

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Welp one young boy was hand picked from Gaia to be sent into another world against his will with no consent to being tranfered away. Unaware that Gaia was Remnant itself that sent Jack into the world of RWBY with the powers of a fragmented ability of [THE GAMER]. How will Jack the Gamer deal against Remnant troubles as its Destroyer, Servant, or Guardian.

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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256 Chs

Chapter 125: School Life (2)

Chapter 125: School Life (2)

~Third POV~

"You what?"

Inside team RWBY in their dorm room, Blake is sitting with her arms crossed with Ruby talking to her, "We want you to go to the dance."

Blake scoffs at this as she spoke to Ruby, "That's ridiculous."

Yang began to question her teammate with some concern for her, "Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head."

Weiss counting the facts on her fingers began to talk to Blake in concern along with her teammates, "You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering."

Blake shrugs and then gestures out the window revealing her concerns in the real world, "You think I care about grades? People's lives are at stake! We don't even know what Torchwick is doing!"

Yang puts her hand on Blake's, lowering it trying to calm Blake down in a calm tone, "We know, and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to."

Everyone was confused at this with concern in Blake's expressions as she voices out her concern, "But there are still unanswered questions! Why has crime raised in Vale and more Dust getting stolen? It concerns me that the White Fang are joining them for what purpose I don't know and it worries me."

Ruby sensing her teammate's frustration tries to calm her down to take things easy, "Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open! There is a time and place to act and right now you need to calm down."

Yang nods in agreement wanting her teammate to relax seeing the tired bags in her eyes, "All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day."

Weiss agrees with Yang as she explains planning the event will be fun, "It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it."

Yang smirks confidently at this encouraging Weiss's idea to get with Blake helping, "Yeah! We're planning the whole event!"

Yang pumps her fists which causes the bed to bounce Blake causing her to be confused, "Excuse me?"

Weiss points out one of the teams in charge of taking care of the party is gone longer than expected, "Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected."

Yang agrees with her explaining to Blake the idea of what's going to happen, "So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night."

Weiss expresses her pride in the event explaining to Blake about it, "And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready."

Ruby hoping that Blake joins asked with a happy grin on her face, "So what do ya think?"

Blake however didn't want to be part of it as she began to talk to them while walking away from the group and opening the dorm door, "I think this is a colossal waste of time. I'll be in the library."

She walks out of the room leaving her team to groan at Blake's mood with Weiss to respond to this, "She can't keep going on like this. Despite us saving Remnant trying to take it easy she's actually trying harder to do some more work. She needs to know we can't always do what we can. We are only people not what people expect us to be. At the end of the day were still students we aren't ready for those kinds of responsibilities."


There's a knock at the door and Weiss approaches and opens it. Neptune soon appears at the door with a guitar singing to her, "Weiss! Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!?"

Weiss merely glances at Neptune with a blank look on her as she responds to him, "Are you done?"

Neptune shrugs with some sweat running down his face, "Yes?"


Weiss slams the door in his face and turning around, she sees the others staring at her with her asking a confused look, "What?"

Both girls are standing precariously with Yang finally responding to Weiss's actions, "And that is why they call you the Ice Queen."

Ruby finally collapses with Weiss beginning to defend herself at being called an Ice Queen from Yang, "All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. And with me getting more famous for assisting in getting rid of Starro it only grew to be a major pain. Besides, I already have a date in mind. Here's hoping the brute would be nice to invite."

Ruby for her part twitched at hearing this before she spoke out what she wants to say, "Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can't get Blake to go. Also, Weiss… I call dibs first already!"

Weiss glances at Ruby as sparks began to appear between the two with Yang's sweat dropping at this but slowly gets popcorn out of seemingly nowhere, 'I know that I already made a deal to get a date out of Jack since he earns a few goodie points in my book. But I really want to see catfight go down… Crunch…'


~Jack POV~

Oh god who knew being popular was so fucking annoying!

I now understand Pyrrha's pain and the annoying fan letters.

How the hell did they manage to get my contact info it's ridiculous.

And I personally made sure of that happening.

Some students have been acting weird as well towards my group of friends even after the food fight they have been acting weird like famous awe towards us or something.

Hell even Team CFVY came to us as thanks for saving them even Coco was humble towards me looking at our team with respect… and to be honest she honestly just ignores us and speaks to Pyrrha.

Although after the event I have been getting more and more text from politically powerful people and Hereditary Semblance Nobles in each Kingdom wanting to assign for me -- No correction binds me to a marriage contract.

Scowling at the idea I was a firm believer that we have a right to choose to wed not forced down upon.

And that's not even accounting for not only them but other Council Members of each Kingdom wanting to see if I could trade or pay off my work.


Ignorant mongrels.

They only plan to use my tech for their benefit since I wouldn't trust a politician with my info or tech about it.

If they truly cared for Remnant then why haven't they helped the Faunus in Menagerie why is simple.

Because they truly don't value the Faunus and instead isolate them on the island.

If I'm going to be making any changes in this world the first I'm going to do is finally give the Faunus proper help and provide the means to do so... however the real question might be how though?


Maybe for my next dream opponent in my <Dream Image Training>, I should probably pick out some fictional characters that have created useful technology for public use which also brings in the cash...


And don't get me starting on the Atlas people wanting to know about my Iron Legion and Kiryu after that whole tidbit of it being shown to the world of Remnant to see while I wish to die from embarrassment.


Why did I have to build Kiryu… if I knew I was going to be in the live stream I should've gone for the Gundam instead.

Currently, I'm inside the Beacon Academy library as I began to use my newfound perk, which I got from the level up of <Instant Learning> absorbing any and all info about this world in peace.

Surprised though that some events of Vol 2 haven't begun yet since everything has been going around and planning out my date with Ruby for the dance since she agreed. Still… I wonder who will annoy Weiss instead of Jaune?


I mean it would be a whole new low for him if his that desperate.

But considering how famous we all got for killing an alien god that's to be expected I suppose.

Although Penny got exposed as being the first android with a soul seems like she took up the Mantle of being the Hero of Mantle after her exposure and how the city of Mantle has one of the heroes keeping the peace.

Public opinion surely has its perks with Penny being the hero of Mantle faster than canon. Opening up my Scroll I see a photo of her while I smile reading the reports about how she will remain independent instead of helping Atlas Military.

Hell, she was even rumored to join the Happy Huntresses after giving her 30 years of good boy training thanks to Megaman X data I put into her to be more expressive and knowing of her emotions.

The one thing I don't regret in the slightest of adding to Penny. All in all, I'm very happy for her.

I still contact her daily and keep up since she wants me to meet her dad Pietro wants to thank me for saving his daughter instead of destroying Penny but is also interested in 2B knowing there are more of Penny like her.

I agreed to meet during a certain day when I have time and opening up my Scroll about the news of Mantle, I see a picture of Penny enjoying her time helping people in need praising her galore.


At least Penny is happy about this.

Now then how about I actually do something about my Stats again with enough I have just about the right amount to increase my stats into the 100 range. Time to get those bonus skills for moi.



Name: Jack Nights

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Hero of Remnant

Level: 50 Exp: 0/350

HP: 5000/5000

AP: 5400/5400

STR: 136

AGI: 91+9= 100

VIT: 81+19= 100

INT: 101

WIS: 75+25= 100

LUCK: 65+35= 100

Stat Points: 103-> 15



[You have AGI stats to 100 points!]

[New Skill <Evade 10% Up>!]


[You have VIT stats to 100 points!]

[New Skill <Sturdy>!]


[You have WIS stats to 100 points!]

[New Skill <Save AP>!]


[You have LUCK stats to 100 points!]

[New Skill <Golden LUCK>!]

Skill list.


<Evade 10% Up> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This active skill can be unlocked once reached 100 stats in AGI. Raise evasion by 10%.

<Sturdy> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This active skill can be unlocked once reached 100 stats in VIT. This skill grants the user to never be One-hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock the user out either.

<Save AP> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This active skill can be unlocked once reached 100 stats in WIS. Lower the AP cost of skills by 25%.

<Golden LUCK> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This active skill can be unlocked once reached 100 stats in LUCK. The user is fated/lucky to have a life filled with riches, continuously attracting wealth. It will make the user incredibly wealthy to the point where money trouble will be unknown, allowing them to live the life of a nabob.


Hell yeah!

Raising my fist up seeing the massive perks raising my stats all to 100 I gained some massive bonus perks and even the so-called <Golden LUCK> skill seems to allow me to never worry about my wealth.

Maybe I should go into the Energy and Transportation Business with my <Golden LUCK> I will never have to be poor ever again!


This is so evil to be this lucky that I can finally get the almighty power… money.

"Jack is that you?"

Turning my attention towards the person calling to me I see Blake come here in the library tired with bags under her eyes… wonder what's Blake story is this time.

I swear to god if it has something to do about the White Fang and me risking my life and almost dying again I think I'm gonna cry a river about this.