
RWBY Ultimate Fighter

A young man living only for the fight fought all his life thanks to the only force of his fists but one day he ends up dying in the fight. He then received the possibility of reincarnating in the world of RWBY one of his favorite anime but with something more that will help him on his journey. Is the world of Remnant ready to face one of the fiercest fighter ever seen? A/N: In this fanfic there will be a lot of changes so those who hope to follow the original story and who don't want changes I prefer to warn you. As for the changes: - Much stronger and non-canon enemies. - A use of magic much more important than in the original work (noted that I will use it the way it suits me) - World travel but much later in the fanfic. And I think that's all, if I ever want to change things I'll do special chapters to explain "

toby_gwack · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs

The Schnee Family

Ayden stood for a moment watching the ad.

"Strange, I didn't think the schnee would call for help from anyone other than the atlas army?"

Ayden validated the announcement and then received a notification on his scroll telling him that he was retained for the job and that he had to report to the schnee mansion in three days.

"Well that was faster than expected!"

"Three days to be able to get there..... hmmmmm I better take a bullhead to Atlas tomorrow if I want to get there in time."

Ayden put down his scroll and slept to be fit for the journey that awaits him tomorrow.


Ayden was on board the bullhead that will take him to Atlas in two days, he was in the back sitting on a seat looking out the window seeing Vigil flying alongside the ship.

He took a meditation position and began to activate the kaioken in his body, he wanted to take advantage of the trip to train.

After a while he thought he hadn't checked the level of dust in his gloves, he activated them and saw that he had enough dust left for his mission, suddenly he saw a stain on one of her wrists and rubbed it off.

Unintentionally he spun the mechanism of his glove and activated the fire mode of his glove, a huge flame erupted from his hand taking him by surprise, he deactivated the mechanism as quickly as possible.

The driver turned around asking what was going on in the back. Ayden told him it was nothing, the driver stared at him for a moment then turned to look at the road.

Ayden looked down at his hand with a questioning look.

"What the hell just happened!"

"Usually my flames aren't that powerful and big so why was this one different?"

Ayden stared at his hand for a moment then noticed something, his body was glowing red as he had the kaioken still active on him.

" The kaioken..... it has the ability to multiply an individual's abilities..... can it affect the dust in my gloves?!?"

Ayden deactivated the kaioken in his body and switched his glove back to fire mode, a normal flame appearing as before covering his hand.


The rest of the trip went smoothly, Ayden could finally see the city of Atlas floating in the air. The temperature had decreased due to the snowy climate of the region.

The bullhead landed and Ayden came down and watched the town, it was like in the series, a big street with big buildings covered in snow, not the kind of decor Ayden liked.

He asked people where the schnee mansion was. People looked at him with a strange look but pointed him in the direction.

After a few hours of walking he finally arrived at his destination. The hall was still bigger than he remembered, he walked for a while in a big alley before arriving in front of the door.

He knocked on the door and waited a moment, after a minute of waiting the door opened and a man with a bald head and a mustache greeted him.

It was klein the butler of the schnee family.

"Hello young man what is the reason for your visit?"

"I'm here for the escort mission."

"Oh! I see come in please."

Ayden entered the mansion and came to a large hall with a large staircase going up with two knight statues on either side, the SDC logo covering the floor.

"We were expecting your arrival sir....."

"Ayden hawk but you can call me ayden."

"Well ayden, as I said we were expecting your arrival, follow me mister schnee will receive you in his office."

Ayden follows klein who leads him through the house. They were walking down a long hallway, Ayden noticed the family paintings out of the corner of his eye then asked Klein.

"Why didn't you call on the Atlas army for its work instead of asking people from the outside?"

"Let's say that the relationship between the SDC and the Atlas Army has not been the best recently and the image that the public has of the company does not help matters."

Hearing this ayden remained silent and followed klein to a door.

"We arrived at Mr. Schnee's office

wait a moment, please ."

Knock Knock

" Who is this ?"

"It's me sir, the person who applied for the job has arrived."

"Hmmmm fine, let her in."

Klein stepped aside to let Ayden pass, then closed the door behind him. Ayde found himself in the famous office of Jacques Schnee who was sitting at his desk reading documents.

He looked up to see Ayden and got a questioning look, he certainly didn't expect the person who had applied for the job to be so young.

Jacques got up and approached Ayden who could have a better view of him. tall with slicked white hair and a mustache wearing his white suit.

"Hello, I'm Jacques Schnee and you are.....?"

"Ayden Hawk."

"Well ayden if I made you come here today it's because my daughter weiss will be holding a charity concert tomorrow but I couldn't be present and with the latest events with these white fangs animals I prefer to take precautions ."

(Ayden thinks) "Charity concert my ass, you're just going to line your pockets even more."

"I imagine that if you applied for this job you must be confident in your ability?"

Ayden slapped his gloves on.

"I can take care of myself and your daughter at the same time"

"Very well, as I told you the concert will take place tomorrow evening, a guest room has been prepared for you, now if you will excuse me I have a lot of work ahead of me."

Jacques went back to his desk and Ayden left the room and found Klein outside who led him to his room.

Ayden walked into his room, which was ridiculously large for him, and decided to rest on his bed.

Much later he was awakened by someone knocking on his door. he got up and opened the door to see klein.

"Mr. Schnee invites you to join him for dinner."

"Yeah, why not!"

Ayden followed Klein into a large room with a huge table in the middle. He could see Jacques sitting at the end of the table and on his left was a young boy.

Ayden approached the table and the boy got up and walked towards him.

"Hello, I'm Whitley Schnee nice to meet you!"

"Ayden hawk."

The boy looked like his father, slick white hair wearing a white shirt and blue vest.

Ayden sat down at the table and began to eat whatever was on his plate when the door opened again and a girl dressed in a white skirt and white boot turning slightly blue, white jacket with the red interior, long white hair in a ponytail and a scar on the left eye.

Weiss walked over to the table and took a seat without even looking at Ayden once.

The meal continued in heavy silence.

(Ayden's mind) "You talk about a shitty ambuance!"

The silence was broken by Whitley who asked Ayden a question.

"I've been watching you for a while and I had to ask you this question. Wouldn't you be the winner of the last Mistral tournament?"

Hearing this the eyes of Jacques and Weiss turned to Ayden who answered while continuing his meal.

"Indeed it's me."

"Well I have to admit I was impressed with your fight against former champion pyrrha nikos, your style, your strength was amazing."

"Thanks for the compliment I guess....pyrrha is a formidable opponent it was normal for me to fight seriously."

"And that scar on your arm must be the result of many battles I suppose."

"Only one battle to be precise, I hurt myself fighting against a pack of beowolfs as well as an alpha beowolf without having unlocked my aura."

Jacques, Whitley and Weiss' eyes widened at hearing that.

Jacques scraped his throat and resumed the discussion.

"Well I guess your parents must be proud to have a son as strong as you."

"I don't know, I never knew my parents, they may be dead, who knows."

A heavy silence fell over the room and Ayden stood up.

"Thanks for the meal, I'll go back to my room to rest."

he got up and left the room without noticing the look of weiss who was watching him go away, being strangely intrigued by this boy.