Yeah," he agreed with a nod.

She continued to stare at him. He frowned and tilted his head, studying her, then rose from his stool and walked around the island to embrace her. He could feel her trembling. She set her fork down and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest.

"Gaia, my beautiful little mate, if you're pregnant we will face this together. Whatever comes, I'm with you every step of the way, baby girl."

As he held her she stopped trembling, and finally took a deep breath. He kissed the top of her head and asked, "Are you okay?"

Gaia swiped an errant tear from her cheek, "A little overwhelmed, but yeah, I'm okay."

"You sure?"

Gaia sniffed. Her lip quivered and she mumbled, "What if I'm not a good mother?"

Wanting to laugh, Dante sighed and pulled a stool out so he could sit beside her. "Gaia, your wolf is the embodiment of unconditional love and all things to do with motherhood. Do you really think your wolf will allow you to be anything but an amazing mother?"

Gaia gave a start, then flushed and shook her head.

"That's right. Our pups are going to be the luckiest pups in the world, because you are going to be the most incredible mother ever."

She peered up at him through her lashes, "I'm being silly."

Dante lifted her chin with a finger and gently wiped her cheeks with his thumbs. "No, you're not being silly. You're being a young woman who's been through a lot over this last year, plus your first heat, before your eighteenth birthday. I'd be shocked if you weren't at least a bit of an emotional wreck right now."

"How are you so calm?"

"That's simple. I love you and I know you're going to be an amazing mom, and pregnancy is going to have a greater impact on you because you're going to be doing all the work. Also, I've been dreaming of being a father for quite a few years, now. This is me being way to exhausted to appropriately show my excitement."


"Yep," he let the corners of his mouth curve into a soft smile, "I've been looking forward to being a dad every since my father told me it was the best job in the world."

Gaia sniffed again, smiling shyly, "When did he tell you that?"

"When I was five." He reached across the island for his plate and coffee, pulling them toward where he sat. "Now eat. Everything looks worse on an empty stomach."

Gaia nodded. When they finished, she shooed him to the pharmacy and she cleaned the kitchen. He was back with a paper sack just as she was finishing wiping down the counter. She stuck her nose into the sack and chuckled at the sight of two different tests, snacks, and a new edition of a comic magazine she liked.

Dante held her hand as they ascended the stairs to their room and stood just outside the bathroom door as she figured out the instructions. After she opened the door, he held her in his lap on the bathroom floor while they waited for the results.

After a few minutes the timer on Gaia's phone dinged. She glanced at Dante and picked up the stick, holding it so they could both see. Two lines.

"I'm pregnant."

Dante pulled Gaia to his chest, pressing his mouth to the top of her head. "I love you so much, baby girl."

Through their open bedroom door they heard the front door open and Arianne calling out, "Yoo-hoo, hello? Dante? Gaia? Are you here?"

Dante and Gaia groaned and looked at each other. They'd both forgotten Dante's parents were arriving. They heard his parents talking, but couldn't make out what was being said.

"I should probably invite my mom over tonight," Gaia murmured, picking up her phone as she rose from Dante's lap.

"Yeah, do that. I'm going to close the bedroom door so we can get a little rest before we go down."

They both walked out of the bathroom, she headed for the bed and he joined her after closing the bedroom door. He set his phone alarm for an hour, smiling as Gaia snuggled against him.

His hand found her abdomen and he said, "There's a mini you in here."

Gaia snorted, "You're a dork."

Dante grinned, nuzzling her neck, "I'm your dork."