
Rym Kings

Bas King lived a great life. When he was nine, he became the strongest mage in history. At thirty-three, he became immortal. Ten thousand years later, he became a god. And he managed to maintain his purity the entire journey! Why reach the peak only to suffer alone? However, when this young god thought he had found love, he awoke at Osirus to reincarnate. Even worse, Osiris exploded! On the Earthen Hunter Continent, the power of ryms exists everywhere. But only soul power reigns supreme! Thanks to the discovery of soul power, powerhouses started to show up on every inch of the continent. The magical properties of soul power changed the world’s economy and the people’s culture. Only the mighty could decide the rules! Those more powerful than others had every right to break those rules! After all, who would stop them from doing so? Sebastian King has always been a rebel. His mother was a war slave, and his father was the sap who married her anyway. Raised by a decorated soldier to be a decorated soldier, Sebastian was totally loyal to one thing only. His dreams! What were his dreams? To be the world’s number one Rym Producer, a first-class hunter, and Rym King! Of course, less than 10% of every hunter born could become Rym Producers. Less than a third of that could surpass the level of a fourth-class hunter. However, none of this could deter Bas. Join Bas as he starts over as Sebastian King, a young scion exiled from his home. This new world of ryms and monsters will be his new stage! Will Bas reach the top once again as Sebastian? Will he unravel the secrets of his demise? Or will he bury himself in the comforts of mortality? There’s only one way to find out...

TrappingOutBooks · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

Good For Business



"Hunt ryms released outside the body! It's really hunt ryms being released out of the body!"


"I thought only Hunt Experts could use outer ryms? Isn't this Francis Stratus still at the sky foundation?"


"It must be the Half-Step Hunt Expert rank, post-Fifth Class! He's condensed a Hunter's Badge!"


"In that case, he's only half a step from the Hunt Expert rank! Is he suppressing his strength so he can defeat Jian Jun?"


"It's likely!"


Everyone was stunned at the potential this man just revealed. If Francis could use outer ryms, then Dagod should be disadvantaged.




However, who was Bas King? He was a reincarnated Great Pharaoh!


"This guy...looks like I'll have to turn it up a notch. Too bad we're enemies; he would be worth recruiting! There's not much he can do with one arm, though," Bas had already decided to recruit a few mortal hunters before he returned to the Hunter's Society.


After all, if a rare constitution like Francis' can be produced in Mortalee, who knew what else he would find? In the future, he would have to ensure that Bazzy did not run out of control, or else he would become too overbearing. How could he recruit experts, then? He was already aware of Mortalee's plans to pursue power and attack the Hunter's Society, and he would dissuade their plans to prevent a tragedy from happening.


Bas smiled and let out a sigh. He had lived and fought for two lifetimes, finally finding his place as he faced a new world. He would be a lady-loving hero for the people. This path seemed to mesh well with him.


Above the Champion Platform, a middle-aged man with a sinister face observed the battle with similar thoughts as Bas King. He glanced at Sid Evans, who was engrossed in the fight, before looking to one of the subordinates behind himself, "Go make arrangements. We'll be recruiting this mortal."


"Yes, Demon Lord," the subordinate bent his body slightly and replied respectfully.


Meanwhile, Bas operated his Evil Dragon Sovereign Record, and black rym steam started to rise from his body. Although Bas was only a hunter at the Eight Level Hunt Foundation, Fifth Class, his hunter statistics were mainly above 10. Bas didn't have any way to gauge his actual strength since he was using a brand new hunter record. However, even though he wasn't yet a Hunt Expert, he was already as powerful as one.


His strength was significantly higher than 13, which was Marsha's strength when wielding the butterfly blade. After wielding the knife himself, Bas' base strength reached more than 23. It was not an issue for him to use outer ryms as long as he didn't try to go overboard.


He didn't even need a Hunter's Badge for that!


The crowd was immediately worked into another uproar when they saw this black rym steam. Bazzy Dagod had almost achieved the flow! Rymflow was the trademark of Fourth & Third Class hunters.


"No way, no way," Francis almost went crazy when he saw this scene, increasing his speed desperately.


His leg finally landed on Bas' left calf, causing the latter to buckle a little as the sanguined light stuck to Bas' leg like glue.


Francis sneered sinisterly and immediately followed up with a flurry of kicks. However, the seemingly injured Bas suddenly smirked and slashed out with the butterfly blade twice. The black steam quickly dispersed the sanguine light surrounding his leg, and an ear-bleeding scream sounded out through the entire underground arena.


Francis Stratus lay with one leg and his remaining arm severed as he screamed in agony. His face was distorted with disbelief as blood painted the stage. Although he managed to seal the blood from his initial injury, the black ryms of Bazzy were too tricky for Francis to resolve quickly.


Bas sheathed his blade while looking ahead indifferently. He waited for the referee to announce the result. The entire crowd covering the bleachers was pin-drop silent. It almost seemed everyone forgot to breathe, and the silence was stifling.


Bas grew impatient as he heard Francis spit curses between his screams, "You dirty slime! You piece of trash! You vile, dirt-eating mongrel! I'll kill you, I'll KILL you,  I'LL KILL YOU, you must die!"


Bas calmly turned around and approached his broken opponent, thinking, 'They don't want to end the match? I'll end his life then.'


"Brenda!" A powerful voice thundered.


This was naturally Sid Evans.


Brenda Evans seemed to snap back to reality, dropping down into the battle cage and kicking the referee.


"Ah...ah, one sec!" The referee tried to rush an announcement, but he was a step too late.


"STAY YOUR HAND!" bellowed an elderly voice outside the cage.


However, whether this shout was received or ignored, it was too late either way.




"Delightful..." said the man referred to as the Demon Lord with a twisted expression of joy.


He was incredibly pleased with the methods of this so-called Bazzy Dagod.


'What a good talent. He only killed the brat once his patience was tested. Ruthless enough, but not merciless. He would make a good disciple...'


The Demon Lord looked to his subordinate again, "Ignore that previous order. Put a major rush on this Bazzy's origins and tail him after he leaves."


"Yes, Demon Lord."


Before the eyes of the crowd, Bas stood with his bronze class butterfly blades impaling Francis Stratus' neck, heart, and crotch. The latter choked on his blood as he could no longer continue cursing. Brenda paled immensely as Bas flicked his wrist, and Francis' head was removed from his dismembered body.


Bas adeptly operated his switchblade, sweeping the blood away from three blades simultaneously before combining them again.


If his opponent didn't intend to take his life, Bas could also show mercy. However, if the opponent moved with killing intent, everything was different. To Bas, life was an enterprise. Business is business, and Bas King would never spare those who threatened his life.


That wasn't good for business.


As Bas thought this, he unceremoniously searched Francis' scattered clothes and stored the latter's belongings in his mother's storage ring.


This was good for business.


"YOU DARE!" an elderly man raged and lept into the air, flipping into the battle cage equipped with a bladed hunter rifle.


This old man was named Edgar Stratus, and his power level was at the two-star Hunt Expert rank. Not only that, but he had fought as a hunter all his life and was full of rage. This nephew of his was his only living relative capable of utilizing hunt ryms, the only one in their entire family! The boy even had special innate ryms!


He was a born legend!


Edgar had spent his life's fortune on the boy's formula just to see Bas separate his investment from its shoulders.


The old man wasted no time as he stabbed out with his hunter rifle, intending to kill Bas right here. "Die, youngun! Accompany my nephew in hell!"