
RWBY: Gamer Guild

This is a story about a sinful man getting killed on the Earth after getting betrayed by his so-called friend. He already accepts that he will meet his demise and get transported into a never-ending torture chamber. However, he did not get into Hell. When he opens his eyes, he is in the other world altogether. The world that very different than Earth but very familiar at the same time. *NOTE! This is a self-indulgence novel. Don't take this story very seriously*

LuxVonDeux · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

"A ship? You want to become a fisherman of your own, Amir?"

"Yes, father. I already saved a good amount of money to buy my own ship."

"Yeah, you show me your savings, after all. So you want me to order a boat?"

"Yes. I did not know which people to ask, which is why I decided to ask you. You have already been in this business for four decades, after all. You must know where I can buy the ship needed for fishing and transport it to Vale."

"And you are correct. I can buy the ship you need. However, you need your own crew."

"That's why I will go to Vale. I want to recruit a fisherman there."

"They will demand a lot of money, you know?"

"Not the human. I want to recruit the Faunus."


Amir's father, Giras, nods his head with a sad expression. He and his family did not discriminate against a Faunus, just like the people in this village. They even sympathize with them, but lately, they become less and less as the White Fang becomes more of a terrorist than a Right Activist.

Because of this, many of the villagers hate the White Fang. They did not hate Faunus as a whole, but rather they hated the organization that claimed to be the organization that represents all of Faunus.

"Yeah. That is the right decision. I trust you to choose the right people and trust you to be strong enough to defend yourself."

Amir and his father have already awakened their Aura. Amir's grandfather is a former Huntsman, and he knows that fishing is a dangerous occupation even when the water around here is safe water. Because of that, he decides to awaken Amir's father's Aura. Water-type Grimm will attack you, and if you do not have Aura, your only choice is to run away or fight.

An Aura-less fisherman can only fish in the water near the land. They can venture far away like the fisherman on earth. The only one that can do that is a fishing boat that has hunters guarding them or an Aura Awakened fisherman.

The Grimm will not notice as long as there are no more than two aura-awakened people on the boat.

This is the reason why Amir and his father are successful fishermen. They can go far away into the ocean and have a higher chance of surviving than the other. Especially with Amir's grandfather training them how to fight, they were not really worried about a Grimm attack.

"Just make sure you only take two or three first. When you are successful in this job, you can hire more."

"I know, father. It was basic business knowledge. Start small and climb from that."

"It is, but many people often forget about it and decide to hire more employees than they need."

"I understand, father."

"Good. I know someone who already has a pre-made ship, and I already saw the ship myself. It was a good ship, and it was the perfect size for you and your crew."

Amir nods his head and walks toward his bedroom with a smile on his face. His plan is coming together. The only thing he needs is the crew.

Amir takes out his scroll and books a Bullhead ride to Vale city early in the morning.

~The next morning.~

Amir arrived at the Airport in the upper district area near the dock. Amir shook his head at the bad placement of the Airport. Placing two important transportation places is a no-no. If this place gets taken over, Vale will lose its water and air transportation.

He did not know why the Airport was placed here, but he guessed that it was to please the rich people who live here. Most of the councilmen of Vale live in this district, after all, and Amir knows how lazy those councilmen are.

This district is filled with important places. Airport, dock, bank, and even a military base are placed in this district. He did not know the logic behind that, but one distraction on the opposite side of the city, this part of the city, will be vulnerable.

One massive bomb as a distraction to the southeast section of the wall and waits for the military to move out before striking at this place, and bam, you get yourself a military base. Amir knew it was not that simple, but it was a solid plan if pulled right.

Amir shakes his head and decides to focus on his mission. He walked toward the nearby bus stop and bought a ticket to the dock. It only takes ten minutes from the Airport to the docks. That is how close those two places are.

Twenty minutes later, he arrived at the location where many fishing vessels were located. He can see many people wandering around the docks. Amir can see people carrying a heavy box on their shoulders or selling some fish at the market.

Amir took out a piece of paper his father gave to him and read it.

"Hiriwa's Transport and Fish shipping, huh?"

It was the place Giras told him to go if he wanted some crew. The owner, Hiriwa, is an old friend of Giras, and he already said to him that Amir wants to hire some crew.

Amir looks around the dock for ten minutes before he arrives in front of a massive warehouse with the same name as the one in the paper his father wrote him. He walks inside the warehouse, and one of the men looks at him and asks.

"What do you want, kid? Searching for work? Sorry, but we are already full."

"Ah, I'm not actually. I want to meet a man named Hiriwa."

"You want to meet the boss?"

"Yes. My father already told him that I will visit him."

"Tell me the name of your father."


"Yeah, you are him. Follow me. The boss already informed me about your visit."

Amir follows the man inside the warehouse, and when they arrive in front of the office at the back of the warehouse, the man knocks on the door.

"Come in"

After hearing the voice, the man opened the door, and they walked inside the room.

"Boss, your guest has arrived"

"Ah, Amarillo! Welcome! You just look like your father."

"Thank you, sir. Please call me Amir. Amarillo is a bit too long to say."

"Then call me Hiwa! That is what my friend calls me."

"Very well, Hiwa."

"Good. So! Your father said that you need some crew?"

"Yes. I want to do my own fishing business."

"Not waiting for your father to be old and inherit them?"

"Do you think my father will pass that even when he is as old as dirt?"

Hiwa laughs loudly at Amir's answer for a full minute before wiping the tears from his eyes and saying,

"Yeah. He will keep working even when one of his legs is in the grave. Follow me. I already have some people that you can hire."

They walk deeper inside the office, where Hiwa sits down on the chair behind the desk and takes something from the drawer. It was a stack of paper filled with many Faunus profiles. Almost all of them come from poor households and are willing to accept a low-wage job.

"Those are the people that are willing to accept a lower wage. Almost all of them are Faunus, but a few humans are there."

"Which one do you think should I pick? I did not really know those people."

"Hmmm, if I were in your position, I would take these two."

Amir looks at the two profiles in front of him and starts to read them. The first one is a lizard Faunus with its animal trait is her eyes. She is willing to take the job with a low wage because many people are afraid of her eyes.

The profile says that she is strong and reliable but rather timid because she is afraid of people seeing her eyes. She has a good education and excels in math and economy. She is a perfect woman for accounting or other math-involved work.

The other one is a Faunus in his mid-twenty. He is a goat Faunus, and his animal trait is the horn on top of his head. This man is experienced in the fishing industry and willing to take a minimum wage job or even less after three different places have rejected him and almost ran out of money to buy food.

The paper says that this man has exceptional strength and knows how to fix a broken ship.

After reading them one more time, Amir nods his head and says,

"I will take them. When can I do the interview?"

"In a few hours. Just let me call them here."

"Thank you for your help, Hiwa."

"Think nothing of it, Amir. Your father helped me build this business, and this is just the way of me paying him back."

Amir nods his head and decides to wait for his soon-to-be minion to arrive.

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.



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