
Russian Hunter's KING

I was a Hunter and honored the Codex. For my services to humanity and the "right" life, I was given a reward. A new life after death and a new World where I could have a well-deserved rest. But, something went wrong. I need to fight again. Unlike in my previous life, here I am confronted by Monsters that are much more terrifying than in the past. More cunning, cruel and unpredictable. And their name… The author of the work is not Me! Honest translation of MTL ! The cover is not mine! The characters aren 't mine either ! My native language is not English so I almost don 't understand you ! by posting this mtl here, I just want to introduce you to this book and perhaps motivate you to write your own fantasy fairy tale with anime / movie characters

HARDCORELOLIGANG · Livres et littérature
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42 Chs

Chapter 14

There were seven of them. All men, and they were Easts.

— It's not right. At least you unsubscribed in the form that you are taking this task. We wouldn't have rushed here then," grumbled the second, who stood closest to the head of the squad.

— Now do we have to clean up after you? I grinned at their remarks. What funny guys.

— You can relax the rolls, — I smile at them and stretch, showing my contentment and relaxation.

— I cleaned up everything, and even got a good catch. At the word catch, I patted myself on the shoulder bag that contained the jellies.

— Wow!

— the guys whistled at the sight of my catch. Really, how could they see him? I trotted with my bag, probably estimated at a glance. All of them were twenty-five years old, and the oldest, at most, forty, he was their leader.

"I see...

" the leader drawled.

— We congratulate you, of course, but understand correctly, boy, we can't take your word for it. The rift is no joke, and if you cheated that you cleaned it up, innocent people may suffer. Therefore, let's go there together and check it out. If my guesses are not confirmed, then I will have a clearing in the evening as an apology. I thought about it. And pulling on a friendly mask, he smiled broadly.

— What are you guys? How can I cheat? This is my first Break, I wouldn't...

— I began to justify myself.

— I even took out a loan for a sword, for several thousand! He took the sword out of the scabbard on his belt and began to twist it. Of course, I realized that a tracksuit is not very suitable for such hikes. But the clothes of the Easts attracted too much attention.

— So you agree? At the same time, we'll wash your first time in the evening...

— I have nothing to hide, let's go! I pretended to be deeply motivated and, turning around, took a step into the portal. Habitual blindness for a second, and again vision is normal. I quickly go down one flight and enter the first room I come across, and I create the illusion of myself in full growth. My illusion stood with its back to the fracture, but the Sniffer showed what was there and how it was happening. People ran into the portal, and the most interesting thing is, all with activated armor. How careful they are.

— You see, it's empty here!

— I shout to them and send the illusion down further. — Let's go to the bottom, I'll show you everything.

— Hey, man! Take your time, it can be dangerous here!

— their leader yells at me, and they also accelerate. They are so careful that they walked past my room without even noticing it. And I just put an illusion on the passage, and now it looks like a solid wall. Amateurs... They are running too fast after the illusion, thinking that it's me. And ... I did not lose when my copy in the form of a trusting fool stopped with her back to them, and lightning flew into her back, and even a lot of force. Such an apprentice will fry and not notice. Their leader attacked me, and he was clearly a warrior or a veteran. The blow went right through my illusion and, it seems, the losers caught a stupor. They probably haven't had that yet. And I also ordered her to turn around, look at them in bewilderment and open her mouth as if she wanted to say something. It worked! Long-range vehicles flew into my illusion without stopping.

— Get out of the asshole!

Their leader shouted.

— What kind of Gift is this? Why is he disembodied?

— some of them could not understand. And I wanted to laugh, with these idiots. Did you think I was just a sucker? You can lure me here, where there is no one and fill me up, and then write everything off to monsters, and rob me at the same time. And how nice it was laid at first! I noticed the oddities even at the exit, when there were no military. They most likely saw the Fault flashing, which means that it was closed. If so, they reported where it was necessary, and then left. By the way, you could have stayed, but what if I'm injured and I need help? Usually, this is what happens. And since everything was different now, I figured out what could lead to this. Most likely, these assholes were told that I closed the portal when they arrived. And they called off the warriors. They probably said that they would follow me, and if I was injured, they would help me. They left. Well, why would they do something other than their job? The contracts clearly state that all responsibility lies with us. Here it is, minus Istov... Everyone can get here, but all these people were not noble, and did not ignore the opportunity to earn extra money when it was real. That's why normal people need to go to the Faults through the centers that will select the appropriate units, and not like this. Reputation is also worth a lot. — Your time has come...

— I speak softly with a smile. Why do I need the souls of these goblins? I don't know, so I create their illusions, and then I send them with the task of killing people. They're so busy attacking my illusion that they didn't notice the goblins sneaking up on them from behind... and me. According to the classics of the genre, the weakest always stood behind, so they died first. And then the leader. Only now I cut off the leader's head with one powerful blow of the sword from the back, and oh, woe... I broke the sword on his armor, but he did his job, and the head fell off. It's all about my personal skills. I pumped up the weapon to such an extent with my energy that its strength dropped to almost zero, or to two strikes, as usual. That's how it turned out that one hit on the armor, and the second on the neck. Immediately after that, I do not let the others come to their senses, and I strike a circular blow with fire. The blow was not very strong, but enough to frighten and squander the armor. What is surprising is that one of them got so scared that he naturally fell down when he jumped away, and now his leg is broken. Goblins had no weapons, but they had claws and teeth, and almost all people are already dead. Alas, but my attack also killed two. Friendly attack, damn it...

— He killed Kirill! How is it?

— the blond guy can't recover, and gets a punch in the jaw. I spared no effort, and his jaw was torn off. But the rest decided to run away. Yes, it's late. Did they throw lightning at me? I can throw lightning, too. Not like Henry, of course, but not bad either. I ran after them and threw my lightning bolts until I killed them all. The battle was easy. They're weaklings who couldn't squander my spiritual armor. And I also suddenly attacked and broke all their plans. Plus they spent a decent amount on my copy right away. Then I sat down to catch my breath and thought.


— the last goblin alive said crookedly, standing behind me.

— You're free...

— he was no longer of any use. The goblin melted before my eyes, flowing from a physical state to a transparent one. The consciousness of what I have done has only begun to come to me now. Bli-i-i-i-n! I broke a new sword! But that's not what's important right now. So, I had to make a moral choice. In the event of the discovery of the deceased group of Istov, the rules assumed two developments. The first is to bring the corpses to the surface, and then call the funeral team. Secondly, if those who turned the Istovs into troupes were still running around the corpses, report this to the Center, and the fate of the dead will be decided there. There was one thing that combined both options. East was OBLIGED to report this to the Center. Otherwise... Otherwise, there will be problems that I don't need at all. I figured it out and realized that it was possible to connect this group with me like two times two — they saw me at the checkpoint, the soldiers also saw that a group of these scumbags was waiting for me here. Not to kill the military as well? Ha-ha. A joke!

No, it is even possible, without the presence of a threat, to leave the corpses inside the Fault. But, considering that ordinary people can't get inside, they will send some poor guy East here, who will work as a corpse carrier. And the situation here... suspicious. As a result, I, swearing, dragged all the corpses one by one to the surface, and laid them in a row. I thought a little and put the leader's head in its place. He looked critically at his installation... Beautiful! In such a situation, an ordinary person might have another remorse, but not me. Looting?! Ha! Well-deserved loot! That's what I prefer to call it. It wasn't much with her. Of course, no one took money into the Rift. Everyone had a white jelly — a tradition of Easts for a "rainy day", which immediately went into my bag. Knives, short swords — almost the whole group relied on their Gift, destroying monsters with spells. None of this suited me, except that the leader had something sensible. A healthy two—handed sword made of good steel -better than mine. I swung it a couple of times, trying it on. Well, uh... Nothing special. Of course, I had a good command of such weapons, but it was a bit specific. It is very inconvenient to carry this long fool with you and try to wield it in the narrow corridors of the dungeons. So I put the sword back next to the corpse. The armor, partially burned, partially pierced and drenched in blood, attracted me even less. Okay, then there would be the legendary armor made of black dragon scales that I had in my previous life. And this is some kind of rag. And I was not sure that I would be able to pass all this. Yes, Arkhip seems to be a grandfather, but we still need to make sure of this. And I also examined their rings. The leader had a 5th grade, four 6th, and two beginners with transparent stones. The fighters did not invent a "bicycle" and, according to an old army habit, gave everyone a metal token in case the body would be difficult to identify after his death. Scanning the leader's number on my tablet, I saw his dossier. So, what do we have here... Semyon Mukhin. Rootless, as I expected. The "current task" column was empty. They also did not confirm their exit, which, in principle, was a normal thing. What's next. The "Reputation" section. Minus... Expelled from the Center for... Disobeying orders... Actions that led to the death of members of the raid... Questionable moral qualities... He's a renegade! Not enough to take the ring away from him, but so much so that no self-respecting East would shit next to him. I mean, I wouldn't go on a raid with him. So, the rest are either the same "scum", or just fools. I was aware of such people. They proudly called themselves "free", and there were many such human "slag" among them. Although there were just individualists who decided that they did not need the Center. I think I was told that they have their own center in Irkutsk. A place where they huddled, talked and made their deals. Because the "Current group" section was also empty. Working through the Center, the composition was officially approved, and these went simply on the basis of an oral agreement. It was good for me. This meant that the formal trial of death would indeed be formal — the "free" were disliked for... Yes, for everything! So, it's decided! I took only one good, but simple dagger from one of the corpses — just so as not to be left without a weapon at all, and a knife is always useful. Sausage, for example, cut. And then I took out of my backpack the license plate issued to me on a short peg, where my Ista identification number was stamped. On it I wrote today's date and time with an indelible marker. And with a sense of accomplishment, he stuck it into the ground. Tradition, where to go. So I will notify the Center about the closure of the Fault, and the sign is in case of others passing by, so that they do not waste time in vain. And the soldiers, seeing the date, will understand after what time the Fault will "resolve". After that, I stomped on foot to the checkpoint, whistling merrily, since the weather was good. When I got to the soldiers, I asked them to use their walkie-talkie and called the dispatcher of the Center, describing the situation. Came, saw, pulled out. East of the 5th class of Galaktion. An exemplary Fighter and the soul of the company. The tablet immediately clicked, confirming the application. I looked inside and saw new alerts in the "Reputation" section. There were two of them.

Cleaning of the fault No. 38575732.

Discovery of a dead group of Monster Fighters

Both were marked "Under consideration". Well, yes, the usual procedure, after the completion of which my reputation will either increase or decrease. So far, a proud zero was standing in front of her. Well, the soldiers immediately rushed to the Rift in order to look after the bodies of the dead before the arrival of the "corpse truck", and I called a taxi and headed back to the city. An armored motorcade of the Center flew by, they reacted quickly by sending a duty group on my call. They definitely won't be stopped at the checkpoint. It was the only plus I regretted. Having formed a raid group through the Center, you can rent a transport of the Center, which will take you to the very Fault with a breeze. With enough money, it can be at least an armored personnel carrier, at least a tank. At the entrance to the city, the taxi driver turned to me to clarify the end point. There was a choice between several places, but it was nearing evening, and me... Naturally bursting with sexual desire. A side effect of soulcatcher is that the energy of souls was bursting inside me, and the easiest way to lose its excess is through sex.

"To the hotel and wait," I said. After a quick shower and changing clothes, I got back into the car.

— And where can you come off here?

— Break away?

— the elderly taxi driver looked at me, squinting.

"Does Mr. Fighter want a drink?" A snack? Selling love?

— Ahah!

I laughed.

— Drink — yes!

A snack is also a yes!

Selling love is not.

And what about some club where you can fulfill the first two desires and at the same time meet a pleasant female company... a little higher quality?

— Does the gentleman want a club for aristocrats?

—Not necessarily," I nodded. With these stupid rules, it's not a fact that I'll pick up someone there.

— Something publicly available... expensive... and the prestigious ...

— I got it, I'll do it!

— the taxi driver quickly wandered through the streets, and after a few minutes he dropped me off next to bright neon lights that glittered in the twilight like a Christmas tree. "Club Imperial" — the name proudly read. And there was a queue at the entrance, mostly of young and pretty ignoble girls, who immediately took me "in sight". I walked up to security and smiled.

- hello! What do I need to do to get inside?

— Hello, Mr. East!

— the bully guard smiled broadly, opening the red rope blocking the entrance.

"Nothing for you.

We are always glad to have Fighters! Well, actually, that's what I thought, going inside, where the administrator immediately ran up to me, apparently already somehow warned by the guard.

— Good evening, Mr. East! It is a great honor for our institution to receive you! What do you want? I looked around. Nothing new. The club is like a club. In Europe, I didn't really like this business, although I sometimes visited similar establishments. Well, only a higher class. My father would not approve of his wayward offspring visiting the club "for everyone". The dance floor, where, due to the early time, there was no crowd of half-drunk visitors, but girls-"touts" were spinning around the poles, a row of tables, booths in the back, and a second tier hanging over the dance floor. I wasn't going to dance, but I need a better overview.

— The second tier, a table on the edge!

— I made a decision.

— We will do it, sir! Please! The food here was so-so. Well, that's understandable — people come here... hmm... they come to dance. But I still had a snack, trying not to fill my stomach too much. At the same time, I poured a couple of glasses of whiskey into myself, observing the surrounding situation and choosing.

And there was plenty to choose from. Seventy percent of the audience consisted of women and girls, for every taste and color. Finally, I noticed two bored friends — a brunette and a blonde, who, no, no, and shot their eyes in my direction. I called the waiter over and handed him a five.

"Those two girls over there?" Are they working... or?

— No, sir. Party girls. They often come here, but... hmm... in selfish interests are not noticed! They are very greedy for noble gentlemen!

" he gave out the information I was interested in.

— Then, a bottle of champagne to them. And tell them that if they want, they can keep me company. And... tell me everything as it should be," I slipped him another five.

— It will be done!

— he immediately nodded and disappeared. When he appeared with a bucket of ice containing the bottle I ordered, he lingered a little near their table, explaining something to the girls to shout over the loud music. I suspect that he is now forming the image of "the Grand Duke, who is here incognito, besides, a mighty Fighter tearing dragons in between managing large capital." This brought its results, and instead of pouring the bottle into their glasses, he went to my table with a bucket, and two fifas smoothly paraded behind him, trying to immediately show the "product face". — May I? — the blonde smiled.

— I... and this is my friend... I'm ashamed to admit, but I missed their names. After all, as old Mac used to say: "Casual sexual intercourse is not a reason for dating!" I carefully looked at the girls. They looked good enough... strong for my idea. Because I'm not going to sleep tonight...