
Ryu: the dragon manifested

a world where people manifested different types of beings like beast, vampire, werewolf, elf's and even sprits. at the first meeting of Ryu and Ark tragedy happens. and the world falls into chaos with everyone loosing there loved ones. and Ryu manifesting at brink of death

ayrus_rus · Fantaisie
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The world of manifested

 few centuries ago, humanity went under a massive change, people stated to manifest beast in a form of tangible shadows. each with different form and some with their manifested beasts having some super natural abilities.

later they found that this manifestation is taking place in there own souls. it started with minority among population then spread like an infection until every single person and even some of the animals started to have their soul manifested.

at the beginning, there was chaos everywhere until countries adopted a new system and made major changes. a new police force is created who specifically dealt with 'the manifested' criminals. 

this special police force was named MCU/T (not marvel comic universe. but manifested control units or troops differing by some countries.). the MCU made the crime rate decrease and bought stability to countries. 

but not all countries created the MCU , some of the countries which didn't or couldn't create the MCU or similar special forces. their governments fell and those countries formed into a outlaw areas which are controlled by some powerful manifested.

its not like manifested were bullet proof (some are) but even trained cop with a firearm couldn't take on a manifested. cause manifested usually are more enhanced physically and mainly their senses are enhanced according to their manifested being.

100 years ago, the manifestation mutated. people didn't just manifest animals but also started manifesting super natural beings like elf's , dwarf's ,demons, werewolf , vampires and even spirits. after manifestation mutated it got harder to know how strong a certain manifested really is. as even comparing two similar werewolf's manifested one was way stronger than the other.

so the grading of strength between manifested changed from their manifested race to individual strength test . after few trails and errors the grading went from 1 to 10. with 1 being the lowest of strength.

and with each 3 grades that is 3, 6 and 9 their was a qualitative change in strength that took place. and in the last century due to manifested mutation it was discovered that manifested can improve their strength mainly their power level by certain practices. due to which manifested institutes started to appear.

in collective nation of Asia, one of the most prominent and first established manifested institute is Ark Of Nova. which was first established by an foreign immigrant Novella who used be from Christian background.

and one of the first spirit manifested, a rare light spirit. Ark of Nova made major contribution in both research and introducing training methods for different types of manifested. the Ark institute consist of different branches for students according to their manifested beings. each classified into beast, race and even clans. 

40 years ago, at the age of 32, Novella started to create his own legacy. Novella created industries which involved everything related about manifested. about 9 years ago Novella became the world leading industry.

at the age of 72, Novella lost both his son and daughter-in-law in an accident. only left with his grand son and grand daughter. named Ark and Luna who were just 12 and 10 years old.

even thought Novella was 72 years old. due to spirit type manifestation he didn't physically aged and didn't look above 25 years old. due to the loss of his son, Novella started to give all the time and love. so, he could to raise his grand kids. whom before he didn't even know how old they were. 

he left the institute and all his industries in the hands of his close trusted close friends Kaito Kenji and his wife Akira Kenji. both of them manifested spirit type, Kaito is dark spirit manifested and Akira manifesting fire spirit.

Novella trusted them cause they didn't even had there first child until the age of 65 all for his cause. and Kaito and Akira believed/ in him more than he did himself. while he had grand kids they only had a single son. and their son was even a year younger than Ark.

while Akira became principal of the institute. Kaito became the president of Novella industries. the sole sole son of 66 year old Kaito is only 11 year old named Takeshi Ryu. 

while Kenji couple managed his work, Novella took care of Ryu along with his grand kids Ark and Luna.


it was night time. 8 pm

inside a room on top floor of the city's highest building. a man was looking down at his hand when a door opened by a lady in black suit. and behind her were two kids one boy and one girl walked inside a room at a slow pace


Novella's pov (point of view)

'i know it's been 2 week, but i still can't get over their deaths. it was my fault. I shouldn't hav..'

"grand pa?" 

Just as novella was blaming and regretting himself for his actions for the 100th time he heard a little girl's hesitating voice. lifting his head he saw his grand-daughter and grand-son faces.

"Luna, Ark ..... come here."

he opened his arms and called out to them. here his voice Luna ran into his arms while Ark stood their without moving. Luna hug only got tighter while Ark's eyes teared but along with tears there was some determination in his eyes.

watch his grand kids opposite reactions. where his grand-daughter Luna was emotionally sad and took his comfort while his grand-son Ark even though he was sad, he didn't forgive him for his parents death.

Novella lifted Luna up in his arms and walked towards Ark then put one of his hands and on Arks head and said

"it was my fault your parents died. all my life i tried to reach greatness but i didn't know the cost i have to pay is life of my son and daughter-in-law. looking back i didn't gave them any love that a parent should. "

"and now i even took them there chance to give them love to their children."

kneeling down with tears in his eyes Novella took both of his grand kids into his arm 

" i am sorry. i know it is all my fault . but i promise from now on, i will give you all my love and time till the day i die."

Luna shivered when she heard the word 'die ' and tighten her embrace. while finally Ark hugged novella back somewhat hesitantly

after a two minutes of silence. novella look at the lady in suit them said

"get the car ready"

"ok, sir novella"

then he got up from his knees carrying both his kids and said 

"let's go home kids"

while they were on their way to their new house Luna fell asleep on his lap while Ark spoke for the first time to his grand-father. 

"i won't forgive you."

listening to his grandson's first words. it hurt him more then he thought it would. he already saw the look inside Ark's eyes even though there was blame and hatred. it seems he didn't reject his presence in whole. Ark had a aura of maturity around him which is rarely appears around children.

Novella is already 65 years old. he can understand what Ark is going through. he knew only time and love can heal that. 

"i understand how you feel Ark. it is not wrong for you to not forgive me. even i can't forgive myself. the only thing i can do is give you two all i can give. which i swear on my life i will give all i can"

even though Ark seems only around 10 old. Novella felt Ark is more mature then his physical age. thinking back Novella didn't even know how old his grand kids are. it seems he have to start from there.


Ark went silent and didn't speak anymore. the whole while they are on their way to home. Arks brain was filled with different thoughts and different emotions. while Novella let him be.

the car went though massive gates and tress to the both side of pathway. it stopped at the entrance of a mansion. after which Novella stepped inside his house with Luna still asleep in his arms. he paused for a moment.

but continued waking to a kids room when he noticed strange puzzled look form Ark. there were two beds inside the room. he placed Luna carefully on a bed. then looked at his grandson.

they stared at each other for few minutes. until eventually he left the room while saying 

"i will see you in the morning."

after leaving the room. he said to the lady in suit.

"collect and bring me every and all details about my grandkids"

the lady nodded and spoke

"in 5 mins, sir"

then she said few things on her ear piece. then kept standing still. after few minutes a man in suit bought a tablet with information about Luna and ark and handed it to Novella. 

after reading for an hour straight. he kept the tablet aside and summarized all the details. Luna was born February 4th in 2501 and is now 10 years old. she is kind and emotionally sensitive like listening to night time stories most. and like's cold and sweet foods. she is tops in her class and always seeks parents attention.

Luna's parents doted on the most compared to Ark. when they got free time. they used to spend their time together with their children unlike him. Luna seems to look up to his close friend Akira and even had Akira's fire spirit signed card.

while Ark information totally surprised him.


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