
Ruthless | a bts fanfic

Werewolves and vampires, mortal enemies. Jungkook a werewolf and leader of his species in S. Korea. Namjoon a vampire and the leader of his species in S. Korea. Namjoon's younger sister, whom he loves very much and will go to great lengths to protect, gets caught up in a forbidden love affair with Jungkook. When Namjoon's sister goes missing the first suspect is Jungkook but when Namjoon finds out the truth about them, the two species have to come together to find the person who is responsible. SeokJin, a creature created in the shadows of both werewolves and vampires, a hybrid. The disowned child of the dead vampire leader and older brother of Namjoon. SeokJin comes out of the shadows to claim his rightful place as king of the vampires and all supernatural creatures, the culprit behind his half sister's disappearance, his leverage to take his rightful place on the throne.

taes_gucci_sandals · Célébrités
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8 Chs


"Should I get the men ready?" Asked Jimin.

Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, just bring a few dozen. Make sure they're all experienced shifters, no youngsters. We have to win this fight, so Yoongi hyung is in charge."

Jimin and Yoongi nodded as they headed to collect their men and get ready for the oncoming raid.

Daybreak came faster than Jungkook could've imagined. He sat silently at his desk and watched as the first sign of sunlight came through the large glass doors.

"Uh, Koo they're here," said Jimin knocking as he opened the door.

"Okay, let them in," Jungkook said with a mild nod.

Jimin brought Namjoon and Hoseok in.

"We're ready. Let's go. Take us to my sister," said Namjoon.

Jungkook silently got up from his spot and turned to face them. He thought about a retort but then decided it was best just to ignore and get going.

Jungkook and his men got into their cars and Namjoon and his men did the same. They followed Jungkook's car, as he was the only one who remembered the scent and place where SeokJin was hiding. The car ride only took about an hour but to Jungkook it felt like an eternity.

"Hyung," said Jimin turning to Yoongi.

Yoongi hummed in response as he continued to pay attention to the road.

"I feel I don't say this enough- but I love you. And if we make it out of this in one piece I want you to consider being a real couple, instead of just friends with benefits," said Jimin.

"Seriously? You're confessing your feelings right now?" Said Jungkook from the back seat as he rolled his eyes.

Before Yoongi answered they came to a stop. They had made it to their destination. They all go out of their cars Jungkook's men started to shift, one by one, the sound of clothes ripping and growling filled the air.

"Team one, go ahead," commanded Jungkook.

The first 20 wolves nodded and descended into the silent warehouse. The sounds of flesh tearing and bones breaking rang out into the street.

"Team two. Go," said Jungkook.

Not long after the piercing howls of his wolves rang out.

"That's the signal, let's go," said Jungkook as he and the others started to shift. Namjoon and his men followed behind. Once they got passed all the guards and found their way into the main room where SeokJin was hiding they had lost a great number of their people but so did SeokJin.

"I'm glad to see you made it. It's nice to see you're still alive, Jeon Jungkook," said SeokJin.

"Cut the small talk! Where's my sister?" Namjoon exclaimed.

SeokJin smiled. "She's right over there." He pointed to Chaerin's lifeless body chained up to the wall behind them.

Namjoon turned to run over to her but SeokJin spoke stopping him.

"I wouldn't, you see that chain around her neck? Well I have it rigged to slowly choke and eventually decapitate her if anyone were to try to release her without the key. You'll either have to fight me and take the key or make a deal with me and I'll gladly give it to you."

"Just let me kill him. I'll win," growled Jungkook.

"Wait! Don't be reckless, I want to hear what he has to say," said Namjoon grabbing Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook stopped himself from shifting and reluctantly stepped back shrugging Namjoon's hand off him.

"What are your terms?" Asked Namjoon.

"Simple. Relinquish father's throne to me. You never wanted it anyway," SeokJin replied.

"Don't do it! Please! They need you!" Screamed out Chaerin.

Namjoon flinched from his sister's voice. He and Jungkook turned to see her struggling against the chains making her bleed.

"Koo! You- You came?!" She chocked out as the chains got tighter around her neck and more blood started to flow from the wounds on her neck. Tears flowed down her cheeks. "With Joonie?!"

Jungkook tried to look as optimistic as possible. "Please! Stop struggling! Please baby!" He yelled out to her.

"Namjoon! Do it! Take the deal!" Jungkook exclaimed. "Please! Chae, she's dying! Please just do it!" Jungkook begged.

"What's it gonna be?" Asked SeokJin.

Namjoon stood in his spot. The voices of his sister, his brother and his sister's boyfriend rang in his ears.

"We don't have all day. Yes or no," said SeokJin.

"I promised I would do my duty. I promised father on his deathbed," said Namjoon.

"Is that your final answer?" Asked SeokJin.

Namjoon's eyes quickly flashed to look behind SeokJin where Taehyung was waiting for his signal. With one swift movement Taehyung brought a sword across SeokJin's neck. At the same time the chain around Chaerin's neck tightened and her head flew off.

"NO!" Exclaimed Jungkook as he ran over to her and grabbed her body.

Namjoon couldn't believe his eyes. SeokJin had moved out of the way before Taehyung could finish the deed.

SeokJin shook his head in disappointment as he grabbed Taehyung by the neck and threw him across the room.

"You really thought this youngster could kill me? I'm faster and stronger than him. I knew he was behind me before you could give him your signal," scoffed SeokJin. "Thanks for this lovely chat. But I guess I'll have to find another way to my throne. For now, I say farewell." SeokJin said as he disappeared.

"Y-Y-You killed her! You fucking killed her. You're own sister, you fucking bastard!" Growled Jungkook, tears flowed from his eyes and he started to shift. A huge grey wolf stood in his place. He howled and the sound of giant paws could be heard from all around them as his wolves started to arrive by the dozens.

Namjoon stood in his place along with Taehyung. Namjoon nodded to Taehyung and he telepathically connected with Hoseok telling him to come to them with reinforcements. Within seconds Hoseok and a horde of vampires came swarming in behind the werewolves.

What was supposed to be a fight against SeokJin and his followers was suddenly turned into an all out war between the werewolves and the vampires. Specifically the Kim and Jeon families. History repeating itself once again. Finding and killing SeokJin was nothing but an afterthought to both Namjoon and Jungkook.