
RWBY: The Spider

A teen boy is reborn in the world of RWBY as a Faunus, will he survive the challenges ahead? Be Stronger, Together. Or Be Superior.

Excal_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

New Roommates - Volume: 1


Ozpin stands confidently at the center of the stage, ready to unveil the newly formed teams.

"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, and Nora Valkyrie," Ozpin announces, and the quartet steps onto the stage, their faces gracing the big screen for all to see.

"The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work as Team JNPR," Ozpin declares, the official announcement met with cheers and excitement. Nora wraps Ren in a tight hug, Nora's laughter echoing.

"Lead by Jaune Arc," Ozpin adds, throwing in a twist that leaves Jaune scratching his head in confusion. "Lead by?" Jaune questions aloud.

As Team JNPR steps off the stage, Ozpin clears his throat, signaling an impending announcement.

"Now that almost all the teams have been established, it appears I've made an oversight in the number of students, resulting in the inclusion of two additional students," Ozpin calmly declares "Mr. Parker and Mr. Blauvelt, I would request your presence on stage," Ozpin gestures

Owen and I casually stroll onto the stage, our pictures and names promptly displayed for the entire academy. The atmosphere is a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

Ah fuck, he's going to make us a two-man team.

"Now, in a historic first for Beacon Academy, I am pleased to announce the formation of two 5-person teams," Ozpin declares


"Mr. Blauvelt, Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bonzewing, and Sky Lark," Ozpin calls out, the anticipation in the air palpable. "The five of you collected the black bishop pieces and the Queen piece. From this day forward, you will function as Team CRDOL, led by Cardin Winchester."

The crowd erupts in applause and cheers, celebrating the formation of the new team. Glancing at Owen, I notice his less-than-enthusiastic expression. He is grinding his teeth, a clear sign that he's not thrilled about the team arrangement. I can't help but smirk, thinking he deserves this.

"And finally, Bell Parker, Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiaolong," Ozpin announces, concluding the team formations. "The five of you successfully retrieved the white knight pieces and white pawn. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBBY, led by Ruby Rose."

The crowd's reaction is a mix of cheers, congratulations, and a notable frown on Weiss's face. Yang rushes over to Ruby, engulfing her in a congratulatory hug, while I join in the applause for our newly formed team. My eyes drift over to Owen.

His death stare and simmering anger are hard to miss.

Making sure no one else is paying attention, I turn to him, raising my fist and using my other hand to mime cranking it. The end result is a subtle but unmistakable middle finger directed his way. I shoot him a look of feigned innocence as if questioning what could possibly be wrong. From the visible increase in his anger, it seems like my message got through loud and clear.

I feel a tug on my shirt and turn to find Ruby.

"Come on, we're going to see our dorms," Ruby says, eager to get a move on.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," I reply, falling in step as we navigate through countless corridors, halls, and stairs until we finally reach our dorm room.

Upon entering, we're met with four beds, a crate, and Weiss's rather imposing luggage. The space looks cramped, and I can't help but wonder how we'll all fit.

"I don't think all five of us can live in here," I voice my concern.

"You're right, but to fix that, you are sleeping outside," Weiss declares, attempting to push me out but failing.

"Whoa, whoa, Weiss, relax. We could make it work," Yang comes to my defense.

"And how do you propose that, Yang?" Weiss challenges.

"Uuuuuuuh," Yang stumbles, unable to come up with an answer.

I manage to get Weiss off me and grab my luggage. "You know what, I'll just sleep in the closet." I toss my stuff inside, climb in, and close the door.

"You know, we could still think of a better way. You don't even have a bed," Ruby points out.

"I'm fine, trust me. It's still more bedroom than I had back home," I assure them, my voice a bit muffled from inside the closet.

The four of them exchange glances and shrug, proceeding to put away their belongings. I wait for them to settle in for the night, and when they do, I pop open my luggage.

I reach into my luggage, extracting a red and blue spandex suit along with a small pack.

"Finally! I get to use you," I mutter happily, keeping my excitement contained.

Stripping down to just my undies, I put on the pack before sliding into the red and blue suit. Once it's on, I grab a red mask with white lenses. Slipping it over my face, I tap its side, and an overlay appears, and several messages appear on the screen.

<Spider Legs Online>

<Aura Meter Online>

<Scanner Online>

Looking down at myself, I can't help but marvel at a dream come true unfolding before me. Thanks to the tech from Qrow, I've finally completed the spider legs. And made a Spider suit.

Silently exiting the closet, I leap onto the ceiling, crawling across it towards the wall over my team. I open the window, slip outside from the top of the window sill, and quietly close it behind me.

Once on the roof, I turn and catch sight of the shattered moon shining all over Vale. Activating my scanner, I pick up a few police broadcasts detailing crimes in downtown Vale.

"Hello, Remnant. Say hello to the Amazing Spider-Man."

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