
Chapter 1 The dreaded night.

The village of Kuroiwa was drenched into darkness. Ryota, a shy teenager, ampled through the deserted streets, clutching his backpack. The wind howled and the trees creaked, making Ryota shiver.

Earlier that day, Ryota had heard rumors that there was an unnatural creature lurking in the dark, attacking anyone who ventured out at night. The villagers were terrified and Ryota couldn't help but feel fear as he made his way through the dark streets.

As he approached the outskirts of the village, Ryota could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had never been particularly brave, and the thought of facing a dangerous creature alone was almost unbearable.

Suddenly he heard a whispering voice behind him. He turned, his heart pounding in his chest, but saw nothing. Ryota's imagination began to soar, conjuring up terrifying images of the creature stalking him from the shadows.

He walked cautiously, eyes darting back and forth as he scanned the darkness for any sign of the creature. Every little noise startled him, and he found himself breaking into a cold sweat.

As he turned a corner, Ryota caught a glimpse of movement. He froze, heart pounding, as he tried to figure out what it was.

To his horror, he saw a dark, gloomy figure lurking in the alley in front of him. The creature was unlike anything Ryota had seen before. His skin was a sickly gray and his eyes glowed with otherworldly fury.

Ryota tried to run, but his legs wouldn't move. The creature stepped out of the darkness, and Ryota could feel its presence like a weight on his chest. Her eyes pierced his and he could hear her voice whispering in his ear.

The creature held out its clawed hand and Ryota felt his neck cold and damp. He struggled, but the creature was too strong. It led him into the darkness, its wicked laughter resounding in his ears.

Ryota tried to scream, but his voice was muffled by the creature's grip. He could feel his body growing weaker as the creature drained his strength.

Just when Ryota thought he couldn't take it anymore, the creature suddenly disappeared into thin air, leaving him alone and shivering on the ground. Trembling and confused, Ryota staggered to his feet and dashed to the safety of his home. He could feel the creature's presence following him, his eyes burning at the nape of his neck.

When he finally got home, he collapsed on the bed, panting and sweating. His encounter with this creature left him deeply stunned and shaken.

As he lay there, trying to calm his nerves, Ryota couldn't help but sense that something sinister and terrifying was lurking in the shadows of the village, waiting to strike its next victim.