
RWBY: Training Until I'm Unstoppable

Follow our MC, as they explore the world of Remnant, Making friends, and living the best life they can., all while training to become stupidly overpowered thanks to the wishes the 'God' that reincarnated them gave to them. This is my first Fanfiction so it may not be the best, and it may not be your cup of tea. I'm writing this for my entertainment and will try to keep going as long as it entertains me, but that doesn't mean I won't stop posting it if people start shitting on the effort I'm putting in.

AyMystecs · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Really Bro?

I've been plummeting to the ground for well over 5 minutes now. The ground is just now starting to come into my vision. This is gonna hurt like a bitch, isn't it?



I hit the ground, feeling an unholy amount of pain. After regaining control over my body, I look around. I'm in the middle of a city, in a small crater that I probably caused

Zaida: Ah fuck that hurts. Was that even necessary

And then I hear my voice. You know, I assumed as much when he called me by the wrong name, but bro, gender-swapping me cause your mad? Uncool man. Uncool.

I stand up and climb out of the crater, getting stared down by the surrounding crowd.

Zaida: Hello there! I'm sorry for the damage, but I'm Going to get the hell out of here now! See ya!

The crowd begins parting to let me through… or I thought so until I saw what I was trying to get away from. I was assuming I was going to be dropped in Vale, and unfortunately, I was right. Standing in front of me is a blond woman wearing long stockings, a cape, and holding a riding crop. I start running in the opposite direction.

Glynda Goodwitch: I don't think so young lady. You are coming with me.

As she says that, Debrees from the crater lift and surrounds me, before binding me completely. She then pulls me close to her using her semblance and knocks me out.


A few hours later


I woke up in an interrogation room. Fuck.

Zaida: I'm awake now. Hello, anybody there?

The door opens and in steps Glynda Goodwitch, combat professor at beacon academy.

Glynda: State your name.

It's going to be like this, Huh? Unfortunate. Not like I have the strength to break out.

Zaida: Zaida Gladwyn.

Glynda: Birthdate?

Zaida: The first day of the fourth month.

Glynda: Age

Zaida: 16

Glynda: Birthplace?

Zaida: I don't know? I remember waking up in that meteor, and a few basic things about myself. Memory loss I guess.

Glynda: Please, young lady. Just tell us what we want to know, and maybe you can leave, don't make me get the lie detector.

Zaida: I just told you I don't remember.

Glynda clicks her tongue, then snaps her finger, 2 minutes later they bring in a grey stone.

Glynda: I'm going to ask you again. Where were you born?

Zaida: As I said, I don't remember where on remnant I was born, Nor do I remember. why I was in a crater.

Since, technically, neither was a lie, the stone turned green, after all, how would I remember being born on remnant if I wasn't, and I don't remember what I could've done to make a god chuck me into the ground hard enough to cause a crater.

Glynda sighs as she stands up and walks out the door. She returns 10 minutes later with a man with white hair, a green scarf, and spectacles. Why is Ozpin here? This is getting worse by the minute.

Ozpin: Hello, Miss Gladwyn was it? It is unfortunate that you've 'lost your memories', but you've still caused major damage to the city and endangered citizens. How do you expect to pay for the damage you caused?

Zaida: I-- I don't know… I don't know who my parents are, where I'm from, or if I have a place to go home to.

Thankfully they had removed the lie detector beforehand. I wonder why? Maybe because it would go red even if he just introduced himself as Ozpin, after all his real name is Ozma.

Ozpin: Do you know who I am, young lady?

Zaida: No…

Ozpin: My name is Ozpin, and I'm the headmaster of Beacon Academy.

Zaida: Beacon… Academy? Is that some sort of school? Why is the headmaster of a school interrogating me?

Laying it on thick here.

Ozpin: Well, Beacon academy is where we train future hunters and huntresses to hunt the Creatures of Grimm.

Zaida: Hunters and Huntresses? Like the people who hunt animals? And what's a Grimm? If you train people to hunt them then they must taste good, right?

Ozpin: Indeed Hunters and huntresses, similar to their animal hunting bounty parts, do hunt Grimm, however to your second question. No, we do not hunt Grimm because they taste good, we hunt them because they are animals mads of darkness and hatred, that murder without reason, and kill anything in its path of destruction.

Zaida: Oh.

Ozpin: Yes, and that brings me to our next topic of conversation, as you have no other chance of repaying the city otherwise, I want to offer you the chance to attend beacon academy this following semester.

Hook. Line. Sinker. For a man as old and 'wise' as Ozpin, I thought this would be much harder

Zaida: If… if I truly have no other way to repay what I've caused, I don't see any other choice. I accept your offer, Professor.


After release


Ozpin gave me the address of the hotel I'd be staying at until the semester started in a month. That means I have a month to train, and with my cheat like abilities, 1 month of training was equivalent to 100 months of training, and with my Store system to buy equipment, and my Ultimate healing skill, I'd be very strong by the end of this month, however, I've decided to break the month up into pieces. For the first 10 days, I'd train my body, For the second 10 days I'd practice smithing, and make my weapon, and for the final 10 days, I'd train with the weapon I've made.

As I get done planning my month I go into my system store and buy some things.

[User Successfully Purchased:

Gravity Increase Rune

Weighted Clothes (Customizable)














That's a lot of skills, anyway, I began my week of training. During the week, I manage to have my pants, shirts, and boots all weigh 200 pounds, while the gravity is increased by 5 times.

(A.N: Maybe Unrealistic but IDRC, 100x times training speed with gravity runes, weighted clothes, and weights would give anyone a big boost, and Zaida has an ultimate Healing skill, so she doesn't need to stop training, because her muscles instantly heal)

Next, I begin working on my weapon. For my weapon, I choose to go with a mecha-shift Buster sword, Sniper Rifle, and a shield like the main character of Bofuri. It was difficult to make, but with the 100x training speed and the skills I purchased, I managed to complete it before the finale 10 days. I also made it able to turn into a very heavy briefcase.

For the final days before the entrance exam, I practiced with My weapon, which I named Sárphíosa (Irish for masterpiece). I practiced by purchasing training dummies that fought back when you attacked them. After my month-long training marathon, I only had 1 day left before I had to leave for Beacon. I decided to spend my final day here by relaxing and eating room service. When the room service arrives, It's brought by a tall, slender woman. At least I thought she was tall until I realized that the cart she was pushing was only a bit shorter than I was, reaching up to just below my breasts. Grabbing the cart I drag it in and close the door, not tipping the attendant.

Zaida: Why am I so short *sob*

I eat my food in melancholy before going to bed, a bed that I only now realized was much taller than I was.

Tell me what you think of it. Again this is my first time writing fanfiction, and I'm probably not going to have a consistent schedule.

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