
Russian Hunter's KING

I was a Hunter and honored the Codex. For my services to humanity and the "right" life, I was given a reward. A new life after death and a new World where I could have a well-deserved rest. But, something went wrong. I need to fight again. Unlike in my previous life, here I am confronted by Monsters that are much more terrifying than in the past. More cunning, cruel and unpredictable. And their name… The author of the work is not Me! Honest translation of MTL ! The cover is not mine! The characters aren 't mine either ! My native language is not English so I almost don 't understand you ! by posting this mtl here, I just want to introduce you to this book and perhaps motivate you to write your own fantasy fairy tale with anime / movie characters

HARDCORELOLIGANG · Livres et littérature
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42 Chs

Chapter 2

Andrei Androsov felt out of place. Standing under a hot shower, he scrolled through his head today's events. And the more he thought, the more he disliked his conclusions.

No, he knew before that Galaktionov was not easy. But what happened in the Rift did not fit into any framework! They were naturally driven into a corner, and all that remained for them was to wait for help from the Center. And what happened as a result? Sasha, alone, cleared out this whole pack of rat-men. How did he do it?!

They had not discussed this point since the young Baron had been taken away by the police, although he could see from the faces of his comrades that they all felt similar emotions. The worst thing was that knowing Galaktionov, you could get the hell out of him if he didn't want it.

Andrei also felt uncomfortable that his proud friend had rejected his help. Despite the fact that he ran away from home, he was ready to call his father at any moment to help his friend. But he refused, and for Androsov it was unusual. Usually others were only happy to take advantage of his position in society and connections, but for Alexander, it turned out that this did not mean anything. Sometimes one gets the impression that he respects only the personal strength and qualities of a person, and not his Family.

No, of course, he immediately called Goldsmith, and Rafael will certainly resolve this issue, but he wanted the best.

Although... The words of his friend, spoken quietly in his ear at parting, partially explained his act.

Andryukha, remember! Parents are not forever! Rejoice that you have them, but get ready that sooner or later you will have to sort everything out on your own in this life! Think about it...

Prince Androsov thought. But still he couldn't understand. If there is an influential father, why not turn to him for help? Although ... Perhaps Alexander is right. The sooner you start growing up, the easier it will be in the future.

* * *

— Mister Galaktionov?

I raised my head and saw the guard who had previously brought us food, bending over with the letter ZO.

- What do you want? I grunted, fighting furiously with a stiff goose foot. Overdone, you bastards.

— Mister Galaktionov, you are free! I ask you to follow the exit.

- Well, you must! I smiled. - And what happened to us that I again became "master"?

I wasn't in a hurry to get up because I hadn't eaten yet.

"Sorry, Mr. Galaktionov, but I don't know. I was told to escort you to the exit.

- Yes now.

I carefully examined the gnawed leg. No, I can't do it. You need to ask the security guard in which restaurant you ordered food, and in no case go there.

I looked at what I still had left: two steaks, three salads and an eclair. No, I won't eat everything. Yes, and it stinks here, to be honest.

I collected it all back into the bag, got up and proceeded to another part of the cell, where, sitting right on the floor, the prisoners ate. Halfway through, I thought about it and took out an éclair from the bag, and handed the rest to them.

- Nate, painful, eat.

- Thank you very much! - answered the man with a black eye and took the food.

I bit off half an eclair at once. Hm, that's good! They may not have done well with the duck, but their eclair is delicious.

I walked over to the bench, where the jacket from my tracksuit lay, and scratched the back of my head. She looked unrepresentable. Is it for me, suits, like socks, to change every day, or what? Here, even Eastov's earnings are not enough. You still need to take care of clothes stronger.

Pondering, I stuffed the other half of the eclair into my mouth and picked up the slightly torn sweater—it's not May outside.

"Well, lead on," I said benevolently, leaving the cell.

The guard bowed again and led me through labyrinths to the exit.

A young woman in a business suit was waiting for me there. Slender legs were covered with flesh-colored stockings or pantyhose. Shoes with medium heels. Black hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. Minimum makeup. Big brown eyes looked at me with interest. And yes, on her finger she had a generic ring, or rather its elegant version, for thin female fingers.

— Hello, young lady! I smiled broadly. With whom do I have the honor?

"Hello, Mr. Galaktionov," the girl nodded, smiling slightly. I'm Anna Goldsmith. Father, to my great regret, is very busy now, but all the merit in the speedy resolution of this outrageous idiotic situation, - then she looked at the policemen standing nearby, who bashfully averted their eyes to the side, - lies just on him. Father asked me to meet you and not be offended by him, because he is really busy.

"Well, it wasn't even in my mind," I chuckled, trying to find a common resemblance in the face of a charming lawyer and her influential father. It seems that there was something, especially a hump on the nose.

— Do you have any wishes or complaints before we leave this site? the girl asked, tilting her head to the side in a cute way. "Don't worry, it won't be left that easily, as my father said.

She looked again at the nearby policemen, who were furiously looking at something under their feet, blushing, either from anger or from fright.

Is there anything you would like to decide right now?

I scratched my head. To knock on Zhuravlev that he put me barefoot or is it not worth it? Well, what will they do to him? "Ai-yay-yay" will they say, or will they fire me? Neither of these suited me. It was his deliberate jamb, corruption in its purest form, and here it remains for me to decide for myself whether I want to punish him or use him in the future.

- My stuff? - I just said.

Immediately, with a bow, they handed me a plastic bag with things, and humbly asked me to check and then sign.

Anna offered to drop me off at my apartment and I agreed.

I was a little surprised when I saw her car. I expected a secure executive car with a personal driver from an office business girl. She went to the red sports car, and even sat in the driver's seat.

I chuckled and sat down next to him.

"I like fast driving," the girl smiled at me, pressing the ignition button.

Judging by the sounds under the hood, there were plenty of horses here.

With a slip, starting from the parking lot, she sharply wedged into the stream of cars so that the sounds of brakes and loud signals were heard from behind.

I caught myself thinking that I even grabbed the handle above my head. Yes, just in case.

Captured souls crushed. The girl was pretty. But what I wouldn't do is try to seduce Raphael Goldsmith's daughter. I believe, of course, that this case is initially hopeless, but for some reason I don't even want to try. Yes, and the girl seemed to know her own worth, communicating easily and naturally, but without any hint of coquetry.

We had a nice conversation. She dropped me off near my house, finally taking out her phone.

I got a call.

— This is my number, Alexander. Father, with all due respect to you, runs a huge corporation. He tries to pick up the phone when his individual clients call him, but anything can happen. If something urgent or extraordinary happens, don't hesitate to call me. I'm on call twenty-four hours.

"Thank you," I smiled, driving in the memory of a new contact. - When do you sleep? I couldn't resist.

"In between calls of important clients," the girl smiled broadly, showing small but dazzling white teeth that looked in contrast to her slightly dark skin.

"Acknowledged," I chuckled. It was nice to meet you, Anna!

"Me too," the girl nodded.

Before I could get out, the car started with a slip, cutting off a passing truck, which hummed indignantly.

I looked at her and shook my head. Weird girl.

I entered the apartment, suddenly realizing that I have a pet. How is she here - alive, healthy? It's strange that I'm worried about this.

Caramel was reclining on the sofa in the living room. When I appeared, she opened one eye and stretched sweetly. With a loud crack, her claws ripped through the expensive leather upholstery of the sofa.

- Your own mother! I swore, "Can you cut your claws?" I know some people do it.

Caramel looked at me in bewilderment. Her claws crawled out of her paw even further, reaching their "combat", about ten centimeters. I saw her tearing ratmen to shreds with those claws. Panther looked at them in bewilderment, then looked at me, snorted incomprehensibly, and lay down again, closing her eyes.

- That's a brazen beast! I snorted. Did Helga even feed you?

Without opening my eyes, I saw the big cat's ear twitch. Well, since it didn't blow up, then most likely yes.

I went to the kitchen. The other half of the ram was missing. Clever, Helga! Looks like pet food has to be bought on an industrial scale, and I think I need a big freezer for that. But that's all later.

Looking around the kitchen, I saw a note:

"The caramel is fed. She is very cute! I have your share of the raid. Everything is safe and sound. In the evening we will discuss how you want to receive - in money or things, "was written in a smooth, beautiful female handwriting.

"In the evening we want to go somewhere to celebrate."

And then a pass, and in a little more compact handwriting was written:

"I SHUT UP! Helga."

I chuckled. Well, well done, understanding. In fact, she really had a reason. She finally became a full-fledged Slayer. The Ring promoted her to a 6th Class Exterminator.

I quickly took a shower, throwing my last tracksuit into the trash, and went to my huge wardrobe, in which my native weekend suit from the Principality of Prussia still hung alone. I scratched my head thoughtfully. Two unfortunate shirts, four shorts and two pairs of socks - all I took with me. I chuckled. Looks like I should pick a day and do some normal shopping instead of those short forays into sports shops.

I also looked at my flak jacket, wondering if I should wear it to the club. But this was problematic, because the shirt and suit were tailor-made, not assuming a thin, but nevertheless a vest, and I still ran out of sportswear. Okay, let's hope for a Leystone.

I guess I'm getting paranoid, I thought as I laced up the last decent shoes.

- So, little one, you stay at home for the elder one! I patted Caramel on the head as I walked past the hopelessly damaged sofa. Let everyone in, no one out. Clear?

Again, one open eye was the cat's only reaction to my instructions.

I left the apartment, thinking along the way that I actually got a shitty job. I seem to have an apartment, but there is nowhere to bring the girl.

Helga's phone was busy, and I dialed Androsov, assuming that if we were celebrating the successful end of the raid, then he was definitely in business. And I was not mistaken.

- Hello, Andryukha! Where to advance?

- Hello Sasha! Glad to hear you. We have not decided yet.

How was this not decided? I frowned. - I'm already going down in the elevator and even called a taxi. What is the problem?

Girls don't want to go to Imperial.

"What's wrong with him?" I was surprised.

"Well," Androsov hesitated, "literally," he lowered his voice, "then there are too many whores.

— Ha-ha! I yelled. — Competition?

Andryukha immediately hissed into the phone.

- What are you wearing?

- A joke of humor! I chuckled. "Actually, I don't think so. Just broke out. So, what are the other options?

"Well, there are two aristo restaurants, and the Serenity Country Club.

What country club? I pricked up my ears.

Yes, there is a picturesque place on the outskirts of the city. But getting into this club is very difficult. There is a double requirement - noble birth and the class of the Exterminator. Well," he hesitated, "in some cases they make an exception.

— When are you the Absolute? Or is your dad a prince? I chuckled.

On the other side of the tube they were confused.

- Something like that.

"I'm for the club," I said. - It is interesting to look at the contingent.

"Now, once Helga agrees," Andrey said something to the side. - Okay, club! Write down the address.

* * *

Quickly winding through the narrow streets, the taxi drove to the outskirts.

My attention was attracted by an old oak grove. That's where the driver turned off, driving along a perfect narrow path into an alley among old trees. The car ran into a barrier and a young guard came out to meet him, more like a special forces soldier. And he certainly had the Gift. Interesting. I approve of this approach to security. The territory was surrounded by a three-meter wall, on top of which a vague glow was observed in the approaching dusk, showing that the owners of this institution relied not only on mechanics, but also on magic.

- Hello! Your first and last name, please?

"Baron Alexander Galaktionov," I nodded.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Galaktionov.

The guard clicked on his tablet.

"Yes, you can go through." He raised his head.

- Pass the? I was surprised.

- Don't worry. Foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter the territory, but transport is already waiting for you.

He showed with his hand where the electric car was parked.

I paid the taxi driver and went inside. Perfectly trimmed lawns were crossed by paths of granite. Several ponds and many trees created a truly cozy atmosphere. Even the road to the building took about five minutes. It was a big area. And a lot of money was invested in all this. I would say that it is strange for such a distant city. But, on the other hand, where, if not here. People have the money they've earned from their hard work in the Rifts, and they're willing to spend it lavishly.

On the right side of us was a golf course, on the left I saw tennis courts. This dome, most likely, covered a large pool. In general, the entire architectural ensemble was diverse. There were many buildings, and one could only guess about their purpose. But the electric car drove me to the largest, apparently, the main building.

I automatically took a five out of my pocket and handed it to the driver, to which he shook his head negatively.

Thank you sir, no need.

"I insist," I chuckled.

"We are forbidden," the driver shook his head without changing his expression.

"What stupid rules," I chuckled.

"Why stop people from taking money?" I muttered to myself as I walked towards the entrance.

A huge door, more like a gate, about three meters high, decorated with carvings on some dark wood, the origin of which I had no idea. Most of all, this tree resembled the same marble with its veins, but this is inaccurate. Yes, I agree, it's beautiful.

A hefty porter opened this gate. It looks like he swings pretty well here, every day a hundred times, or even a thousand, opening and closing these doors. Well, what can you do, pathos is our everything.

I chuckled and handed him a five, which I still clutched in my hand, to which I heard:

- No, thanks.

Well, at least I tried. Finally putting it in my wallet, I went inside. An administrator in a white suit immediately approached me.

— Mister Galaktionov?

Well, yes, they apparently have a direct connection with the gatehouse.

"You are expected," he nodded, nodding at the same doors, only smaller.

And these were not deaf, but half glazed. But even these doors had their own servant, who also pulled the handle, opening them. Apparently, it was a banquet hall.

Brightly polished wooden parquet. White tablecloths. Paintings by unknown artists. Chandeliers made of gold.

Yes, they are all obsessed with pathos, or what?

I involuntarily remembered the hall of the Hunters' Fortresses - stone floor, massive wooden tables and benches, which were able to withstand the friendly brawls of drunken Hunters. Not all fortresses even had electricity, and then torches smoked in the hall, casting oblique shadows on the men and women having fun inside.

Well, after all, these worlds are different, so okay.

Hmm... And the audience was interesting! I was expecting something like receptions in the Principality of Prussia, ball gowns for girls, tuxedos for men, and I was already reflecting on my costume in advance. Although, I'm lying ... I didn't give a fuck ... It was to come to the official ball in a tracksuit meant to insult the owner, and I'm not even here in a sports suit, because I have run out of them! Haha!

In general, the ladies were, some in dresses, some in trouser suits. The men were not all in suits, many were dressed in expensive comfortable clothes. Some, both men and women, were in Slayer uniforms, and not in full dress. By the way, the dress uniform was not given out in the Center, it had to be sewn for one's own money, so the quality of the material and the cost of tailoring were very different.

A group of friends were waiting for me at the table, having arrived here first. Svetlana and Pavel dressed up "as they should." Pokrovskaya was in a long white dress, and Smolin put on a burgundy suit with the coat of arms of his Family. Helga, Hans and Andrey were in Eastov overalls, despite the fact that I saw Helga's brand new Monster Slayer patch, which was different from Andrey's cadet, but there were no stars on the shoulder straps indicating the class.

Strange. Okay, Androsov ran away from home with one bag and diamonds, but why is Helga being modest? These nobles are strange...

Hello girls and boys! I said happily. - Smolin, I see you again look like a man, and not like a tarred chicken?

To be honest, I provoked him on purpose. I didn't like his reaction in the Rift, which is why I didn't shield him from the ratman's fireball, even though I could easily. And it was not harmful on my part. It was sort of a test. In a well-coordinated team, there is no place for feelings and resentment at work. And if I'm going to still walk with this team, then I definitely have to be sure of it. Childhood? Don't think. When working in a team, everything must be perfect, and there is too much uncertainty in the Rifts to still catch jambs within the team.

Smolin frowned, but immediately pulled himself together and smiled.

- As you can see, Androsov did his best, and my skin is pink and tender, like a baby's ass. How are you yourself? Didn't have time to get a prison tattoo?

- Too thick, Pasha, too thick! I shook his hand.

After exchanging pleasantries, I sat down on the free seat, which was between Helga and Andrey.

- Well?! I rubbed my hands. - What are we drinking today?

Helga raised her hand, and immediately a waiter appeared nearby, who placed in front of each of them steamed faceted glasses, one-third filled with a transparent liquid.

Helga took out two small silver stars and threw them into the glass. Aha! An old military tradition that the Istas adopted from the military for some reason. In principle, we have a ring that shows the class, but for some reason duplication also took place according to the army order - four-pointed stars on shoulder straps. Fighter 6th class - one small star.

— For the new Fighter! Androsov said loudly.

"You don't need to swallow stars," I hissed under the girl's arm, which earned me a furious look.

Helga drank, and then there was the sound of a gong. And, to my surprise, I saw that absolutely everyone present in the institution barked: "Hurrah!". It turns out that vodka was distributed to all visitors.

I sniffed the sleeve of the suit, it smelled good from dry cleaning, and looked around curiously. Well, you have to. This world is not completely lost. We, the Hunters, also had a kind of initiation ritual. It was just... a little... more... ahem... fun.

In general, the evening was a success. We drank, ate, and even danced. Moreover, Helga dampened her trademark "ice aura", even allowing me to smile a couple of times during the dance. However, she quickly pulled herself together, and became cold and unapproachable again. Of course, I did not allow myself liberties, and we did not talk about work.

Today was Helga's evening, but for some reason a wave of sadness periodically covered her. Sadness... what is it? I have long forgotten this word. It became foreign to me, and it seems to have been a trait of many Hunters who lived to a ripe old age. In our business, we have lost too often and much to be sad about everyone. Apparently that's why they came up with the idea that one should not be sad, but rejoice. The hunter does not die, he goes to another world, which will be his home. Helga had sadness in her eyes about someone or something. It was at the level of emotions that I, as a Soulcatcher, was perfectly able to read not only from monsters. Well, today I won't get into her soul, but it seems that the "ice queen" is more like us mortals than I thought.

Hunting grounds of Grand Duke Kharlamov

The two men walked in front, slightly separated from the group of servants and bodyguards who surrounded them from behind in a wide semicircle. The men were dressed in comfortable and simple, but expensive clothes. On the shoulders of each of them hung an ordinary hunting double-barreled shotgun, which in the hands of strong gifted, and these two were undoubtedly strong, looked like a child's toy. Well, everyone has their own hobby. And hunting was one of the entertainments of noble gentlemen. There was no honor in roasting a deer at a distance with a simple wave of the hand, because of this, all sporting interest was lost.

- What do you hear about our question? asked an elderly but still robust man.

- I regret to note that the first pancake turned out to be lumpy.

— How so? The gray-haired man raised his eyebrows. It's strange to hear that from you.

- Well ... it happened, - the young man shrugged. - Basically, I acted as usual. In order not to shine personally, I handed over the order to the Irkutsk authority.

— Why Irkutsk? The elder raised an eyebrow.

"But I didn't have time to tell you, Galaktionov went to Ista.

So maybe we don't have to do anything? This young fool will die there himself," the first one grunted.

"I doubt it very much," the second shook his head. - Actually, there have never been misfires in Irkutsk. I don't think it will this time either. My contact person is used to getting things done. Yes, to be honest, he did not report his first failure.

— Multiple channels of information? The elder smiled approvingly.

"Exactly," the other nodded. "The well-wishers who set him up report that he shit himself on the first try.

"Sure," the elder nodded. - Well, do you think we will quickly resolve this issue?

Yes, this is a normal working situation. Nothing extraordinary," the young man shrugged. - I think, one or two weeks, and the issue will be resolved.

"Excellent," the old man nodded, and raised his head to the sound of the hunting horn. - Damn, it seems that Kharlamov's people were the first to discover the boar. Now to listen all evening from this presumptuous pompous fool to his boastful speeches. Let's speed up, maybe we'll still be the first to take the trophy!

* * *

Of course, relaxing with friends is good, and even great, but Rafael called me and dumped some very interesting data. Namely, those that I asked him to dig up on these merchants.

This happened in the morning, when I still wanted to sleep. Eh... Why call so early... I won't be able to sleep now. And so it happened, he couldn't ... And another impudent muzzle realized that I woke up, and let's, lying next to me, purely by chance touch my face with his tail, pretending that he was wagging himself, and in the face I get not on purpose. And when she realized that this number would not work, she began to wash her paws and purr like a tractor.

Of course, I myself was waiting for a call today, but once again I thought, should I not score on them?

I haven't forgotten anything... and I won't. Hunters forgive nothing. It's not that it bothered them to live, but sometimes it happens when it's boring to live without monsters, you immediately remember about unpaid debts, and your heart becomes more cheerful. Yes, and as life shows, if you bend under someone, then the universe immediately understands who suffered, and let's throw adventures at you.

Just think about it. Merchants imagine themselves to be aristocrats only because they have a lot of money. Idiots... I can take this money from them.

And now I'm sitting in a pleasant restaurant, not far from the house, which bears the proud name "God's" and I eat a wonderful seafood soup, salad with scallops and squid stew with onions in sour cream.

Today I wanted something like that ... And judging by the advertising, this restaurant receives direct deliveries from the Pacific coast. Well, it was very worthy! Having picked up the rest of the most delicious gravy with fresh bread, I ordered a cup of aromatic coffee, and now I can calmly indulge in the study of documents.

The first thing I learned from the information that was thrown to me was that these families are really rich and influential. If I want to attack one of them now, it is unlikely that I will succeed without revealing my trump cards. They are guarded by the gifted in the rank of Veterans, even the Masters are there, for hard cash, of course.

Raphael was pleased that he made such a detailed report. Of course, he didn't do it himself, but still, well done, and he deserves the money that I pay him. Moreover, this was not the work for which we agreed, but, so to speak, a "side effect". And yes, I was still expecting an additional bill for these services, already having a vague idea of ​​what kind of person Goldsmith was.

Three families owned many businesses, and I was able to fully enjoy this list. Oh great phoenix! I'm like a kid in a candy store. Choose - I don't want to, and everything is so tasty and interesting.

Here, for example, is a ski equipment store. Usually not poor people buy in these, and the prices there are very high. Destroying such a thing can be a big hit on the pocket. But how much, I can't say.

No it's not that...

But this is interesting, I spotted a shop where they traded in silver.

But it also looks kind of small. What to come up with? After yesterday, my head didn't want to think normally, and the only advisers I have are Shnyrka and a cat that loves to devour.

Can call Androsov to make him an accomplice. I think he would not refuse, but only for him it would be a setup.

Realizing that I didn't come up with anything, I stupidly stared at the screen for five minutes, and then decided that I still had room in my stomach for dessert. Then I thought a little more and decided that to hell with dessert, there is still plenty of room for normal food. So I ordered another coffee and went through the menu again.

Two cups of coffee and fresh croissants with caviar, a few quails in sour cream sauce went with a bang, and the food clearly helped my thought process. And two eclairs on top, yeah...

For an hour I made a plan of action, and then went to walk the cat.

Today we have until the night, and I boldly apply for two Rifts. One, straight, is generally moronic, which has been hanging for two weeks, and no one undertakes to close it. And the second cheerful one opened three days ago, and two groups have already tried to close it, but canceled their applications on the site.

The most interesting thing is that they canceled without any explanation. More precisely, there were explanations, of course, but I did not have enough access rights. If I officially worked for the Center, perhaps I could find out something. Here it is, the inconvenience of working outside the Center. On the other hand, the freedom was worth it.

This is what got me interested in this.

— Hello, Arkhip, how are we doing? - I got my supplier, and generally a useful person, while the cat ran after another squirrel.

"Things are fine, but there is nothing to please yet. As I said, the goods are still being moved and evaluated - apparently, the old man thought that I was calling only on this matter.

- It's all great. Glad everything is going according to plan. Were there any problems? - anyway, I'll clarify.

- They could not be, however, we will talk about this at a personal meeting.

- I agree, but for now I wanted to know if it is possible to order home delivery from your store? — I hadn't asked him before about this possibility, but I think he has a full range of services.

- You offend, Mr. Exterminator! Arkhip has everything! What are you interested in? He immediately perked up.

"I want to order three dozen of the simplest throwing knives from the ore of other worlds for Rifts, which have a battery of Gift energy," he voiced his order and waited.

"Bad choice," he didn't be nice, and slapped his comment. "Fifty kopecks a piece is the cheapest. However, I must warn you, they are unstable, and if you pour too much of your energy into them, they will turn into powder upon impact. Not even a blade will be left to be melted down.

- Great! It suits me! I agreed with what he said and rubbed my hands contentedly.

"Then the courier will be in half an hour." Arrange?

— Hmm... And if I say no? I wonder what he will answer then.

"Then he will be in twenty-five minutes ..." the old man came up with an answer. - Arrange?

- And if not again? Well, it's pure curiosity.

"Two hours then, Mr. Galaktionov!" I think I even felt how angry he was now.

- Well ... half an hour, so half an hour, - shrugged his shoulders and agreed with him.

Of course, he knew my address, since he has access to the Eastov database. I left it there.

- Well, muzzle? Worked up?

— Murrr? she hatched at me, sitting on a tree, the bark of which she tore into meat with her claws.

Haven't walked up yet... Hmm... For such a cat, I need to return my estate as soon as possible. By the way, I need to go there and check what is waiting for me there. Too closely for her and uncomfortable in the apartment.

However, I am also not against meditation in the fresh air and swimming in a pond or outdoor pool.

When Caramel came up to me, and imposingly wagging her tail, she headed towards the house, I realized that she had worked up, and I was free. And can she order walking services? There are also people who walk their dogs. The main thing is that she does not gobble up the walker, otherwise she will have to pay a fine later.

After the walk, we walked down the busy street home, and people stared at us. Children pointed with their fingers or hid behind their parents, which was logical when they saw such Caramel. And she is still such a troll, she likes to growl, passing by too impressionable people or to open her mouth wider.

I remember the moment from the cafe when Zhanna imperceptibly glanced towards the cat, trying to understand where she came from, or maybe she just wanted to pet her. But she was the first to say nothing and patiently waited for me to start talking about the cat. And I was silent and watched her curiosity devour. I like this feature in her - if it's not her business, then there's nothing to climb.

At home, a courier was already waiting for us, who immediately backed away in fear at the sight of my cat.

- Doesn't bite! I lazily tossed him.

The boy nodded slowly, but didn't stop looking at her. He gave me the order and, having received his payment, hurried to get out of the way. What all the same shugany couriers at Arkhip.

He did not linger at home and, taking his sword in his hands, began to unpack the package.

Oh how! What is this nice bonus? Along with the knives came the bandages of the day for them, which were fastened on the chest.

Nice bonus, though. He put them on and chuckled in satisfaction. Right, my size. Of course, they are adjustable, but it happens that even that length is not enough for adjustment.

- Good morning! Can I call a cargo taxi in ten minutes? - I dialed the number of the concierge, who will do everything for me.

- Will be done! The woman answered me and hung up.

Hey, where's my good morning? And have a nice day, Mr. Galaktionov?

When you don't have a ring on your finger, then fuck you without oil, not good morning. And also, when you get a big cat in a decent house, where "there is no place for all kinds of creatures." This grumbling after us, I heard a little earlier, but did not escalate. This old witch looked... strange, she would curse inadvertently!

Already, riding in a taxi to my destination, I thought about what might await me in the Rift.

Why two groups fled from there, but did not write anything about the reasons, and also retreated without loss.

"Ready to test your updated claws?" he stroked Caramel, with whom he sat on an uncomfortable narrow bench in the wagon booth. We were still not allowed into the salon of decent taxis, and the panther, locked in a van alone, was very nervous. Apparently, her past experience was not very good. Good thing the van had windows.

"Snort…" she snorted and turned away, showing with her whole appearance what a stupid thing I asked.

By the way, we were passing the main square, and there was a festival going on right now. I noticed a stage where there was an arena where the gifted fought. Even the thought flashed to go out and check what is so interesting there.

But, alas, I have already registered with Rifts, and I need to close them today, otherwise they can be taken away tomorrow.

I reached the Razlom, which was located on the summer cottages not of aristocrats, but of ordinary residents. A brand new barrier immediately caught my eye, it was put here quite recently. Near him were two military men who did not let anyone in there.

- There is no further road ... - the driver peers into the faces of the military.

— Yes... I'm East, and there's a Rift. Now I will give the command, and they will let us through, - I reassure him.

- Break? his eyebrow rises. "Then I won't go any further.

Damn... He didn't need to talk about the Rift.

After paying the taxi driver, we had to walk, but what to do, they do not like to take risks and drive too close.

This Rift was of the lowest level, as the tablet said. I went into it without ulterior motives, throwing only on myself a not very strong armor.

Caramel also happily jumped into it, and as soon as we entered, she began to growl. It's real, we didn't even take a step, but she stopped, as if rooted to the spot, her tail stands like an arrow, her ears are raised to the top and her tongue sticks out. Oh gods, she's about to start drooling some more.

"Caramel, don't tell me that catnip grows in this forest…" I rolled my eyes.

— Moore? she said only, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Well, who am I to be a monster?" Run, come on...

And she ran away at a speed that I had never seen before.

So, where did I end up, anyway? Forest... Well, that's great! So, what is next?

"Come out and check everything for me," I urged Shnyrka, who didn't show up very often today.

Who lives in this forest, I understood before Shnyrka had time to show me. And I understood heart to heart, which began to flow in a very confident stream.

Well, kapets... I think I understand why they ran away from here. Warriors... And to be more precise, warriors...

Overgrown rats, the size of a cat, live in this forest. And I, a fool, did not pay attention to the fact that the past groups mainly consisted of women ... I mean, women. It turns out that their tender psyche could not withstand such a load, and the proud Isty... riches... screwed up. Haha!

And my plans also burst ... But not quite ... However, I had to redraw them specifically in this way ...

But it turns out in vain I signed up for the second Rift. I planned to burn down a couple of shops, and then go to the Rift, so that, in case of anything, there was an excuse. And now I can do more than a couple of stores.

How many of these rats are here?! And how does a cat manage to kill them so quickly. I have already received more than fifty souls. There was little energy in them, they are weak, but they can be useful.

I wonder... And if I leave the Rift, will the souls follow me through it?

No sooner said than done!

Came out of the Rift and waited.

In less than a minute, three souls flew out of the Rift at once and flew into my chest. Hm...

But I can leave it there myself and continue to receive souls. In the past world, it didn't matter how far the target was. It happened that I could mortally wound the target, and she died for several days, but still the soul found me. All my things have my spiritual imprint, such is my peculiarity. And Caramel is so generally a part of me now.

He came back and began to look for corpses.

The first batch was scattered across the lawn in fine grass, and without thinking twice, I went up to the neighbor and stepped on the corpse's head. It was empty... Then the next one, also empty... And another... In total, I checked thirty rats, and nothing... Everywhere is empty.

So this is a bad Break. These, too, sometimes come across when the creatures multiply much faster than the jelly can form in them. It turns out that Istam simply had nothing to profit from here. And I already managed to slander the entire weaker sex!


While Caramel is having fun, I sat on a stump and began to think about what to do next.

At first I was funny, then bored, and at the end even a little uncomfortable.

Caramel had some trouble finding the rodents when they realized that they had come to kill them and hid in their burrows. It was here that I sent Shnyrka to help her, who pointed out the places to her. And another fifty rats who pulled out their own. There was a loud squeak in this forest, testifying to the total genocide of the tailed ones.

At first I was afraid that there would be no place to kill time before my nightly business, but it turned out that I was almost late. By the time I got out of the Rift, it was already late evening.

Well, nothing, but now everything will be much more interesting ...

As I learned from the information collected by Rafael, the trio of merchants whom I met in the club were friends with each other not by chance. Their fathers were also in friendly and partnership relations, apparently passing on to their offspring the ability to stay together. This trinity owned several warehouses and stores in Irkutsk and the region, both in sole use and in partner enterprises.

Once again, I cursed my hunting essence, which did not allow insults and insults to be released to the enemies. The funny thing was that I laughed in every possible way at the local customs of the aristo, when a wry look was followed by a challenge to a duel, and a possible murder.

In principle, if they had not bribed the investigator, I would have left everything as it is. But now it was these freaks who did not allow me to live in peace, although, it would seem, I have enough problems of my own. But I know myself - until I take revenge, I will toil. One hell all thoughts will return to this moment, so it's better to finish this quickly.

All establishments of these merchants were in open information. Initially, I just wanted to set fire to some of them. The easiest way is sometimes the surest, although I have never liked cowardly arsonists. Well, that was the easiest thing to do. Now, after this interesting Break, I have a better idea.

I checked the map again, and decided to slightly change the goals of my revenge. I did not use a taxi, so as not to leave traces, but simply quickly reached the first goal.

"Export and import of the Tagilovs," read a sign on a warehouse behind a fenced-in area. As far as it was clear from open sources, expensive coffee and spices of the father of the main pissant of Irkutsk were stored there. And, apparently, they cost a lot.

I checked the indoor shower "pool" and snorted in satisfaction. Almost five hundred souls of rats were available to me. Well, it will be easy.

The first hundred were immediately called, and the order was given - to devour or spoil everything that is in these rooms. And after that they can be free. The same fate befell:

— a very pretentious fur store "Metelitsa"

— warehouse-shop of silk clothes and fabrics from China "Elite"

— a large warehouse complex "Delicatessen of the World"

All this took me an hour and a half at the most, after which I went to the second Rift I had chosen, having previously shown my application to the cordon.

The policeman chuckled and wished me good luck. I walked along the path between the trees, looking for the Rift itself with my eyes. But in the end, I went to the shore of the pond, looking around, and not understanding anything. There was a Rift Guard machine-gun nest nearby, and I waved my hand for the sergeant.

"Listen, officer! I don't get it, where is the rift?

"There he is, your honor!" the policeman smiled broadly, wrapping himself in a waterproof raincoat, and nodded towards the water. — Take a look.

I took a closer look. The portal window was under water, about three meters under water, and about ten meters from the shore. And I still wondered why this Rift was not closed. Two weeks have passed!

"Thank you," I waved, and walked to the water's edge.

He squatted down and touched the water with his hand. Cold, you bastard! And I also looked at Caramel, who did not go to the water, but sat down on the sand and looked at me strangely.

— How about water procedures? I asked my pet.

She shook her head, and took two more steps back.

— No, well, I know cats don't like water. But will you leave me alone? I smiled as I got to my feet.

She took two more steps back, and nodded her head, this time in the affirmative.

"Oh… you furry traitor!" He shook his head and then laughed. - And if they kill me there, do you think you will live here for a long time without a collar? And then they will shoot you. Have you thought about it?

Of course, I didn't tell her that she wouldn't live without me... Absolutely... Binding of souls, after all.

The panther looked at me without blinking, as only cats can look. Apparently, there was a work of thought going on in her head. I just heard how a huge cat sighed heavily, approached the water and carefully touched it with its paw, but immediately pulled it away.

Yes, I know, I know, cold. But don't worry, I'll help you.

In response, I heard a contemptuous snort.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw how, probably, all the policemen who were standing in the cordon came out from behind the trees. Well, yes, the guys are bored, but here is such a free circus. The noble Monster Slayer does not climb into the cold water by himself, but he also drags his pet behind him.

No, I was a great swimmer. That's just with hardening I had a fad. If desired, my body could tolerate extreme temperature fluctuations, as it was in the previous world. But, given my hard work, I greatly appreciated the comfort in this world. On the other hand, now it is exactly the same job.

I sighed and nodded to Caramel.

- Okay, stop rubbing your boobs. We swam.

By the way, the water was not too cold - so, twelve degrees. And the portal was not very far from the shore.

Caramel followed me, and swam quite decently, periodically snorting, and holding her head high above the water. It's good that the Rift was nearby, because I began to worry about my household, which was rapidly drawn inside. Hope it comes back later.

When I reached the Rift, I turned to the cat. There was a little fright in the eyes of the fearless cat. Well, yes, it happens.

"Okay, hold your breath for a count of three. Clear? - there was no reaction, I hope she understood me, - One, two, three!

I took a breath of my own, casually grabbed the cat's head under the armpit, and dived down, kicking furiously.

I hope there will be sunshine and summer on the other side.

The universe did not hear my prayers. On the other side, the temperature was about the same. Well, it's good that at least it's not cold. Otherwise, it would be unknown what we would have turned into, probably into one continuous icicle.

Nearby, a panther shook violently, throwing off the water. If only I could shake my ass and immediately dry it, - I looked sadly at my wet tracksuit.

There were no monsters around, so I sat down on a rock and took off my shoes, poured water out of them and squeezed out my socks, then put everything back on.

There were caves all around. Still, confined spaces were the most common in the Rifts. For some reason, open spaces in the Rifts were rare.

- Shnyrka! I called the little one, who immediately appeared next to me.

Satisfied, interested and... dry.

"Lucky you," I chuckled, looking at his shiny black fur. "Come on, buddy, show me what awaits us here.

And Shnyrka showed us that giant slugs were waiting for us.

Unfortunately, not my favorite ones that are able to dissolve any metal, but nevertheless rare bastards that spit some kind of sticky mass. They moved slowly, I would even say slowly. It seems that their tactics were simple - to spit on the victim, immobilize it, and then slowly crawl up and devour it with pleasure. I understood this after one of the spittles hit the wall past me and hardened literally before my eyes.

I have seen slugs in their various varieties before, and fire has always coped well with them. When I was a Hunter, I did not like such tasks, and if I took it, then I took an elemental element, preferably a fiery one, to help me. Then the whole hunt turned into ordinary fun. Well, this time you can try it yourself.

It was a long and tedious battle. Although... what the hell is this fight. It was like, quite a beating. I threw fireballs at the creatures slowly creeping up and spitting back. Shnyrka was my eyes, allowing me to choose the right moments. And Caramel... And Caramel sadly dragged along behind, and there was zero sense from her in this battle.

It is good that there were not so many of these living aspics. Only twelve pieces, although I had to spend fifteen minutes on each of these fat bastards.

And they still had jellies. Not everyone, of course, but seven white pieces were found, of which I immediately spent three. The energy consumption for an ability unusual for the body always exceeded the consumption for basic skills, so we also had to take breaks for absorbing and extracting energy. In general, everything was very fast, and after the twelfth corpse, the very air stirred around. The energy of the Rift rushed into me, showing that it was closed.

I glanced at my watch. More than six hours have passed. The rats should have done it by now. And I'm fucking cold. I wanted a hot shower, or better yet, a hot bath.

- Shnyrka, look! I said, not really counting on anything.

Well, right in front of me, some trash began to appear. Old coins, pieces of metal, and... two pieces of ore.

- Yes, stop! - I shouted to the small one, - Show me where you found it?

He showed me by leading me to a small branch, where part of the wall was clearly different in structure from the rest of the rock. Fragments of ore lay on the floor near it. I smiled broadly and then burst out laughing. No, it was a good find. But I immediately remembered that the entrance is under water. Interestingly, the cost of miners' discomfort is included in Arkhip's prices?

With swear words and jokes, I surfaced back, then took out a mandatory sign from my backpack, wrote the date on it and stuck it in the coastal sand.

The police standing around looked at me with respect. Nobody laughed anymore. So, know ours!

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pushed the button once or twice. Your mother! He drowned. It seems that I need a more "all-weather" apparatus.

- Servants! - I shouted, - Let me call, or something. And then mine died.

Immediately three hands held out tubes to me. Absolutely respect.

Out of habit, I called a cargo taxi, and paddled along with the wet cat to the exit, simultaneously putting a "closed" mark on the tablet, which was immediately displayed in my profile as "Rift closure pending". And yes, Eastov's tablet was waterproof. And judging by its thickness, most likely, and explosion-proof.

I got home when it was already light. True, the light is not a hindrance to sleep, so I decided to sleep a little, but first I warmed up in a very hot shower.

Of course, I didn't succeed. A strange phone sound woke me up. Why strange? Yes, because the landline phone was ringing, which, as it turns out, I also had. Another problem is that he was not standing next to my bed, but was in the living room. He squealed so loudly that I had to get up and go downstairs.

— Hello?

"Hello, Mr. Galaktionov," a pleasant female voice rang out.

- What do you want? I said absolutely unfriendly.

This is Anna Goldsmith. Are you not in the mood right now? she asked.

I pulled myself together a little.

- Yes, I woke up already ... just now.

- Awoke? Surprise appeared in the girl's voice. - It's half past eleven.

"I had a stormy night," I scratched my nose, trying to open my sleepy eyes. With one it was possible, and the second reptile did not want to open in any way.

"Hmm, sorry… I didn't know you had such a schedule," the girl was a little embarrassed.

"Yes, I didn't know myself, so it's okay," he changed his anger to mercy. - I am listening really carefully.

"I would like to invite you to dinner. However, she laughed softly. "Looks like it will be breakfast for you.

"What difference does it make?" I suddenly felt a rising hunger. "It doesn't matter, but I agree.

- You are not against the restaurant "Karavay"?

Well, given that I'm not local, I don't care. Is the food delicious there?

— One of the best in Irkutsk.

"Then it's fine," I said.

- What time is convenient for you? the girl asked.

"Well, if it's dinner, then let's go to twelve."

I padded barefoot into the kitchen, past the couch where my panther was sleeping, and who had nowhere to go, and no one to meet. I sighed enviously and pointed at the coffee machine, substituting a clean mug.

Taking the tablet, I decided to watch the local news. They didn't disappoint me.

"Invasion of rats in Irkutsk".

"Breaking creatures devour food with impunity."

"Where are the Monster Slayers looking?".

Headlines like this are all over the internet. For fun, I poked a couple of them. They wrote that four establishments were attacked. The creatures from the Rifts behaved strangely, did not pay attention to people, and were only busy destroying the goods. The police and the Exterminators on duty on duty did not find either the creatures themselves or their corpses on the spot. The police, along with a commission of Exterminators, were now working on the scene, trying to recreate what happened, and somehow explain it. There were panicky rumors that the creatures had escaped into the sewers.

I scratched my head thoughtfully, dropped the cream into my coffee, and gladly took the first tastiest sip of the day. Looks like I made a big mess. Well, there will be more!