

Jin rapidly fell out of the sky and Weiss was screaming out loud while clinging on to him.

"Ummm. Guys, your brother is falling." Blake stated as she pointed up to the descending duo.

"He'll be fine." Ruby said in assurance, completely not worried for her brother.

"Who are trying to fool, Ruby? Us or you?" Jaune asked.

"He might.....die." Ren spoke out in a casual tone.

Yang, who was a bit pissed at all the craziness happening around, narrowed her eyes in shock of the scene.

She was very much afraid that her baby brother might not survive the fall from that height, so she then furiously yelled out.


Jin just ignored his elder sister as he was rapidly nearing the ground and he braced himself. Weiss saw everything happening and she couldn't help but curse while tears were coming out of her eyes.

"Jin Rose! I swear if I die, I'm gonna haunt your family for the rest of your life!"

"Guys, we need to move!" Ren said in an urgent tone.

"Look out!" Ruby warned out loud before all of them jumped out of the way.


Jin crashed on the area near the ruined temple, creating a medium-sized crater as smoke and dust rose up to the air.

He managed to do a weird super hero landing on his feet with Weiss safe in his arms. His two legs didn't hurt at all, he was completely fine after falling from such a scary height.

He then looked at Weiss, who was still clinging on to him with her eyes closed.

Jin spoke out, "Uhh, Weiss, we're down now."

Weiss opened her eyes and saw that they were now on land, she then glared at Jin, who was wearing a smirk on his face which made her feel irritated.

"Unhand me you fiend!" Weiss shouted as she shoved Jin away as her feet touched the ground.

"Is that how you thank someone who helped you?"

"You insane insufferable bastard! I could have died because of you!"

"Well, you're standing there safe and sound aren't ya?" Jin said as he smiled while crossing his arms.

"Well, thanks for almost killing me you dolt!" Weiss screamed with teary eyes.

Jin was about to something, but was then tackled by a yellow blur from the corner of his eyes.

Jin let out a groan as he felt someone was starting to squeeze him, he checked to see who it was, and he saw that it was his elder sister.

"Jin! You're alright! Don't worry, you're big sister is here now!" Yang said as she hugged her baby brother.

"Yang, I'm fine. Now get off me." Jin said in a tired tone.

"Are you sure?! Y-You don't feel anything?! Your legs might be broken or-.."

"I am perfectly fine, Yang."

The rowdy blondie then reluctantly gets off her brother as Jaune, Blake, Ren, Nora and Ruby ran to the scene.

Ruby knew that Jin was fine, he was always fine after falling from scary heights.

She has seen it hundreds of times already, and she still couldn't understand on how he just lands on his feet and still be fine after falling from such high heights.

"Wow! He's still alive!" Nora cheerfully exclaimed.

"I don't know how, but its a good thing I guess." Blake commented.

"Hey, Jin.....You're good, right?" Jaune asked.

"Yep, I'm in perfect health." Jin replied while getting dust off his clothes.

The group then hears a loud screech again, they look towards the source and saw that the Death Stalker was still chasing Pyrrha.

The giant black Scorpion managed to catch up to her and it starts swinging its pincers at Pyrrha. She managed to dodge most of it, until she messed up and didn't duck in time from a powerful swing. She was then sent flying and landed on her side in front of the group's feet.

"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" Yang spoke sarcastically.

"Not if I can help it!" Ruby said as she pulls out her weapon and recklessly charged at the Death Stalker while letting out a battle cry.

"RUBY, WAIT!" Yang and Jin shouted but they were ignored.

Ruby, who was still screaming, fires her weapon and charges at the incoming Death Stalker.

Ruby furiously swings her scythe at the beast, but the Grimm merely swipes and countered her attack. She was then knocked back at a follow-up swipe, sending her tumbling down on the ground.

"D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!.....Ow..." Ruby winced in pain for a moment as she slowly gets up from her feet.

"Less Talking, More Running!" Yang roared, her eyes flashing red in fear for her safety.

Ruby turned back to the monster and she shoots it in the head, but the bullet just bounced off, so she started heeding on to her sisters words.

As Ruby ran away, the Death Stalker loudly screeched before it furiously chased after her.

"RUBY!" Jin and Yang shouted as they ran towards her, with Jin being faster and rapidly gets near to Ruby.

Ruby rushes towards Jin, but the giant Nevermore was also behind her and was having a mad chase.

At a loud caw, the avian Grimm furiously flapped its wings at her, unleashing a barrage of gigantic, razor sharp feathers with spear-like ends.

Jin immediately manifests his Aura and forms it into a giant skeletal avatar, he reached out his arms towards Ruby and the skeletal avatar did the same.

As the deadly feathers rapidly shoots towards Ruby, the skeletal avatar's enormous hands shielded her from the attack. Some feathers also managed to shoot towards Jin, but the skeletal avatar's body served as a natural shield, as the feathers similarly bounced off from impact.

"Thanks, Jin!" Ruby exclaimed happily, but the male twin just responded by looking at her with a furious face, making Ruby nervous and slightly tremble in fear.

"That was a stupid thing you did right there, Ruby. In a battle, you don't rush into the fight like that. You could be killed if you think like that! So quit showing off and don't do anything childish again!" Jin scolded while raising his voice.

Ruby lowered her head in shame, while Jin just sighed. He didn't mean to be angry at his sister, but what Ruby did was completely stupid.

Charging in without any plans would only get someone killed, and he definitely doesn't want to lose his twin sister.

Ruby then spoke up in a sad tone, "I'm sorry.....But, I just.....want to show everyone that I can do this..."

Maybe she was being a bit a show off, but it was only because she felt the need to prove herself. She had been moved ahead two years in her education in order to enroll at Beacon this year, and everyone else here didn't have that opportunity.

Well except for her brother, but he was INVITED to Beacon for an immediate entry in the past but he rejected it. She knew that he deserved it because he was quite of a strong individual, but what about her?

That's why she felt that she needed to prove herself, she had to let everyone know that she was worthy. Hence, she desperately wanted to show the others that she wouldn't be a burden to them and that she could fight alongside them.

Jin then smiled and warmly patted her head before saying the words, that while wouldn't have meant all that much to anybody, resonated and meant a lot for Ruby.

"Your fine, you don't need to prove yourself. If we're going to fight, then we're going to fight together."

For a while Ruby just sat there on the ground, dazed while looking at Jin as her bro-con trait increased once more. She then sighed to herself and held her hands in front of her face, smiling slightly.

"Normal knees." She muttered.

After that little moment, Ruby got up and then saw a worried Yang arriving at the scene.

"You're okay..." Yang hugged her baby sister before glaring at her and tightly gripping on her shoulders.

"Don't do that ever again! You hear me!" Yang scolded in an angry tone.

"I'm sorry..." Ruby apologized as she sheepishly slumped her down again.

Jin just sighed, 'Weiss was suppose to be the one to save her, instead it was me. Sorry for taking your part Weiss, but Ruby is now my sister, so I can't just stand back and watch her get killed.....Oh wait, it was suppose to be when the Death Stalker attacked.'

He then looked at the Death Stalker and saw that it wasn't moving. It was completely paralyzed in fear because of the pressure emitted by the skeletal avatar.

Meanwhile, back to the group at the temple.

Everyone had their mouths wide open in shock of what they saw. It was a giant skeletal avatar that seemed to be completely made from Jin's Aura.

It gave off the feeling of dread, and was releasing a terrifying pressure that even managed to affect them in this distance.

"Is that his Semblance?" Weiss points out and asked.

"I think so, but I've never seen such a Semblance before. That thing is completely made of Aura, and it looks very powerful." Pyrrha commented.

"Yeah, and its seems to be unbreakable." Blake said.

They then saw the skeletal avatar grab the paralyzed Death Stalker's tail before raising its body up to the air.


It then proceeded to slam its body around like rag doll. Everyone watched in horror, awe and shock as they saw this.

"Grimm abuse." Ren remarked

"T-That's scary..." Jaune winced as he watched the brutality happening in front him.

After slamming it around for a good six times, the skeletal avatar then threw the mangled corpse of the Grimm away to forest as it slowly turns into black particles and vanishing with the wind.



A certain running Beowolf smelled the usage of so much Aura again! Its red eyes gleamed even brighter at the stimulus of its savagery and hunger.

"There it is again! That's the second time! This kind of Aura is more powerful than the other! I'll take a look at this human first, and I'll see how strong he is!"

The Beowolf then howled in a commanding tone, and the running pace of the other 'lesser' Beowolves behind it began to get faster.

They were separated into eight packs, each having eleven Beowolves as foot soldiers and an Alpha Beowolf that functioned as a lesser leader. Of course, the unique Beowolf was the supreme leader.

"That human has some allies with him, but judging from the scents of their Auras, they seem to be fledgling hunters, and my troops outnumber them.....If I play this right, then they will die..."


Ozpin and Glynda were still standing at the edge of Beacon Cliff. They were monitoring the progress of the teens with their Scrolls.

"All of the teams have been formed, Sir. All with the exception for-.."

"Jin, I know."

"Sir?" Glynda asked while furrowing her brows.

It could only mean that Ozpin had some plans for this young man, but she still wanted to know why.

"Let's just say that I've thought of something creative, Glynda. I have a feeling that young Jin..."

Ozpin suddenly stopped in his dialogue as he watched his Scroll in silent shock and his mouth hanging open.

"Sir, you were saying?"

"I think.....the students may have a big problem this time.....We might even need to interfere in this test if necessary." Ozpin said.

"A problem? And I thought that it was decided that the students woul-.." Glynda immediately closed her mouth after Ozpin showed her his Scroll.

Playing there, was a live footage of an army of Beowolves that was running through the forest, and was rapidly approaching towards the remaining students.

Most notably, the 'Alpha Beowolf' that was leading them seemed to be.....Unique.

It was the likes that they have never seen before.