

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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14 Chs


~First Day of the Arrival of the First Year Students~ 

~4 Students will overlook the first years from a balcony~

Third Person POV

???: "You know Persephone, we will always have a bunch of opportunity to see the first years we don't have to see them the minute they get off the bullhead."

Persephone: "Come on Samuel, sunlight is good for you and also this might be a good opportunity to possibly meet the people that you are going to mentor." Persephone, the demon faunas, will say as she crossed her arms.

Samuel: "Yeah, but what makes you think I really want to mentor someone... that just seems like more work...."

Persephone: "I don't know, these first years just need a small push in the right direction anyway just look at the options there is that girl over there with the hammer."

Samuel: "She seems too clingy to that boy."

Persephone: "Well, how about that blonde boy right over there."

Samuel: "I don't know....he looks a little bit sick I hope he's not contagious or anything like that."

Persephone: "Don't be rude, Sam."

???: "Don't worry Persephone you know that Sam is into that girl who works at the diner." A cyan haired girl would say with a smirk

Samuel: "RACHEL!!!"

Rachel will stick out her tongue as Spot begins to show a laughing emoji on it's screen.

Samuel: "Come on Rachel, you don't have to tell the whole world!"

Rachel: "Which girl will this be now?"

Persephone: "I think this will be 15." Spot will also display the number 15 on his screen.

Samuel: "I'm sorry if my success is too much for your mortal eyes to bare."

Rachel: "Samuel this is the 15th one this month which means you had 14 failures so far in a MONTH."

Samuel: "My...my pride." Samuel will say crouching. 

Persephone will pat Samuel on the back. "There there maybe this one is the one."

Rachel will smirk as she focused her attention back on Joseph, their black haired team leader, who was peering down at the Balcony. Rachel will watch in curiosity as she will see Joseph let out a small chuckle. Rachel will look down at what Joseph was looking at seeing a cloud of red smoke in it two girls one with a white dress scolding a girl in a red hood.

Joseph: "That girl... doesn't she look a little bit too young to be attending Beacon?"

Rachel: "Maybe she is some gifted prodigy or something...but, judging by that explosion I think she's a clumsy one."

???: "Though she may seem socially awkward and clumsy she is a capable huntress.

Team JSPR will stop and look to their right seeing a white haired middle age man holding a mug.

JSPR: "Afternoon, Professor Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Afternoon JSPR", Ozpin will say as he take a sip from his mug.

Ozpin: "Now, that girl right there is named Ruby Rose something is special about her hopefully her time in Beacon will put her on the right path towards success.

Persephone: "Don't worry Professor Oz I'm sure Ms.Rose will amount to something anyway don't you have a speech to do?"

Ozpin: "Ah look at the time well you kids take care now." Ozpin will say as he begins to walk away.

Rachel: "So.....who wants to help me with my experiment?"

Samuel and Persephone will begin to speed walk towards the exit of the balcony.

Rachel: "Hey! COME BACK HERE!"

Rachel will chase after them with spot following close behind with his taser activated.

Joseph will look down at the balcony one final time watching as a young haired boy and Ruby will walk in the wrong direction of the auditorium. 

Joseph: "Silver eyes...."

Joseph will turn and walk after his teammates.