
RWBY: Training Until I'm Unstoppable

Follow our MC, as they explore the world of Remnant, Making friends, and living the best life they can., all while training to become stupidly overpowered thanks to the wishes the 'God' that reincarnated them gave to them. This is my first Fanfiction so it may not be the best, and it may not be your cup of tea. I'm writing this for my entertainment and will try to keep going as long as it entertains me, but that doesn't mean I won't stop posting it if people start shitting on the effort I'm putting in.

AyMystecs · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 1: Reincarnation and Wishes

Hey! My name is Zaiden Gladwyn. Currently, I'm sitting in a room, waiting for god to send me off to live a new life in a really fun and exciting world. How did I get here you ask? Well…


6 Hours Prior


Standing in front of a towering building, shadows clouding my face as I prepare to enter through these mighty doors in front of me for the last time. Walking through the doors I do my best to hide my appearance, head turned towards the ground, hood covering what my messy hair couldn't. I approach the receptionist, who gives me a cocksure grin before speaking.

???: What are you doing here Zaiden? Didn't your Father tell you you were no longer allowed near the premises? Do I need to call security? Or better yet, I'm sure your elder brother would be glad to handle someone like You.

The man speaks of my family with obvious venom in his tone, trying to get a reaction from me.

Zaiden: I'm here to retrieve my items from my room, Broadwrick, Father permitted it before I came here.

I reply in a solemn tone, just trying to retrieve the last of my items from this place, my former home before I'm never permitted back here.

Broadrick: If that's the case, then hurry and grab your trash, 'Young Master'

He scoffs when he mentions me being the 'young master of the Gladwyn family. You see, a year ago at this point, my mother had passed in an unfortunate car accident. After that I fell deep into a depression, receding into the depths of my room, breaking away from society. But a week ago my father had called me to his office, sick off my introversion, and disowned me after dragging me in front of the entire staff of his company. After that, I had begun moving my items into a studio apartment, that I paid for with money I invested before my father stopped my allowance.

Heading to the elevator I press my room number, 35, and start going up. After a whole 4 minutes ascending, I stepped into my former residence. Heading to my actual room within this apartment-like room, I began moving my things to the elevator. After I have all my possessions in the elevator I descend to the bottom floor, security ready to escort me out as quickly as possible. As they drag me out and throw my stuff on the sidewalk, I stand up and brush myself off. I pick my stuff up and head home. As I'm waiting for the crosswalk to go, I see a child skipping across the road. I then pause, seeing a truck speeding towards the crossing. I run with all my might tackling the child out of the way, narrowly making it out with my life. I stand up and offer the child, a little girl my hand as her mother rushes towards me.

???: MY BABY!!! Thank you so much, I don't know what I would have done if that truck had struck her.

The mother thanks me, almost sobbing from the fear of losing her child. I brush it off and start walking away, the child yells out thanking me. A gentle smile graces my face as I increase my pace. As I continue this unusually long walk home, all of a sudden I hear a gunshot from an alley near me.

Zaiden 'Are you fucking joking? I may have saved that child but I'm not a fucking charity service'

Sighing to myself, I approach the entrance of the alley. As the alley comes into sight, so does a group of 3 men surrounding a woman, one of them holding a Glock.

Zaiden: 'What is my day today. First, I had to deal with Broadwrick, then I decided to play hero and save the girl, and now I'm doing another thing I'm probably going to regret.

Sighing, I begin walking slowly and silently toward the man with a gun. When I get close enough, without anyone realizing I'm there, I grab the man's gun and shoot him in the back of the knee, causing him to scream and fall forward crying.

Thug 1: WYAT?!?

Looking around he spots me, a 5'9 16-year-old boy, with a gun in my hands, and grabs a switch-blade from his jean pocket.

Thug 1: Your gonna regret that kid. I'm going to FUCKIN gut you, and I won't stop even if you beg.

Thug 2: … What he said!

Are these guys stupid? I just shot their friend with the gun, do they think I'm afraid to shoot just because he pulled a knife? Anyway, I shoot them both in the kneecaps, somehow able to hit them both before they could react.

(A.N: He knows how he did it, he's being facetious)

Walking out of the alley the woman starts calling out to me, probably trying to thank me. Not wanting her to chase me home I stop and turn, to see an average woman walking towards me.

Woman: Are you just going to leave me there! And what about the police?? You just shot them!!

...What? Was… was this bitch interrogating me, and saying I did something wrong when I just stopped them from… whatever they were going to do to her? The fuck?

Zaiden: listen real close you audacious bitch, I came to the alley because I heard a gunshot, and I shot them in 'self-defense', as for the police, why can't you call them? One of the thugs must've had a phone. Leave me alone.

I walk away leaving the woman stunned. What, can dish it out but not take it? I hurry down the street, finally turning the corner to home. As I walk up to the decently sized building, It. Fucking. Explodes.

Zaiden:' Your kidding right? This is a fucking joke?'

Of course, I'm thinking all this while flying through the air, life flashing through my eyes. Thankfully I had a relatively soft landing in a bush across the street. My consciousness starts to fade. This suck. I swear to god if I just died because my house exploded I'll scream.


2 Hours Later


I wake up, feeling very relieved, sitting on a white sofa looking directly at a nicely dressed man, in front of me lies a coffee table with a strange-looking catalog. As I look around I'm in a white room.

Zaiden: This is so cliche, what next are your gonna give me three wishes and tell me to entertain you?

The man in front of me sweat drops.

???: Well…

The man seems softly nervous for some reason… almost like he did something wrong? Come to think of it, my life was in danger a lot more than it usually would have been today, and I did things I would never usually do. Save the kid? Yeah, I would've done it anyway, but why did I walk up to a group of armed men, then start fighting them?

Zaiden: Oh you son of a bitch. You couldn't quit at one time? You tried to kill me 3 times before you succeeded?

The man coughs and mumbles something

???: Fo...

Did this motherfucker say what I think he just said?

Zaiden: Speak up fucker. I'm already dead, and you're a god, why the fuck are you cowering.

God???: I said four. I tried 4 times, succeeding on the fourth. And it's 5 wishes, not 3, dickhead…

Zaiden: I'm pretty sure it was three. The truck, the thugs, and the bomb?

God??: Well, the bomb didn't kill you. You had a very soft landing spot. I had to make an exotic venomous spider bite you while you were being rushed to the hospital.

Zaiden: But… Why? I don't see anything that would've caused this… level of aggression towards me?

God?: It wasn't aggressiveness that caused my persistence. Your mother did NOT like your father's decision to disown you.

What? Why did what my mother likes and doesn't like, have anything to do with… ahh fuck. Really? It was cliche before, but now I feel like I'm just being trolled.

Zaiden: If we keep talking about my parents I think I'm going to have a headache. I'm just gonna go think of my wishes for a bit.


2 hours later


Zaiden: Alright, I have my wishes, but before I say them just some base questions. First, do I have to ask to keep my memories? Second, Do I get to choose where I go? Third, do I get to change what I look like without a wish?

God: Yes, Fuck it sure, Yes.

Zaiden: Aight, bet. My first wish is for my training speed to be increased by 100x its normal amount. The second wish, I wish for my growth limiter on power to be removed. Third, I want a system that lets me buy items and utility skills like blacksmithing. For my fourth wish, I want unlimited System points. For my final wish, I want an Ultimate Healing skill, that makes me regenerate almost instantly.

God: 'Is this ok? She said to give him whatever he asks for, but this is too much. If I do this I'm going to be tired for months' Sure now for your appearance and the world you want to go to.

Zaiden: I want to look like Rimuru Tempest, but with white hair, and black eyes with red pupils. As for where I want to go, I want to go to the world of RWBY.

God: Alright let me get that all set and you'll be on your way.




Well, That's about it. Now I just need God to send me in. God suddenly appears before me and hands me a paper. I read it and it's a… consent form? Whatever. I sign it and throw it back at him.

God: well, it's been awful getting to know you. Hope to not see you any time soon Zaida!

Wait a minute… did this fucker just say… Zaida

Zaida: Oh you son of a BITCHHHHHHHHHHH

And I fall through the floor plummeting towards Earth… No towards Remnant, my new home.


Back in the sky


A woman appears in front of the 'God'

???: Yknow, I've always wanted a Daughter.

I feel like this chapter felt very Cultivator ESC with the 'young master' and all, but this is just an attempt to make a not so awkward start to a reincarnation story, as well as poke some fun at certain cliches

AyMystecscreators' thoughts